WELSH BOOKS (mostly Gregynog) SHORT LIST 46 Item 25 Blackwell’s Rare Books 48-51 Broad Street, Oxford, O 1 3B", U$ %el&' +44 ())1865 3!!555 Fax' +44 ())1865 7,414! -ma.l' rareboo0s@bla20well&2o&40 T3.tter' @bla20wellrare bla20well&2o&40/rareboo0s BLACKWELL’S RARE BOOKS 1 -d3ards (-d3ard) 6 Sermon 7rea28ed .n 9rex8am :84r28, ;o<& !, 1+,,, be.ng t8e S4nday after t8e Interment of %8omas Jones, -s>& :ornet .n t8e 9rex8am ?eomanry :a<alry, .n 8.s *amily @a4lt .n t8at :84r28, 38o d.ed of a wo4nd, wh.28 he rece.<ed .n an unfort4nate A4el at 98.t284r28 3.t8 Br& Banning& 9rex8am: Cr.nted by Jo8n Ca.nter& 18)), 8alf-t.tle d.s2arded, some l.g8t d4stso.l.ng, 77& 21, D1E, 8<o, extra2ted from a bo4nd vol4me, stab-holes also v.s./le, good (-S%: T18)5!!) F2)) -S%: lo2ates only two co7.es, bot8 in t8e Nat.onal L.brary of Wales& 2 (*.<e Seasons Cress&) GI;SB-HG (6llen) 9ales @.s.tat.on. DIereford Coems *o4r&E Iereford, 1,+,, O;- O* !5) :OCI-S, 2 78otogra78s of a4t8or by %om Bas28ler, 77& D8E, 8<o, or.g.nal sewn brown wra77ers 3.t8 p8otogra78 of G.nsberg pr.nted in green to front, f.ne F4) 6 poem wr.tten in 1,68& ! (*.<e Seasons Cress&) I6GS-? (6lan) In S.g8t of :arnll.d.& St Aa<.ds, O2tober J+8 DIereford Coems S.x&E Iereford, 1,+,, O;- O* 2!) :OCI-S, f4ll-page br4s8 dra3.ng by t8e a4t8or pr.nted by t8e Sene2.o Press, t.tle-page 7r.nted .n /l4e, 77& D!E, 8<o, or.g.nal sewn /4ff wra77ers 3.t8 br4s8 dra3.ng by Ialsey to front, f.ne F2) 4 (Golden :o20erel Cress&) :yn3al (9.l.am) In Aefen2e of 9oman, a 9els8 Coem. %ranslated by Gwyn 9.ll.ams& D1,6)E, 2,4/4)) :OCI-S 7r.nted on mo4ldmade 7a7er, 1) 2olo4r-7r.nted wood-engra<.ngs (.ncl4d.ng a decorated t.tle-border) by Jo8n Cetts, 77& 28, tall fools2a7 8<o, or.g.nal dar0 bl4e 2lot8, letter.ng on ba20str.7 and Cetts des.gn on t8e front 2o<er /lo20ed .n g.lt, fa.nt watersta.n aro4nd foot of ba20str.7, 4ntr.mmed, a 2o47le of small s7ots to end7a7ers, t.ss4e-ja20et 2reased and frayed 3.t8 a small amo4nt of loss at foot of front panel, very good (:o20-a-Hoo7 21)) F+) 5 (Gregynog Cress&) @6#GI6; (Ienry) Coems& DSele2ted by -rnest H8ys&E ;ewtown, Powys, 1,24, !!/4+) :OCI-S (from an ed.t.on of 5)) 2o7.es) 7r.nted on Gros<enor :8ater 8andmade 7a7er, t.tle-page 7r.nted .n /la20 and red, 1! wood-engra<.ngs by H&6& Baynard and I&9& Bray, wood-engra<ed .nit.als by Baynard 3.t8 t8e maKor.ty 7r.nted .n red, 77& xxx<., 88, 2rown 8<o, or.g.nal >4arter dar0 bl4e 2lot8 3.t8 7ale grey Ingres boards blo20ed .n dar0 bl4e to a des.gn by Bray, ba20str.7 lettered .n g.lt 3.t8 a to428 of r4//.ng at 8ead and wear at foot, tr.fl.ng 3ear to bottom 2orners, edges 4ntr.mmed 3.t8 fa.ntest of browning to free end7a7ers and news7a7er cl.77.ng referenc.ng Va4g8an la.d in, good (Iarro7 2) F2)) 6 (Gregynog Cress&) =O;-S (%& G3ynn) Aet8ol.ad o Ganiada4& ;ewtown, Cowys, 1,25, 1!