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THE IMPERIAL GAZETTEER OF INDIA VOL. XXVI ATLAS NEW EDITION PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF HIS MAJESTY'S SECRETARY OF STATE FOR INDIA IN COUNCIL OXFORD AT THE CLARENDON PRESS HENRY FROWDE, M.A. l'UBl.JSKER 'ro THE UNIVERSITY QF OXFORD LONDoN, EDINBURGH, NEW YORK TORONTO AND MELBOURNE PREFACE This Atlas has been prepared to accompany the new edition of Tlte Imperial Gazetteer of India. The original scheme was planned by Mr. W. S. Meyer, C.I.E., when editor for India, in co-operation with Mr. J. S. Cotton, the editor in England. Mr. Meyer also drew up the lists of selected places to be inserted in the Provincial maps, which were afterwards verified by Mr. R. Burn, his suc­ cessor as editor for India. Great part of the materials (especially for the descriptive rna ps and the town plans) were supplied by the Survey of India and by the depart­ ments in India· concerned. The geological map and that showing economical minerals were specially compiled by Sir Thomas Holland, K.C.I.E. The meteorological maps are based upon those compiled by the late Sir John Eliot, KC.I.E., for his C!i11uztological Atliu of India. The ethno· logical map is based upon that compiled by Sir Herbert Risley, K.C.I.E., for the Report of tlu Census of India, 1901. The two linguistic maps were specially compiled by Dr. G. A. Grierson, C.l.E., to exhibit the latest results of the Linguistic Survey of India. The four historical sketch­ maps-showing the relative extent of British, Muham· · madan, and Hindu power in 1765 (the year of the Diwani grant), in 1805 (after Lord Wellesley), in 1837 (the acces· sion of Queen Victoria), and in 1857 (the Mutiny)-have . been compiled by the editor in England. The archaeo­ logical sketch-map is due to Dr. James Burgess, C.I.E. The whole has been carried into execution, under the supervision of the editor in England, by Mr. J. G. Bartholo­ me*, who devoted much personal attention to the work, and whose expert knowledge has been of great value. Mr. Bartholomew is also responsible for the index, which, it should be stated, applies only to the Provincial maps and Afghanistan. ? TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE PRE>'ACE • iii Vl MAPS (1-64). GENERAL lNTJ:HX · 1-45 LIST OF MAPS GENERAL MAPS 1. India in relation to the 1 IS· Prevailing Religions­ :British Empire. , General. z. India and Surrounding Coun- i 16. Prevailing Religions­ tries. · SpeciaL 3· Geological Features. • 7• Agricultural Products - 4· Orogiaphical }'eatures, Food-grains. • 8. Agricultural Products - S· V egetztion Features. Other. 6. Temperature-Mean annual. 19- _Economic Minerals. 1· Temperature-Seasonal. zo. Political Divisions. 8. Winds and Isobar&- zr. Military Divisions. Seasonal. zz. Railway Map-General. 