MontHLY issUE oF DiPLoMaCY anD DEFEnCE l aPriL 15 - MaY 15 2021 l issUE 3 Kostas Fragogiannis EEccoonnoommiicc DDiipplloommaaccyy aaccqquuiirreess iiss ddeesseerrvviinngg ppllaaccee iinn tthhee ggrreeeekk ppoolliittiiccaall mmaaiinnssttrreeaamm David Dondua Kyriakos Kenevezos Fadey Charchoghlyan ambassador ambassador ambassador of the of georgia of Cyprus armenian republic Democracy, Greece's Discussions in Geneva U.S.A. restores heritage proved successful historical justice CONTENTS 46-49 KostasFragogiannis in a Wider Context 59-60 AmbassadorofGeorgia Economic Diplomacy acquires DavidDondua is deserving place in the Greek 53 KostasIfantis Our ancestors import - political mainstream Democracy in the breaking? ed from Greece knowledge and wis - 50-51 AmbassadoroftheArmenian 54 DemetriDollis dom for centuries RepublicFadeyCharchoghlyan Why the Mitsotakis visit to Libya Greece is one of our major part - is a game changer 60-61 DimitriosTsailas ners in Europe Areas to Improve Greek Deterrent 55-57 RoudiBaroudi Power 50 AndreasLoverdos East Mediterranean Cyprus dispute: 2021 Maritime Borders 62 IoannaDretta Tourism is Greece's 51-52 DimitriosTriantaphyllou 58 GeorgePrevelakis Soft Power Placing Greek-Turkish Relations A new role for the O.E.C.D. n Publisher: AthinaPoziou General Manager: PantelisMaravelias Diplomatic Editor: AlexiaTasouli Editorial Coordinator: KaterinaAndreadaki • 3P PROGRAMMES IKE - PLATANOS LEROU 85400 - Economics Analyst: AthanasiosPapanthropoulos TEL .: 2109217660 - email: [email protected] Analyst: G.Papadimitriou ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION: ORGANIZATIONS MINISTRIES 300€ • INDIVIDUALS - DIPLOMAS etc. 150€ 44 editorial By Pantelis Maravelias Greece in the middle of the U.S.-Turkey crisis hereisaconstant as to how far it will go, and changeofbalance on whether TayyipErdogan will T the International chess - show some signs of compli - board. The violence of the last ance to the directives of Joe days in East Jerusalem within Baiden . However, until now the period of the Muslim Ra - the indications are not encour - madan, proves once more how aging. difficult and fragile remains ThePresidentofTurkey, our region. after20years of complete dom - Theexclusiveinterview of inance wants to leave the ideo - the Deputy Minister of Foreign logical legacy of the great leader, Affairs KostasFragogiannis much more now with the up - on the significant place of Eco - coming anniversary of establish - nomic Diplomacy and the ac - ment of the Turkish Republic in tions supporting the outward 2023. However, the question re - trend of the Greek economy, mains open as to what extend juxtaposes over the general Greece always reads correctly pessimistic climate the endeavors of Greece position sets up and undermines the future the statements and moves of the Turks. to find its stepping back toward the recov - itself of the Turkish-Cypriots” he states, Therecognition of the Armenian ery of social and economic normality. and describes the reasons. Genocide, certainly has deteriorated the re - Undoubtedly, the live broadcast of Asthemarketisopening and the lations and it is of interest to have a look the controversy between the two Foreign government is searching for ways to at the interview of the Ambassador of the Ministers of Greece and Turkey goes raise the morale of the citizens and the Armenian Republic in Greece, Mr. Fadey down in the history of our bilateral rela - Charchoghlyan, who mentions that this ac - tions as it is now a fact that neither side tion by the President of the U.S.A. is the can question that this was a dialogue that The revision of the U.S. confirmation of Historical Justice. This didn’t take place behind closed doors, or policy against Ankara“ remains provides them with serious grounds, so in exploratory talks. There was criticism “ that the historical fact of the Armenian as to what extend the motives of the Min - to be seen as to how Genocide can be recognized and con - ister of Foreign Affairs were personal and far it will go demned by as many countries as possible, whether he was indeed in collusion with as well as it gives serious grounds that the the Prime Minister in order to raise the United States can utilize their international tones inside Ankara. The tension climate economy after the pandemic, the Deputy role, their gravity and their capabilities to affected the talks on the Cyprus issue as Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Kostas force Turkey, until the latter proceeds with these are analyzed in the pages of GR Fragogiannis speaks exclusively about the recognition that will finally restore His - Diplomatic Review. the next steps. torical Justice. Inhisexclusiveinterview , the Am - Havingtaken over the portfolio of The26thofMay marks the comple - bassador of Cyprus in Greece, Mr. Kyri - Economic Diplomacy in the Ministry of tion of the thirtieth anniversary of the akos Kenevezos, explains why he is not Foreign Affairs, he explains an ambitious restoration of the independence of Georgia satisfied with the developments and why plan with an integrated program of actions from the Soviet Union, and the Ambassa - he considers the informal meeting about of specific policy and target setting. dor of Georgia in Greece, Mr. David Don - Cyprus, which was held in Geneva, as a Inthisissue we are also concentrating dua speaks exclusively to the GR successful meeting. “At the same time in the future of the U.S.