Leading psychiatrist calls2 for A Peep 5into parental discretion Ladakhi marriage ceremony Vol: 4 | No.: 2 | May 15, 2011 Lab newspaper of Media Education Research Centre for private circulation only Freedom of press must for survival of democratic society: VC Safienna edia Education Research Media Times Centre (MERC) University Mof Kashmir in collaboration with Kashmir Press Association (KPA) released observed World Press Freedom Day at Srinagar: Vice Chancellor of Kashmir University, Media House auditorium of the varsity Prof Riyaz Punjabi released the twin publications on May 3. of Media Education Research Centre (MERC)- the fortnightly newspaper ‘MERC Times’ and the bi- The event, sponsored by J&K bank, annual magazine ‘Media Times’ during the World was attended by some senior journalists Press Freedom Day function held at the depart- of the valley, teachers, scholars, students ment on May 3. The function was organized by and members from civil society. The MERC in collaboration with Kashmir Press Asso- function was presided over by Vice Chan- ciation at the varsity’s Media House auditorium. On the occasion, Prof Punjabi acknowledged the cellor, Prof. (Dr.) Riyaz Punjabi. efforts of the department in nurturing the bud- In his address, Prof Punjabi said bud- ding journalists and providing them a platform ding journalists need to pay attention to in the form of MERC Times and Media Times. He social reporting. “Keep your minds open appreciated the editor, Muslim Jan and students and look at facts in true bold colours,” the for coming up with the publications. Copies of the magazine and fortnightly newspaper were VC told the media students. distributed among the audience. The work of the He said freedom of press is something media students was appreciated by the readers. which we all cherish and we have to see that it is protected by all means and not about the restrictions media faced in Kash- World Press Freedom Day to raise aware- tampered. mir during the last few years of turmoil. ness of the importance of freedom of press “Power of media is increasing with Sharing some of his personal experi- and remind governments of their duty to every passing day. With the addition of ences in journalism, Hussain urged me- respect and uphold right to freedom of ex- internet in the field no technology today dia students never to distort facts or com- pression enshrined under Article 19. has the power to shape our minds and promise with work. Dr Shahid highlighted the role of press opinions more than media itself,” said In his address, KPA president, Gh- as a watchdog of the society and said that Prof. Punjabi. ulam Hassan Kaloo said press is there it makes powers accountable to people. He also appreciated MERC in contrib- to build public opinion and guard civil He said freedom of press is not only de- uting towards professionalism in media He referred to the challenges being liberties. sired but essential. and lauded its head and his staff for what faced by the press “both from within and Kaloo highlighted achievements of Referring to the social responsibility he termed as “exemplary work”. outside” in the form of curbs and con- his association in the last four years in of the press, Dr Shahid said power is not Senior journalist and chairperson straints. safeguarding the rights of journalists in all about showing authority but shoulder- Kashmir Times group of publications, “The present ownership structure of Kashmir. ing responsibility. He also talked about Ved Bhasin paid tributes to journalists media especially the control of corporate “KPA will continue to work for up- the emergence of citizen journalism. who lost their lives for “upholding free- sector is one of the biggest challenges holding the freedom of press at all levels Others who spoke on the occasion in- dom of press”. before the free press which is there to because press is essential for building up cluded Registrar, KU, Prof S Fayyaz, senior Bhasin, who was also the chief guest mobilize public opinion,” said Bhasin la- a democratic society,” Kaloo added. faculty MERC, Nasir Mirza and noted col- on the occasion, said freedom of press is menting the way press ethics are being Earlier in his welcome address, Head umnist, Aijaz-ul-Haque. Rashid Maqbool essential for the survival of a democratic violated. MERC, Dr Shahid Rasool said United Na- compeered the proceedings while Asif society. Senior journalist, Altaf Hussain talked tions General Assembly declared May 3 as Khan presented vote of thanks. MERCTIMES 2 Muslims choose Pandit woman as Panch a platform to do that. They now gave He acknowledged the support by me the stage I needed. It is my turn to their