JR. PRO Chessman Dies; Should Capital Dance, Fashion Show, S orIs Punishment Be Abolished? • , Was the execution of Caryl Chessman a good Featured In Multi Acti I 5 Idea? Should capital punishment be abolished? Today marks the start of the 1960 Junior rom Weekend, with all Should a larger number of pr isoner s be put to of its activities and gala events. Many thing will be f atur d hi death? weekend for the enjoyment of the tudents alumni and u t Millions of Americans ar e thinking about The first event heading the long list of activttie h~duled for th ' these questions, the lives of thousands are in Prom Weekend, "Hawaiian Holiday" , i Fashion ho to b h 1 the balance; yet, ,few voter s have as many tonighr Hall. FACTS as ,they m~ght use concer ning the na­ t this time th t nQu nC n­ ture of capltal punlshment, its advantages and didates \ III Iv th II' fir t formal introduction. Th girls its disadvantages. will b mod ling thr outCit Three methods of execution are used in the which will be provided by r h .. Debs" op of Brid { t. U.S. today -- gas, the electr ic chair , and Springfield. The outfits will In­ hanging. (In one state, Utah. a clude SPOrtS clothes. B TI-f G condemned man can choose to be SUITS, and vening rsuitabl shot instead of hanged.) Of these, for an "Hawaiian Holiday". Kay death in the gas chamber is prob­ P e 11 Is th chairman of rh ably the eaSiest. Fashion ow Commltt . There are no preparations for During th twO int rmissions. the prisoner. He is marched to entertainment will provid d by the chamber and strapped into a Springfield Coli g • s f m 1 metal chair. A stethoscope, con­ singing group, H ath rton s, nected by copper pipes to the phy­ and their mal count rp res, Th sician's stand outside the cham­ Scotchmen, who will be making ber. is fixed to his chest . their 1960 singing d but. Beneath the chair is a con­ Coach Walter Johnson will b tainer of sulphuriC acid. When th M.C. for th v nlng. Th r the condemned man is left alone will b no admls ion charg . in the chamber and the doo r is On [urday. th c mpu will sealed, the executioner presses view two varsity gam s , both r a lever that drops cyanide" eggs" 2 p.m. Th 5 wlll b b s ball into the acid to produce the Pictured above are the 1960 Jr. Prom Qu n Candid.~ I. Top row against Brldg port, nd r nnis lethal gas. I·r: Linda Rupersburger '62, Ruth Stevens '63, Beth Eastrn.ln '63; g Inst AlC. Among the varlou Caryl Chusman died May 2 The first few breaths of gas Ruth Seymour '61. Middle row: Maureen Slater '62, Clione Anderson at 10:03:45. seem to be painful, or at least '61, Judy Hamilton '62, Sara Solz '60. Bottom row: Nat.lie Marrone th prom w nd will (Continued on page 3) '63, Judy Mills '63, t ular flo t par d. ch no f (Continu d blow) VOLUME XLVII SPRINGFI E L D COLLEG E , SPR INGFI ELD , M A SS •• FR I DAY . M A Y 6 , 1960 "Music Of The Psalms" will be based on th prom th m SC's "Mr. Gymnast" Jeff Ca rdinali "S" Application " HawaHan Holtday." Flit n In Vesper Series The Springfield College Var­ clubs will be working on th se sity ,. S" Club has announced that fl oats to mal< them bigger and "Music of the Psalms" wiUbe better than ever before. Th I VarSity letter holders may now the theme of the vesper service Scores Spot On 60 Olympic Squad clubs includ d in thls group w1ll Wednesday, May 11, 1960. The make application for membership B Y CLEM STANC I K 160 In the Club. In order to help be: Pre-M d, Student Wives, service is going to be led by Mr. CLass of '63, Maroon K y, Co­ LeRoy Hansen, who is the organ­ The time - appr oximately 10:20 p.m. , Sunday, possible applicants decide whe­ ther or not to join. the following op House. Ab y Hall, M n's ist in residence at Springfield May 1. The scene is West Point's North Gym­ P. E. Majors CLub, W.A.A. , Com­ College. The student leader of the purposes of {he club were sub­ mitted: mut rs CLub. 01 Club, Hosagas, service will be Sally Johnson '62. nasium. The Women's 1960 Olympic Gymnastic Class of '62, A.P. " A. •• , The program will be based on 1. To enhance me prestige and Squad has jus t been named, A dead silence value of the Springfield Varsity and the Cosmopolitan Club. various settings of the Psalms. Th parad will gin at 1: 15 Mr. Hansen will accompany four reigns over the gym as the announcer com­ letter. mences the reading of the top 2. To provide educatlonalop­ atuniay afrernoon. In front of members of the Boy's Choir