+/4+4 :OCI-S (from an ed.t.on of 5)) 2o7.es) 7r.nted on A4t28 8andmade 7a7er, 7ress dev.2e on t.tle-page 7r.nted .n 7ale /l4e, , wood-engra<ed 8ead- and ta.l-p.eces by H&6& Baynard, 77& x<, 16,, crown 8<o, or.g.nal bl4e bevel-edged bu20ram, ba20str.7 lettered in g.lt & a l.ttle faded, us4al free end7a7er browning, edges untr.mmed, very good (Iarro7 4) F!+5 9.t8 a 2o7y of t8e 7ros7ect4s for t8e same, a s.ngle folded s8eet 7r.nted .n -ngl.s8 and 9els8 3.t8 S7e2.men Cage to rear, l.g8tly foxed o<erall and .n or.g.nal en<elo7e 3.t8 Cress dev.2e 7r.nted .n red - en<elo7e a l.ttle s7otted and browned 3.t8 s7l.tt.ng to s.des and fla7 deta28ed (/4t 7resent)& 6 s2ar2e ep8emeral item from t8e early years of t8e Press& + (Gregynog Cress&) OB6H $I6??6B& Cenill.on. D6 9els8 %ranslat.on from t8e Or.g.nal Cers.an by S.r Jo8n Borr.s-Jones&E ;ewtown, 1,28, 2,,/285 :OCI-S (from an ed.t.on of !1) 2o7.es) 7r.nted on Bat28elor's 8andmade 7a7er, , 3ood-engra<.ngs by H&6& Baynard, t8e t.tle, fly-t.tles and .nit.al word of text 7r.nted .n /l4e, 77& x<., !), royal 8<o, or.g.nal >4arter yello3 /420ram 3.t8 38.te 2an<as s.des and mat28.ng yello3 /420ram fore-edges, 2anvas l.ft.ng sl.g8tly along 477er Ko.nt, ba20str.7 lettered .n g.lt and dar0ened, a to428 gr4bby 3.t8 a 2o47le of fa.nt blot28es to fore-edge, 4ntr.mmed and 4no7ened, good (Iarro7 1!) F12) 2 LIST 46: WELSH BOOKS 8 (Gregynog Cress&) CS6GB6# A6*?AA yn ol 9.ll.am Borgan 1588& DCsalms of Aa<.d, -d.ted by Ifor 9.ll.ams&E ;ewtown, Cowys, 1,2,, +6/2)) :OCI-S (from an ed.t.on of 225 2o7.es) 7r.nted on Bat28elor 8andmade 7a7er, t8e t.tle and decorat.<e flor.ated border on t8e t.tle-page 7r.nted .n bla20 and red, t8e wood-engra<ed flor.ated 8alf-borders and large .nit.al letters .n t8e text are des.gned by I&9& Bray and 7r.nted .n /la20, /l4e or red, 77& D...E, 18,, .mper.al 8<o, or.g.nal br.20-red moro22o 3.t8 7atterned 7a7er s.des and 2lot8 2orners, ba20str.7 lettered .n g.lt between f.<e ra.sed bands, a l.ttle r4//.ng to 7a7er and 2lot8 at board 2orners, t&e.g&, ot8ers 4ntr.mmed, a l.ttle ad8es.<e browning at 2orners of 7astedowns, boo07late of A& %ecwyn Gloyd to front 7astedown, sl.72ase 3.t8 7r.nted label l.g8tly /4mped at 8ead, <ery good (Iarro7 14) F6)) *rom t8e l.brary of 9els8-lang4age a4t8or Aa<.d %ecwyn GloydN an attra2t.<e 7r.nt.ng of a 7ort.on of t8e f.rst translat.on of t8e B.ble into Wels8& , (Gregynog Cress&) -A96HAS (O&B&) :lyc8 atgof& ;ewtown, Cowys& 1,!!, 22)5!+) :OCI-S (from an ed.t.on of !85 2o7.es) 7r.nted .n /la20 and brown on Bat28elor 8andmade 7a7er, front.s7.ece and 8 ot8er wood-engra<.ngs by 9.ll.am B2:an2e and 7r.nted .n brown, 77& x, ,+, 2rown 8<o, or.g.nal bevel-edged 9els8 tan s8eeps0.n wit8 des.gn stamped in brown to bot8 boards, ba20str.7 lettered in brown and r4bbed 3.t8 a to428 of wear at eit8er end, some fa.nt s7ott.ng, edges 4ntr.mmed owners8.7 .ns2r.7t.on to front 7astedown and a band of browning to marg.ns of flyleaf, leaflet