APPLICATION OF DUAL QUATERNIONS ON SELECTED PROBLEMS Jitka Prošková Dissertation thesis Supervisor: Doc. RNDr. Miroslav Láviˇcka, Ph.D. Plze ˇn, 2017 APLIKACE DUÁLNÍCH KVATERNIONU˚ NA VYBRANÉ PROBLÉMY Jitka Prošková Dizertaˇcní práce Školitel: Doc. RNDr. Miroslav Láviˇcka, Ph.D. Plze ˇn, 2017 Acknowledgement I would like to thank all the people who have supported me during my studies. Especially many thanks belong to my family for their moral and material support and my advisor doc. RNDr. Miroslav Láviˇcka, Ph.D. for his guidance. I hereby declare that this Ph.D. thesis is completely my own work and that I used only the cited sources. Plzeˇn, July 20, 2017, ........................... i Annotation In recent years, the study of quaternions has become an active research area of applied geometry, mainly due to an elegant and efficient possibility to represent using them ro- tations in three dimensional space. Thanks to their distinguished properties, quaternions are often used in computer graphics, inverse kinematics robotics or physics. Furthermore, dual quaternions are ordered pairs of quaternions. They are especially suitable for de- scribing rigid transformations, i.e., compositions of rotations and translations. It means that this structure can be considered as a very efficient tool for solving mathematical problems originated for instance in kinematics, bioinformatics or geodesy, i.e., whenever the motion of a rigid body defined as a continuous set of displacements is investigated. The main goal of this thesis is to provide a theoretical analysis and practical applications of the dual quaternions on the selected problems originated in geometric modelling and other sciences or various branches of technical practise. Primarily we focus on problems which are traditionally solved using quaternions and show that involving dual quater- nions can simplify the designed approaches and sets them on a unifying basis. In the first part of the thesis we recall the fundamental theory of quaternion algebra and their application for the description of the three dimensional rotations. Then we continue with dual numbers. The quaternions and dual numbers are used for the introduction of dual quaternions. Subsequently, some elementary notions dealing with dual quaternion are introduced and explained. Compared to quaternions that can represent only rotation, the dual quaternions offer a broader representation of both the rotation and translation. In the second part of the thesis we discuss several practical applications of dual quater- nions. Firstly, one of the challenging problems from geodesy is solved. The Burša-Wolf similarity transformation model is presented and a new mathematical method based on the dual quaternions is introduced and documented. Next, we deal with an interesting problem relating to structural biology, i.e., the description of the protein structure is thor- oughly investigated. The well-known method for describing secondary protein structures is called SrewFit, and the dual-quaternions-improvement is designed as a new approach. The last part of the thesis is devoted to modifying existing Hermite interpolation schemes by rational spline motions with help of dual quaternions. Functionality of the designed method is illustrated on several examples. Keywords Quaternions, dual quaternions, datum transformation, Burša-Wolf model, secondary protein structure, ScrewFit, rational spline motion, Hermite interpolation. ii Anotace V posledních letech se studium kvaternion˚ustalo aktivní oblastí výzkumu aplikované geometrie díky své schopnosti jednoduše a elegantnˇereprezentovat rotaˇcní pohyb. Díky této vlastnosti jsou kvaterniony ˇcasto využívány zejména v oblasti poˇcítaˇcové grafiky, inverzní kinematiky nebo také fyziky. Mimo to, je duální kvaternion také chápán jako uspoˇrádaná dvojice kvaternion˚u. Duální kvaterniony jsou pˇredevším vhodné pro popis pˇrímé shodnosti, tj. složení rotace a posunutí. Tato struktura se stává tedy velmi efekti- vním nástrojem pˇri ˇrešení matematických problém˚u, vzniklých napˇríklad v kinematice, bioinformatcie nebo geodézii, tj. vždy, když je zkoumán pohyb tuhého tˇelasa definovaný jako spojitá množina posunutí. Hlavním cílem pˇredkládané práce je poskytnout teoretické poznatky a praktické použití duálních kvaternion˚una vybraných problémech, které vznikají v geometrickém mode- lování a dalších vˇedách nebo r˚uzných odvˇetví technické praxe. Speciálnˇese zamˇeˇrujeme na problémy, které jsou obvykle ˇrešené pomocí kvaternion˚u a ukazují, že aplikace duál- ních kvaternion˚udokáže zjednodušit navrhované pˇrístupy a hlavnˇejim dát stejný základ. V první ˇcásti práce pˇripomeneme fundamentální teorii kvaternionové algebry a schop- nost kvaternion˚upopsat trojrozmˇernou rotaci. Dále pokraˇcujeme duálními ˇcísly. Kvater- niony a duální ˇcísla se používají