THE SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN 5 Comfort rather than luxury is the keynote. of the 11,650 gross ton diesel-driven liner, built for a Dr. Axel Munthe, Author 0f A Short History Of The speed of 19 knots, making the run between New York and Gothen- burg in a little less than 8 days. “Story Of San Michele," Dies Promotion of tourist travel to Scandinavia is being stressed ,H Swedish : STOCKHOLM, Sweden. Dr. ,phy, he become totally blind. but line through expedition American the film spon- _Axel Munthe, physician to the. gregained his sight through an op- The Swedish American Line holm. was contracted for and sored by the Line. The films, in late Queen Victoria of Sweden. he was seventy- founded inaug- ieration when‘‘ November 30. 1914 'built in Italy. but the war pre- color, with sound, present to Am- anH a life-long friend of King lsoven. urated the first direct passenger 'vented her release. She was sub—- erican audiences, the historical. ‘Gustaf. died here recently at the service between the United States !sequently sunk in the Adriatic. industrial. scenic and recreational royal palace. where he had made and Sweden with the departure , The Kungsholm was offered to attractions of the Scandinavian his home as the guest of the King .Cleaning for Oslo of the first S. S. Stockholm from ltheI United States Government im- countries. since 1943. Equally successful as , Oslo will be a busy place during GOthenburg on December 11, after May state, 1915. Emediately the outbreak of In an endeavor to commemor- a, doctor and a writer. his greatest fthe first wet-k in when In a little over ithe war officially organiza- three decades and turned over ate the Swedish Pioneer Centen- claim to fame is his fictionizod municipal. and private the Line "spring has carried more than ion January 2. 1942. As the U.S.S. nial of 1948 the Line sponsored autobiography. "The Story of San tions join in a general three quarter of a million pas- John Ericsson she operated as a Michele." which twenty years ago cleaning." S t reets, an Essay Contest on the subjovt sidewalks. sengers in regular in many and railroad grades its trans-At- !ti'oop transport and participated of “The Influence of Swedish Set- became a best seller Empty lots. lantic service, cruises to the West invasion In a brilliant and vivid in the municipal arva will be ltin the of North Africa tlers on a Community or Region." icountries. Indies. North Cape South'Am- other ‘stylu it tells about the home ht“ cleared of the winter's trash and and iand American battle areas The which closed April and exchange voyages Contest. acquired on Capri, in Italy, “'ht'l'i‘ will burn night and day at erica the the Atlantic and Pacific. In 1. 1948. attracted considerable at- fires of the Gripsholm and the Drott- lin the repurchased he lived for many decades and to 12 huge trash-dispc-sal centers. Ac- .1947 Line the tention throughout the country. g ningholm during from which he always had hoped to re- to plan, the capital will the second World lship the Government but the More than 2,000 manuscripts. ;cording War. ‘ 'turn after having been forced to clean and bright in time for [high cost of reconditioning the many of them of high quality, ibe to it shortly after the out- of Norway's Constitu- Plans for a trans-Atlantic steam- ship make her suitable for the brought to light much new histor- “abandon ibreak of the Second World War. beelebrationDay on May 17th. ship line were first advanced by Scandinavian service ical material. A book entitled Ition lcompany's a‘line .l Born in Oskarshamn. Sweden.in Home owners will be held re- Wm. R. Lundgren in 1900. How- resulted in her transfer to - “The Will To Succeed Stories of Dr. Munthe studied medicine I it was not October loperaung in the South Atlantic ‘11857. Isponsible for cleaning up their own ever, until 11, Swedish Pioneers,” published by and later in the of Uppsala University the city's Association 1913 that Rederiaktlebolagct Sver- trade, where under name Bonniers of New York and Stock- ilots while i'atlParis, where he established him- Apartment House Owners has ige-Nordamerika was incorporated Italia she runs between Mediter- holm in 1948. contains a selection ports. as a practicing physician in !of mapped out its part of for the amount of eight million ranean and South American thirty essays. Manyriself ;a1ready ‘ of of the best A years later he moved For nearly two years after the few ithe campaign. kronor. of the other stories have appear- Victoria, who outbreak of Second World >1881.to Rome. Queen Within a year stocks had been the ed in periodicals and newspapers. Italy every the Gripsholm and the Drott- :went to