-Turkish relations, Diplomatic Review about the Greco-Geor - though there can be no one who would which cause severe concerns to the inter - gian bonds “lost” in the depths of history have expected a different outcome with national analysts. The revision of the U.S. and about the democracy that the entire hu - “such” a Turkey. A Turkey, which, with its policy against Ankara remains to be seen manity inherited from Greece. n 45 Economic Diplomacy acquires its deserving place in the Greek political mainstream The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. KostasFragogiannis , in charge for Economic Diplomacy and Openness, speaks to the GR Diplo - matic Review about the concrete actions that support the extroversion of the Greek economy and utilizes the basic principles of the project By Ms Alexia Tasouli useful and an effective tool for the achieve - Affairs: the former is fighting to realize his ment of goals. He is now explaining to us vision for a different type of Greece with heDeputyMinisterofForeignAf - why, before we start the actual interview: the main axis being entrepreneurship and fairsincharge of the economic extroversion, while the latter implemented T diplomacy and extroversion (out - “Havingtakenovertheportfolioof with resolve the reform of the structures ward perspective), Mr. Kostas Fragogian - EconomicDiplomacyintheMinistryof within the Ministry by the voting of his nis took over a portfolio that he adjusted to ForeignAffairs, I am trying to implement Organogram, which brought about changes his own philosophy, as he learned it from an ambitious plan through an integrated in our way that we operate. the mainstream competitive market, which program of actions of a specific policy and he has served successfully for years before target setting. At this point I must point out Specifically, I am referring to the bold accepting the proposal of Mr. Kyriakos the instrumental contribution of the prime decision to transfer all of the competencies Mitsotakis to participate in his cabinet. Be - minister Mr. KyriakosMitsotakis and of of the international economic relations to sides, Diplomacy for him is particularly Mr. Nikos Dendias the Minister of Foreign the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, that is of 46 the Enterprise Greece (i.e., the competent reinforcement of our services” litical mainstream. This specific magazine state agency to attract investments and pro - is rolling out with a material focused on is - mote exports), of OAEP (Organization of Whatchangeshaveyoumadein sues of diplomatic interest and I am espe - Insurance for Export Credits), as well as all yourpolicyinordertoadjustthe cially happy for this initiative of yours. of the structures involving our bilateral and economicdiplomacytotherestric - Youknow, for several years we were multi-lateral relations international rela - tionsimposedbythepandemic? associating ‘diplomacy’ with a somewhat tions. Beforewestarttheinterview , I would negative connotation. Besides, two out of AttheMinistryofForeignAffairs , the three definitions that appear in the we have designed jointly with the General Greek Wikipedia about the word ‘diplo - Secretariat of International Economic Re - The National Plan for mat’ are partly negative. Even now, for lations specific actions supporting the out - Recovery and Durability ‘Greece many people the diplomat is a “person who ward perspective of the Greek economy “ knows how to maneuver, […] skillfully and utilize the key principles of the plan. 2.0’ presented by the Prime and possibly cunningly, […] the smooth We have launched a campaign to support Minister shall constitute the road operator [who] can hustle you”. the Greek businesses abroad on the basis map for the reformation of our Now, to answer your question, we did of the triptych: (a) highlighting the coun - “ not lose any time whatsoever at the Min - try’s economic and trade position at a re - country for the following decades istry of Foreign Affairs from the start of the gional and international level, (b) and it is a significant structural pandemic. Simply, the procedures of digi - highlighting the extroversion structures, restart for our homeland tal transformations
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