Sept. 10, 1962 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE Page 17867. lowed walls. Therefore it is a great were appointed managers on the part of H.R. 7900. An act for the relief of Lt. (jg.) privilege to present our guests: the House at the conference. James B. Stewart; The Honorable Jacobo Schaulsohn, The message also announced that the H.R. 9775. An act for the relief of Nihat President of the Chamber of Deputies Ali Ucuncu; House had disagreed to the amendments H.R. 9834. An act for the relief of Estelle from Santiago, Radical Party. First of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 10650) to L. Heard; elected to the Chamber in 1949. [Ap­ amend the Internal Revenue Code of H.R. 10195. An act to validate payments of plause. Senators rising.] 1954 to provide a credit for investment certain special station per diem allowances The Honorable Humberto Aguirre- in certain depreciable property, to elimi­ and certain basic allowances for quarters Doolan, Senator from Concepcion, Rad­ nate certain defects and inequities, and made in good faith to commissioned officers ical Party. First elected to the Chamber for other purposes; agreed to the con­ of the Public Health Service; of Deputies in 1949 and to the Senate in ference asked by the Senate on the dis­ H.R. 10493. An act to amend title 18, United States Code, section 4163, relating to 1953. [Applause.] agreeing votes of the two Houses there­ discharge of prisoners; The Honorable Humberto Del Rio, on, and that Mr. MILLS, Mr. KING of H.R. 11017. An act to amend section 4281, Member of the Chamber of Deputies California, Mr. BOGGS, Mr. KEOGH, Mr. title 18, of the United States Cods to in­ from Cauquenes, Liberal Party. Presi­ MASON, Mr. BYRNES of Wisconsin, and crease from $30 to $100 the amount of dent of the Agricultural Committee. Mr. BAKER were appointed managers on gratuity which may be furnished by the At­ First elected to the Chamber in 1949. the part of the House at the conference. torney General to prisoners discharged from [Applause.] The message further announced that imprisonment or released on parole; The Honorable Renan Fuentealba, H.R. 11031. An act for the relief of George the House had disagreed to the amend­ Wm. Rueff, Inc.; Member of the Chamber of Deputies ments of the Senate to the bill (H.R. H.R. 11122. An act for the relief of Edward from Coquimbo, Christian Democratic 12870) making appropriations for mili­ J. McManus; Party. First elected to the Chamber tary construction for the Department H.R. 11863. An act for the relief of Vernon in 1957. President of the Christian of Defense for the fiscal year ending J. Wiersma; Democratic Party. [Applause.] June 30, 1963, and for other purposes; H.R. 11996. An act to amend the act of The Honorable Victor Gonzalez- agreed to the conference asked by the January 30, 1913, to provide that the Ameri­ Maertens, Member of the Chamber of Senate on the disagreeing votes of the can Hospital of Paris shall have perpetual two Houses thereon, and that Mr. SHEP­ succession; Deputies from Temuco, National Demo­ H.R. 12157. An act to amend the Bank­ cratic Party (Padena). First elected to PARD, Mr. SIKES, Mr. CANNON, Mr. JONES, ruptcy Act in respect to the salaries of re­ the Chamber in 1957. [Applause.] and Mr. TABER were appointed managers tired referees; The Honorable Julio Subercaseaux, on the part of the House at the con­ H.J. Res. 627. Joint resolution extending Member of the Chamber of Deputies for ference. the duration of copyright protection in cer­ the First District of Santiago, United tain cases; and Conservative Party. First elected to the H.J. Res. 783. Joint resolution granting Chamber in 1961. [Applause.] ENROLLED BILLS AND JOINT RESO­ consent of Congress to the State of Delaware Mr. President, to our Chilean friends LUTIONS SIGNED and the State of New Jersey to enter into a compact to establish the Delaware River and I wish to say the Senate of the United The message also announced that the Bay Authority for the development of the States extends a very warm and cordial Speaker had affixed his signature to the area in both States bordering the Delaware welcome, and we hope that they will have following enrolled bills and joint resolu­ River and Bay. a very profitable and pleasant and en­ tions, and they were signed by the Vice lightened trip as they go from point President: to point in this Republic. Thank you S. 167. An act to