pˇri zavedení duálních kvaternion˚u. Následnˇejsou pˇred- staveny nˇekteré základní pojmy vztažené k duálním kvatrnion˚um. Duální kvaterniony ve srovnání s kvaterniony, které dokáží reprezentovat rotaci, nám dokáží nabídnout, vzh- ledem k jejich schopnosti reprezentovat rotace a posunutí, širší využití. V druhé ˇcásti práce se budeme zabývat praktickým využitím duálních kvaternion˚u. Nejdˇríve se zamˇeˇríme na jeden z nároˇcných problém˚ugeodezie, tj. Burša-Wolf trans- formaˇcní model. Je zde pˇredstavena a popsána nová matematická metoda založená na duálních kvaternionech. Dalším zajímavým problémem, který je zde podrobnˇezkoumán, je problém zamˇeˇrující se na strukturální biologii, tj. popis proteinové struktury. Použi- jeme metodu SrewFit, která popisuje sekundární proteinovou strukturu, a vylepšíme ji s pomocí duálních kvaternion˚u. Poslední ˇcást této práce je vˇenová na úpravˇeHermi- tovské interpolace racionálními spline pohyby. Funkˇcnost navržené metody je ilustro- vána na nˇekolika pˇríkladech. Klícovᡠslova Kvaterniony, duální kvaterniony, transformaˇcní metoda Burša-Wolf, sekundární pro- teinová struktura, metoda ScrewFit, racionální spline pohyb, hermitovská interpolace. iii Glossary of notations , ... Quaternion Q P 1, i, j, k Quaternion units q b Scalar part of quaternion 0 Q q = (q , q , q ) Vector part of quaternion 1 2 3 Q Conjugate quaternion to quaternion Q∗ Q 1 Inverse quaternion to quaternion Q− Q Norm of quaternion kQk Q H Set of quaternions Hp Set of pure quaternions θ, ϕ ... Angle zd, zˆd . Dual number ε Dual unit zd Dual number conjugate to dual number zd Dual part ∗ε i Imaginary unit D Set of dual numbers Dp Set of pure dual numbers zd Dual vector θd Dual angle , ... Dualquaternion Qd Qd d∗ Dual quaternion conjugate to dual quaternion d Q b Q d∗ Dual quaternion dual conjugate to dual quaternion d Q 1 Q − Inverse dual quaternion to dual quaternion Qd Qd Norm of dual quaternion kQd k Qd v, l . Vector k, s ... Scalar GL(3, F) General linear group SO(3) Special orthogonal group A,R . Matrix Ck Parametric continuity of order k Gk Geometric continuity of order k SE(3) Special Euclidean group R Set of real numbers Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 History................................... 1 1.2 Stateoftheart............................... 4 1.3 Objectivesandmaincontribution. 9 2 Preliminaries 12 2.1 Quaternions ................................ 12 2.1.1 Quaternionalgebra. 13 2.1.2 Rotationusingquaternions . 16 2.2 Dualquaternions ............................. 18 2.2.1 Dualnumbers........................... 18 2.2.2 Dualquaternionalgebra. 21 2.2.3 Rigidmotionsusingdualquaternions. 24 3 Burša–Wolf geodetic datum transformation model 27 3.1 Motivation ................................. 27 3.2 Burša-Wolf similarity transformation model . .... 28 3.3 Quaternionalgorithm . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 29 3.4 Improvedalgorithmusingdualquaternions . .. 32 3.5 Computedexampleandapplication . 34 3.6 Algorithmtest .............................. 36 3.6.1 Descriptivestatistic. 37 3.6.2 Signtest–DQandQalgorithm . 37 3.7 Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) point cloud . ... 38 iv 4 Secondary protein structure 41 4.1 Motivation ................................. 41 4.2 Dual quaternion model of protein secondary structure . ..... 43 4.3 ScrewFit-Quaternionmethod . 44 4.4 Improvedmethodusingdualquaternions. 46 4.5 Computedexamplesandapplications . 47 5 Interpolations by rational spline motions 54 5.1 Motivation ................................. 54 5.2 Rationalsplinemotionsusingquaternions . ... 55 5.3 Hermite interpolation by rational G1 motions ............ 58 5.3.1 G1 Hermite interpolation usingquaternions . 59 5.3.2 Improvedmethodusingdualquaternions . 60 5.3.3 Computedexampleandapplication . 62 5.4 Hermite interpolation by rational G2 motions ............ 64 5.4.1 Cubic G2 Hermite interpolation using quaternions . 64 5.4.2 Improvedmethodusingdualquaternions . 67 5.4.3 Computedexampleandapplication . 67 6 Summary 70 A Publications and citations 73 Bibliography 75 Chapter 1 Introduction Quaternions were invented by Sir William Rowan Hamilton (1805– 1865) as an extension to complex numbers. Hamilton tried, for ten years, to create some structure similar to complex numbers and there- fore he created the quaternion, an interesting mathematical notion. The unit quaternions are important, mainly for representation of three dimensional rotations, and it has been a popular tool in computer graphics for more than twenty years. This representation is better than 3 3 rotation matrices in many aspects, see Shoemake (1985). × However, classical quaternions are restricted to the representation of rotations, whereas in many various areas of mathematics there is a re- quirement
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