;..--- Are you a fashion Hens unmask - faux pas? - --- Marauders \ --­page 9 page 13 ~ THE EVIEWA FOUR-STAR ALL-AMERICAN NEWSPAPER Police probe Composite par~ builds Towne Court bus1ness prospects ass au It cases State to contribute By Rlchelle Perrone fence behind Levy and then hit him in the $8 million; university Assistant News Editor right eye and broke his glasses, he said. New Castle County Police responded to a to lease property New Castle County Police are call Oct. 7 at 11:22 p.m. in Towne Court, investigating a series of assaults at Towne Tenanova said By James J. Musick Court aparUnents between Oct 7 and Oct 13 Dave Hunter (BE 90) said a group of six Administrative News Editor as possibly related, a police public to eight black men approached him and a infonnation officer said yesterday. friend and began talking to them. They asked The university and the state are working The police have no suspects or leads in him where the party was and then asked for together to build a multi-million dollar the cases, Sgt. Michael Terranova said. a dollar, Hunter said. One of the men hit him Delaware Composites Park on Library "There is obvious concern and reason to in the face and kicked him in the back. Road adjacent to the College Park believe that the incidents may be related," "It was just something you didn't expect," Shopping Center. investigating Detective Jonathan Downs . Hunter said. "I just tried to walk away." The park will include an institute for said. Hunter described the group as black men composite technology and land wiJI be The police will increase the number of about 18 to 22 years old including two short allocated for buildings to be constructed by patrols in the area and officers will be men, one of whom wore a red jacket. The new businesses, said Alfred J. Restaino, informed of prime times for potential others wore sweat suits. He described the executive director for the governor's high problems, he said. others as large men. technology task force. Oct. 7, Matthew Levy (AS 91) walked to Hunter said he was knocked unconscious Composites are materials with two or his car at about 1:30 a.m. and was when he fell to the ground after being hit. more components which in combination approached by a group he described as four His friend was not hurt, Hunter said. yield properties superior to those of black men including a tall, lanky man An Oct 12 incident involved a group of conventional materials like steel. wearing a jumpsuit made of sweat suit black men who assaulted John Myura (BE Restaino said the state has already material; a short, stocky man wearing a 92), according to police. budgeted $4 million for the project this turtleneck and sweater; and two men of Myura said the group of eight to ten men year and will fund an additional $4 million medium-build. They ranged in age from 18 ranged in age from 17 to 20 years and wore next year. This funding is only for the to 20 years, Levy said. sweat suits. One man wore a red institute. which will not be built for at least They asked if there was a problem with Philadelphia 76ers jacket two years, he added. the car, if he was from the university and Myura was the only victim taken to the Byron Pipes, dean of the College of where he was from, Levy said. hospital and was released with no serious Engineering, said lhe university will lease One of the men threw a boule against a injuries. see COMPOSITE page 8 University researcher heads to San Francisco ·,.·:;: ~· .. By Darin Powell do is assess the impact on lifelines learning," he said. "San Francisco is .....· .. ·.\ AI'·,., ··.:,.,,:·:······:, .. ,.)•:,. .: .,,: :.., .. 1 .. ,:·· ···.···:.: .... ·w ......, . , ....,,, ,, • ···.·.... ~ "'· ,· .... , . ·.t... ' d. .. .·~······· .. Associate News Editor and find which lifeline organizations an area where there is very good :: 1-\ umn1 rea e . es ."'oas or ea ·· were most involved," she said. emergency planning." The university's Disaster The center has a resource library Tierney said she is going alone :::.:61·f~f~s~ :· e&htipiing ·:· Huildih '91~ Research Center (DRC) Wednesday of more than 20,500 items. It is the because "this is a reconaissance trip. ··.·· rolling back and forth ;" Gc!Z · ~~d. sent sociology professor Dr. world's largest collection of The idea is to just get in and scope . "People were screaming iwd · Kathleen Tierney to San Francisco publications about the human and out the situation." · jtimping under iheir deskS. 