T he Courier-Gaze V olum e 50. ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1895. E ntered aa Seeoii artil’ery for the Depa1 GOLD BONDS FOR SALE! Maj.-Gen. Hiram G. Berry HOME HAPPENINGS. took charge of the defens! Hix per cent Electric K. It. Bonds, payable prin­ Kingston lie a as given cipal and Intercet In gold, by the Bouton Hnfe Halibut has dropped to 16 cents a pound 23d Armv ( np«, which Deposit and Trust Company, and Municipal 4M and it’s nice rating at that figure. ana 6 per cent Ronda. Aleo money Invested in J B I O G l t A P U Y several engagements during tl real estate securities. For eale by F. .M. 811 AW, Charles Smalley has the local agency of the ’64. lie continued in charge o’ Broker. 420 Main Street, Rockland 14-17 Chicago Saturday Blade, a very sharp paper. which w?'c flicially comrnende Written fo r the Courier-Gazette by Edward K. Gould Loved by all When Living, and His in the military division of the Mississi Heavy frost Wednesday night, ice froze, also organized the 1st U. S. Heavy Mrs. Anna (jrangerd)ow ground froze, and also plants that were in­ I Begun In No. 8. Back numbers can be bad.) Copyrighted—All Rights Reserved. advertently left out in the cold Death Universally Mourned. I of colored troops of the 3d North OF NEW YORK. Mounted Infantry. He subsequently ha' Capt. Farwell doesn’t want delinquent tax­ command of the District of East Tennessee Takes pleasure In announcing to the mual- XI. December 8, 1861, he writes: “ We are payers to forget to remember that he has <itI people that she Intend* to spend the until early in 1865, when he was transferred coming sum m er In Rockland, and will be Brigadier General Heintzelman in his report quite weH, the weather is fine, and altogether advertised property for sale this month. Peaceful Cloae—First to Answer Roll to the |th I »iviston of the Department of Lotti prepared to give thorough and couaclen different from that at home. I, today, in to Assistant Adjutant-General Williams says: City Clerk Burnham has got out a neat card (all and Last to Leave Field of the Cumberland, and held that command fo r 1 nous Instruction In company with Rev.. Isaac Kalloch visited folder containing a register of the municipal until the close of the war. He then tendered case. “Colonel Berry’s regiment of General Mount Vernon, the ’home of Washington. Voice Culture & Artistic Singing Sedgwick’s brigade,with Captain Todd’s com­ officers, committees, etc., for the current mun­ Action—Enlisted as Captain, Came his resignation, which was not accepted, and Rev. pany of Lincoln’s Cavalry, marched at 4 a. m. Whilst there I picked up two small leaves icipal year. he remained on duty until Dec. 1,1866, in ton, is i from near his house, and enclose them to you. Home a Brigadier-General—Success­ To beginners ns well as to more advanced on the old Fairfax road to halt at theAccotink, The item about the boy and the angle­ charge ot the Freedman's Bureau at Mem­ field ot pupils. Mrs. Granger*Dow has long been Mr. Kalloch spoke to the regiment in the ful Bnsiness Carier. phis, and later in Georgia. He engaged in Church known as an accomplished singer and and push forward a rcconnassance as far as forenoon and made a capital discourse, which worms is true, only ’twas sixteen worms teacher, and la recomemnded by the best the I’ohick. (Colonel Berry, I think has mis­ the cotton business in Georgia for a year pleased the entire regiment (together with ’stead of fourteen. We like to have these Mid mUKlclans In the country. T ne veteran taken Fairfax Station for either Springfield or things kerect. when he sold out and returned to Rock­ Libra! conductor, Carl Zerrahn, says: "It gives many visitors) very much. In the afternoon land. me greatest pleasure to reoommend Mrs. Burke’s Station; the latter is the more prob­ connec he spoke to the slaves on the John A. Wash­ Butter is not strong in the market, that is, General Davis Tillson is dead. Soon after returning to this city he opened a Anna Granger-Dow as u most excellent able. On the second page of his report he as far as price is concerned. Wholesalers was lef; teacher In the a rt of singing in id I Its differ ington estate, adjoining Mt. Vernon, a thing The spirit of a gallant soldier, honored citi- lime quarry in company with Orris B. Ulmer, says he took the road towards I’ohick Church. the past week have had difficulty in getting Jam< ent branches I had the pleasure of meet­ He should have followed