\ The Newark Post VOLUME XXVII NEWARK, DELAWARE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1936 NUMBER 33 TOWN COUNOL TABLES 'PASS One Driver and Drunks REDMEN TO Arrested by Local Cops POLICE HALT Chief of Police William E. Cun­ ~¥:~~~OR PLAN PURCHASE HAVE ADOPTION ningham reported a quiet week-end UNINSPECTED despite t he Labor Day holiday that ONFRAZER FIELD created unusually heavy motor traf­ AUTOMOBILES OF AMBULANCE OF NEW METERS fic from Saturday to early Tuesday. Great Incohonee Ruland To Only one accident took place during Drivers Given Five Days In Hose, Hook and Ladder Group Merchants, Beware! Visit Newark to Witnen t he period. Private Joseph Masterino Which to Comply To Dispose of Vehicle of F ort Ho.yle" Md., driving a bm'­ WATER USERS Banks in the Eastern States Colorful Ceremonies rowed car, crashed into a fire plug on With Law After Dec. 1 are cautioned to be on the E lkton Road early Saturday morning -- ,-- 7: 30 SATURDAY NIGHT OPERATE THREE LANES OPERATING COST HIGH ,vatch for a passer of forged WILL PAY ON when a tire blew out. Agnes Sheffer, checks drawn on t he First Na­ North East, Md., r iding with the P olice are h alt ing all motor ve­ Feeling that the costs of operating Meeting Open To Public; tional Bank of Chicago, now soldier at the time of the crash, suf­ hicles which fail to display the offi­ and upkeep are too great; that the EQUAL BASIS operating in New York and Many Prominent Visitors fered a gash across her forehear! cial 1936 approved sticker issued for problem of obtaining drivers is be­ New J er sey. Made by the non­ Expected that requred twenty-two stitches. those cars that have been inspected coming too involved; t hat the lack of Mayor Collins Regards N~w existent firm of Merchants In­ The girl is in the Homoeopathic and found in safe condition at the contributions by organizations and Tunnel As "Too Costly" People of this vicinity will have the surance Service Corp., 17 West Hospital, Wilmington. Masterino was safety la nes: individuals const itutes a general lack For Town fir t chance ever given non-members J ackson Boulevard, Chicago, in Delaware to witness the colorful released under $1,000 bail by Magis­ The driver of each of these ve­ of regard by N ewark people; and that hicles is being given a notice of five the checks are stamped with a STREET COST UNDER BID ceremon ies attending the adoption of tt'ate Daniel T hompson pendi ng the the attitude of arrogance on the part days during which the car must be forged certification stamp of a "pale face" into the Improved Order outcome of the girl's in j uries. Officer of s(ck people, invalids and their taken to a safety lane for inspection t he First National Bank of Privy Project Again Comes of Red Men, when Minnehaha Tribe, LeRoy Hill investigated the crash. families in too many cases is per­ a nd approval. A duplicate copy of Chicago. Before Council; Action No. 23, holds an open-air public meet­ Hill also arrested six men charged plexing, t he Aetna Hose, Hook and the notice is for warded to t he State The man is described as mid­ ing on Frazer Field, Saturday eve­ with bei ng drunk over the week-end. Ladder Company h as decided to ceaoe Is Deferred Two paid fines, two more were com­ Motor Vehicle Department. operating the ambulance now in serv­ dl e-aged, heavy s t. He uses the ning, Seplember 12, at 7. 30 o'clock. Deftly side stepping the issue by mitted to the workhouse in lieu of ice on December 1. mimes of C. A. Alden, H . Gea­ Greal Incohonee To Be Present Cancel Registration shelving resolutions f rom t he J . Alli­ The drastic conclusion was unani­ gen and Harry Graham and is Arthur J. R uland, Great Incohonee, fines and the other pair were found son O'Daniel Post No. 10, American Stute Motor Vehicle laws empower mously approved at a meeting of the accompanied by a t all blonde lhe execulive head of the Red Men not guilty. , Legion, and lhe local Lions Club, the the St~te Highway Department to or ganization last Friday night. Presi­ woma n. His usual method of of the United States, has notified Council of Newark failed during the rescind, suspend or cancel the regis- dent Daniel Stoll appointed a com­ oper ating is either to buy a Minnehaha Tribe that he is planning September meeting Tuesday night, to tration of any motor vehicle which mittee, co nsisting of Vice Presid ent f uneral wreath for a small to stop in Newark on Saturday eve­ take definite action f or or against • has not been examined and passed as Charles M. Eissner, Chief E lmer J. amount and tender. the fictitious ning to allend this out-door meeting. T0 IS S U E SE P T. lhe proposcd'pedestrian passage as a being safe for operation. Ellison, Assistant Chiefs Charles Tas­ check in payment thereof, or The G1 at Incohonee wi ll be on his connection between Center Street and I The free inspection campaign con- ker and E . 