SUNY College Cortland Digital Commons @ Cortland Alumni Magazine Alumni Publications 1948 Cortland Alumni, Volume 5, Number 2, October 1948 State University of New York at Cortland Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.cortland.edu/alumnimagazine THE CORTLAND ALIIIUN "-'7 ,• E-\SS Table of Contents OCTOBER, 1948 Page Commencement, June 14, 1948 17 Baccalaureate Sunday, June 13, 1948 17 Distinguished Service Awards, June, 1948 17 Planting of the Elm, 1948 18 Walter R. Suess, President of '48 The International Conference of Educators in Paris. 1947 19 Mason A. Stratton '15 Greetings from the Hilltop Masquers 21 Alpha Deltas Burn Mortgage 22 The Alumni Furnish the Freshman Dorm Living Room 22 Campus Notes 23 Basketball—1948-49 23 New Faculty Members: September, 1948 23 Class Notes 24 OCTOBER, 1948 PRICE 50c iiiitiitiiiiiniiiiHiHiiiiniiiiiiHUinniiHiiniiniiiHiiniHHinintiniinHiiiininiimimniHitn June 11, 1949 College Calendar 1948-49 ALUMNI DAY OCTOBER 22-23 Homecoming Week-end REUNION CLASSES NOVEMBER 24-28 Thanksgiving Recess '99, '09, '18, '24, '29, '39, '44, '47 and '48 DECEMBER 21-JANUARY 5 Christmas Recess JANUARY 31 Second Semester You Can Help--Will You? You can be of great service, if, after you have read this copy of the maga­ FEBRUARY 8 Hellenic Ball zine you will lend it to another alumnus who has not as yet subscribed. You might wish to send a subscription as a gift to a friend or classmate. Will you FEBRUARY 22 Holiday not help us to attain our goal of 2,000 subscriptions? Your co-operation will be greatly appreciated. MARCH 17, 18, 19 - Aquatic Pageant APRIL 13-2+ Officers of the Alumni Association Easter Recess DR. E. LAURENCE PALMER 08 Honorary President MAY 6 Miss PAULINA DENNIS '27 President Dance Group Concert MR. FRANKLYN COOLIDGE '35 First Vice-President MRS. MARY OTTS VERNOOY '31_ Second Vice-President MAY 13 MRS. MARGRET HARTER SANDERS '43 Third Vice-President Glee Cluh Concert MRS. HAZEL STILWELL LATIMER '28 Secretary MAY 20 MR. GERALD DEXTER Treasurer Arts Festival JUNE 2-10 Final Exams ADVISORY BOARD For three years: JUNE 11 Mr. Paul Weyand '29 Alumni Day Miss Bessie L. Park '01 Mr. Robert Berry '40 Mrs. Judith Pratt Morenus '35 JUNE 12 For two years: For one year: Baccalaureate Sunday Mrs. Helen Johnson Potter '18 Mrs. Olive Edgcomb Dunn '03 Mrs. Marguerite Klett Walrad '29 JUNE 13 Mrs. Elizabeth Butler Folmer '25 Mr. Francis J. Moench '16 Commencement Mr. Anthony Tesori '39 Changes in address and news items should be addressed to the Editor, The Cortland Alumni, State Teachers College, Cortland, New York. Dece^)^r|^eb*u^r^ai^May>,by'the^Ahimn^Asswiation^f'thp x'V? f CUnt0" St- N 0cto"er- Subscription, $2.1)0 a year. Sin«le conv 50c Fnterpd , State College for Teachers at Cortland. N. V. * "-• J'"1?"* . /l-'-lass matter May 11, 1944, at the Post Office in Cortland, • under the act cf March 3, 1879. The Cortland Alumni Volume V OCTOBER, 1948 Number 2 Commencement Dr. Doughty took for his topic, "I am ready," from Timothy 4:6, which is the June 14, 1948 beginning of St. Paul's valedictory. Two hundred fifty-nine degrees were Commenting on the greatness of St. awarded to the seniors at Cortland State Paul and his great personality, Dr. at the Commencement exercises in the Doughty said that this valedictory of St. college auditorium on Monday, June Paul's, like all genuine valedictories, is 14, 1948. There were 194 who re­ an interpretation of the past and is full ceived Bachelor of Science in Education of dreams for the future. It is both a degree.- and sixty-five B.Ed, degrees. farewell and a beginning. Forty-lb e of the B.Ed, degrees were "It is the new life into which we pass awarded students who were graduated with graduation which supremely con­ from the school when degree require­ cerns us. Happy indeed are they who ments were not set up. Of the total can begin their valedictory as St. Paul number about 70 were veterans. begins his,—with the words 'I am ready'; words spoken not boastingly, but in the Speaker for the Commencement ex­ deep humility born of struggle leading ercises was Dr. Howard A. Rusk, di­ to an invincible inner confidence in our rector of rehabilitation and physical resources,—physical, mental, spiritual. medicine at New York University, Col­ "Of course it is true in one sense that lege of Medicine, who spoke on the we can never say with finality 'I am topic: Today's Disabled: Tomorrow's DR. HOWARD A. RUSK ready,' for it is a flying goal we pursue. Assets. Dr. Rusk was director of the It ever moves on and up. The great Army Air Force rehabilitation program betrayal of our teachers and of our col­ during World War II. He said that consisted of the Misses Struglia, Mir­ leges is to stop growing. Ours