Muslim neighbours. serve them,” said Asha. “They showed their support all There were many who came to the way and now again by choosing wish her and all of them were Mus- my mother as their representative,” lims. he said. “I did not get any Pandit vote, Meanwhile, the residents are because nobody is here. They have hopeful that Asha will work for the migrated from here and are living in betterment of the village. different parts of the world. I am only “She can do better for our village. getting their good wishes on phone,” She is a literate person. She can take she said. our problems to higher authorities so When the turmoil started in we chose her as our representative,” 1989, most pandit families of the vil- said Muhammad Subhan, a local lage left the valley. resident. Asha’s son, Ashok recalls the Religion, he said, did not come in day when their Muslim neighbours their way as they voted for Asha. pleaded with them not to leave the Asha wants to convey the mes- village. sage to Pandits residing outside the “All our pandit neighbours and valley that they are safe here and Ashraf Ul Hassan Asha, a pandit woman from Wus- relatives left the village in the night should come back to their mother- san village of Tangmarg, Baramulla without letting anybody know about land. azi came all the way from the district won the Panchayat elections, it. We also decided to leave our moth- “Government wants the pandits other end of the village to con- defeating her counterpart, Sara by 11 erland, but during the day. When to come back and settle down in pris- Fgratulate the newly elected votes. Asha is the first Kashmiri pan- our Muslim neighbours came to ons like Sheikhpora Colony in Bud- Panch of her village. Despite being dit woman, who won the election in know about it, they stopped our way gam. Why would one like to live in a a patient of arthritis she made it to the ongoing panchayat elections. and some even said they will die but colony like that? Why they can’t live Asha Ji’s house to wish her on her “I always wanted to do some- not let anybody harm us. We stayed on their own land as they were living success. thing for these villagers, but I needed back,” said Ashok. in the past?” questioned Asha. Wrestle this mania Leading psychiatrist calls for parental discretion Umreena Majeed Hussain. A study conducted by Prof. Mat- hen I think wrestling, I think thew J. Bernthal, United States Sports violence, with disgust. When Academy, across schools in US reveals Wmy 17-year-old brother thinks that students who watch pro-wrestling or talks wrestling, he has a smile on his matches are physically more aggressive face. And this smile has me worried. So I and get into trouble more often than non- did a bit of research to see if I could do any- viewers. In case of viewers, 74.4 per cent thing about this smile. had cuts, bruises and scrapes, 10 per cent Wrestling is the oldest form of combat. had head, neck and muscle injuries and References to it can be found in ‘Iliad’, a 5.7 per cent had broken bones – all sus- book written by Homer. In fact, in ancient tained during “mock” wrestling bouts. Greece, it was a prominent sport, often “Not just the physical injuries, wres- finding mention in the legends and litera- tling also injures our moral sense of right ture of those times. Wrestling is still a and wrong. The lack of sportsmanship popular Olympic sport. However, it is and winning at the expense of other per- usually related to World Wrestling Enter- son gives all the wrong ideas to young tainment (WWE) due to wide popularity. people,” the psychiatrist said. Wrestling matches on TV are usually Does wrestling have more impact targeted at males in the age bracket of 12- when seen in the context of Kashmir? 17. However, to make the matches more “Yes,” says Dr. Hussain, “but only appealing to older audiences the already because discretion is not observed while violent content is made more graphic. watching such content. Kashmiri par- This puts the young people at a risk. ents really don’t care what their kids are “Many kids are not able to process chiatrist of the valley. said, has long-term implications watching on TV.” these matches as made-up, as they actu- “Kids are particularly receptive to “The younger siblings usually serve Laden with all this information, I try ally are. For them, this violence is real television. They make heroes out of these as dummy opponents but that is just the to reason with my teenage brother. And, and this can lead to an increased risk of wrestlers, identify with them and copy immediate effect. A long-term and more yes, this time he doesn’t smile.
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