1. Shakespeare, and Chief eat at a small restaura nt and Cleveland Avenue under the tracks SCHOOL JOURNAL Engineer I ra C. Shell ender, to dis­ receive change for the check. :~~~. ;~e\~:s:i~~~t~~, t~~ g~:e!~ ~::~~~ ducted jointly by the State Motor Ve- of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. - -- hicle Depart ment, the State Highwa' pose of t he ambulance. The checks are made out in of the United States, which opens on F if ty Pages in Paper Contain- Department and the Delaware Safe- small amounts, usuf>lly for The straddling action, marked by Sunda y. Mr. Ruland is a prominent I ing Many Interesting ty Council, has closed and a fee of Will Give Away about $22. signs of being a previously well ar- lawyer of Binghampton, N. Y., and Articles $1 is now being charged for each car In refusing to sponsor and main- ranged move, was taken without dis- ~~llol~aeto~i: fs ~caot~~n:~ s~:p~ota~~~\~:l~: Through the efforts of the State inspected. tain the ambulance after December '1:::::============' I cussion of the proposal. sin ce he became Great Incohonee. At Education Association, E. Paul Burk- Operate Three Lanes 1 the fire company will gladly give SEE PAGE FOUR r e!i~I~~~~ C:~!nSm:~~~n!~e t~:gi;:;: a banqu et given in his honor in Wil- holder, of Georgetown, president and Safety lanes a re being operated in the fully equipped vehicle to any or- FOR POLL VOTE that a duplicate had been r eceived mington last year he held an audience editor, a school journal was launched Georgetown, Dover and Wilmington. ganization, body, individual or group from the Lions Club Immediately of over six hundred spell-bound for in this state last May. The Septem- The Wilmington lane, at Bancroft of individuals who might care to take following the reading of the mayor's over nn hour, as he told of his ber issue will be distributed to the Parkway and P ennsylvania Avenue. it over. reply to the first organization, Coun- travels and the work of the order. schools this week. On the cover page is open from 9 a . m. until 5 p. m ., Although worn out, the ambulance Ballot Printed For Purpose cilman Herman T. Wollaston moved During hi s term as Great Incohonee will be found a picture of the recently D.S.T., except Saturdays when it is has never been wrecked and was of Answering Question- that the matter be tabled. Council- he has personally welcomed into the completed Georgetown Public School. open from 9 a. m. until 1 p. m., never in an accident of any nature. Who Will Be Eelected? man Charles C. Hubert seconded the Red Men si x or seven State Governors, Interesting Items D.S.T. As Chief Engineer Shellender ex- motion which passed. Limited dis- including Governor Nice of Maryland pressed it, "after ten years in serv- The subject of paramount interest cussion of an informal nature follow- and Governor Hoffman of New Jersey. Many items of interest to teachers Annual Church Meeting ice, the motor is completely worn out in every community between now and ed. and patrons are contained in the fifty and the body almost refuses to hold November 3 is "Who will be elected?" Manitoo Degree Team page pUblication. Among the articles The third annual meeting of Wes­ together. The windows are ready to Will it be Roosevelt, Landon, or will Too Costly-Collins ley Church, near McClellandsville, For this ceremony, the degree team contributed by leading educators shake loose from the frames and the a representative of an "outside" party When Councilman George F. Fer­ will commence Sunday afternoon at of Manitoo Tribe, No. 18, of Wilming­ throughout the nation as well as the doors refuse to stay shut." upset the dope and go to Washing­ guson expressed the thought that state are the following: "The Public's two o'clock and will continue for one ton? "some form of street" should be pro­ ton, under the direction of Degree week. Services will be conducted Purchased in 1926 Captain Winters, has accepted the in­ Schools," by A. J. Stoddard, Superin­ vided for the people living north of every night during the week by the Buught in 1926 by the then ex­ National Significance vitation of Deputy Great Sachem tendent of Schools, Providence, R.
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