abo4t ;ewtown tannery la.d .n, good (Iarro7 25) F15) 1) (Gregynog Cress&) =O;-S (%8omas) %8e Gregynog Cress& 6 Ca7er Head to t8e Ao4ble :rown :l4/ on + 67r.l 1,54& Oxford' Geoffrey :4mberledge, Oxford #ni<ers.ty Cress, 1,54, *IHS% -AI%IO;, O;- O* +5) :OCI-S, 5 wood-engra<.ngs (4 f4ll-page) reprod42ed from engra<.ngs 4sed at t8e 7ress, 77& D<...E, 4), 8<o, or.g.nal br.g8t /l4e 2lot8, 7r.nted front co<er label (s7are label t.77ed .n), free end7a7ers fa.ntly browned .n 7art as 4s4al, d4stKa20et a l.ttle 28.77ed at ba20str.7 7anel ends and a l.ttle toned to borders 3.t8 a small amo4nt of r4//.ng, very good F+) 11 (Gregynog Cress&) :-HAAI GH-G?;OG, 7oems 145)-165)& -d.ted by -n.d Hoberts& ;ewtown, Cowys, 1,+,, 6+/4)) :OCI-S, t.tle-page 7r.nted in green and /la20, 77& 35, crown 8<o, or.g.nal 2lot8 ba20ed pla.n 2ard wra77ers, green d4stKa20et w.t8 l.ne dra3.ng by J.m Br.dgen pr.nted in bla20, f.ne F4) 9.t8 a 7ress compl.ments sl.7 s.gned (3.t8 ‘Best wis8es for 1,8)’) by Press controller -r.2 Gee, la.d .n at front& 12 (Gregynog Cress&) A6H96GG (Bary, Brs) 9r.tten on wal0.ng .n t8e woods of Gregynog .n Bontgomerys8.re t8e seat of 6rt84r Blayney -s>& *.rst 74/l.s8ed .n 1+,4& ;ewtown, Cowys, 1,+,, O;- O* 1+5 :OCI-S, leaflet of 7ale green 8andmade 7a7er, 77& D!E, 2rown 8<o, or.g.nal 8andmade grey 7a7er folder, pr.nted in bla20 wit8 decorat.ons in green, f.ne (-sslemont & H4g8es A4) F!) 1! (Gregynog Cress&) OGI@-HS (%8omas) %8omas Ol.<ers of %regynon. %8e G.fe of an -arly Bet8od.st Crea28er 9r.tten by I.mself& ;ewtown, Cowys, 1,+,, 425!6) :OCI-S (from an ed.t.on of !+5 2o7.es) 7r.nted on Bas.ngwer0 Car28ment 7a7er, front.s7.e2e 7ortra.t, t.tle 7r.nted .n brown, s7are label t.77ed .n at rear, 77& 56, 2rown 8<o, or.g.nal m.d brown 2lot8, front 2o<er /lo20ed .n /l.nd, ba20str.7 3.t8 7r.nted la/el, f.ne F!5 3 BLACKWELL’S RARE BOOKS 9.t8 letters from t8e a4t8or 14 (Gregynog Cress&) I6HHOC (Aorot8y 6&) 6 I.story Dand B.bl.ogra78y] of t8e Gregynog Cress& C.nner' Cr.<ate G.brar.es 6sso2.at.on, 1,8), O;- O* 2,5)) :OCI-S (from an ed.t.on of 2,6)) 2o7.es), numero4s reprod42t.ons of t8e engra<.ngs 4sed at t8e 7ress, 7ages ta0en from t8e 7ress's boo0s and 78otogra78s of t8ose .n<ol<ed 3.t8 .ts wor0.ngs, 16 7lates, 77& x<., 266, royal 8<o, or.g.nal brown 2lot8 3.t8 Cress dev.2e /l.nd-stamped to u77er board, g.lt letter.ng on ba20str.7 between do4ble g.lt bands, f.ne F,) Ga.d .n at t8e front .s a 7ress-s8eet for t8e boo0 (8eaded J*or t8e fa<o4r of rev.ew’) as well as a %Gs and an 6C:s from Iarro7 to t8e boo0’s 7rev.o4s ownerN t8e letter, from !) =4ly 1,+, ex7la.ns abo4t t8e delays .n t8e boo0 be.ng 74bl.s8ed - ‘t8e 38eels of 74bl.s8.ng gr.nd slow’ - 38.lst t8e 2ard, from Bay t8e follo3.ng year ex7resses 8er 7leas4re t8at t8e boo0 8as been enKoyed, and s7ea0s in glo3.ng terms of its des.gn and prod42t.on.
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