9- Rainfall-Mean annual. z 3· RaHway Map-Sectional ( 1). 10. Rainfall~"easonal •4· Railway Map-Sectional (z). II. Density of Population. •5· Railway Map-Sectional (3). u. Prevailing Races. z6. Archaeologifal Sketch-map. I 3· Prevailing Languages­ •7· Historical Sketch-map(t76S)· Aryan. i Jl , , (r8os). 14- Prevailing Languages--Non­ I 28. Historica1Sketch-map(18J7)· Aryan. u · u , (1857}. PROVINCIAL MAPS (On a uniform S(a/e, t : 4,ooo,ooo, or 63 miles to an inck.} 29- Bengal, with Sikkim. 37· Bombay, II, with part of 30. Eastern Bengal and Assam, :Baroda. with Bhutin. 38. Central India. 3,. United Provinces. 39· Central Provinces and Berar. p . b 40· Hyderabad. 2 3 · un]a · : 4 1. Madras, I, with Mysore and 33· North-Western Frontier l'ro- 1 Coorg. \'ince, with Kashmir. 42. Madras, II. 34- Rajputina, with Ajmer-Mer- 43· Nepal. wiira. 44• Burma, I. 35· Baluchistan. 4 5· Burrna, II. 36. Bombay, I, with part of 46. Burma, III, with Andaman Baroda. and Nicobar Islands. (On smaller uale.) 47· Afghanistan. 48. Aden and Surrounding Country. LIST OF MAPS vii PLANS OF TOWNS, ETC. 49> Calcutta. 55· Delhi. 6o. Rangoon. so. Environs of Calcutta. s6. Agra. 61. Simla. 5'· Bombay Island. 51· Benares. 62. Allahlbad. 52. Bombay City. 58. Lucknow. 63. Cawnpore. 53· Environs of Bombay. 59· Lahore. 64. Karachi. 54· Madras. GENERAL INDEX GENERAL INDEX TO ~OVINCIAL MAPS (Nos. 29-47) NOTK.-".f'he ~ figures aftu the names refa: to tbe zmmber.s of the MMpS in the Atlas. The Jetter• and small fig~ which follow tndk:ate the ~ing divisions -on the maps in which che. places will be found, The letters ar.d figure& are ptmted in red in the bQZden of the maps. ASBREVI~Trons.~Ag., "(\g~cy-; ~. C~P;e; Ch., Chaunc; CJ., Ceuttal India; C.P.• CeP_tral Provm;:;es; D1st., Dls-tr<C::L' D1v., Dlvt!.a.on ~ ~.B., Eauern ~l; Ft., Fort;. Gl•..t Glaci11:r; Gt., Great; I., bland; , Lak-e; Lit:t Lttde; Mt., Mmmtam; N.W.F.P., .North-Wast Frontier Province; P., Pass; Pk., Peak-; n., Point; R., River; St., Saint; Str., Strait; U.P.• 'Gnited hovin~s. ASBOTTAB.O.D ALLG4NJ Abbottahad. Hazara Dist.t,N.W.F.P 83 C v Alka., Chin HDls, Bunna I& A 4 Abhao~nc_. Raipur vi.;.t., C.P. 81 C 3 Almanwala, Chitaldroog Ditt., M y&ore it B • Ab-1-Ina.aa L., Afghanistan 17 E 4 Aingtb~ Meiktila Dist... Bunaa • B II Ab-i-Kaisar R., Afi~anistan 47 C " Aisatung Mt., Palwkku Chin Hills, Ab-i-Panja R., Argbaaistan 4'1 F .:z Burma f6 A • Ab-i-Safed R., AfclrnniRan t7 C 1: Ataigarh. S~ Cl, .88 D • Abu, Sirohi State, Rajputana M C 3 -Naiga.rb, Ajai~arh State. C.I. 88 D 1 Abu Road (Khamri), Sirobi State. ~t&, Atmwgahad Dil.t.~ Hydei-abad fD A 1. Rajputana. Bt C 3 A.plnta Range, A kola Dist,, &2l' It A 3 AehenkollR., Tra.vancore State, -Nmer·Merwara., Prov. (Rajputana) H D ' Madras t1. B s ~ A,iDW'·Mvwara ll D • Achip11r, '=+ Pargaruts Diet,, &!nga! S& D 3 A;odbya, Fyzabad Dist., U.P.'Il D 3 AchOta. Ra.ipW" Dish C:P. a& C 3 A~jra Kolhapur Stat.e, Bombay ll'i D ,.. Adam's Bridge. G. of"Mana:r, Madrns G. C s Gujmnwala Dist., Ptmjab a C :1 Addanki, Cunt•.Jr Di&t, Madras 48 C 4 Ak ot, Stat~, &mbay 1'1 E 4 Adegaon, Senni Dist.