SUDAN & NUBIA iii) Sites which are going to be affected by the construc- Merowe Dam Archaeological tion of the power transmission lines. iv) Although the monumental sites of the Napata Region Salvage Project will not be directly affected by these activities, NCAM is con- cerned with the expected environmental changes. These sites (MDASP) include the famous Pharaonic and Napato-Meroitic towns Salah Mohamed Ahmed and cemeteries at Jebel Barkal, Nuri, Sanam, el-Kurru, Hillat el-Arab, the Post-Meroitic tumuli of ez-Zuma, the Christian monastery of Ghazali and the later strongholds at Merowe Introduction East, Kagabi, ed-Datti and possibly other sites located fur- ther downstream. The idea of building a dam at the 4th Cataract of the Nile dates to the period of the Anglo-Egyptian administration in General results of recent work the Sudan (1943). It was previously referred to as ‘the Hamdab Many campaigns to the region have been organized during Dam’ and recently re-named ‘the Merowe Dam’ after a small the last 13 years. These are principally: island, the northern part of which is going to be cut through by the structure of the dam itself (Back cover, top). Most of * Campaigns by NCAM on both banks of the Nile and the local inhabitants pronounce the name of this island as on some islands. One of these campaigns was directed by a ‘Mirowy’. UNESCO expert (Prof. Jean Leclant). For various reasons, this project was not realized over the * The University of Rome in the downstream portions of last 50 years. Since it came to power in 1989, the present the region. government has considered this dam as a project of fore- * An assessment of the impact of the dam on archaeo- most priority as it will create enough hydroelectric power logical sites made by Dr. K. Grzymski for Monenco, the (1250mg/w) to develop many sectors of the national Canadian Company responsible for the feasibility study of economy. the project. Location, time and impact * The Sudan Archaeological Research Society (SARS) con- After many studies made by expert international institutions ducted surveys and test excavations on the left bank of the and companies, the Government of Sudan decided to build Nile and on the islands (Dar el-Arab to Kerbikan). a single dam across the island of Mirowy, located about 26km * The Mission of the Archaeological Museum of Gdanskƒ upstream from the pyramids of Nuri. The completion of (Poland) surveyed the right bank and conducted test and res- the project is scheduled for August 2007. cue excavations. The highest water level (reached during flood season) will These activities have thrown much light on the archaeo- be approximately 300m above sea level. This will result in logical potential of the region and resulted in the recording the inundation of a strip of land, approximately 170km in of hundreds of sites. The sites consist of cemeteries and length, upstream of the dam (Back cover, bottom). A lake isolated tombs, rock drawings of various periods, remains about 4km wide will be formed immediately behind the dam. of settlements, mainly of later periods (Christian) and monu- This will result in the dislocation of more than 48,000 peo- mental fortresses of the Medieval period. The various sur- ple from their homes. veys have revealed a high density of Post-Meroitic and Chris- MDASP tian remains. However, the discovery of vast sites of the Kerma period on the right bank indicates that future investi- The aim of this project is to rescue archaeological sites gations may be very fruitful in finding considerable remains endangered by the construction of Merowe Dam. The reali- of all periods of the country’s history. sation of this dam will affect a considerable number of archaeological sites to varying degrees: The present situation i) Sites which are going to be either destroyed by the Preliminary preparation for the construction of the Dam engineering activities at the dam site or covered by the has already started: waters of the lake upstream. This will include a strip of land * The first resettlement area (el-Multaga) is located about of about 170km on both banks of the Nile together with 40km south of ed-Debba (Figure 1). The resettlement pro- dozens of islands. gramme here consists of the construction of two villages ii) Sites which are going to be destroyed by the building and a complex of administrative premises to run a vast agri- of houses and digging of irrigation canals in the resettle- cultural scheme Colour plate VI). This area is reserved for ment areas. the resettlement of about 8% of the dislocated population, 11 Figure 1. Map showing the location of the resettlement areas and of the transmission lines. the inhabitants of the villages which are going to be directly ing to the dam site from Kareima and Merowe, together with affected by the engineering activities at the dam site. A great a