Sunday Evening News May / Mai Woche 21 / week 21 23.05 – 29.05) Überraschung am Samstagabend (28.05.) – Neues Gesetz oder nur Implementierung der opt-out-Richtlinie? CSU-Agrarminister Schmidt will Gentechnikforschung in Deutschland zulassen http://www.wochenblatt.de/nachrichten/welt/CSU-Agrarminister-Schmidt-will- Gentechnikforschung-in-Deutschland-zulassen;art29,371696 Bundesagrarminister Schmidt (CSU) will die deutsche Gentechnikforschung vorantreiben. Gentechnisch veränderte Pflanzen dürften aber nicht in Deutschland angebaut werden. Bundesagrarminister Christian Schmidt (CSU) will die deutsche Gentechnikforschung wieder vorantreiben. "In ethisch verantwortbaren Bereichen müssen wir Gentechnikforschung zulassen", sagte Schmidt der neuen Ausgabe des Magazins "Focus". Ein entsprechendes Gesetz sei bereits in der Ressortabstimmung. Gentechnisch veränderte Pflanzen dürften allerdings in Deutschland nicht angebaut werden, sagte Schmidt. Mit Blick auf das Kaufinteresse Bayers am Gensaatgut-Hersteller Monsanto und eingeschränkten Forschungsmöglichkeiten in Deutschland sagte der Minister: "Deswegen müssen wir bei uns Forschung in diesem Bereich zulassen. Es gibt leider deutsche Unternehmen mit Nobelpreisträgern, die ihre Entwicklungen schon komplett in andere Länder verlagert haben." Surprise on Saturday evening (28.05.) - New law or implementation of the opt-out directive, only? CSU Agricultural Minister Schmidt wants to allow genetic engineering research in Germany http://www.wochenblatt.de/nachrichten/welt/CSU-Agrarminister-Schmidt-will- Gentechnikforschung-in-Deutschland-zulassen;art29,371696 Federal Agriculture Minister Schmidt (CSU) wants to promote the German genetic engineering research, but GM crops should not be grown in Germany. Federal Agriculture Minister Christian Schmidt (CSU) wants to promote the German genetic engineering research again. "In ethically responsible areas we need to allow genetic engineering research," Schmidt said of the new issue of the magazine "Focus". A similar law is already in the departmental co-ordination. Genetically modified plants should however not be grown in Germany, Schmidt said. Overlooking the buying interest Bayers on Monsanto and limited research facilities in Germany, the Minister said: "That is why we need to allow research in this area. Unfortunately, there are German companies with Nobel Laureates who have completely shifted their research in other countries. Monsanto - Symbol des Bösen, trotzdem begehrt http://www.sueddeutsche.de/wirtschaft/bayer-offerte-monsanto-inbegriff-des-boesen- trotzdem-begehrt-1.2998812 Milliarden-Angebot für Monsanto: Bayer und das Böse Gentechnik, Patentprozesse, Umweltschäden: Kaum ein Konzern weltweit hat solch einen verheerenden Ruf wie Monsanto. Jetzt will Bayer den US-Konkurrenten übernehmen. Was die Deutschen gegen das schlechte Image tun können. http://www.handelsblatt.com/unternehmen/industrie/milliarden-angebot-fuer-monsanto- bayer-und-das-boese/13628164.html Glyphosat blieb jedoch nicht unbeachtet K. Zinkant: Lehren aus der Glyphosat-Debatte Nahezu alle Experten sagen, der Einsatz des Pestizids sei verantwortbar. Politiker wie Sigmar Gabriel bedienen die Ängste der Bürger trotzdem. Wer industriekritisch sein will, muss aber nicht gleich allen Fortschritt verhindern. http://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/wissenschaft-und-politik-lehren-aus-dem-glyphosat- 1.3006767 Jan Grossarth: Kampagnenindustrie Deutsche Angsthasen Glyphosat, Freihandel, Atomkraftwerk: Wir Deutschen fremdeln mit so manchen Dingen. Das beflügelt eine ganze politische Kampagnenindustrie. Trotz der Risikoscheu geht es uns ziemlich gut. Oder deswegen? http://www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/angst-als-mittel-einer-erfolgreichen-kampagne- 14244323.html Bereits die alten Griechen wussten, dass die Wissenschaft nie beweisen kann, dass etwas nie eintritt. Politiker und nicht nur die deutschen fordern aber das Unmögliche: Es muss bewiesen werden, dass etwas absolut sicher ist! Not only German politicians demand the impossible, the proof of 100% safety. But, they forgot or do not know it, due to the system, due to the set-up of scientific experiments it cannot proven that an effect can completely be ruled out and /or will never occur! Statement von Dr. Barbara Hendricks zur Wiederzulassung von Glyphosat http://www.bmub.bund.de/presse/reden/detailansicht/artikel/statement-von-dr-barbara-hendricks- zur-wiederzulassung-von-glyphosat/ Hartmut Wewetzer: Glyphosat und andere Umweltgefahren Manchmal schadet Vorsorge mehr, als sie nützt. Wirtschaftsminister Sigmar Gabriel fordert "absolute Sicherheit" bei Pestiziden. Aber die gibt es nicht. http://www.tagesspiegel.de/wissen/glyphosat-und-andere-umweltgefahren-manchmal-schadet- vorsorge-mehr-als-sie-nuetzt/13637596.html Was für Deutschland Bier ist, ist für Kalifornien Wein / What in Germany is the beer ,maybe in California the wine! Activists