BOARD OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2019 2:00 P.M | UNIVERSITY CENTRE BOARDROOM 424 AGENDA Page Information for Committee Members 3 Membership | Meetings 1. Welcome and Approval of the Agenda 5 - 6 a) Approval of the Agenda [Motion] 2. Approval of the Minutes 7 - 15 a) Minutes of May 16, 2019 [Motion] b) Business Arising 3. Committee Education and Orientation 17 - 37 a) University Governance and Committee Mandate 39 - 54 b) 2019-20 Committee Priorities and Planning 4. Undergraduate Curriculum Changes: Course Additions, Deletions, Changes 55 - 59 a) Bachelor of Arts and Science (BAS) Program [Motion] 61 b) Bachelor of Computing (BComp) Program [Motion] 63 c) University of Guelph-Humber Program [Motion] 65 - 69 d) Associate Diploma Program [Motion] 5. Board of Undergraduate Studies Subcommittees 71 - 72 a) Calendar Review Committee: 2019-20 Membership b) Joint Editorial Awards Committee (JEAC): 2019-20 Membership 73 - 76 c) JEAC Annual Report 2018-19 [Addenda Item] 6. Other Business 77 a) Update from the Office of the Associate Vice-President (Academic) [Addenda Item] 79 - 87 b) Academic Schedule of Dates: 2020-21 c) Teaching and Learning Plan Page 1 of 110 [Addenda Item] Addenda Item 89 - 101 a) 6c) Other Business - Teaching and Learning Plan 103 - 105 b) 6a) Update from the Office of the Associate Vice-President (Academic) 107 - 110 c) 5c) JEAC Annual Report 2018-19 Adjournment To Attend: Byron Sheldrick (Chair), Trent Tucker (Vice-Chair), Ayesha Ali, Samantha Brennan, Melanie Cassidy (non-voting), Carrie Chassels (Vice-Provost, Student Affairs), Ray Darling (University Registrar), Cate Dewey (Associate Vice-President, Academic), Joanne Emeneau (non-voting), Lindsey Fletcher, Dan Gillis, Maya Goldenberg, Jessica- Dominique Lecques (alternate member), Steven McCarty, Sooraj Modi, Patricia Tersigni (Director, Academic Programs and Policy | non-voting), John Walsh (Vice-Provost, University of Guelph-Humber) Regrets: Michelle Fach, Nora Elgharbawy Guests: Martin Williams (Director, Teaching and Learning) Recording Secretary: Jackie Gillis (University Secretariat | Minutes) Next regular meeting is scheduled for November 7, 2019 Page 2 of 110 2019-20 BOARD OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES Committee bylaws and additional information is available on the University Secretariat Website.1 Meeting Schedule Fall 2019 Winter / Spring 2020 Thursday, September 26, 2019 TBD Thursday, November 7, 2019 Membership Ex-officio Cate Dewey Associate Vice-President (Academic) Carrie Chassels Vice-Provost (Student Affairs) Michelle Fach Executive Director, Open Learning and Educational Support Ray Darling University Registrar Samantha Brennan Dean Ex-officio Non-voting Members Melanie Cassidy Learning & Curriculum Support Librarian2 Patricia Tersigni Director, Academic Programs and Policy John Walsh Vice-Provost Guelph-Humber Faculty (5) Byron Sheldrick (Chair) CSAHS Maya Goldenberg COA Dan Gillis CEPS Trent Tucker (Vice-Chair) LANG Ayesha Ali CEPS Undergraduate Students (4) [one of whom shall be CSA VP Academic] Lindsey Fletcher Central Student Association, VP Academic Nora Elgharbawy (undergraduate) Steven McCarty (undergraduate) Sooraj Modi (undergraduate) 1 URL: https://www.uoguelph.ca/secretariat/office-services/senate/senate-boards-and-standing- committees/board-undergraduate-studies 2 Designate of University Librarian Membership | Meetings Page 3 of 110 Page 4 of 110 To: Board of Undergraduate Studies From: Joanne Emeneau, Associate University Secretary Subject: 1. Welcome and Approval of the Agenda 2. Approval of the Minutes Meeting: September 26, 2019 1. Welcome and Approval of the Agenda a) Approval of the Agenda [Motion] The Board of Undergraduate Studies is asked to, RESOLVE, that the September 26, 2019 meeting agenda be approved, as presented. 2. Approval of the Minutes a) Minutes of May 16, 2019 [Motion] The Board of Undergraduate Studies is asked to, RESOLVE, that the minutes of the May 16, 2019 meeting be approved, as presented. b) Business Arising Nomination and Election of the Committee Chair and Vice-Chair – Byron Sheldrick and Trent Tucker agreed to stand as Committee Chair and Vice-Chair, respectively, of the Board of Undergraduate Studies. Their election was duly confirmed with members via email. Senate Approval – At its June 3, 2019 meeting on the recommendation of the Board of Undergraduate Studies, Senate approved the motions for the following: ➢ Name Changes and Deletion of Co-op options (Adult Development, and Child, Youth & Family) ➢ Proposed Amendment to Early Childhood Education College (ECE) Pathways ➢ Proposed New Major, with Co-op option, and Minor (Sport and Event Management) ➢ Proposed New Minor in Business Data Analytics ➢ Proposed New Minor in Entrepreneurship ➢ Proposed New Minor in International Business ➢ Proposed New Minor in Project Management ➢ Proposed New Minor in Sustainable Business ➢ Proposed Program Change in Bachelor of Computing (BComp) Program ➢ Proposed Admission Requirement Change in Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) Program Revisions to the Voluntary Withdrawal Procedure as it relates to DVM students, approved at the May 16, 2019 meeting, will go to the October 7, 2019 Senate for approval. Approval of the Agenda [Motion] Page 5 of 110 Undergraduate Curriculum Changes – At its meeting on June 3, 2019, Senate received, for information, curriculum changes approved by the Board of Undergraduate Studies at its meeting on May 16, 2019. All other items of business arising are addressed throughout the meeting agenda. n:\senate\5. standing committees and boards\2. board of undergraduate studies (bugs)\2. meeting packages\2019- 20\1. september 26, 2019\cover memos\1&2_agenda and minutes.docx Approval of the Agenda [Motion] Page 6 of 110 BOARD OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES Thursday, May 16, 2019 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. | University Centre Boardroom 424 In Attendance: Byron Sheldrick (Chair), Martin Williams (Vice-Chair), Ayesha Ali, Ray Darling, Cate Dewey (Associate Vice-President Academic), Joanne Emeneau (non-voting), Michelle Fach (Executive Director, Open Learning and Educational Support), Lindsey Fletcher, Marion Joppe, Scott McRoberts, Patricia Tersigni (Director, Academic Programs and Policy | non-voting) Regrets: Bryanne Dubuc-Lavalle Absent: Dalton Beseau, Samantha Brennan, Melanie Cassidy (non-voting), Baozhong Meng, Matthew Pavusa Non-Voting Members: Patricia Tersigni (Director, Academic Programs and Policy), Joanne Emeneau (Associate University Secretary) Administrative Support & Guests: George Bragues (Assistant Vice-Provost, University of Guelph- Humber), Sheena Karia (Faculty Appointments Coordinator, University of Guelph-Humber), Sara Mann (Associate Dean Academic, Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics), Karen Gordon (Associate Dean Academic, CEPS), Jackie Gillis (University Secretariat | Minutes) 1. Welcome and Approval of the Agenda a) Approval of the Agenda The Chair called the meeting to order and welcomed all members and visitors. The Chair then asked if members had any questions or concerns relating to the agenda. There were none. It was decided to move items 3a and 3b to follow item 3i. The Chair added Changes to the Voluntary Withdrawal Policy as an item under Other Business. On a motion duly moved and seconded, it was RESOLVED, that the May 21, 2019 meeting agenda be approved, as presented. 2. Approval of the Minutes & Business Arising a) Approval of the Minutes of March 19, 2019 On a motion duly moved and seconded, it was RESOLVED, that the March 19, 2019 minutes be approved, as presented. Minutes of May 16, 2019 [Motion] Page 7 of 110 Minutes | Board of Undergraduate Studies | Thursday, May 16, 2019 | Page 2 b) Business Arising The Chair noted the items of business arising detailed within the meeting materials. 3. Undergraduate Curriculum Changes: Program Additions, Deletions, Changes c) Bachelor of Commerce (BComm) Program Committee: Proposed New Major, with Co-op Option, and Minor (Sport and Event Management) [Motion-S] The Chair invited Sara Mann, Associate Dean Academic in the Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics, to elaborate on the proposed changes. S. Mann explained that the program was developed in reflection of significant student demand. It was noted that external reviewers expressed support for the program and advised them to keep the program somewhat small to begin. P. Tersigni added that the reviewers also noted that the program would provide great opportunities to explore the management of sport from non-traditional perspectives, including sport and sport events in Indigenous communities. In response to a question regarding the starting cohort size, S. Mann responded that the first cohort would be 25-40 students, with 10 students in co-op. A Member expressed concern that there is huge demand for this type of program and that there may be difficulty controlling offers. R. Darling noted that average cut-offs will be set appropriately to address the demand. On a motion duly moved and seconded, it was RESOLVED, that on recommendation of the Bachelor of Commerce Program Committee, the Board of Undergraduate Studies accept and recommend Senate approve the proposed new major, co-op option, and minor in “Sport and Event Management” effective May 1, 2020, as presented. d) Bachelor of Commerce (BComm) Program - Proposed New Minor in Business Data Analytics [Motion-S] The Chair invited S. Mann to speak to the suite of proposed new minors. S. Mann noted that business schools have become increasingly interdisciplinary and that the proposed changes seek
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