4os-Public iles9-oakti;n fi ft!ñAbtoprobien':psesthréät:inMáinel-ligis QtQn iedication Sunday BÒárd hirs public- - . Cong;essrnan John Porterwill has expressed his isteresI io p.m. The puhlicis limited la at . deflverthè keynote address at theyouth and- community service, tend the prègram and tour the views onCable-TV - - formal dedication of Phase I ofcouductiog five pablic forams new hnildlng. - - - - theoèw Des Plaines campeo ofand sp0000ring conferences for, Musical eñtertainment- before - In'- ,apablic hearlog held. stitutlons and concernedresiden- .. Oaktón Commucity Collège miyoath, smallhusihess and seoior andafter- the dedication Taesday, Oct.4 falldwing thelo on the bepefits of installing . Swoday, October 19. citizens uioce bio electioo. - program will be provIded by the regalar -Niles Village Boardcable leleviaian in-the Village nf . Porter woo elected to the The dedication program will be Nitos West High Schont Band, the meetiog, MayorNiek Blase andNile Approximately 50 people :Uñited States Coogreso to a held in the west wioll 00 lhenew MamO North High School Sym- the trastees heard.. testimonycrowded the courtroom for the ... Special:election last wtoter.IleOaktoo campus, beginning at 2 -. Cotirned n.s Page 26 from representatives of tocalmi, Co.stlnued onPage3li .- Set $225,000 as minimum bid Staeb Winnm Village of Niles -for Harrisoñ Street-propePty -. Edition . ; District 63 ti 96639OO 1-4 8746 NSI1ERMI NILES ILL propertypu' 56pr copy VOL 24 NO IS TRE BUGLE THOJRSDAY OCIOBER 16 1910 'I,'. Jfli'iiarket Village honors byEflallies bI Id -From the Baard membs al Eut Maine ' open would provide flexibility . - -- -- . -,Schbal District.t3 approved-theirshiuìld the districtopt far a mid- -.Ni-- Ies -men- ' intent to sellthe district's- .dlè schml -which wnuld include :LEFTHAND' Harnisos st. property, for a hid al-grades t,7and 8. - - 'fOr heróism- -'nOt less than $225,060. -Action was - A date-for-the cnosideration of byDiaueMlller tabeoata bsard meeting- bids onthe'Hàrriunn st.property, ..-- . - hyDavid Bud) Besser -. Tuesday inApollo School... located east ofGrecnwnnd ave. in - At the Nites Village Bèard - Inother meetings, samea iesidenliat area, hasnotheen theetiog so Tuesday, Oct. 14, 1 --- Manse- High Schools East, South nd West have asbe'uos residents indicated they could not determined. The property in- Niles meo were commended -by materials problems which needs correcting. The schools are -support the ncfcresdtim, to be -etudes a -little more than three . presently wailing for direction from thelllinsis Office of Fire Chief Al HöcIhIfor their ac- voted -upon- Oct. 25, unless the' I acres. Useabte acreage will he -- tinos during a fire onSept. 2,1980. - Education before connecting the prohlem. " - district sold- property, -one nr over 2 acres after the ioclusidñ of HoelbI told the trustees- that - more of the mIssed. schools, easements. - Asbestos -materials releäse fibers -iuta the air - which John Smith, 23, 8834 N. Oriole, and/or closed ApolloSchool. - -About 10 percent of the hid will .- 'añd James Suchy,t8, 7643 Odell, - - become eutremely dangeroas. The Environmental Protéc- - - At-present,.bóárd members-in- be -tendered toward puTrchase of Cuatinued ms Pdge38 ...tian.Agency first branght this-problem to -light bach io Oc- dicated beeping Apollo School Co.ztim.ed m. Page 38 ..-tahet, 1979. Higbchoolu-huilt during the 'SOs and 'tßsärethe, --- mostsasôeptible ta the asbestos danger. -. - - Maine East has a pob1emin a small area io the faculty Ni1esFfre,.Bé11de.dcation - i -Jönage. The older school dahu noi have tIse same dangers ------ -- : ' throughoutthc rest of the school sumsister schòots'hecause - :- -Iit-was built long before asbestos was used in ceilings and :4 walls. -------------- - 11H p I litt - O St Itwaughodi at f p nchasLog a d f - :- ' told The Bugle.Tuesdaya labanalyuis-uhawed an asbestos- I! -pmnhlern of from 51015% by sottane weight-Maine South and. We ttwochools built dag th 50- gera we e ta choolo w 1h thhigh ontenl He sa d th b st s materai Ib . .LW.V-hosts' iOthDistriét Candidates' debate Sunday The pühlic is invited -to hear-Laue -of Women Vpters of . Congressman John Porter andIllinois, and csrreutlyExecutive -' - -Robert Weinberger debate each Director ' of- the. Committè'e on other - no Issues concerning the Courts and Juutice.,The debateis. - . .25th Congressional -District, ca-sponsored by. the -Leagus of ... w hi cia - theybothr want-to Womeu 'Voters of- Des Plaines, . rpresentln Washiogton for theParb Ridge, nod -Morton Grove- ngut two -years. The debate willNitos. ,TbeLeagiieis a -unique, I ,be Snnday Night, October 19, 8-oospartisan, issue-oriented , 9:38-p.m. ât-Maine East Highorganization committed to open, . School (Dempster aodPotter) ioresponsive, and effective gocer- - - - - - - - A 506 lb., 36" diameter bell.placed on a newly -constructedat the site ofthe old fire utation at -the Auditorium N.E. comen omeot brought about by - intor- - cssciete dccli on the plutformdf the mcd, involved citizeos. formerly used to Summon Nileu--' -Milwaukee gnd Touhy aves. Ac- .which- isaccessibleto League Fire Station No. 2, 8380 Dempster -cording to Eddie Bachee, fariner .