Cost Effective Zinc Nutrition Scott Johnson – UC Pomology Specialist Kearney Ag Center Hiawatha Nemaguard Peach Rootstocks and Zn Uptake December 2006 Shoot Zn 100 a Shoot 80 Zn (ppm) 60 40 b c c 20 0 Nemaguard Controller 5 Controller 9 Hiawatha Applying “Root Bags” with Sulfur, Urea and Zinc Sulfate to the Planting Hole in Spring 2006 25 a a b 20 b July Leaf Zn (ppm) 15 Site 1 10 5 0 2006 2007 Control 150 g Zn Sulfate Granular ZnO + Sulfur Material Added to Planting Hole of Peach (1.25 lbs/tree) 120 a 100 80 60 40 20 b July Leaf Zn (ppm) 0 Control Granular ZnO + S Treatment Granular ZnO + Sulfur Material Added to Planting Hole of Peach (1.25 lbs/tree) 2008 2009 120 a ) 100 ppm 80 Zn ( 60 a Leaf 40 y b Jul 20 b 0 Control Granular ZnO + S Treatment GranularGranular ZnOZnO ++ SulfurSulfur AddedAdded toto PlantingPlanting HoleHole ofof ZeeZee FireFire NectarineNectarine JanuaryJanuary 20092009 a 100 80 b 60 b 40 2009 Leaf Zn (ppm) y c Jul 20 0 1 1 0 /4# /2#1# Granular ZnO + S ZincZinc MaterialsMaterials AddedAdded toto PlantingPlanting HoleHole ofof FriarFriar // NemaguNemaguardard PlumsPlums FebruaryFebruary 20092009 a 120 100 b bc 80 60 cd cd 2009 Leaf Zn (ppm) y 40 d d Jul 20 d 0 1 1 1 1 1 UTC /4# /2#1# /4# /2#1# /8# Granular ZnO + S ZnO ZnSO4 ZincZinc MaterialsMaterials AddedAdded toto PlantingPlanting HoleHole ofof FriarFriar // NemaguNemaguardard PlumsPlums FebruaryFebruary 20092009 a 120 100 b bc 80 60 cd cd 2009 Leaf Zn (ppm) y 40 d d Jul 20 d 0 1 1 1 1 1 UTC /4# /2#1# /4# /2#1# /8# Granular ZnO + S ZnO ZnSO4 Nutrient Elements in Stone Fruit Level in leaves PEACHES AND NECTARINES PLUMS Deficient Optimum Toxic Deficient Optimum Toxic below range over below range over % % % % % % N 2.3 2.6 - 3.0 - - 2.3 - 2.8 - P - 0.1 - 0.3 - - 0.1 - 0.3 - K 1.0 Over 1.2 - 1.0 Over 1.1 - Ca - Over 1.0 - - Over 1.0 - Mg 0.25 Over 0.25 - 0.25 Over 0.25 - Cl - - 0.3 - - 0.3 S - - - - - - p p m Fe 60 Over 60 - - - - Mn 20 Over 20 - 20 Over 20 - Zn 15 Over 20 - 18 Over 18 - B 18 20 - 80 100 25 30 - 60 80 Cu - Over 4 - 4 Over 4 - Mo - - - - - - Orchard Survey - Zinc 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 Number of Orchards 2 0 8 1012141618202224262830More July Leaf Zn (ppm) Zinc in Dormant Shoots (ppm) Deficient Sufficient High 6.4 13.7 26.5 8.1 21.6 50.0 10.1 35.6 74.5 Orchard Survey - Zinc 9 8 s 7 d ar 6 ch r 5 O f o 4 er b 3 m u N 2 1 0 5 101520253035404550 January Shoot Zn (ppm) Zinc in September Shoots (ppm) – Low in the Canopy Deficient Sufficient High 6.4 26.0 92.0 Zinc Materials Basic Chemicals Chelates & Complexes • Zn sulfate •EDTA • Zn oxide • Lignosulfonate • Zn carbonate • Amino acid • Zn chloride • Sugar • Zn oxysulfate • Citric acid • Zn nitrate • Fulvic acid, humic acid CostCost ofof ZincZinc MaterialsMaterials -- OOctoberctober 20072007 Zn Metalosate 6.8% $33.51 Zn Fulvic 10% $17.01 N Zn 5% $16.51 Zn Leonardite 6.5% $15.19 Zn EDTA 9% $12.88 Zn Ligno-Sulfonate 7% $9.15 ZnO Suspension 40% $7.55 Neutral Zn 52% $4.12 Zn Sulfate 36% $2.22 Zn Oxide 80% $1.15 0 10203040 LeafLeaf && FruitFruit DamageDamage onon PeacPeach,h, PlumPlum andand ApricotApricot TreesTrees SprayedSprayed inin AprilApril withwith DifferentDifferent FormulationsFormulations ofof ZnZn atat 1,0001,000 ppmppm NitrateNitrate EDTAEDTA A.A.A.A. ComplexComplex LignosulfonateLignosulfonate SulfatSulfatee FulvicFulvic Fruit damage NeutralNeutral -52%-52% Leaf damage ControlControl 00 11 22 33 44 55 DamagDamagee RatingRating Treated UTC UTC Treated Leaf Area of Individual Leaves 12.0 ) 2 Leaf Area of Individual Leaves Control m 9.0 12.0 c ) 2 ( Sulfate Control m 9.0 a c Sulfate e Nitrate 6.0 ea ( r 6.0 Nitrate r A Carbohy A af 3.0 Carbohy f e Oxide L a 3.0 0.0 Oxide Le -10 0 10 20 Node from Time of Treatment 0.0 -10 0 10 20 Node from Time of Treatment Comparing Zinc Formulations Solubility Ranking Formulation Anion Size (g/100 H2O) Phytotoxicity Most Effective Zinc Chloride 35 432 High (58*) Zinc Nitrate 62 324 High (54) Almost As Good Zinc Nitrate Mix 62 & 96 324 High (59) Zinc