is the it is a job of team work to make dis­ iam Herbst, Anne Hallock, Dorothy unquenchable vision and purpose to keep abled persons fit into life and jobs again. Bowden and Maye Morehouse. learning, to keep climbing. He noted that the medical profession Degrees were conferred by Dr. I). \ . "It is a great and holy mission to has created a problem in this country by Smith, president of the college, as the which you are called. May you be true increasing life expectancy. "One of the candidates were presented by Dr. Lynn E. Brown. Ph.D.. Dean of the College. to it. In the educational field and in bases of our Democracy is that we don't the church of your fathers or in one The exercises were concluded with the believe in the survival of the fittest which you have found for yourself, may singing of the Alma Mater. alone. We believe that every man has you. like St. Paul, say: 'I am dedicated; a right to live and work for what he I am a soldier, I am an athlete, I am a wants. We are living in a country Baccalaureate Sunday custodian of a holy faith.' Was it not of aging population. We must set a Tolstoi who uttered a significant truth pace that will let older people work and June 13, 1948 when he said: 'I have never truly lived live." Reverend William E. Doughty, '97, except in those moments when I have Stressing the role of the teacher in delivered the Baccalaureate sermon to had faith in God.' " rehabilitation work, and with a plea for the members of the Class of 1948 in the The college ensemble sang three num­ team work where doctor, nurse, teacher, college auditorium on Sunday after­ bers, directed by Miss Ruth Dowd, and patient and civilian all work together, noon. June 13, 1948. The program for the doxology and the recessional con­ he ended by saying: "If man really the afternoon opefted with the invoca­ cluded the program. wants peace, man must return to that tion by Rev. Joseph C. Mason, rector of Grace Episcopal Church in Cortland; great Commandment, Love J hy Neigh­ Distinguished Service bor." this was followed by the hymn "Faith of Our Fathers." Dr. Donnal V. Smith Music for the exercises was furnished Awards June, 1948 gave the scripture reading, and the col­ by both the college ensemble, and by the lege orchestra played a selection from A brother and sister were the recipi­ college orchestra, with Miss Edith "Hansel and Gretel. ents of the annual Distinguished Service Struglia '48 as soloist. The ensemble THE CORTLAND ALUMNI, OCTOBER 1948 18 Sarah Gridley Ross Recognizing more than a half cenutry of service in the field of education de­ voted to the preparation of young women for useful, happy and effective living; recognizing further that you have exercised profound influence by your courage, fortitude, and humility; cognizant of the high standard of char­ acter, conduct and efficiency which you. as a Dean of Women and Student Coun­ sellor, have inspired in others; admitting your spiritual and intellectual leadership on the campuses of Cortland. Brown University. Skidmore College, and, at present, the University of Wisconsin; realizing that all these services have brought honor and distinction to your Alma Mater, the Faculty and the Board of Visitors of Cortland State Teachers College have chosen you to receive this award for distinguished service in die field of education. Awards at the college Commencement Ross was dean of Skidmore College, and The Planting of the Elm exercises on Monday, June 14. 1948. for the past 18 years has been educa­ Monday^ June 14, 1948 Dr. A. Franklin Ross. '96, and his sister. tional adviser, Dean of Women, and Miss Sarah Gridley Ross, '00, were pre­ student adviser at the F niversity of Given by WALTER R. SUESS, '48 sented the awards by Dr. Smth. imme­ V isconsin. It is indeed an honor to represent the diately following the conferring of the Class of 1948 in the traditional Free The citations read as follows: degrees to the members of the Class Planting Ceremony, on this very impor­ of '48. A. Franklin Ross tant commencement morning. I would like to read a few lines from Dr. Ross earned his B.A. degree from In recognition of your leadership in the Gospel of St. Luke: Brown University in 1899 and his M.A. the field of education, the Faculty and Fhis morning we, too, are gathered a year later from the same university. the Board of Visitors of Cortland State in a crowd. We, too, must take care He was instructor in government at Co­ Teachers College are happy to award our seed are sown on good ground, and lumbia, an instructor at N.Y.U., and a you this Certificate of Distinguished do not fall by the wayside nor be choked lecturer in government and sociology at Service.
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