CENSUS OF INDIA 1991 SERIES - 25 UTTAR PRADESH PART IV - B(ii} RELIGION (TABLE C-9) DIRECTORATE OF CENSUS OPERATIONS UTTAR PRADESH CONTENTS Pages PREFACE v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT vII INTRODUCTORY NOTE 2 Note on Religion Table 27 C-9-Rellglon Table 28-243 APPENDICES AppendIx A -Details of religions shown under 'Other rellafons and 247-254 persuasions' having population of 100 or more at State level In main rellafon table. Appendix 8 - Details of religions shown under 'Other rellafons and 255-257 persuasIons' having population less than 100 at State level In main rellafon table. An nexu re - Details of Sects/Belief/Religions dubbed with another religion 261-274 which Is shown at the head of the table In block letters. (III) PREFACE The present volume gives the religious composition of the population of Uttar Pradesh with sexwlse break up separately for the State, Districts, Tahsils and Urban Agglomerations/Towns as revealed by 1991 Census. This report presents Information In respect of six major religious communities namely Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, Jalns, Christians, Buddhists, "Other Religions and Persuasions" and" Religion not Stated". The CensUs Operations of 1991 were carried out In UP under the direction of Sri Vijender aut;lAS. The compilation of religion data was done under the supervision of Deputy Dlr n the Regional Tabulation Offices. The tlnallsatlon of Religion Table, Appendices and An~e etc. were done In Census Division of the Directorate under the supervision and . guidance of S/Sri K.C. Upadhyaya and Ram Sa hal, Asstt. Directors. The names of members of staff of this Directorate, who were closely associated with the work are given separately. The scrutiny of the basic statements etc. was done In the Office of the Registrar General, India under the supervision of Dr. M.K. Jain, Deputy Registrar General (SS) and Sri S.P. Sharma, Deputy Registrar General (C & T). I am thankful to Sri A.R. Nanda, Ex-Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India and also to Dr. M. Vijayanunni, the present Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India for valuable guidance and encouragement given by them which helped us in bringing out this publication. I am also thankful to Sri S.P. Sharma, Deputy Registrar General (C & T) and Dr. M.K. Jain, Deputy Registrar General (SS) for providing valuable suggestions and encouragement at all stages of work. I hope this publication will be of Immense use for Data Users, Sociologists, Demographers and Policy makers etc. Lucknow R.K. SINGH August, 1 996 Joint Director (v) • I ACKNOWLEDGEMENT List of staff closely associated with this volume S(Shr1 Compilation and flnallsatloln of data 1. S. Manzoor All Inv. 2. K.C.Gupta Inv. 3. V.K.Nlgam Inv. 4. S.N. Srivastava Inv. S. R.K. Misra Inv. 6. Banarasllal Inv. Hindi Translation 1. V.K. Nigam Inv. 2. Balblr Singh S.A. Cover Design 1. Dashrath Singh, Sr. Geographer 2. H.C. Tewarl Sr. Draughtsman 3. Smt. Poonam Chaturvedl Draughtsman PC Assistance 1. Vlnod Soloman Computer 2. R.P. Saxena DOE Operator 3. Mukesh Chandra Sotl LDC (vII) INTRODUCTORY NOTE INTRODUCTORY NOTE Religion Is one of the basic cultural characteristics 8 of the Individual Slip and editing and matching of of the population. In a secular State like India, several the entry In column 9 of the Household Schedule wc:s religions have thrived and every decennial Census has done In the Regional Tabulation Offices established attempted to provide an interesting picture of the religious for IIIIMual processing and compilation of Census data. persuasions of the people of the Country. The data Th, tclltln, and matching Instructions for question 8 on religion yielded by Census are of great Interest to of. Individual Slip (Religion) are reproduced below: the Anthropologists, Sociologists, Demographers, Administrators, Planners and also layman. "Question a-Religion During 1991 Census, through question number Match the entry In column 9 of the Household 8 of the Individual Slip, enumerators were Instructed Schedule for each member of the household with the to record the religion as actually returned by the corresponding entry against question 8 of the Individual respondents. The Instructions to the Enumerators for Slip. Please note that this check wlll be made for ali filling up question 8 on religlon are reproduced below: types of households, whether normal or institutional or houseless. If these are not the same for any member n In answering this question, use the folloWing of the household, correct the entry In column 9 of the abbreviations: Household Schedule on the basis of entry In question a of the Individual Slip. If