authorize the Attorney THE FUTURE OF LATIN AMERICA for coming. [Applause.] General to compel the production of docu­ AND THE PROBLEM OF THE SO­ mentary evidence required in civil investiga­ The PRESIDING OFFICER. The tions for the enforcement of the antitrust VIET QUISLING REGIME IN CUBA Chair is happy to join in expressing to laws, and for other purposes; Mr. DODD. Mr. President, over the our distinguished visitors the official H.R. 75. An act to amend section 2103 of past several weeks, some of our most welcome of the Senate. The Chair ap­ title 28, United States Code, relating to ap­ distinguished Senators have made state­ preciates the privilege of doing so. peals improvidently taken; H.R. 857. An act to improve due process in ments on the subject of Cuba, expressing the consideration and final adjudication of diverse opinions. This is as it should be, MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE disputed claims for veterans' benefits by pro­ if the Senate is truly to fulfill its advi­ viding that the claimant shall be furnished sory fuction in the critical realm of for­ A message from the House of Repre­ eign affairs. sentatives, by Mr. Maurer, one of its a brief statement of the facts and law appli­ cable to the case appealed and afforded an For my own part, I have hesitated to reading clerks, announced that the opportunity to reply thereto; House had passed, without amendment, H.R. 860. An act to repeal certain obsolete speak before today for several reasons. the joint resolution (S.J. Res. 222) pro­ provisions of title 38, United States Code, In the first place, I do not regard the viding for the designation of the period relating to unemployment compensation for Cuban situation as one which lends it­ October 1962 through October 1963 as Korean conflict veterans; self to a simple one-word or one-action "National Safety Council 50th Anniver­ H.R. 1322. An act for the relief of Georges solution. sary Year." Khoury; I do not believe that the way to deal H.R. 1450. An act for the relief of Maria The message also announced that the Odelia Campos; with it is to send in the marines tomor­ House had agreed to the amendments H.R. 1463. An act for the relief of Judy row. of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 8038) to Josephine Alcantara; In the second place, I know how great amend section 491 of title 18, United H.R. 1678. An act for the relief of Jacques the cares of the President are, and how States Code, prohibiting certain acts in­ Tawil; many different factors must be taken in­ volving the use of tokens, slugs, disks, H.R. 2611. An act for the relief of Charles to consideration in establishing our pol­ devices, papers, or other things which F. Ward, Jr., and Billy W. Crane, Sr.; icy toward Cuba and toward Latin Amer­ are similar in size and shape to the law­ H.R. 4628. An act for the relief of Fotios ica as a whole. I do not wish to add to ful coins or other currency of the United Sakelaropoulos Kaplan; the great burden he is carrying. I want States. H.R. 5234. An act to amend title 38, United to help our President, and that is why States Code, to provide for the restoration I speak today. The message further announced that of certain widows and children to the rolls the House had disagreed to the amend­ upon annulment of their marriages or re­ But, in the course of the current de­ ment of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 10) marriages, and for other purposes; bate on Cuba, there are certain things to encourage the establishment of vol­ H.R. 5317. An act for the relief of Mrs. Sun that have not yet been said; there are untary pension plans by self-employed Yee (also known as Mrs. Tom Goodyou) certain aspects of the situation that have individuals; agreed to the conference and her children, Nale Har Yee, Shee Bell not been given due consideration. asked by the Senate on the disagreeing Yee, and Male Jean Yee; I speak today in the hope that I can votes of the two Houses thereon, and H.R. 7328. An act for the relief of the es­ contribute, at least in small measure, to that Mr. MILLS, Mr. KING of California, tate of Louis J. Simpson, deceased; the discussion which is essential to the Mr. BOGGS, Mr. KEOGH, Mr. MASON, Mr. H.R. 7437. An act for the relief of Stella clarification of our collective thinking on BYRNES of Wisconsin, and Mr. BAKER Rosa Pagano; Cuba. .
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