railway linking the dam site with the existing line on the number of people have already moved to their new homes. right bank, have been built. A small township for the engi- neers and, later, for the administration of the dam and the * A campaign (2001-2002) was organized by NCAM in power station is completed (Colour plate VII). The engineer- collaboration with the French Archaeological Section ing work for the dam itself is planned to begin in October (SFDAS) to rescue the antiquities of the el-Multaga area 2003. (13,000 feddans: about 30,940 hectares). The operation * The National Corporation for Antiquities and Muse- resulted in the recording of over 100 concentrations of pre- ums (NCAM) organised a six month campaign (2001-2002) historic sites together with a Christian settlement near the to rescue sites endangered by the engineering activities on Nile in a location which had been chosen by the Ministry of the left bank, over a distance of about 8km. The result of Irrigation for the installation of the new pumping station this campaign was the recording and testing of dozens of for the resettlement project. sites, prehistoric settlements, graves of the pre-Napatan, Post- * Further upstream, roads on both banks of the Nile lead- Meroitic (Plate 1, Colour plate VIII) and Christian periods 12 SUDAN & NUBIA covery for the first time of numerous Kerma sites in this region. Hence, the previously known geographical bounda- ries of this culture have been extended more than 200km further upstream. * On the left bank and on the islands in the area between Dar el-Arab and Kibekan, the Sudan Archaeological Research Society (SARS) has conducted extensive surveys and excava- tions covering sites representing all phases of the country’s history (see Welsby, this volume). The discovery of the remains of a Kushite pyramid in this concession is a real surprise. Future work During the coming five years, intensive archaeological work is needed in the reservoir area upstream from the dam site, along the power transmission lines, in the new resettlement areas and on the sites of the Napatan Region (Figure 1): a) The lake sites As already noted, the Merowe Dam (65m high) will affect the villages over a distance of about 170km. The new lake will have a maximum width of about 4km including the actual channel. Left bank Plate 1. Post-Meroitic tumuli at el-Haraz (Left Bank). NCAM will continue its investigations from the dam site to Dar el–Arab. The Sudan Archaeological Research Society and others of undetermined date. Many rock-drawings of (SARS) will keep its concession in the region between Dar various periods were also recorded. These are mainly draw- el–Arab and Kerbikan (40km). ings of animals (camels, donkeys and horses), boats and Right bank crosses (Plate 2). The campaign also included the excavation The Mission of the Archaeological Museum of Gdanskƒ of a big kom on the Island of Mirowy containing 10 Chris- (Poland) will continue its rescue programme between the dam tian graves on the surface (Colour plate IX) and an earlier site and Khor Dakhfeli. Post-Meroitic burial at a lower level, in addition to houses of the Christian period. The surface of this island yielded rare Archaeological Missions are invited to contribute to the Prehistoric tools. rescue of sites upstream from the above-mentioned conces- sions.1 * The Mission of the Archaeological Museum of Gdanskƒ (Poland) covered the equivalent area on the right bank (see b) The power transmission lines Paner, this volume). Sites of all periods have been recorded Five lines are going to be installed: and tested. The main achievement of this mission is the dis- 1) Dam site – Omdurman 2) Dam site – Atbara 3) Dam site – Dongola 4) Atbara - Khartoum North (through the Butana) 5) Atbara - Port Sudan. NCAM has agreed with the Dam Administration to undertake the survey of these lines as soon as they are demarcated on the ground (2003). Using this method the contractors can avoid the destruction of ancient remains and less rescue excavation will be required. This has already been 1 The National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums would pre- fer efforts to be concentrated on the less represented chapters of the country’s history in the region (i.e., Prehistoric, Kerma, Pharaonic and Plate 2. Rock-drawing from the dam site (Left Bank). Kushite periods). 13 experienced in recent ‘road’ and ‘pipe–line’ archaeological projects. c) The resettlement programme In addition to el-Multaga, three other resettlement areas will be prepared for the dislocated population of the region: 1) The lower reaches of Wadi Muqaddam will be prepared for the resettlement of the people from the region of Amri. The project, which will cover an area of 35,000 feddans (about 83,300 hectares), is scheduled for 2003.
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