T i-Banner Lig A At VOL. XXIII yes,00 FEB YEAS,I I8IBGLB OOPIEBA 1 In Advasoe. • > BOSTON, SATURDAY, JULY 4, 1868 < Eight *Oeti. > NO. 16 true human progress I owe and hereby acknowl­ kindred in all Nature, and all-powerful for good thoseI of an honored or despised past. Tliero may nite. Nature is one; but Nature le more than edge our preservatlop. And I am ready, as here­ with tliat which 1bo in our degree of mental recognition, but that form. Law is one; but conditions of law are not ---------“ kept tbo atari from wrong, tofore, to reflect to you or to any my humble Whereby tho moat ancient heavens ore freah aqd strong!" ।only reveals our status and not the harmony of law, however scientifically so-called. Unity ex­ The Union between Human Intuitions measure of realization. all truth. Wo must nnd we will go through the ists, or is I But there is no unity save in diver­ Your own Chalmers—among Theologians, and ( Linked to no party, sect or creed, I rejoice in conflicts of inherited thought, but it is to tbo har­ sity. Tho unity of my body is in tho capacity (inil Scientific Demonstration, after him a host of imitators or followers—had tiie free expression of thought on any and all mony of every recognition of an infinite bestow­ and exercise of every limb thereof; not lhat one mind enough to see tbe unity, and itronost elo­ DELIVERED MARCH S, 1865, AT CAMBRIDGE HALL, al upon tbe race. We cannot despise' any, for all member is auother, but that the free function subjects; willing to hear and -be heard in all that quent strains he helil the cold, chaste thought of LONDON, ENGLAND, tends to secure the good, of all men of every are of Nature to Nature, it may be, in new and of each makes tho unity of the whole. Unity BY BEV. DR. J. B. FERGUSON, the North till it began to look without fear on country and clime. Our attainments are not so higher forms. All is of God to God—Divinity there is in humanity; but humanity is more than atom and sun, on man of the clay and man im­ - (Thl« address was Hitened to with profound attention, and great tliat we can afford to descry any, even the and Humanity ono and inseparable! ' is seen; nay, tho seen is ever tho less, and each mortal, and even dared to read tiie .venerable called forth repeated and hearty applause. It was delivered least, nor is the sum of individual or collective Go on, then, in your legun work. You know part or individual has its indefeasible claim and extempore—as are all Mr. Ferguson's addresses—in Loudon, Bible witli clearer and more hopeful estimates of the unity of your own experiences. You need right, and will assert them, either In life or what happiness so fall that we can afford to ignore any human destiny. Some day Its eyes will open to England, before a very largo and highly respectable audience, never affect to know nor pretend to what you wo misname death, so that tlio whole will recog­ immediately after the outrages attempted upon tho Messrs. unfolding attribute or capacity of our common see that oven tho Bible is but a humai reflection Davenport in the cities of Liverpool. Leeds, &c. Tiie follow* nature, no matter when or how presented. Even have not seen. To you will ever be given, by an nize tie Just claim of each in everlasting harmo­ of an unmeasured and immeasurable Divinity. Ing forms a good abstract of tho ideas and facts presented.— eternal law, all you can receive and apply. More ny? Away then witli the ignorant conception of tho mob is natural, and reveals a power that can­ And thus Nature, in her great ami small, her IlKPOBTEK.j not be despised, however we may deplore tho would not be good or God. Less cannot be. Com­ war between intuition and knowledge, science boundless and limited, was seen to bo one, and plain not of time, of circumstances or conditions. nnd religion, spirit and form, life and death. We Members of the Spiritual Lyceum—Ladies and ignorance and misconception that inspire its mis­ man and God eternally indissolubly the same: direction. I am, my friends, therefore, neither Mobs are necessary, or they would not exist. They live by dying. We die by living, and no condi­ Gentlemen: Rest assured I appreciate the cour­ man in flesh ono manifestation; mnn out of flesh, intimidated nor discouraged by the unwelcome reveal the status of your people, and you must tion, call it by what name you will, can measure tesy, not to say partiality, you have extended to by the Bible called an augel; another manifesta­ events that now must bring the state of your meet, sooner or later, tiie results of such a condi­ an Infinite law of which we form a