Vol. XI AUGUST, 1933 1 American Handle Company Logan Iron and Steel Co. C.W.Booth & Co. Manufacturers of Railway Supplies High-grade Hickory, Axe. Adze, Cenuirte Wrozcght Iron Pick, Sledge, Hatchet, Hammer and Railroad Tool Handles WORKS: BURNHAM, PA. RAILWAY ESCHAKGE BLDG. CHICAGO, ILL. I I JONESBORO - ARKANSAS GUNDLACH COAL COMPANY CHAS. R. LONG, JR. MINERS AND PRODUCERS OF HIGH-GRADE FUEL P. 0. Box 241 COMPANY EDGEMONT STATION EAST ST. LOUIS, ILL. 1,OUISVILLE CHICAGO The New York Air KERITE Brake Company INSULATED WIRES AND CABLES Manufactures the For All Purposea STANDARD AIR- BRAKE -Under All Con- Ada~~isfoctwel-sof ditions - Every- EQUIPMENT where- KERITE GENERAL OFFICES All kinds of Iiailway antl 111- - Gives Un- 420 Lexington Ave., New York City equalled Service. dustrial Paints. Varnishes antl WORKS Lacquers. THE KERITE VAUtSECOMPANY 1% Watertown, New York NEW YOU CHIUU) - PIUHU- Magnus Company INCORPORATED JOURNAL BEARINGS and BRONZE ENGINE CASTINGS , NEWflYORK CHICAGO August, 1933 Page 1 GAr(leld 2870-287 1 BLUE PRINTIHG WE SHIP FRlSCO ALWAYS 1 COMMONWEALTH COAL AND ICE COMPANY SAINT LOUIS WHY SOT Z'SE THE SAXX COAL THE FRISCO VSES? ART & DRAWING MATERIALS Retnll Ynrd at I I I0 Locust Street St. ~aub,'Mo. 2710 Brannon Avenue Phone, PRospect 5400 Send Your N1XM)RFF-KREIN MFG. CO. WILLIAM F. FLYNN SUITS St. Louis, Mo. (1RCORPORATE:D) WASH JIa~~ufnetnrelr with yoiw Family Bzcndle Manrrfacturers of or Ask for "Frisco 8-hour Service" ELECTRIC ARD RIRBWELD JEflerRnn 0414 CHAIXg, RISGLETREES, DOUBLE- LOOSELEAF BINDERS ASD SUPPLIES BECHT LAUNDRY CO. TREES, NECK YOKES, \\'AGOx IROXB 1906 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. BENTZINGER BROS. I Owens Paper Box Co. Hy. L. Schafermeyer Manufacturer* of Locksmith and Machinist BRUSHES 413-415 N. First Safes Opened and Repaired Main and Market St. 408-10 N. 3rd St. St. Louis. Mo. St. Louis. Mo. MAln 0245 I Consolidated Lamp Company I A. S. ALOE CO. I LIGHTING SPECIALISTS I MANUFACTURERS dfientn for ENGINEERING SUPPLIES WESTINGHOUSE LAMPS 1622 Chemfcal Building 1819 Olive St. ST. LOUIS St. Louis, Xlo. 1 PLAIN AND FANCY BOXES ( ECONOMY ARCH COMPANY We HIGH GRADE LOCOMOTIVE Grrarantee ARCH AND FURNACE BRICK Does Dependable 1843 Railway Exchange Building Your Fuel Delivery ST. LOUIS, MO. Unijorm Contract Quality Protect ? 0 Competitive 1 W H. (Bill) REAVES ( I REG. U. S. PAT. OFF. Price 1169 Arcade Bldg. st. Louis, MO. SAINT LOUIS & O'FALLON COAL CO. SAINT LOUIS ( C. A. ROBERTS COOI "SHELBY" St. Louis Surfacer and Seantles~Steel Tubing Paint Company CHICAGO ST. LOUIS DETROIT INDIANAPOLIS RAILROAD PAINTS, VARNISHES -= - Barnard Stamp % Co. - ENAMELS I Arlington Ave. and Terminal Belt Rp. .ST.LOUIS, MO. - FRI!SCO )M 53 5 FRISCO BUILDING JOHR Mr. MOURSE, Generar rosserrger ngent In Charge MARTHAC. MOORE,Associate Editor WM. MCMILLAN,Advertising Jfanager Voi. XI AUGUST, 1933 No. 8 I1 BIG INDIAN FAIR AUG. 24.26 1) Would yon like to see a real In- dian Fair? Would you Iike to see the Indian of Oklahoma In most picturesque surroundings -the big Chiefs of the various tribes astride their calico ponies, judges of all events-the georgeous beaded cos- tumes of the Indian women-the big bonflre before the grandstand around which the various tribes present old tlme war dances? If you would like to visit the Indlan In these surroundings, just arrange to join a special party that plans to visit the Indian Fair at Craterville Park, Okla., this year on August 24-26. The affair last year was most colorful. with fourteen Indlan tribes partici- pating. There were Indian horse races, how and arrow contests, In- dian women's ' ' ' ' " many other el are allowed to Medicine Pa resort Is but the Fair, and spend the entl joy the beauti the Fair for r Work up p~ your city or tc most unique E to be found or ditional infor] Moore. Associi zine, St. Louie The Prlsco of the actlre r rent ncws, per: phases of rall~ photographs sul requested. All En~ployes a wrltten, on one St. Louls, 310. Dlstrlbuted rate, $1.50 a y Page 3 ECORDS March 17, sponsored by md Locals Nos. 1 and gfleld, and on June 19, ns attended a picnic by this club. rr attention is directed mt from Lebanon. This eorganized a short time anding "Old Man De- ? good, atrong wallops. ~b,but Its members are .s". Club has also been ac- - -- - -.- - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - , - ,- - - - - - -. I irs each month (joint shipments, and 573 pasclengers. These with the Ladies' Auxiliary), and the figures represent actua1 business se- Tulsa and Oklahoma City Clubs have cured and not tips on 1business. The RECORD OF BUSINESS given several big affairs and held clubs represented in tliis table have SECURED regular meetings each month, The all held regular meeting:s each month, by the Monett Clnb invited the merchants with but few exceptiorla, and partic- to an affair, which attracted approxi- ular attention should bl e given to the Frisco Employe CInbs mately 500, and each of the clubs has Clinton. Mo., Club n~ernbers, who January. 