aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology Chromis katoi, a new species of damselfish from the Izu Islands, Japan, with a key to species in the Chromis notata species complex (Perciforms: Pomacentridae) Hiroki Iwatsubo1 and Hiroyuki Motomura2* 1) Kagoshima Museum of Aquatic Biodiversity, Kagoshima MS Building, 11-21 Nishisengoku, Kagoshima 892-0847, Japan 2) Kagoshima University Museum, 1-21-30 Korimoto, Kagoshima 890-0065, Japan *Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected] Received: 09 May 2018 – Accepted: 31 May 2018 Keywords Schwanzflosse bei erwachsenen Tieren (im Gegensatz zu Western Pacific Ocean, damselfishes, new species, einem breiten, waagerechten Band, das beide Lappen der Chromis kennensis, Chromis notata, Chromis pura, Chromis Schwanzflosse bei notata aufweisen), die gelbe Farbe des yamakawai, Chromis westaustralis ganzen Körpers bei Jungtieren (im Gegensatz zum gräulichen bis bräunlichen Farbton während des ganzen Abstract Lebens bei notata); außerdem hat die neue Art weniger we- Chromis katoi n. sp., a new damselfish (Pomacentridae) iche Rückenflossenstrahlen, mehr röhrenförmige Seiten- belonging to the Chromis notata species complex, is de- linien-Schuppen, Brustflossenstrahlen und Kiemen- scribed on the basis of 11 specimens collected at a depth of blättchen sowie eine größere Rumpftiefe und Prä- 18 m off Hachijo Island, Izu Islands, Japan. The new Analflossenlänge. Angefügt ist ein Bestimmungsschlüssel species is similar to C. notata in having an indistinct white für die Arten des C.-notata-Komplexes. blotch at the end of the dorsal-fin base, and 4 or 5 and 11 or 12 scale rows above and below the lateral line, respec- Sommario tively, but differs in having the spinous portion of the dor- Chromis katoi n. sp., una nuova specie di castagnola (Po- sal fin yellowish in adults (vs. entire dorsal fin brownish in macentridae) appartenente al complesso di specie Chromis the latter), the caudal fin dusky yellow in adults (vs. each notata, è descritta sulla base di 11 esemplari raccolti ad una caudal-fin lobe with a broad horizontal dark band), the profondità di 18 m al largo dell'isola di Hachijo, isole Izu, body entirely yellow in juveniles (vs. grayish to brownish Giappone. La nuova specie è simile a C. notata per avere throughout life), fewer dorsal-fin soft rays, more tubed lat- una macchia bianca indistinta all'estremità della base della eral-line scales, pectoral-fin rays and gill rakers, and greater pinna dorsale, e 4 o 5 e 11 o 12 file di scaglie sopra e sotto body depth and pre-anal-fin length. A key to species in the la linea laterale, rispettivamente, ma differisce nell'avere la C. notata species complex is provided. porzione spinosa della pinna dorsale giallastra negli adulti (rispetto a tutta la pinna dorsale brunastra nel secondo), la pinna caudale giallo scuro negli adulti (vs. ogni lobo della Zusammenfassung caudale con un'ampia fascia scura orizzontale), il corpo in- Beschrieben wird Chromis katoi n. sp., ein neuer Riff- teramente giallo nei giovani (vs. da grigiastro a brunastro barsch (Pomacentridae), der dem Chromis-notata-Arten- per tutta la vita), meno raggi molli nella pinna dorsale, più Komplex zuzuordnen ist, auf der Basis von 11 Exem- scaglie della linea laterale tubate, più raggi pettorali e ra - plaren, die in einer Tiefe von 18 m vor der Insel Hachijo, strelli branchiali e una maggiore profondità corporea e Inselgruppe Izu, Japan, gesammelt wurden. Die neue Art lunghezza pre-pinna anale. Viene fornita una chiave per le ähnelt C. notata durch einen undeutlichen weißen Fleck specie appartenenti al complesso di C. notata. an der Basis der Rückenflosse und durch 4 oder 5 Schup- penreihen oberhalb und 11 oder 12 unterhalb der Seiten- linie. Unterscheidungsmerkmale aber sind: die gelbliche INTRODUCTION Färbung des Strahlenanteils der Rückenflosse (bei notata The Chromis notata species complex is character- ist die ganze Rückenflosse bräunlich), das dunkle Gelb der ized by the following combination of characters: 27 aqua vol. 24 no. 1 - 05 June 2018 Chromis katoi, a n. sp. of damselfish from the Izu Islands, Japan, with a key to species in the Chromis notata species complex (Perciforms: Pomacentridae) XIII (rarely XII or XIV), 11-14 (usually 12 or 13) paratype, 65.9 mm SL, west of Koks Island, Shark dorsal-fin rays; II, 10-12 (usually 11) anal-fin rays; Bay, 75 m; BMNH 1975.9.23.9, paratype, 60.7 15 principal caudal-fin rays; 2 spiniform caudal-fin mm SL, Mandurah (approximately 50 km south of rays; 3-5 scale rows above lateral line, 9-12 scale Fremantle); WAM P. 2789-001, paratype, 45.1 rows below; 15-21 tubed lateral-line scales; 6-10 + mm SL, Dirk Hartog Island; WAM P. 24853-001, 18-25 = 26-34 gill rakers; caudal-fin lobes not fila- paratype, 26.5 mm SL; WAM P. 25307-011, mentous; a prominent black blotch covering more paratype, 71.6 mm SL, Goss Passage, Beacon Is- than two-thirds of pectoral-fin base; caudal fin yel- land, Houtman