stir debate over reported weed killer in wines “You would have to drink 2,500 glasses of wine a day for 70 years to reach the EPA’s level of concern,” said Gladys Horiuchi, spokeswoman for The Wine Institute of San Francisco, an advocacy group for about 1,000 winemakers and related businesses. http://napavalleyregister.com/news/local/activists-stir-debate-over-reported-weed-killer-in- wines/article_bc4d31ec-0583-5109-a9e9-0eff6a052d0e.html In der gesamten Diskussion um Glyphosat und Monsanto fast übersehen / Throughout the discussion of glyphosate and Monsanto almost overlooked EFSA safety clearance for GM oilseed rape Scientific Opinion on an application by Bayer CropScience and Monsanto (EFSA-GMO-NL- 2009-75) for placing on the market of genetically modified glufosinate-ammonium- and glyphosate-tolerant oilseed rape MS8 × RF3 × GT73 and subcombinations, which have not been authorised previously (i.e. MS8 × GT73 and RF3 × GT73) independently of their origin, for food and feed uses, import and processing, with the exception of isolated seed protein for food, under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 EFSA Journal 2016;14(5):4466 [26 pp.]. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2016.4466 pdf-file 21-3 https://www.efsa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/scientific_output/files/main_documents/44 66.pdf Environment MEPs object to herbicide-resistant GM carnation and maize authorisations The EU Commission should withdraw its authorisations for the use of herbicide-resistant GM carnations and maize, Environment Committee MEPs said in two non-binding resolutions on Tuesday. Authorising GM carnations would encourage the worldwide use of a diabetes medicine as a herbicide, while the GM maize is resistant to glyphosate, which is classified as “probably carcinogenic” by the World Health Organisation (WHO), MEPs say. http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/news-room/20160524IPR28884/Environment- MEPs-object-to-GM-carnation-and-maize-authorisations The flower breeders who sold X-ray lilies and atomic marigolds http://phys.org/news/2016-05-breeders-sold-x-ray-lilies-atomic.html Neue Technologen / New Techniques Diskussion um die rechtliche Einordnung / Discussion about their legal regulation From hardy pigs to super-crops, gene editing poses new EU dilemma Cellectis CEO Andre Choulika, whose Calyxt unit has used older forms of gene editing to improve potatoes, wheat and soybeans, thinks the odds are 50:50 that gene-editing will end up being classified as GMO in Europe. "If Europe does that, I think they will probably send themselves into the stone age of agricultural biotechnology," he said. http://in.reuters.com/article/science-gene-editing-farming- idINKCN0YH1GY?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews Zur Erinnerung / Please remember! Kershen D.L. (2015): Sustainability Council of New Zealand Trust v The Environmental Protection Authority: Gene Editing Technologies and the Law, GM Crops & Food, DOI: 10.1080/21645698.2015.1122859 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/21645698.2015.1122859 pdf-file W21-4 Abstract: In May 2014, a New Zealand court rendered the first judicial opinion in the world about the legal classification of gene-editing techniques. The court ruled that ZFN-1 and TALEs are techniques of genetic modification and thus within the New Zealand statute and regulations governing genetically modified organisms. This article explains the facts of this legal matter, the reasoning of the court, and provides commentary about the implications of this decision for New Zealand and other jurisdictions around the world. Lombardo L.& Zelasco S. (2016): Biotech Approaches to Overcome the Limitations of Using Transgenic Plants in Organic Farming Sustainability, 8(5), 497; doi:10.3390/su8050497 http://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/8/5/497/htm pdf-file W21-5 Abstract: Organic farming prohibits the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) inasmuch as their genetic material has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally. In actual fact, there is a conventional identity between GMOs and transgenic organisms, so that genetic modification methods such as somatic hybridization and mutagenesis are equalized to conventional breeding. A loophole in this system is represented by more or less innovative genetic engineering approaches under regulatory discussion, such as cisgenesis, oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis, and antisense technologies, that are redefining the concept of GMOs and might circumvent the requirements of the GMO legislation and, indirectly, of organic farming. Spektrum Kompakt - CRISPR/Cas9 - Erbgut auf dem Schneidetisch pdf-file W21-6 http://www.spektrum.de/pdf/spektrum-kompakt-crispr-cas9/1407493?utm Nogue´ F., Mara K., Collonnier C. Casacuberta J.M.
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