the entry In either the Individual H for Hindus Slip or the Household Schedule Is missing for any member M for Muslims of the household copy, the entry from the schedule C for Christians In which It has been written Into the schedule In which S for Sikhs It has been missed. If by chance the entry Is blank B for Buddhists in both the Individual Slip and the Household Schedule ) for Jalns for any member of the household, look into the entries of religion In respect of other related members of the For others, reCord the actual religion as returned household and write the religion Indicated therein In fully. both the schedules." If a person says that he has no religion, the answer may be recorded accordingly. Do not mistake religion A SUMMARY for caste which will not be recorded here. You should The total strength of each main religious community also not try to establish any relationship between religlon in the State is given In the following statement. These and mother tongue. Do not write anything in the dotted are arranged In order of numerical strength at the State boxes, but write on the line. ft level: The enumerators were also instructed to copy Rell&lous Sex Ratio the returns regarding religion of an individual from comrn- (female per question 8 of Individual Slip to column 9 of the Household unities Persons Males Females 1000 males) Schedule. The instructions In this regard were as follows: I 2 3 4 5 Hindus " 3, 712,829 60,641,137 53,071,692 875 "For the person entered In column 2 of the Household Schedule, check if H, M, C, S, Band J Muslims 24,109,684 12,709,330 11,400,354 897 or actual religion returned by the person has been Sikhs 675,775 361,641 314,134 869 recorded In question 8 of the Individual Slip. If so, Buddhists 221,433 119,306 102,127 856 copy the same In column 9 of the Household Schedule." Chrlsda"s 199,575' 101,771 97,804 961 Editing of the returns obtained through question Jalns 176,259 91,999 84,260 916 2 The percentage of the population accounted for Statement showIng dIstrIbution of populatfon by each of the six major religious communities, viz., Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, Christians ~nd Jalns at State/District level by main religion, other religions at the 1991 Census alongwlth their decade . tWth rate and persuasions and religion not stated at 1981 and ( 1981-91) at the State level Is given bf .• : 1991 Censuses Is given on next page. Percentaae Percentaae Seven new districts were created after 1981 Religious to total decadal growth Census following which 15 more districts were affected. communities population rate 1981-91 2 3 Figures of 1981 Census recast in the Jurisdiction Hindus 81.74 23.11 of 1991 Census are presented In the Statements. Muslims 17.33 36.54 The procedure adopted for recasting religion wise Sikhs 00.48 47.34 data In respect of various affected districts has been Buddhists 00.16 305.99 done as under: Christians 00.14 23.M Jalns 00.13 24.52 The percentage distribution of the populatIon of I. Wherever complete rural/urban charges the six malor religious communities by rural and urban have been transferred from one district to another break up is presented In the following statement: district, religion wise data as shown In Religion Paper I of 1985 have been transferred as such for making Religious Percentaae to Percentaae to (omm- Rural total rural Urban total urban adjustments and Incorporating necessary changes. unities population population population population 2 3 4 5 Hindus 95,2-46,912 85.42 18,465,917 66.89 2. Where only some villages of a tahsil were Muslins 15,515,255 13.91 8,594,429 31.13 transferred from one district to another, In those Sikhs 453,817 00.41 221,958 00.80 cases total population of those villages was distrIbuted Buddhis15 164,477 00.15 56,956 00.21 according to percentage distribution of religion wIse 0uiItaIns 76,344 00.07 123,231 00.45 populatIon of that rural charge. The basIs of this Jolins 37,406 00.03 138,853 00.50 religion wise adlustment Is Paper - I of 1985. J STATEMENT DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION Buddhist> Total Percentage Growth to tGUi RatE 51. Census Total Population Statel Population Population No. District Year Population Growth 8 2 .. 5 6 7 30s,,9 UTTAR. PltADESH 1991 139,112,287 25.48 221,433 0.1& 1981 110,862,01] 54,542 0.05 27.50 Ullal'llashi 1991 239,709 25.54 1,377 0.57 1981 190,948 1,080 0.57 54,81 (hamuli • 1991 4H,8l1 21.75 209 0.05 1981 373,605 135 0.04 0.01 CC Tehrl Garhwal 1991 580,153 16.56 70 1981 497,710 8,345 0.81 129.20 4 Dehradun 1991 1,025,679 34.66 1981 761,668 3,6'11 0.48 145 0.02 17.89 5 Garhwal • 1991 682,535 8.5& .
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