Abrolhos, 2-3 m; WAM P. 25308- lowish or brownish (not white); and uniformly 006, 2 paratypes, 50.1-59.9 mm SL, Seal Island, brownish or grayish head in adults (Iwatsubo & Wallabi Group, Houtman Abrolhos, 12-16 m; Motomura 2013; this study). To date, the species WAM P. 25317-009, paratype, 81.9 mm SL, Long group includes five species: Chromis notata (Tem- Island, Wallabi Group, Houtman Abrolhos, 2-8 m; minck & Schlegel 1843) (distributed in Korea, WAM P. 25376-002, paratype, 50.0 mm SL, Japan, and Taiwan to Hong Kong); Chromis ken- Tantabiddi Creek, Northwest Cape, 16-18 m; nensis Whitley 1964 (eastern Australia, New Cale- WAM P. 25293-001, 72.2 mm SL, south side of donia and Tonga); Chromis westaustralis Allen 1976 Rottnest Island; WAM P. 25742-005, 78.1 mm SL, (western Australia); Chromis pura Allen & Randall Strickland Bay, Rottnest Island, 3-4 m; WAM P. 2004 (Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia); and 33182-018, 4 specimens, 57.3-78.1 mm SL, Hout- Chromis yamakawai Iwatsubo & Motomura 2013 man Abrolhos, 37-38 m; WAM P. 33193-004, 2 (southern Japan to the Philippines). The natural specimens, 78.8-89.7 mm SL, Rottnest Island, 35 integrity of this group is hypothetical and needs to m. Chromis yamakawai – KAUM-I. 200411, 80.8 be confirmed with molecular analysis. mm SL, same data as holotype of C. katoi. During ongoing taxonomic studies of Japanese damselfishes (e.g., Iwatsubo & Motomura 2010, Key to species in the Chromis notata species 2013, 2016; Nishiyama et al. 2012a,b; Wibowo et complex al. 2017; Motomura et al. 2017), 11 specimens of 1a. Four or five scale rows above lateral line and 11 an unidentified species of the C. notata species com- or 12 scale rows below; an indistinct white plex were collected at a depth of 18 m off Hachijo blotch at end of dorsal-fin base …………… 2 Island, Izu Islands. The specimens are herein de- 1b. Three scale rows above lateral line and 9 or 10 scribed as a new species of Chromis and a key to scale rows below; no white blotch at end of species of the C. notata species complex provided. dorsal-fin base ..............................................3 2a. Body yellow in juveniles; 12 dorsal-fin soft MATERIALS AND METHODS rays; 17-19 (usually 18) tubed lateral-line Counts and measurements followed Hubbs & La- scales; usually 20 pectoral-fin rays ................... gler (1947) and Iwatsubo & Motomura (2013). ......... Chromis katoi n. sp. (Izu Islands, Japan) Standard length is abbreviated as SL. Curatorial 2b. Body brownish in juveniles; 11-14 (usually 13) procedures for collected specimens followed Moto- dorsal-fin soft rays; 16-21 (usually 17) tubed mura & Ishikawa (2013). Institutional codes fol- lateral-line scales; usually 19 pectoral-fin rays . low Sabaj (2016). Comparative material was listed .............................. Chromis notata (East Asia) in Iwatsubo & Motomura (2013) (including 195, 3a. Caudal peduncle yellowish; body depth > 50% 22 and 105 specimens of C. notata, C. kennensis of SL ...................... Chromis pura (Indonesia) and C. yamakawai, respectively). Additional speci- 3b. Caudal peduncle brownish; body depth < 50% mens examined during this study included: of SL ........................................................... 4 Chromis pura (all collected from Pura, Alor Islands, 4a. Prominent black blotch covering upper half of Indonesia, 18 m depth) – WAM P. 25317-008, pectoral-fin base in adults; 17-19 (usually 17) holotype, 67.6 mm SL; CAS 219160, 2 paratypes, tubed lateral-line scales ................................... 55.3-66.3 mm SL; MNHN 2004-0558, paratype, ........ Chromis westaustralis (Western Australia) 70.9 mm SL; USNM 376247, paratype, 66.3 mm 4b. Prominent black blotch covering entire pec- SL. Chromis westaustralis (all collected from West- toral-fin base in adults; 15-21 (usually 18-19) ern Australia) – WAM P. 25317-008, holotype, tubed lateral-line scales ................................ 5 85.2 mm SL, Long Island, Wallabi Group, Hout- 5a. Prominent black blotch covering entire pec- man Abrolhos, 2-8 m; AMS I. 18475-001, toral-fin base in juveniles; 15-19 (usually 18) aqua vol. 24 no. 1 - 05 June 2018 28 Hiroki Iwatsubo and Hiroyuki Motomura tubed lateral-line scales; 29-34 total gill rakers; Chromis sp. 1: Kato 2011: 60, unnumbered figs. pelvic-fin axillary scale length 0.6-1.8% of SL; (Hachijo Island, Izu Islands, Japan, 15-35 m basal width of scale between pelvic-fins 2.0- depth). 2.8% of SL ..................................................... ….... Chromis kennensis (southwestern Paci fic Holotype: KAUM-I. 200400, 98.0 mm SL, off Ei- Ocean) go, Hachijo Island, Izu Islands, Japan, 33°08 N, 5b. Prominent black blotch covering half of pec- 139°44 E, 18 m depth, 6 June 2016, SCUBA, S. toral-fin base in juveniles; 16-21 (usually 19) Kato. tubed lateral-line scales; 27-33 total gill rakers; Paratypes (all collected with holotype): KAUM-I.
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