~ C.P. 89 H 2 Aka.lkot, Aka1.:ot State, Bombay l'l E ,.. Adesar, Cuteh State, Bombay J6 C -f Akaaktauag, He11Gda Dist., Bunna fi 1S 3 Adhoi, .Cutch State, Bombay 86 C 4 Akbarpur1 Cawnpote Dist., V.P, 11 C 3 Adilabad, Dist.. Hyderabad 48 C il ~. Fyzabad Dist., U.P. II D l Adilabad, Adilahm-1 Dist., Hyderabad 4& C v Akcha, Mghanista.11 ff D a A.dirampatnam, 'I anjQTe Dist., Madras tl C 4 Akhegjl~,_Bhara.tpur State, Rajputaua H & 11 Adjai R., Santal Pargaoas Dist., Ak-Ku~ ~ C'l D a Batgal 89 C 3 Aklera, Kotah State1 !fajputana M E 3 Bellary Dist., Madras ~ B 2 Aknur, Ka&hmir 13 D 3 Ako1a,. Dist., Berar 8 A 3 Gwalior State, C.I. 88 B 3 Akola, Akola Dist., Bernr 8i A 3 Tippera State, E.B, A.ko1a. Ahrr.adnagar D~t. 1 Btm~ba.y 1'1 D 3 and Aa:am 10 C -t Akot, Akola DISt.., Berar • A 3 Agaahl. TWma Di!t.l Bombay 8'l C 3 Ak-Sa.rai, Afghanistan If E 3 Alioril<l>u, Miuapur Dist., th.P. 31 D 4 Aktaa-b. Kashmir II F • Agra, Div. and Dist., U.P. 81 B 3 Akyab,- Dist., Burma t1 A a Agra, Agra Dist., U.P. 81 B 3 Akyab, Akyab Dist., Burma. ti A a Abar, BW:andsbahr Dist., U.P. II. B 2 AlabasWQuany, Af........... If B 6 Ahar, Udalpw State, Ra.jputnna M C 3 A!alpur, Khulna Ditt., Benga1 If D 3 ~&ran., Af~hanistan 47 D 3 Al:a.liah P., Afghanistan fi D 3 ......, Chanda Dist.0 C.P, 19 C 4 Alaltnanda. R.._ Garhwal Dist, U.P. It B 1 0 Indore State, C.I. 88 B 3 Aiamnagar, ~hagalp.ur Dist., &ngal It C • ~=::~ Dist., Bombay 36 D 4 Ra:Chur Di'<l., Hyderabad to C <f Ahmadabad, Ahmadabad, Dist., ti!:f:• Gulbarga Dist., Hy.krabad tD B ::r Bombay 36 D 4 Alapa m, South Arcot Dist., Madral t1 C ~ Ahma.dnapr, Dist., Bombay 31 D 3 Aiapur, Budau.n Dist., U.P. 81 B 3-. Ahmadnagar. Abmadn:!:gat" Dist.1 Ata.ut, lndme St:ata, C.l, Ia A l Bombay 87 D 3 Alawalpur, Juihl..."ldur Dist., Punjab 12 D • A.hma.dna.pr. Mahi Kantba Ag., Ala.wpam. Bba.mo Dist.., .Bunna. tiC J Bombay 86 D 4 Alaykan, Thlty!':tmyo Dist., Burma 4IJ B J Ahmadpnr, ]hang Dist., Punjab 32 B 2 Albalu., GoCavari Dist., Madus t2 C 11 Ahmadpur, East. Babawalpm- State, Aler R.~ Nalgo~a Dist., Bunrua t1 C :J Punjab 82 B 3 Aiguada Reef, Burma tli B 5 Ahmadpur~ West, Bahawalpur Stau:, Alibag, K.olaba Dist., Bo:m.bay 1'f C 3 Punjab 31 B 3 Ali Baudar, Thu and Parkar DisL, Abranra, MinaputDist., U.P. 81 D 4 Bombay 86 B 3 .Aija.l, L~ Hilh Di~. E.B. and Aligaai, Et.ah Di..t!.t U.P~ a1 B :3 Anam. 30 D 4 AlicanJ. Saran DiM., DoeDgaJ • B • GENERAL INDEX A~t'MUX ~h. Dist., U.P. 31 B 3 An, .. · Kyaukp~t., Burma JD A 3 Allcarh(KoiD. Aliprh DUt., U.P. Bl A 3 An Pus, Mino11 Dist.1 Bt~tma V B 3 AJiiath.
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