part. Ail the me, on every occasion of my presence in your in­ tion of tho same God in and ov^r all, And so not public mind to the door of every well-wisher of tion of your people, and it may be in something sciences nre one, but not ono In tbo sense of de­ teresting and instructive •meetings; and I trust I only Jesus but each man may say,and my his kind among this peopled Truth is still the you will esteem worse than tho dcstruction'of our struction to tho parts. All religions aro ono, but have, at least in some degree, manifested tliat Father are one I" Astronomy, according to Chal­ same. It is never made less by onr denials or property or the vain and silly attempt to sup­ not ono by tlio- vain and brutal attempt to de­ appreciation in the extemporaneous addresses mers, and man’s religious nature and aspirations, violent resistance to those who would honestly, press tlio facts of spiritual recognition. In the stroy each other. Science and religion but reveal . you did me the honor to call forth. But I meet were no longer at war, forhe insisted tliat principal­ however feebly, prevent it. We may be dwarfed freedom of your own recognitions, therefore, adapt tiie status of men, of natures, of the world at e you to-night under new and strangely ordered ities and powers, angels and oven devils were in Io Its recognitions, driven, for a time, from-its and apply to your condition, shirking no responsi­ largo, in their attainment in an Infinite Good or circumstances. Having for five months stood up sympathy with the work of ills Christ,. A little most benign bestowals, but its immortal birth, bility, ignoring no duty, and by the law of God God! All governments nro one; but no one can daily, and. sometimes twice a day, in the pres­ further opening of the souls of superstitious igno­ its eternal'power, its indispensable behests, will in eternal affinity like will find its own aud you destroy another. Tliey como fortli anew, for they ence of the audiences of tiie Metropolis, tiie prl* rance would indeed havo revealed k universal reiissert themselves amid more auspicious un­ will receive, enjoy and ascend to renewed evi­ nro made up of tlio individual drops which make , rate drawing-rooms of the nobilily and gentry, sympathy in all Nature; and thus not only Jesus foldings of reason and judgment, and its inscrip­ dences of knowledge, happiness and power. tiie life-flow of all tliat constitutes the national­ tbe free conventions of the Spiritualists, the se­ as Christ, but all Christs of all worlds would have tions will be read as in the light of tiie open day, Harmony I where is it not? I seo it in tho frosts ity. And all exist beneath tlio mighty hand of lect and carefully guarded scientific committees, been regarded as natural supplies for natural when tiie chilly mantle of old and desolating su­ of winter and the genial smile of spring-time; in progress that sways all time, and sooner or Inter, a( and the rather tumultuous assemblies of tbo prin­ wants—and flaming hells before and paging dev­ perstition shall be laid aside. No counterfeit but day and contrasted night; in ignorance and knowl­ in life or in death, opens tlio ascending flamo cipal provincial towns of this realm—I come to ils behind, tiie experience of man Would vanish edge, vice and virtue; truth, so-called, and its op­ that burns forover in each human breast. All lb what will attest its genuineness and value; no you to-niglit, from tiie scenes of passionate strife, with the clouds of superstition on which the es violdhce that will not extend its knowledge and posite. Tbe one could not be without tlio other, conceptions of God or Naturo, of life or forms of night of imagination had painted them. A God whicli nltimated in three organized mobs, whicli no moro than you could have an odd without an life, nro legitimate, but no ono is Anal, or man and it the benignity of its influence. in this venerable and peaceable kingdom de­ in all tliat is dark and foreboding to human fear gi . With these preliminary observations, called even, a man without a woman, a right without a Naturo and God would conso to be. x. stroyed our property, menaced our lives, and in was seen, however dimly, and this sight has as­ it, forth by the breath of the circumstances in whicli left, or any other contrast of an infinitely diversi­ Hence, my friends, wo como not to destroy, but some degree have prostrated the interests of sisted you to seo the Godlike Divinity in all wo are called to act, I shall now apply myself to fied manifestation in Nature.
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