NASA TM X-74142 NASA'SUNIVERSITYPROGRAM /'_lkjI^r'T,_lCIVL ni:}AklTq%.41t_,• , _ & ..........RF.qFARCH CONTRACTS _77-13891 Unclas G3/_l 582o0 , / j National Aeronautics and Space Administration Office of University Affairs Washington, D. C. 20546 FISCAL YEAR 1 976 IMPORTANT NOTICE This report is compiled primarily from information obtained from two internal NASA sources: 1. "CASE Report on Support of Colleges and Universities" (NASA Form 1356). 2. "Individual Procurement Action Report" (NASA Form 507). Therefore, other sources should be used for completing Forms 507 or 1356. # NASA'S UNIVERSITY PROGRAM ACTIVE GRANTS AND RESEARCH CONTRACTS FISCAL YEAR 1976 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Oifice of University Affairs Washington, D.C. 20546 I Acknowledgements This report was developed in the Policy Coordination Division of the Office of University Affairs under the guidance of W. A. Greene, Chief. Preparation of the input data for processing was accomplished by Doris J. Goodwin, Management Information Systems Officer. The Scientific and Technical Information Office produced the reproduction masters on the Phdton Computer. Additional Copies This publication is available from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), 5285 Port Royal Rd., Springfield, Virginia 22161 for $4.75. FOREV¢ORD AsbasicpolicyNASAbelievesthatcollegesand universities should be encouraged to participate in the nation's space and aeronautics program to the maximum extent ........ ,-,4 111 _lUt_,, 1.1, Ulll v_,| ol_l_o are considered as partners with government and industry in the nation's aerospace program. NASA's objective is to have them bring their scientific, engineering, and social research competence to bear on aerospace problems and on the broader social, economic, and international i/nplications of NASA's technical and scientific programs. It is expected that, in so doing, universities will strengthen both their research and their educational capabilities to contribute more effectively to the national well-being. NASA Field Centers and certain Headquarters Program Offices provide funds for those R&D activities in universities which contribute to the mission needs of that particular NASA element. Although NASA has no predetermined amount of money to devote to university activities, the effort funded each year is substantial. (See the bar chart on the next page). This annual report is one means of documenting the NASA-university relationship, frequently denoted, collectively, as NASA's University Program. The Office of University Affairs (OUA) serves as a focal point for NASA's relationships with colleges and universities. One of its roles is to provide information on the NASA University Program. The present document is designed to serve several purposes and a wide range of audiences from private individuals to NASA employees. The emphasis is on the technical content of the program, rather than on fiscal data, which is available separately from OUA. As some terminology will not be familiar to all readers, a "User's Guide" is included to facilitate the fullest use of the material related to the interests of any particular reader. Information on obtaining reports resulting from these projects may be obtained from: NASA, Scientific and Technical Information Office, Code KS, Washington, DC 20546. iii L: ) (]o 3 0 i ,!!I1 Z <_ o_ U'J O_ L,J m © i--.- m 0 (_ ILl mira Z ,.-J r_ i- I ..O II o, <_ N _::::::: r_ ILJ o U') l-l.J 0 Z 0o •:.:.:;:_ > o L_ • __.:._ :.:.:-:.o:: O_ Ii:.:.:.;-r, o m G :> --I II v I=[ co I 0-. _J m 0 u _ ,.,I 0 r_ u liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,if i ._ ..o :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::_" ',,C> :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-;'.'.-;-;';';-;-;-;';-.-.-;-..-r_. __: 0 O] 0 -- z r,,, •:.:.:.:.:.:.-.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.-_: u_ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: _ -': -g "E "2r .... 2 co :":': "_::':':"-" :::::::::::::::::::::::::: o _'° _::.:!: F-- I:!:!:!:!:!:i:i:i:i:i:i:i_,if - "o '_ o _ o _ _. LI.. ".C> = _ _ _. o-_ × 0 o • m u ._ .'8 ._ o o- . U 0 • £ g o 0 0 ( SJell0P j0 su0!ll!UJ ) J.NflOWV o Z iv TABLE OF CONTENTS This report includes data on projects active during Fiscal Year 1976. D .... ruge I U_ Alabama .................................... 1 Nevada ...................................... 127 Alaska ....................................... 7 New Hampshire ........................ 128 Arizona ..................................... 7 New Jersey ................................ 129 Arkansas ................................... 13 New Mexico .............................. 132 California .................................. 14 New York ................................. 136 Colorado ................................... 53 North Carolina .......................... 150 Connecticut ............................... 