United Nations 1010th GENERAL PLENAiY MEET9N0 ASSEMBLY Wednesday, 20 September 1961, at 3.30 p.m. SIXTEENTH SESSION Official Records NEW YORK CONTENTS who accompanied him. The sorrow we feel perhaps Page goes even more deeply to the hearts of the Nordic Tribute to the memory of Mr. Dag Hammarskjold, countries, sinoe the Secretary-General was not only the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and man in the centre of efforts to solve international of members of the staff of the Organization. , 9 crises, but also a great son of Sweden. He devoted his life and his brilliant mind to the cause of peaoe and justice, and he proved what a dedicated mind oan President: Mr. Mongi SLIM (Tunisia). achieve even when faced with superhuman burdens. 5. Dag Hammarskjold's untiring efforts and unfailing Tribute to the memory of Mr. Dag Hammarskjold, Secretary- courage were an incessant inspiration to all who work General of the United Nations, and of members of the staff in international affairs. Dag Hammarskjold has left us of the Organization at a crucial time in the history of mankind. His death and that of those who were with him symbolize the 1. The PRESIDENT (translated from French): Yester- utmost sacrifice of the people who devote their lives day, at the opening meeting of the sixteenth session, to the cause of the United Nations. At this moment our Mr. Boland informed the General Assembly of the thoughts go to the families of all who gave their lives. tragic deaths of Dag Hammarskjold, the Secretary- General, and of those members of his staff who were 6. Dag Hammarskjold's noble contribution to the with him, killed in circumstances which have not yet cause of peaoe and the welfare of the peoples of the been entirely explained. It is none the less a fact that world will assure him an outstanding position in the the tragic accident which caused their deaths occurred history of the United Nations. at a time when the United Nations was continuing its 7. Mr. BAHIZI (Congo, Leopoldville) (translated action in the Congo, in execution of the resolutions of from French): May I take the liberty of expressing my the Security Council and of the General Assembly, warm personal congratulations to Mr. Slim on the designed to maintain the unity of the Republic of the occasion of his appointment as President of the Gen- Congo in peace and tranquillity. Thus, Dag Hammar- eral Assembly of the Organization. I shall leave it to skjold died, a victim of duty, in the discharge of his the Chairman of my delegation to express to him, responsibilities as Secretary-General of the United later, the good wishes of the Congolese Government Nations. His death has inspired strong emotion and and people, with whom Tunisia has always had friendly profound sorrow in all those who knew and appreciated relations. at its true value the work done for peace by this great servant of the United Nations. That work reflected a 8. I listened with great satisfaction to. his moving constant effort to bring about the triumph of justice words about my country in his first address as Presi- and fundamental freedoms. When the historians have dent of the Assembly. These words indioated the extent assigned him his proper place on the canvas of history, of MB interest in my people and in the problems that they will understand the importance of the part that are tearing my country apart, Dag Hammarskjold played in a w o r l d where the libera- tion of peoples from foreign domination and the estab- 9. Dag Hammarskjold is dead. lishment of a just and equitable peace was rendered 10. These words, oharged with concern, are being difficult and often dramatio by the conflict of systems. repeated today by millions of people throughout the 2. On behalf of the General Assembly, I should like to world. They are being repeated by children, women pay tribute to this messenger of peace, whose actions and men of all ages. They are being repeated by all and sacrifice will leave an enduring mark on the the delegations in this chamber. And thus does the international Organization. sixteenth regular session of the United Nations General Assembly start its work. 3. Mr. KRAG (Denmark): Never before in the history of international organizations has one single man 11. We learned with consternation and profoundgrief played so central a role as did Dag Hammarskjold or, of the death of the man in whom t h e United Nations had at his death, left a political vacuum and a grief em- placed its confidence. He oame to my country to help bracing the globe. Even those who did not agree with us to settle the problems that were, and still are, dis- his line of action had to bow to his diplomatic genius, rupting us. As on other occasions, he oame with his his serenity and integrity, his fearless struggle for profound dignity, his desire for peace and brotherhood, peace and for making our world Organization, the his unquestionable integrity, his unshakable faith in United Nations, an effective instrument of international the United Nations. law. That was his ambition. 12. We have only a short history as an independent 4. It has fallen upon me to express the deepest sorrow country, a history with whioh Mr. Dag Hammarskjold ofthe Governments and peoples ofthe Nordic countries has been closely linked. I could not enumerate all the at the tragic death of Mr. Hammarskjold and of efforts, crowned with success, made by Mr. Hammar- Mr. Heinrich Wieschhoff and the other devoted aides skjold to aocomplish his mission in my country, nor A/PV.1010 10 General Assembly — Sixteenth Session — Plenary Meetings could I express the gratitude of the people and the by such predicaments and trials, Mr. Hammarskjold Government of the Congo towards him personally. showed restraint and patience and exerted great efforts in attempting to give generally acceptable and practical 13. Let us recall on this day of grief the man we expression to the aims of this body. Many have been knew, the man for whom differences between races or the examples of his exceptional ability in solving acute nationalities did not exist, the man who faced all world crises. In the Congo crisis, though he worked problems with a profound desire to find the best peace- under vague mandates and faced severe criticisms, ful solution. I have said "day of grief" because yester- he was nevertheless able to put the Republic on the day was a day of mourning in my country. In this right path towards national unity, territorial integrity connexion, I take the liberty of quoting the following and complete independence. It is indeed a great proof words of the Prime Minister of the Congo: of his iron will and h i s dedication to peaoe that he gave "... to pay a tribute to this great man, now his life in the pursuit of these noble aims for the young vanished from the scene, and to his colleagues, all African nation. The ruthless action ofthe mercenaries of whom have fallen victims to the shameless in the Congo should be stopped and, just as we re- intrigues of the great financial Powers of the West, quested an investigation of the circumstances of the and in order to demonstrate publicly our indignation death of the late Prime Minister, Mr. Lumumba, so at the scandalous interference in our affairs by today we request a similar and immediate investigation oertain foreign countries, the Government has by the United Nations in order to ascertain the cause decided to proclaim Tuesday, 19 September, a day of Mr. Hammarskjold's death. of national mourning. Flags will be flown at half- 20. The genuine and deeply-felt sorrow ofthe peoples mast throughout the country." of the world goes out today to Sweden which, within the 14. For us, indeed, Mr. Hammarskjold was, and will sixteen years since the creation of the United Nations always remain, the man of justice and a great man in Organization, has sacrificed two of her sons in the both Congolese and international history. He was a cause of international peace and security. We extend man who gave his life for world peace and for peace our condolences to the family of Mr. Hammarskjold in the Congo. We cannot forget his wisdom, his un- and to the families of Mr. Wieschhoff and the others wavering determination to fight to the bitter end for who perished with the Secretary-General while dis- peace. Dag Hammarskjold gave of his best to inter- charging a noble duty. I would also add an expression national peace. He has now met his death for the same of the condolences of my Government to the Govern- cause. ments of Sweden, Norway, Ireland, and India and to the families of the troops who died in Katanga during 15. I declare that Dag Hammarskjold, Secretary- the current crisis. Our own troops in the Congo have General of the United Nations, is a martyr of peace. come to know and love these gallant soldiers of peace. He died in his sublime mission of saving the world We wish to pay homage to the heroic sacrifice that from the horrors of war. He died on our own soil of they have made and I beg the representatives of those Africa, for peace in my country. I declare that countries to convey to the respective Governments Dag Hammarskjold will remain in Congolese hearts and families our profound oondolenoes. as the best friend of our Republic.
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