1997 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES T1.42 COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE COMMITTEE ON RESOURCES o'clock noon on Thursday, January 9, John Dingell, Michigan; Henry Waxman, George Miller, California; Edward Markey, 1997. California; Edward Markey, Massachusetts; Massachusetts; Nick Rahall, West Virginia; Ralph Hall, Texas; Bill Richardson, New Bruce Vento, Minnesota; Dale Kildee, Michi- T1.37 SPEAKER AND MINORITY LEADER Mexico; Rick Boucher, Virginia; Thomas gan; Sam Gejdenson, Connecticut; Bill Rich- TO ACCEPT RESIGNATIONS, APPOINT Manton, New York; Edolphus Towns, New ardson, New Mexico; Peter DeFazio, Oregon; COMMISSIONS York; Sherrod Brown, Ohio; Bart Gordon, Eni Faleomavaega, American Samoa; Neil On motion of Mr. SOLOMON, by Tennessee; Elizabeth Furse, Oregon; Peter Abercrombie, Hawaii; Solomon Ortiz, Texas; Deutsch, Florida; Bobby Rush, Illinois; Anna Owen Pickett, Virginia; Frank Pallone, New unanimous consent, Eshoo, California; Ron Klink, Pennsylvania; Jersey; Calvin Dooley, California; Carlos Ro- Ordered, That, notwithstanding any Bart Stupak, Michigan; Eliot Engel, New mero-Barcelo, Puerto Rico; Maurice Hin- adjournment of the House until Tues- York; Albert Wynn, Maryland; Gene Green, chey, New York; Robert Underwood, Guam; day, February 4, 1997, the Speaker and Texas; Karen McCarthy, Missouri; Ted Sam Farr, California; Patrick Kennedy, the Minority Leader be authorized to Strickland, Ohio; Diana DeGette, Colorado; Rhode Island; Adam Smith, Washington; Wil- accept resignations and to make ap- Tom Sawyer, Ohio. liam Delahunt, Massachusetts; Chris John, pointments authorized by law or by the COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND THE WORKFORCE Louisiana; Donna Green, Virgin Islands. House. William Clay, Missouri; George Miller, COMMITTEE ON RULES California; Dale Kildee, Michigan; Matthew John Joseph Moakley, Massachusetts; T1.38 CALENDAR WEDNESDAY BUSINESS Martinez, California; Major Owens, New Martin Frost, Texas; Tony P. Hall, Ohio; DISPENSED WITH York; Donald Payne, New Jersey; Patsy Louise Slaughter, New York. On motion of Mr. SOLOMON, by Mink, Hawaii; Robert Andrews, New Jersey; COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION AND unanimous consent, Tim Roemer, Indiana; Robert Scott, Vir- INFRASTRUCTURE ginia; Lynn Woolsey, California; Carlos Ro- Ordered, That business in order for  James Oberstar, Minnesota; Nick Rahall, mero-Barcelo, Puerto Rico; Chaka Fattah, consideration on Wednesday, February West Virginia; Robert Borski, Pennsylvania; Pennsylvania; Earl Blumenauer, Oregon; 5, 1997, under clause 7, rule XXIV, the William Lipinski, Illinois; Robert Wise, West Ruben Hinojosa, Texas; Carolyn McCarthy, Calendar Wednesday rule, be dispensed Virginia, James Traficant, Ohio; Peter New York; John Tierney, Massachusetts; DeFazio, Oregon; Bob Clement, Tennessee; with. Ron Kind, Wisconsin; Loretta Sanchez, Cali- Jerry Costello, Illinois; Glenn Poshard, Illi- fornia; and Harold Ford, Jr., Tennessee. T1.39 HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING nois; Bud Cramer, Jr., Alabama; Eleanor COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT REFORM AND Holmes-Norton, District of Columbia; COMMISSION OVERSIGHT Jerrold Nadler, New York; Pat Danner, Mis- The SPEAKER pro tempore, Mr. Henry Waxman, California; Tom Lantos, souri; Robert Menendez, New Jersey; James LAHOOD, announced that, pursuant to California; Robert Wise, West Virginia; Clyburn, South Carolina; Corrine Brown, the provisions of 40 United States Code, Major Owens, New York; Edolphus Towns, Florida; James Barcia, Michigan; Bob Filner, 175 and 176, the Speaker appointed Mr. New York; Paul Kanjorski, Pennsylvania; California; Eddie Bernice-Johnson, Texas; ARMEY and Mr. GEPHARDT as members Gary Condit, California; Collin Peterson, Frank Mascara, Pennsylvania; Gene Taylor, Minnesota; Carolyn Maloney, New York; Mississippi; Juanita Millender-McDonald, of the House Office Building Commis- Thomas Barrett, Wisconsin; Eleanor Holmes- California; Elijah Cummings, Maryland; Max sion to serve with the Speaker. Norton, District of Columbia; Chaka Fattah, Sandlin, Texas; Ellen Tauscher, California; T Pennsylvania; Tim Holden, Pennsylvania; Bill Pascrell, New Jersey; Jay Johnson, Wis- 1.40 INSPECTOR GENERAL FOR THE Elijah Cummings, Maryland; Dennis consin; Leonard Boswell, Iowa; Jim McGov- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Kucinich, Ohio; and Rod Blagojevich, Illi- ern, Massachusetts. The SPEAKER pro tempore, Mr. nois. COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS LAHOOD, announced that, pursuant to COMMITTEE ON HOUSE OVERSIGHT Charles Rangel, New York; Pete Stark, the provisions of section 2 of rule VI, Sam Gejdenson, Connecticut. California; Robert Matsui, California; Bar- the Speaker, Majority Leader and Mi- COMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS bara Kennelly, Connecticut; William Coyne, nority Leader, jointly, appointed Mr. Pennsylvania; Sander