60 North Dakota ........................... 153 Delaware ................................... 61 Ohio .......................................... 153 District of Columbia ................. 61 Oklahoma .................................. 160 Florida ...................................... 66 Oregon ...................................... 161 Georgia ..................................... 70 Pennsylvania .............................. 162 Hawaii ...................................... 75 Rhode Island ............................. 169 Illinois ....................................... 76 South Carolina .......................... 170 Indiana ..................................... 81 South Dakota ............................ 171 Iowa .......................................... 84 Tennessee .................................. 171 Kansas ...................................... 87 Texas ......................................... 174 Kentucky .................................. 90 Utah .......................................... 188 Louisiana .................................. 91 Vermont .................................... 190 Maryland .................................. 93 Virginia ..................................... 190 Massachusetts ........................... 101 Washington ............................... 201 Michigan ................................... 113 West Virginia ............................ 204 Minnesota ................................. 119 Wisconsin .................................. 204 Mississippi ................................ 121 Wyoming ................................... 207 Missouri .................................... 124 U.S. Outlying Areas .................. 207 Montana .................................... 127 Forcign Countrics ..................... 208 Nebraska ................................... 127 AppendixA Cross Index by Grant/Contract Number ................................... 211 Appendix B Cross Index by Field of Science and Engineering ....................... 229 Appendix C - Cross Index by First Technical Officer Location ....................... 279 ¥ USER'S GUIDE The University Program Report provides current information and related statistics for each grant or rcscarch contract active during the report period. The following guidance is provided as an aid to the reader in readily locating material of interest and in optimizing the use of this document. 1. Typical Citation 1 2 3 NGR 05-002-114 California Institute of Technology 1214 4 _ Radio interferometry of Mars and Venus Period _O_izat_s 6 5 _ 10/I 1/68-09/30/76 FY76:$47,005 TOTAL: $277,876_ 7 Prin. Invest. NASA Tecb. Officer CASE Catego O. 8 ----_Muhleman, D.O. HQ-SL/Brunk, W.E. II-Astronomy-_-- 10 HQ-SL/Fellows, R. F. t 9 1. Grant or Contract Number. 2. Institution Name. 3. Accession Number. 4. Brief work description. 5. Approximate period of performance. 6. Amount (if any) actually provided during the indicated fiscal year. 7. Total amount actually provided during the indicated period of performance. 8. Principal Investigator(s) at the educational institution. 9. NASA Technical Officer(s) and organizational location. 10. CASE Field of Science and Engineering code and name. ' g ING.PAGB BLANI NOT vii !!. NASA Installations NASAinstallationsareincludedin the citation as abbreviations (item 9). The following listing of installations will be useful to those desiring further information on specific projects. Installation Name Telephone Number Abbrev. Code and Address for Information ARC 21 Ames Research Center 415/965-5000 NASA Moffett Field, CA 94035 DFRC 24 Dryden Flight Research Center 805/258-3311 NASA P.O. Box 273 Edwards, CA 93523 GSFC 51 Goddard Space Flight Center 301/982-5042 NASA Greenbelt, MD 20771 JPL 55 Jet Propulsion Laboratory 213/354-4321 4809 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 91103 JSC 72 Johnson Space Center 713/483-311 l NASA Houston, TX 77058 KSC 76 Kennedy Space Center 305/867-7113 NASA Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899 LA RC 23 Langley Research Center 804/827-1110 NASA Langley Station Hampton, VA 23665 LERC 22 Lewis Research Center 216/433-4000 NASA 21000 Brookpark Road Cleveland, OH 44135 MSFC 62 Marshall Space Flight Center 205/453-2121 NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, AL 35812 NSTL 64 National Space Technology Laboratories 601/688-2211 NASA Bay St. Louis, MS 39520 °o° VIII WFC 53 Wallops Flight Center 804/824-3411 NASA Wallops Island, VA 23337 WTR -- Western Launch Operations Division 805/866-1611 P.O. Box 425 Lompoc, CA 93436 HQ 10 NASA Headquarters 202/755-2320 Washington, DC 20546 The abbreviation for NASA Headquarters, HQ, usually carries a suffix, for example HQ-P, which denotes a particular office and general area of responsibility. (P is the Office of University Affairs.) A full listing of the suffix letters and information on NASA's
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