- physically handicapped, inembershipisopen toallvolunteerfirefighters.was st. -- .- Assistant Chief of the Volunteer. - - The moderator will be Ososacitizens 18 -years or older. -- For..- dedicated in a ceremony 00 The belt hung in a 50 foot tower Co.itlnuedouPage 38 - .Schiller, past president of the Contlimed nu Page 26 ' . Saturday, Oct.. 11. The bell was - L- ThàBugIeThurEdEy,Oetober iI 19ES PagaS Page 2 The Bugle, Thursday, October 16, 1O -Your Choice : - - (SALE ENDS WED., OCT. 22 Champions" USD.& CHOICE WHOLE 'Niles Police Softball - Your Chéice -LEG 'O LEAN - Senior Citizens' - LAMB - BOILED - INEWS AND-VIEWS HYGRADES.. HAM s - - I g. SKINLESS - . A OR I _. SHANKLESS News for all NuesSeniors from the - HAUIVI OHWWHOLE LAND 'O LAKES L Nues Senior Center - - - ye LB. .I - AMERICAN Oakton, Niles 967-6100, ext. 76 MINELLI'S - OUTREACHCOM9ttTEEMEG HOMEMADE CHEESE Our Outreach committee wiS meetthis afternoon, Thursday, paspié interested in get- October 26, at 2 p.m. We stronglyiege ITALIAN - ting 0lvediolbeeommOnity to atteodthiu meeting. - - . ÓUARTER POUNDER .I- IEILD .- MEN'SCLUB - - - ULt I-- Our men's club will hold a regolarplanning meeting an $ ) III8060 - 8 Friday, October 17 at i p.m. Ail male NUesseniarsare cordially L15 - - PAllIES invited.- - 1! I ENERGYCONSERVATION LECTUR8-MOVED The NUes Police Department softball team par- of 25 foB-time and resend offillers, were awarded scheduled far Monday, Oc- DAIRY & FROZEN tstplacetrophies and jackets. - energy conservation lecture ticipated this sammer in the first season of the tober 20 has been moved to Monday,November24, at 1;30. We PASCAL tLDER The League consisted of f police department newly formed North Shore Police Soflhall League are sorry fortins inconvenience.Please make this-carrection in and emerged as champions. Posting a winnthg 8-3 teams from Niles, Wilmette, Skskie, Uncolnwood, IThe yourcaleodarn. - FLAV.R-PAC record at the seasons end, the Nifes team found Gteoview and Northbrook with games heing BRISKET played on Sunday mornings. i themselves tied with Wihosette Potico Depar- - SQUARE DANCING ORANGE 79C Shown presenting the Championship Trophy to tmeot, wtth both teams having indeotical 7-3 I . Our square dancing group wilt meet en Tuesday,October 25, RED DELICIOUS s s 120.,Cun NUes Mayor Nicholas Blase and Chief of Police - at t;3f. Tins gcoap is opento all?llles nenioreitizem. - - - JUICE A one game playoff took piace with the Nitos Clarence Emrikson are (left to right) Nues Police DAPPLES - ILKEAG - - - - - - Police Departmeot team wmniog a 8-4 victory. Officers Richard Leddy, Dennis Mdllnerooy andI MONTHLY MAILING PROJECT MINUTE MAID Dean Stezeleehi. FRESHGREEN . PASSPORT - For their efforts the Nites team, which coosisted are cordially invited to assist su with ourmonthly mailing I-fl $099 project on Wednesday morning, October 22. We will beginabout . SCOTCH IThLITER ORANGE -CABBAGE- - 89c I lSOa.Can Democratic Women IAll10a.m., and fiflish up heforethemes's club bar-h-q. JUICE DistFict 63 NEW Y ELLOW flC-PHILADELPHIA- - - - - - - -- MEN'SCLUBBAJS.B-Q - FIVE - 790 ONIONS - 3LRDAG BLENDED sponsorCandidates Night I The NilesSenior Center Men's Club in sponsoring a bar-h-q for I2OPkg. tax referenda Nitos Seniors. The date is Wednesday, Oct. 22 ut 12:39. 1.78-LITER -ALIVE -A Fait Caodidate's Night, spon- iothe Tenth Congressional Ochote are $2.50 each. Please recognize Skat thin is open toaS EXTÎRAFÁNCYREDOI---WHISKEY- sored by the Democratic Women, District.Legistative candidates NUes secan, not solely men. Alter the bar-h-q meal, square GOLDENDELICIOUS - absent voting Iall AOWOLFSCHMIDT - Tooth Coogressionat District, metodo;ist Legiulktive Distric- dancingwillbe featared. Pleasejoin us forthiogain event. - f799HALF -& Rep. Harold A. Katand APPLES. ........ LB. I75LtTER will be hetd no October 20, at t t; VODKA K PT. p.m. at the Nitos Parts District Michael Poitack; 4th Legislative Reqaests for an application for TRAVELCOMMITFEE HALF '9-cI, Recreotioo center, 7877 North District:Rep. Aureo Jeffe and travel committee will meet Thursday, October at 2 - - vóting ahsenten for the Tan Bate i s SEAGRAM'S , 99 Mitwaokoe ave. in NUes. Lerr' Gomberg; li LegislativeReferenda, Satarday, Oct. 25, are p.m. We are always delighted to welcome new membersSaOuls - -- - 175LITER BAY'S ENGLISH - . - The following eaodidates will District;Rep. Woods
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