Sulfate 96 50 Moderate (12) Zinc Carbohydrate 96 & ? High Moderate Next Best Zinc Polyamine 96 & 75-204 High Moderate Zinc Glycine 96 & 75 Moderate (15) Zinc EDTA 292 High Low Less Effective Zinc Leonardite 1000+ High Low Zinc Oxysulfate 16 & 96 1.3 None Zinc Phosphite 79 ? Low (17) Least Effective Zinc Oxide 16 Insoluble None Suspension Zinc Materials Zinc Nitrate Mixes • Not cheap • Very soluble • Very phytotoxic • Not used much • 4 to 7% zinc Comparing Zinc Formulations Solubility Ranking Formulation Anion Size (g/100 H2O) Phytotoxicity Most Effective Zinc Chloride 35 432 High (58*) Zinc Nitrate 62 324 High (54) Almost As Good Zinc Nitrate Mix 62 & 96 324 High (59) Zinc Sulfate 96 50 Moderate (12) Zinc Carbohydrate 96 & ? High Moderate Next Best Zinc Polyamine 96 & 75-204 High Moderate Zinc Glycine 96 & 75 Moderate (15) Zinc EDTA 292 High Low Less Effective Zinc Leonardite 1000+ High Low Zinc Oxysulfate 16 & 96 1.3 None Zinc Phosphite 79 ? Low (17) Least Effective Zinc Oxide 16 Insoluble None Suspension Zinc Materials Zinc Sulfate • Inexpensive • Very soluble • Widely used • Considered to be effective • Can be phytotoxic Comparing Zinc Formulations Solubility Ranking Formulation Anion Size (g/100 H2O) Phytotoxicity Most Effective Zinc Chloride 35 432 High (58*) Zinc Nitrate 62 324 High (54) Almost As Good Zinc Nitrate Mix 62 & 96 324 High (59) Zinc Sulfate 96 50 Moderate (12) Zinc Carbohydrate 96 & ? High Moderate Next Best Zinc Polyamine 96 & 75-204 High Moderate Zinc Glycine 96 & 75 Moderate (15) Zinc EDTA 292 High Low Less Effective Zinc Leonardite 1000+ High Low Zinc Oxysulfate 16 & 96 1.3 None Zinc Phosphite 79 ? Low (17) Least Effective Zinc Oxide 16 Insoluble None Suspension Zinc Materials Basic or Neutral Zinc • Cost = 2x Zn sulfate • Mostly insoluble • Widely used • Considered to be effective • Not phytotoxic • Can be mixed with oil Strategies with Zinc Sulfate (Timing, Rate, etc) 1. Spring – Phytotoxicity concerns 2. All Season – Low rate 3. Fall or Dormant Fruit Damage from Zinc Sprays Zinc Materials Basic or Neutral Zinc • Cost = 2x Zn sulfate • Mostly insoluble • Widely used • Considered to be effective • Not phytotoxic • Can be mixed with oil Strategies with Zinc Sulfate (Timing, Rate, etc) 1. Spring – Phytotoxicity concerns Zn Oxide or Neutral Zn? 2. All Season – Low rate 3. Fall or Dormant Strategies with Zinc Sulfate (Timing, Rate, etc) 1. Spring – Phytotoxicity concerns Zn Oxide or Neutral Zn? 2. All Season – Low rate Efficiency? 3. Fall or Dormant 6868 NurseryNursery TreesTrees inin PotsPots -- FFallall FoliarFoliar ZnSOZnSO44 RatesRates andand TimingTiming -- 6868ZnZn inin PlantPlant a a 60 b bc 6868 ZnZn 40 c FromFrom Fertilizer Fertilizer 20 (mg)(mg) d 0 UTC 1,000 2,000 5,000 TreatmentTreatment -- ppmppm ZincZinc OctOct 2424 Nov 16 6868 NurseryNursery TreesTrees inin PotsPots -- FFallall FoliarFoliar ZnSOZnSO44 RatesRates andand TimingTiming -- 6868ZnZn inin PlantPlant a a 60 b bc 6868 ZnZn 40 c FromFrom Fertilizer Fertilizer 20 (mg)(mg) d 0 UTC 1,000 2,000 5,000 TreatmentTreatment -- ppmppm ZincZinc OctOct 2424 Nov 16 Strategies with Zinc Sulfate (Timing, Rate, etc) 1. Spring – Phytotoxicity concerns Zn Oxide or Neutral Zn? 2. All Season – Low rate Efficiency? 3. Fall or Dormant Early fall better than late fall Use rate that doesn’t defoliate quickly NurseryNursery TreesTrees inin PotsPots -- AApplicationpplication toto DormantDormant ShootsShoots 6868 6868 ZnSOZnSO44 vs.vs. ZnOZnO -- %% ofof AppliedApplied TakenTaken UpUp a 3 2 b %% UptakeUptake 1 c c d 0 68 68 UTC ZnSO4 ZnO TreatmentTreatment November January Surface Area of a Peach Shoot cm2 Leaves = 1405 Shoot = 38 (1/40) Buds = 7.6 (1/200) Scars = 0.7 (1/2000) Strategies with Zinc Sulfate (Timing, Rate, etc) 1. Spring – Phytotoxicity concerns Zn Oxide or Neutral Zn? 2. All Season – Low rate Efficiency? 3. Fall or Dormant Early fall better than late fall Use rate that doesn’t defoliate quickly Fall better than dormant .
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