the old Fairfax road never done in Virginia before.” n and philanthropist has departed to the aqd the enterprise was a success from the ing Mrs. Dow in Paris years ago and I 18 cents a pound for dairy ball butter. great unknown. Just before the hour of noon, start. This property was subsequently sold ing in I know of the perfect training and schooling as far as the Pohick.)” come 1 through which she has worked at that tim<- The building being erected by Leslie N. Tuesday last, the curtain fell on the last act in to F. Cobb, & Co. for a good price. Gen. November with its chilling blasts had now CHRISIMAS IN ('AMP. stilly jot under the great teacher, M. Gilbert Dupres, conic and the ingenuity and purses of Colonel Littlehale for a graincry is closed in. It is life’s drama of a man whom the city of Rock­ Tillson with his keen business insight pur­ nnd later in Boston under Alim*. Ruder*- The thunder of the cannon on the battle­ finely located for the business, facing the land could hardly spare; a man who was a /Mrs. dorf. I recommend Mrs. Dow to all who Berry and his men were taxed to provide chased Hurricane Island and organized a ments of Fort Lyon, adjacent to the camp of K. it' L. depot yard, west of the Luce build­ tower of strength in intellect, public-spirited com pa: v to develop its rich granite quarries’ home wish to study the art of singing and to the some kind of heating arrangements for their the Fourth Maine, heralded a “ Merry Christ­ whole muslcul public in general." airy houses. The policy of “masterly in­ ings. and generous to a fault; a man who could In developing these quarries Gen. Tillson Higned. Cake Z ehkafin. mas” to the gallant soldiers of the Pine Tree The man with the hatchet and plank who ightly be called a friend to every one deserving was assisted hy his son-in-law, William S. W Anyone wishing to consult Mrs. Dow in regard activity,” which characterized the administra­ state—their first in camp. The day was in­ may do so by addressing her at 479 tion of military affairs by General McClellan, fixes holes in the city’s wooden sidewalks is of friendship; a thorough Christian and perfect White, wn • now is in charge. I’his business -----— tJDnnlZl vv y deed a merry one to Camp Knox. Thought­ having a busy time of it. Plank walks are gentleman; a man who gave freely of his was conducted on a large scale and at one had committed the men from Maine to the ful friends had provided Christmas viands, and monotony of camp life, with the prospect for nice when new but when they’re old they’re substance without its being heralded by the time 1400 men were employed. Several all the companies feasted on roast turkey and orful. an active campaign a remote possibility. concomitant luxuries which the generosity of Wade it Hcald are putting up olives in I lowever the boys simply exercised the the company commanders had supplied. So, soldier’s privilege of “growling,” and went glass bottles, a very pretty package. They WEAR DIAHONDS also, they had holiday exemption from usual are just closing their horse radish season, about their duties as a true soldier should. duties, and officers and men gave themselves Under the wise and intelligent instruction of having had a great run on their very superior ON YOUR FEET. over to the pleasures of the day unresetvedly. article. Colonel Berry, the regiment had now reached The almost summer mildness of the atmos­ a state of proficiency in the art of war un­ phere gave to the scene a strangeness and George W. Hicks, appointed by Collector excelled by any other regiment in the Army Moore, has entered upon discharge of his an unreality quite unlike the bleak meadows duties as inspector of customs, the position so of the Potomac. This fact was generally and snow-clad trees and housetops which are , (j u ably filled the past four years by Capt. A. G. conceded by the officers of the regular army associated with thoughts of Christmas in the : j who were in position ,to judge. That tntnd of cvery New Englander. Then, too, I n ’ , „ n , Colonel Berry took pride in his command his the chatter of childish voices making merry ! Dr- J- Darnon has J«st put in an elegant letters home furnish abundant evidence, and over the season’s offerings, the presence of Wilkerson operating chair, the latest and that the men of the Fourth devotedly loved father and mother, and the palatable viands 1 be8t lh.,nK out\ .
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