INDEX Kamesand Places mentioned more tlian once on a page are indexed once only. Place-names are printed in italics. The article on Cheshire Pedigrees (217-237) is not indexed here. Abbots Langley (Herts.), 142. Anglizer, John, 65. " Academy of Armory," advertise­ Ansfrid, a Dane, 28. ment, 218. Anyon, Anne, 69. Acton (Chester), 132. Ellen, 168. (Yorks.), 132. Henry, 164. Adam, clerk of Knoctorum, 121. John. 59, 68, 69, 124, 125, 131, Adams, family, I28n. 166', 172, 174. Margaret, 128. Sir John, 61,62. Richard, 128. Katherine, 170. Adamson, Richard, 164. Richard, 61, 168. Adcock, William, 247. Thomas, 6. Adlington (dies ), 53. William, 61,62, i 73,174. Adstock (Bucks.), rector of, 107. Apley (Salop), 34. Aigburth, 178, 184. Appleton, Thomas de, 88. hall, 184. Apthider, Thomas, 70. St. Ann's Church, 184. Appleton, Thomas de, 88 Ainsdale, Mary, 103, 156. Apthider, Thomas, 70. Thomas, 10311. Ardcrne, Dr. James, r37. Alabaster Reredos of St. Edmund, of Harden, family, 137. 208. Arkholme, 258. Aldcliffe (Lancaster), 257. Armada, Spanish, 173. Alderley, rector of, 142. Arms (asterisk denotes illustration): Aldfprd (Odford), 145,146, 148. Atherton, 52;* Audley, 8=;*, 93; Aldingham (Furness),239. Ball, 3*; Birkcnhead, 58;* Bur- rector of, r36. ches, 128; Calveley, 42 ;* Clayton, Alkemundeslowe, Thomas de, 163, 179, r84; Crophill, 94; Davenport, 164. 55;* Delves, 90;* Done, 63;* Allefax (Newfld.) See Haliia:. Dutton, 90;* Egerton impaling Alien, Thomas, 117. Glegg, 107;* Fouleshurst, 90;* Almond, John, i75«. Glegg 16;* 71, 105, ro6; Glegg Alstonfield (Staffs.), 34, 41. inpaling Cotes, 25;*Hale(?), irS; Altham (Whalley), church or minster, Haselwali, 33,* 83, ro6,* 113;* 26r. Haselwali impaling Whitmore, 81 ;* Alton (Staffs.), lord of, 94. Henchman, 141; Hawarden, 184; Amant, John, r7s. Hawkeston, 90,* ro7; Hocken- Ambrose, Isaac, ejected vicar of hull, 73,* 185 ; Hough, 62 ;* Hown- Garstang, 260. hill, 107; Hurleston,58,*62;* Leigh " Ancient Manors of Whittington." of Oughtrington, r7g, 184; Mal- By Col. W. H. Chippindall, 238. banke, 5V,* Meols,n8»; Molyneux, Anderton, Sir Charles, 260. 185; Muccleston, 95; Neston, I22»; Sir Francis, 261. Norris of Speke, 83; Pantolph, 94; John, 260. Poole, 57;* Queen Anne, 103; Andrew, Blesse, 61. Roper, 65 ;* Sniart impaling Hasel­ Henry, 69. wali (forWhitmore), 103;* Stanley, John, 61,168,172. 63;* Swinuerton, 92; Thurland, Robert, 168, 174. no; Thurstaston, 83; Trussell, Simon, 68. 93, 94,* 95; Verdun, 85,* 92; Widow, 70. Vernon, 39;* Whitmore, 45,* 81, William, 165, 172. 85, ro6,* 113;* Whitmore (canton Andrews, John, r74. fretty), 90;* Whitmore quarter- Richard, 61. ings, 84;* Wilbraham, 58.* Anglesey, 129. Arneway, John, 34, 268 Index. Arrows, brook, 2. Ball, widow, 69. Walter, millward of, 46. William, 3, 4, 6, 166, 172. Arrowsmith, Ralph, 131. 174. Arundel, Earl of, 91. of Irby and Tushingham, 3. Ashbrook (Asbroke), John, 165. Banastie, Margaret, 252. Ashley, John, 57. Thurstan, 252 Ashton, Dorothy, 67. Hangar Cathedral, canon of, 127. Johnde, 161. Banks (nr. Southport), 186. Richard, 66, 67. Barbados, 259. Ashworth, nr. Rochdale, vicar of, 116. Barber, Nath., 150. Aspley, de, family, 87. Bardney (Lines.), 209. Astbury, 104, 120. Barneston, James de, 39. Atherton, family, 40. John de, 39, 4911. Agnes, 31,52. Robert de, 40, 4911. Elizabeth, 52, 56. Barnston, 97, 