Levin, Michigan; Ben- Lee Hamilton, Indiana; Sam Gejdenson, John W. Lainhart IV to the position of jamin Cardin, Maryland; Jim McDermott, Connecticut; Tom Lantos, California; How- Inspector General for the House of Rep- Washington; Gerald Kleczka, Wisconsin; ard Berman, California; Gary Ackerman, John Lewis, Georgia; Richard Neal, Massa- resentatives for the One Hundred Fifth New York; Eni Faleomavaega, American chusetts; Michael McNulty, New York; Wil- Congress. Samoa; Matthew Martinez, California; Don- liam Jefferson, Louisiana; John Tanner, Ten- ald Payne, New Jersey; Robert Andrews, New T nessee; Xavier Becerra, California; Karen 1.41 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENTÐ Jersey; Robert Menendez, New Jersey; Thurman, Florida. HAZMAT TRANSPORTATION BIENNIAL Sherrod Brown, Ohio; Cynthia McKinney, REPORT Georgia; Alcee Hastings, Florida; Pat Dan- When said resolution was considered ner, Missouri; Earl Hilliard, Alabama; Wal- and agreed to. The SPEAKER pro tempore, Mr. ter Capps, California; Brad Sherman, Cali- A motion to reconsider the vote LAHOOD, laid before the House a mes- fornia; Robert Wexler, Florida; Dennis whereby said resolution was agreed to sage from the President, which was Kucinich, Ohio; Steve Rothman, New Jersey. was, by unanimous consent, laid on the read as follows: COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY table. To the Congress of the United States: John Conyers, Michigan; Barney Frank, In accordance with Public Law 103± T1.35 ELECTION TO COMMITTEES Massachusetts; Charles Schumer, New York; 272, as amended (49 U.S.C. 5121(e)), I Howard Berman, California; Rick Boucher, Mr. FAZIO submitted the following transmit herewith the Biennial Report Virginia; Jerrold Nadler, New York; Robert privileged resolution (H. Res. 14): Scott, Virginia; Melvin Watt, North Caro- on Hazardous Materials Transportation lina; Zoe Lofgren, California; Sheila Jack- Resolved, That the following named Mem- for Calendar Years 1994±1995 of the De- son-Lee, Texas; Maxine Waters, California; ber be and is hereby elected to the following partment of Transportation. Marty Meehan, Massachusetts; William standing committees: WILLIAM J. CLINTON. Committee on Banking and Financial DeLahunt, Massachusetts; Robert Wexler, THE WHITE HOUSE, January 7, 1997. Florida; Steve Rothman, New Jersey. Services: Bernard Sanders of Vermont. Committee on Government Reform and The message, together with the ac- COMMITTEE ON NATIONAL SECURITY Oversight: Bernard Sanders of Vermont. companying papers, was referred to the Ronald Dellums, California; Ike Skelton, When said resolution was considered Committee on Transportation and In- Missouri; Norman Sisisky, Virginia; John frastructure. Spratt, North Carolina; Solomon Ortiz, and agreed to. Texas; Owen Pickett, Virginia; Lane Evans, A motion to reconsider the vote T1.42 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENTÐ Illinois; Gene Taylor, Mississippi; Neil Aber- whereby said resolution was agreed to HUD ANNUAL REPORT, 1995 crombie, Hawaii; Frank Tejeda, Texas (When was, by unanimous consent, laid on the Sworn); Martin Meehan, Massachusetts; Rob- table. The SPEAKER pro tempore, Mr. ert Underwood, Guam; Jane Harman, Cali- LAHOOD, laid before the House a mes- fornia; Paul McHale, Pennsylvania; Patrick T1.36 HOUR OF MEETING sage from the President, which was Kennedy, Road Island; Rod Blagojevich, Illi- read as follows: nois; Sylvester Reyes, Texas; Tom Allen, On motion of Mr. SOLOMON, by Maine; Vic Snyder, Arkansas; Jim Turner, unanimous consent, To the Congress of the United States: Texas; Allen Boyd, Florida; Adam Smith, Ordered, That when the House ad- Pursuant to the requirements of 42 Washington. journs today, it adjourn to meet at 12 U.S.C. 3536, I transmit herewith the 13 VerDate 23-MAR-99 17:56 May 11, 2000 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 9634 Sfmt 9634 S:\JCK\05DAY1\05DAY1.001 HPC1 PsN: HPC1 T1.43 JOURNAL OF THE JANUARY 7 31st Annual Report of the Department Lobbying Disclosure Act, which be- Certain Designated Counties in Idaho, and of Housing and Urban Development, came effective on January 1, 1996, do Malheur County, Oregon; Relaxation of Pack which covers calendar year 1995. not apply to her in her capacity as and Marking Requirements [Docket No. FV96±958±3 FIR] received October 9, 1996, pur- WILLIAM J. CLINTON. Deputy United States Trade Represent- suant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- THE WHITE HOUSE, January 7, 1997. ative and it is appropriate that they mittee on Agriculture. The message, together with the ac- not apply to her if she is appointed to 8. A letter from the Administrator, Agri- companying papers, was referred to the be the United States Trade Representa- cultural Marketing Service, transmitting Committee on Banking and Financial tive. the Service's final ruleÐRaisins Produced Services. I have today nominated Charlene From Grapes Grown in California;
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