'i ju~t to study the effects of Tuesday's social aspects of disasters. She said contacts will be made · · stood there waitingror the ceiling earthquake on basic community Dr. Russell Dynes, co-director of which will enable the center to do In tiie t40os; Nostradamus to collapse. It was incredible:·, services in the area. the DRC, said, "We don't act as a more intensive research of the ·prc(lided a major e~rthquake When Getz reached street level The DRC examines major critic of these organizations. We try situation in the future, she said. •: wquld. sti'lke . C~lifornla · in the after the quake, people Were disasters and their effects on lifeline to learn from their efforts." "Organizational people aren't -1980s. walking aroundsilellliY. · .··· services such as natural gas, He said studying disasters such as available to talk to us right now · T~e~ay hls·f:oreeast c~e true. "It was solemn. Nobody knew electricity, water and transportation, the earthquake provides clues about because of the nature of the · '} .Rcgi$tering .6.9. ,6n the ~ichtcr what happened," he said. :':The Tierney said. how to deal with future emergency emergency," Tierney said. :\: ~~e ·. i '.qilaJ<C:devastine<J ., the San ·· whole dty is basically shut dowri. "We know that lifelines were very situations . Dynes said the center has studied .Jranc .is.co Bay ~r~ a, damaging Il ~as so biwre." seriously damaged by this "It's a tragedy on the one hand, .::.6uilding$ari4 majQi" hl$hW~ys. It · detz thanked God he did not earthquake and what I'll attempt to but also there are opportunities for see RESEARCH page 8 : ldU~ huiidte<Js . .. • leave his office at the usual time. If the top of our :!O<Jf, we have a g~I, H ·· :, Seyeted ·, ... · telepho~e he had, he would have been Q!l a . ,view_,i;>f the : cjty. (All ·the lightS: :'. ~~m:;,i,~u#Jc ,u ' ~i. Pi'!~; ,,,. te!~y.i~iq-n part of the Bay Bridge wh~cb were o(f and .. VIe could ~ scc a big Budget cutbacks >: ~.r. oa,.~.casts t . traAS.P()~ta.tiQn an.d :cotliipscd.' ': flte burnm'g.•i \ ··· .. 0 :.::: ~tn:.. tan~iy~J .,.. ~. ~P:. ~e•~. :~Sn~.•tma · ::· :~.· ··'.:n?. :.• .o. ~f,. s:,t.· ~~~~~1.r. ft '"'. · Di~r~~~ . ~~~:~~~isr&fi~ea ~W*~ .. Ho~~~~g:~.~~~~e;o;~: a~~~=~~ frustrate faculty ""0 I 1 ""'"' 11\A.r. c~uscd by gfls mai~ l eaks ~ . .wort1~n in Srut Francisco, said she ... , . Williafu Gett, a 'I98g Uii:iversiiy .. ''The problem now is ·the ·was touri$.eling a w<:mian when th~ Expenses exceed the reason pure and simple." ::• :·tfaduate, ~as ai..w§r.k. on the 30th ~L!ildings in the M!1fina District are quake rattl~ the .building. Dilley said a report on Project :.::)}loot of 52-$tqr}l' B:irk.of : ~merica still collapsing," Getz s~id "The hou$e stirted shaking and '. projected income Vision made by Helen Gouldner, ·. ·buuding in San FrancisCo when the .Wednesday. this woman ·an:d I ·ran under a . dean of the College of Arts and ~:y~quake begim itt5.:04 p;m: PST. Sheila Gallagher, a ~989 _doo~ay,'' she sai4: "lt was like u ' for coming year Science, stressed that the college has :: "The whole buiiding started university graduate, said, "Frofll been extremely successful with the see. QUAKE page 4:, By Jen Podos funding it has and will probably StaH Reponer continue doing well. However, with CPr(lfessor fears for family's safe~y aft~t.::· disa~ter more fund s, it would have the Jen Podos :· ;,&~ T~d NeWrrittn lived in the Bay area all their ti~e$ t.~e%1 ~ . h~ said. ••There was a great A 3-pcrccnt budget cut wi ll delay chance to move on and reach goals Dean Helen Gouldner ''!(Stalf:AeporW· .. · and have lived thtough many deal 9f)oy , llfi,~ reUef~C<lfing this." the progress of most of th e thm are impossible now. discusses buget reductions. < eanhquakcs. ·~)~ :'U. w: ~s feli.eved to hear we university's colleges, a university Dean of the College of Murray said. \:\. , ~ : Qnlv:e~sit.y .. pr9,fessor heard a bean lived In Berkeley imtU were :I!Jt"f.ight/i 'Kauffman said official told the Faculty Review Agricultural Sciences Donald F. In addition to spacial problems, .O:nisihand ilccoon.t of the San l96l and has experienced' a ·wednesday. "We were lucky Panel at its meeting Tuesday. Crossan sa id Wednesday, "I think , Gouldner said the university will not ; F.rai'lciSc:o eafthquake sbortly after number of earthquakes himself. ,,, having only 11 few pictures falling Acting Provost Ri chard B. without any exaggeration, probably have many essential needs such as ''. it occuiied m1Ie5 frortl'his parents, Immediately after he h'eard ol'fihe )Vall," she Said. The damage Murray said Wedncsd Hy planned every college finds itself in a very computer maintenance, equipment ·.. wh~ ~ l}ay-l,lre8 residents. about the quake on television; .he . was very minor. , university expenditures for th e ti ght situation now." in teaching laboratories and building ·· 'My parents have never tried to phone them, but was .·.
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