98,117,123,161. William, 109. " mulner " of, 123. Sir William, 31, 52. Barr, Mary, 245. Atkinson, Isabel, 139. Robert, 245. John, 139. Barrow (Chesh.j, 59, 147. Mary, 139. church, 100. Miles, 73, 105, 138, 139. Barton, Elizabeth, 8i«. Richard, 249. Richard, 81. Thomas, 139. Richard Watson, 81. Audlem, 151. Barton Seagrave (Northants.), 142. Audley, family, 89. Basingwerk, abbey, 33. James de, 91, 93. William, abbot of, 159. James, Lord, 89, 91. Baskervyle, John, 6. Sir James, K.G., 89, 91. Mary, 6. Lord, 91. Bassenthwaite Lake, 191. Nicholas de, 93. Bath, 146. Aughton (Aghton), Blethin, 255. Bayley, John, 246. Hugh, 199,201. Miles, 245, 246. Joan, 201. Baynes, , 239. Katherine, 198. Reginald, 245,247. Madoc, 255. Beautifer (Whittingtion), evolution of Nicholas, 199, 201. the name, 241. Richard, 198, 199. Beaumaris, 128. family, 201. Beazley, F.C., F.S.A.: "John Paul Aughton, (nr. Ormskirk), 150, 255. Rylands, F.S.A." 215. church. 255. " Thurstaston," i. Aula, de. See Hall. Bebington, 73,123. Austria, duke of ,244. Church, 140. Avranches, Emma de, 28. Lower, ri 7. Hugh de, 2 8. Bebington, Adam, 160. Richard de,2 8. Robert de, 120, 160. Richard, vicomte of, 28. Becheton, Simon de, 40. Bedford, duke of, 245. Backford, 61, 81, 121, 123, 162. Bedworth, Thellwin, 127. Baddeley, 72. Belward, William, 87. Bagnald, Randall, 68«. Bennett, Christopher, 126, 174. Bagnall, Mr., 148. Grace 59«.. Bailey, R. T., M.B.E: "Sculptured John, 69,104,170. Clayton Arms at Otterspool, for­ John, priest, 124, 125. merly in Water Street, Liverpool," Mary, 17, 140. 178. Peter, 168,175. Bailey, John, 73. Samuel, 140, 148. Thomas, 17. Baker, Thomas, 108. widow, 173. Baldmonyhohes, 201. William, 59, 61, 62, 73. Ball, Ellen, 3, 4. Berend, Matilda, 152. George, 3, 4, 117, 166, 175. Samuel, 152. John, 4, 172, 202. Berewyk, Adam son of Richard, 250. Richard, 173,188. Berkby. See Birkby. Robert, 165, 175. Berkhampstead (Herts.), 93. Index. 269 Berk, George, 78. Bold, of Upton (Wirral), family, 132. Mary, 78. Bolton (in Copeland, Cumbld.), 249, Bernard, Robert, 157. 250. Berneston, See Rarneston. Bolton School, 136. Bescar Lane (nr. Southport), 194. Bon, John, 161. Betham, Amuria, 253. Bonde, , 161. Joan, 253. Bondesson, Roger, 198. Sir Ralph, 253, 255. Bootle (Liverpool), 253. Roberts, 253. Bostock, George, 63. Thomas, 253, 255. Katherine, 59, 61,63. Betley (Staffs.), 107. Ralph, 59, 62. Bette, John, 172. Boughton (Chester), gallows, 261. Betteson, Henry, 164. Braban, Nicholas, 172. Bevington, William de, 104,118, 120. Braband, Ellen, 168. Bidston, Richard de, 162. John, 61, 168. Bidston, 10. Brabin, Henry, 239, 247, 248. church, 57,130,134. Thomas, 239, 248. Bidslon Carr, 121. family, 248. Bindloss, Christopher, 258, Brabone Henry, 70. Robert, 258. John, 69. Bird (Bridde, Bryd), John, 125. Bradburn, William, 50. Richard, 162,172. Bradshaw, Abraham, 136, 137. Simon, 173, 174. Catherine, 136. Thomas, 61, 172. Edward, 118. Birkby, George, 175. James, 136, 137. Birkenhead, Adam, 57. John,i36. Alice, 57. Robert, 105, 112, 136, 137. Birkenhead, Corporation, 18. Breakell, family, 188. St. Mary's, 5. Breightmet (Lanes.), 136. Birkett, Frances, 114. Brereton, William, 173. Maria, 114. Brereton, rector of, 136. Samuel, 114. Breton, Cape (Newfld.), 262. Bishop's Waltham (Southants), Bel- Brewershall, near Chester, 78. more, 98. Brichill (Brichull), Cecily de, 37, 38. Bithell, Benedicta, 76. Peter de, 37, 38. Dorothy, 76. William de, 37, 38. Edward, 76. Brid. See Bird. John, 73. Brierley, James, 183. Blawith (nr. Ulverston), 195. Brinn (Flints.), 72. Blea Tarn, 195. Briscoe, George, 73. Blowick (Blaywick, etc., near South- Richard, 68». port), 186-202. Bristol, Hot Wells, ios». lanes, 187. Broad Oak Estate, 146. moss, 187, 188. Bromborough, church, 169. name discussed, 190, 192, 195. Bromborough (Brumbrugh), John, " Blowick, the Name and the Place." 166. By F. H. Cheetham, F.S.A., 186. Bromley, Hugh, 62. BlundeU, Rev. F. 0., O.S.B: " Crau- Lettice de, 50. nogs," 203. Richard de, 50. Peter, 188. Bronzes found in Martin Mere, 207. Richard, 262. Broster, John, in. Robert, 200. Broughton-in-Furness, 150. Blyth, Geoffrey, 125. Browne, Charles, 78, 79, 108. Boardman (Bordman), Gabriel, 130. John, 163. James, 178. Lucy, 26, 78-81,108. Boall. See Ball. Margery, 127. Bodavon (Anglesey), 134. Mrs.,101. Bold (Prescot), 257. Thomas, 174. Bold, Alice, 133. Bruce, Helwise, 248. Anne, 257, Luke, 9. Edward, 105,118,119,132,133. Margaret, 9. Francis, 257. Peter, 243. Peter, 132. Bruen, Thomas de, 54. Richard, 257. Bruera, 139,141,144. 270 Index. Bruskcoe. See Briscoe. Caldy, Great, 124. Buckley, Elizabeth, 148. Little, 29, 36, 41, 55, 60, 62, 67, Thomas, 69. 68, 157-161, 164. Budeston, de. See Bidston. Crofts in, 158, 159. Budeston Keer, See Bidston Can. Caldy Grange, 127. Budworth, Great, 142, Caldy Hey, in Caldy, 54, 70, 71. Bukkesee, John, 124. Calveley, 41, 4r», 46. Bulkeley, Arthur, 57. Calveley, Alice de, 4i«. Jane, 128. Cecily de, 31, 42, 44, 83, 162. Richard, 128. David de, 4i«, 46. Bulleid, Dr., 204. Hugh de, 31, 41, 4in, 159. Bulley, A. K., i8». Sir Hugh de, 51. Bunbury, Thomas de, 104, 121, 122 John de, 31, 37, 41, 42, 44, 158- Bunbury, Preacher of, 107. 160,162 Bunbury College, 125. Kenwric de, 41 n. Burches, 128. Margaretde,3i,4i,44,i58,160. Burches, Anne, 129. Margery de, 37. David, 128, 129. Peter de, 41, 41 n. Dorothy, 128, 129. Cambridge, University, 74, 75. Elizabeth, 128, 129. colleges: Ellen, 128. Christ's 133, r36,142. Frances, 129. Clare, 134. Gaynor, 129. King's, 130. George, 128, 129. Magdalen, 135. Hugh, 104, 127, 128, 128)5, 129. Peterhouse, r44. Jane, 128,129. Queens', 127, 143. John, 128. St. Catharine's, 137. Margaret, 128. St. John's, II3», 131,140, r45. Mary, 128. Selwyn, 152. Peter, 128,129. Trinity, 130, 134, 150. Richard, 63, 104, 128-130 Canoes found in Martin Mere, 206. Robert, 128, 129. Cansfield (Loiisdale), 257. Sian (Jane), 128. Cansfield, Richard, 239. William, 128. Canterbury, Edmund, abp. of, ii2i&. Burgay, Richard, 163. Canterbury Cathedral, the Chichester Burgess, Nicholas, 130^. porch, 88, 89. See also Burches. Capenhurst, John de, 40. Burrough, Christopher, 245, 247. Capture of Quebec, 262. Burrow. See Netherburrow, Over- Carnesdale, 59. burrow. Carr, Fred, 108. Burscough, prior of, 198. Carter, John le, 164. Burton (Wirral), 146, 147. Cartmel, priory, 253. Burton Hill, 173. Carus, Anne, 239, 250. Bury Hall in Koby, 260. Christopher, 239, 250, 251. Bushell, Seth,26i. Mary, 251. Byrch-HyUes, Thomas of, 7. Thomas, 239, 250, 251. Byrde. See Bird. family, 239, 249-251. Bythell, See Bithell. Case, Gaynor, 129. Byvyngton, Byvynton, See Beving- William, 129.
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