from South Hall. It will tb n p ss by Hope Congregational Church, in twelve men gymnasts. The only portunities for Its members to words audible over the publlc meet in SOCial and athletic Situ­ the Bev rldg Coll g C nl r, the 18th Psalm. Also from Hope wh r rh floats wtlL judg d Church, contralto soloist, Alzira address system were, ,. In twelfth ations. poSition , representing Spring­ 3. To sponsor, stimulate, and on origninality nd appearance. Ribeiro, will Sing the 23rd Psalm Among th judges wUI Don- and baritone soloist, Ed win field ...... The fo llowing wasn't promote, If necessary ways and necessary, for it was now offi­ means of supporting and improv­ Id R. Makuen Director of Stu- Celette, will present the 1st d n Actlvlti 5 , and n Wm . cial that SC's Jeff Cardinali '61 ing the college's athletiC pro­ Psalm. The prelude and pOstlude Scud had been selected to the Men's gram. Cheney. Dean of nrs. Th will also be musical selections par d will then go to th b s - from the Psalms. 1960 Olympic Gymnastic Squad. 4. To supervise and regulate It was a combination of deter­ the wearing of the Varsity Le - ball field, wh r it will again mination, abll1ty and a deep­ tel'. and ro sustain the traditions be vl~wed, and will give th viewers a chance to s th n rooted will shown by Cardlnall of the college. Those wlshLng to join the or­ candidates who will ride on th A.O.S.lnstallation during the three day trial periods floats. which brought him the coveted ganization should submit a let­ ter. staring rh spon and year " Sw Aloha," th firs Of New Officers honor he deserved. MaJctng tenth Formal JunJor Dinn r-Prom­ The ASSOCiation of Secretaries place in the National MU's held the letter was awarded and e enade, will feature on of w installed their new officers for Friday and Saturday gave Cardi­ reasons they have for wanting to England's for mos pel'3onal­ become a member, to James the 1960-61 school year Thurs­ nali a strong place for the Sunday lties--Bobby Kay , his clarin day. April 21 at a meeting inAb­ finals including the top sixteen Havlick '61. PreSident, Box 192, saxophon , rrombon andorch s­ AAU competitors. (Cont'd. on p. 5) no later than May 9. bey Lounge. Applications wt1 l be reViewed tra. The orchestra featur s Con Mr. Harold Harlow, Director by the membership committee rue Vignon , who is consi red Preference in drawing course by many to be on of the East's of Group Work and Community and those who are accepted will Organization, the club advisor, Course Schedules cards during the summer will be finest female. bIg band singers. be norifled of the date of initia­ was the installing officer. Dr. Ted Registrar Olga E. Ellis an­ determined by the following: (a) Kaye who has appeared through rlon. Kidess, Executive Assistant to nounces that the schedule 0 f Class - i.e. Seniors, first, Jun­ out ew England at th Commo­ Dr. aIds and for many years a courses for 1960-61 and related iors, second, etc.; (b) Dates on tersession and/or Summer Ses­ dore Ballroom, Lowell, Mass., YMCA Secretar y. gave the ad­ materials for pre-registration which Course ELection sheets are sion must secure these Course Mountain Park. Holyoke, Mass., dress on leadership in the YM CA. will be in the hands of advisers received by the Registrar's of­ Election sheets from th~ supply Rhodes Ballroom. Providenc , WilHam Myers '61 of Hones­ by May 11. flee; (3) Legibility and correct­ on the shelf near the Registrar's R. L, and pI yed b background dale, Pennsylvania, was installed Each student must complete his ness of entries incourse listings. bulletin board. These also must music for J . J. Johnson's Jan as President. Also installed into Course Election sheet in confer­ There will be two penalty fees: be slgned by the Adviser and re­ Concert here at S, C, wt1l upply their respective offices were Ron ence with his adviser and have it $1 .00 per term if entries are in­ turned by the student to the Reg­ the music for e t rst dinn r­ Evans '63 of Lakewood, Ohio. approved and slgned by him. The complete, $5.00 if the Course istrar's office by May 25, in order dance to be sponsored y th JU- Vice President; Marcia Lewan­ student must return this sheet to Election sheet is not received by that those attending Intersession nior Class under chairman- dowski ' 63 of Schenectady, New the office of the Registrar by May the Registrar by May 31.
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