winter for sold on both sides of the Atlantic health. long maintained a resi- HEARTY ningholm were up in Long range plans ad- lher GREETINGS and leading shipping men in Swe- ‘War laid Sweden. include {dence in Rome. In 1908 Dr. Munthe FROM April the tonnage to supplement den including Dan Brostrom, its 1942 United States ditional "became her physician. a post he lln passenger liners Grips- first president and Axel Carland- chartered the Drott- the two kept until her death in 1930. IningholmlGovernmentto carry Allied and Axw holm and Stockholm now in serv- er, who took over on Dan Bros- A estab- Co. is diplomats and other nationals ice between New York. Gothen- lover of animals, he iSands Lumber trom’s untimely death in 1925, sanctuary on the across the Atlantic. the first ship burg, and Copenhagen, and 16 “lished a bird BUILDING MATERIALS headed the new company. of on Capri, and charted for this purpose. She con- modem cargo vessels carrying up ‘lgrounds his villa Due to the first World War Epleaded against the snarling 0‘. OF ALL KINDS tinued in a similar capacity for to 12 passengers each, which Service was slow in getting start- in Italy. He gave a fund of ,the British Government until the make up the White Viking Fleet. lbirds Phone 2511 Kirkland ed. While the Stockholm' made E100,000 kronor to King Gustaf to lend of- the war, and during many several trips during the war years, The American management of used for the benefit of blind of her early post-war voyages ‘lbe many time consuming delays were the Line is under the direction of and for the protection of regular Liverpool iLapps GREETINGS experienced. Early in 1920 the made calls at G. Hilmer Lundbeqk. Jr. as Am- {the Lapland fauna. His sympathy trips Line acquired the turbine liner Vir- on her westbound to relieve erican Managing Director. George lror blind people derived from his TO OUR GOOD FRIENDS {the backlog of displaced ginian. renamed the Drottning- persons E. Hanson is Passenger Traffic :own experience—he lost one eyv refugees anxious to reach War which he holm. which. after reconditioning. rand ‘ Manager. and Roy C. Samuelson fin World 1. during entered the service on May 29 that lAmerica. Assistant Passenger Traffic Man- lserved as a French army doctor. year. The Gripsholm. similarly chart- ager. :While working on his autobiogra- GATEWAY To accommodate the increase in ed by the United States Govern- traffic during the Gothenburg Ex- ment in May, 1942. won the grat- The sixwdish American Linv‘ maintains offices or general position in 1923. the Line charted itude of thousands of civilians. and agents in Detroit, Chicago. ‘ Hardware THEATRE the Holiand American Linc S/S sick and wounded combatants. Boston. Kirkland Noordam which under the name of whom she carried safely to their San Francisco. Seattle, Los An-' & Furniture Co. Kirkland Kungshnlm operated for nearly homes again. For nearly four geles. Cglgary. Halifax. Montreal’ two years between New York and years. or until April 1946. the and Winnipeg. , “THE STORE OF ship with “Diplo- Gothcnburg‘. Swedish white SERVICE" In thu meantime the Line had mat Sverige" prominently paint- FRIENDLY HEARTY (100D WIS} 1 ES along the hull of the w-ssvl. placml 4-. contract for the now fa- ed Post How crowns of the 011 Office fous Grapsholm. the first motor the three golden Hollywood To \‘e‘sael to the Atlantic Swedish American Line on her driven cross In Heart of Kirkland Bakery in 19273. The Kungsholm. also a two funnels and the blue and ye!- thtf Anderson‘s motorshm. but larger than the low t'lag of Sweden, sailed between TELEPHONE 110 Copenhagen —-— “Buy We Do" Gripshozmi entered the company's the United States. East At‘rit-a. In- the Best America and service m 1928, and became one dia. South Europe. of the best knoWn Cruiseships carrying thousands of men and Kirkland afloat. Women uprooted by the war. The. Al Leland’s The Stockholm. after (‘()mplt‘l-_ Swedish food. service. and kind ing 98 ruundtrip Voyages. during treatment on board the Gripsholm Eastsidv Furniture for her Sea Food which sht carried nmtv than one earned captain and crew Kirkland hundro-rl and ten thousand pas- the offivial thanks of the United Complete Furnishing-s For Market sengers. was sold in 1928 to a Nor- States Government and a fame the Home . has come to no ship. wegim whaling concern and end- that other The Gripsholm is now ban-k in (’REIHT - TERMS lhvllwstic and Imported ed her *nl't‘t‘l‘ as one of the many her regular between New FREE Seafuod Delicatessen Ships s'n‘k during the second service DELIVEIH York and Gothenhurg‘. World War. 7"! & .‘lurIu-l Phum‘ 5272 Avon I‘ll.
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