1933-June, 1933 been active in sponsoring events of meet on the third Snn day afternoon Below is a record of the carload interest in their particular towns. of each month, taking timp from th? business, LCL shipments and pas- The cIubs which have indicated on one day of the wee1r which they sengers..... secured -- through-- personal the table "No Record", have been might use for rest and recreation, to somitatlon 01 tne club members or earnestly engaged in the solicitation attend these meetings. This club has the varioiis Frisco Employe Clubs. of business for Frisco Lines, but ac- a small membership, but its record of for the first six months of the curate records of the amount re- year: 18 cars, 760 LCL shpiments, and 5 Car cehed, have not been kept. A letter Loctda LCI, Pass. passengers is one which is equal, tn from the president of the club at Amory. M'ln.................. (No Record) comparison. to many of the larger Alton, Okla................... 70 1.285 65 Carbon Hill, Ala., says: "We have clubs. ArkansasCity ................ 6 10 3 secured quite a few long passenger Black Rock. Ark.......... (No Record) There is a notlceable Increase in Blackwell. Okla.......... 7 17 .... hauls and LCL shipments have Ln- the number of LCL shipments se- Birmlnpham. Ala. creased about fifty per cent, and we (Colored Club) ......... (No Record) cured. which is indicative that the Cape i3 15 have succeeded in gettlng a number individual members of the clubs are Clint $0 5 of cars of flour and feed stuff routed Dora I1 13 hard at work, and soliciting their Daco ecordl long haul. We go after everythin: friends for all business possible, and Enid, 18 34 we can hear of and keep after the Ft. 3 41 never forgetting that one LCL ship- Fred acsrd) merchants to give us the haul instead ment added to a number more, will Ft. I 16 6 of the trucks. Members of this club add greatly to the total. Ft. ! ... 8 do not hold meetings. Solicitation is Hayt ... 5 There has been friendly rivalry for Jopli 16 21 v~gorouslyengaged in by every mem- Kan! 10 2 ber of the club, and for that reason some time between the Springfield Leba..,.., ,., ,............... Men's Club and the St. Louis Termi- Lawton. Okla............... it has been difficult to keep a record." nal Clnb, as to which would secure Monett, Mo................... UnfortunateIy this report Is made Memphis. Tenn ........... the more carloads and LCL business. Mounaln ?ark. Okla ..... before the Mystery Excursion. The Terminals Club secured 46 more Muskopee, Okla............ planned by the St. Louis Clubs, the Newburp. Mo.................. carload shipments. than the Spring- Neodesha. Kans........... excursion which was sponsored by field Club, but the latter secured 736 Okeene. 0th.. ......... the colored club of Birmingham, and Okmulpee. Okla.......... (No Record) more LCL shipments, and so the ri- Oklahoma City. Okla.... 41 39 .... the excursions from the River divi- valry will continue, with Springfield Pensacola. Fla............. (MO Record) sion, which would all add greatly to Sprinpneld Men's determined to beat the St. Louis Club Club............................. the number of passengers secured by on carloads, and the Terminal Club St. Louis Msn's these clubs. This report will, of Club.......................... I8 .... 4 course, appear in the business se- anxious to surpass the Springfield St. Louic Terminal Club in LCL shipments. Club......................... 36f 97 134.. cured for the last half of the year. Lebanon, 310.. and Afton, Okla. re- Sherman, Tax .............. 163 3 1 Approximately twenty of the club Sapulpa, Okla............... [No Record) port record LCL shipments; the first St. Louis Girls' Club..... 10 .... 20 presidents have had to report their 1.359 shipments, and the latter 1,285. Sprinpfleld Girls' clubs inactive. Reduction in force is Club........................... 149 372 4 And keen competition is started be- Thomas, Okla.............. 17 36 14 the primary reason. Many of the sta- tween these two clubs. Thayer, Mo................ 26 .. 5 tions have been closed entirely, and Tulsa. Okla................... 41 10 19 Noticeable among the women's Vernon. Texas.............. 14 ....... a great many members of the clubs clubs is the record of the Springfield Wichita, Kans.............. ---27 9 1 in the smaller places have been trans- Girls' Club with 149 carloads report- 1.878 6.619 573 ferred, and it has been impossible to e d. 372 LCL shipments and 4 passen- +The Haytl Club teports solicitation of keep the club together as a body, ere. This club has been particularly LCL shipments vlporous, and shipments re- but there has been no let-up on so- g ceived were hdavy. a ctive as well in social meetings.
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