E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 141 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1995 No. 8 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE The message also announced that the f A message from the Senate by Mr. Chair announces the following two ap- Hallen, one of its clerks, announced pointments made by the Democratic PRAYER that the Senate had passed with an leader, Mr. Mitchell, during the sine die adjournment: The Chaplain, Rev. James David amendment in which the concurrence Pursuant to Public Law 103±236, the Ford, D.D., offered the following pray- of the House is requested, a bill of the er: House of the following title: appointment of Mr. MOYNIHAN and Samuel P. Huntington of New York, as During these days when our memo- H.R. 1. An act to make certain laws appli- members of the Commission on Pro- ries are filled with the life and work of cable to the legislative branch of the Federal Martin Luther King, Jr., we recall, O Government. tecting and Reducing Government Se- crecy. God, the works of justice that he did The message also announced that the Pursuant to section 114(b)(1) of Pub- and inspired others to do and we re- Senate had passed a bill of the follow- lic Law 100±458, the reappointment of dedicate ourselves to what we should ing title, in which the concurrence of be and to the good works that we can William Winter to a 6-year term on the the House is requested: Board of Trustees of the John C. Sten- do. You have created us as one people, S. 2. An act to make certain laws applica- of one mind and heart and soul, to re- nis Center for Public Training and De- ble to the legislative branch of the Federal velopment. flect the marvels of Your creation and Government. to show forth the gifts of every person. The message also announced that the The message also announced that Chair announces the following appoint- May the vision of a people bound to- pursuant to sections 42 and 43, of title gether by Your love, united by acts of ment made by the Republican leader, 20, United States Code, the Chair, on justice, and confirmed by deeds of un- Mr. DOLE, during the sine die adjourn- behalf of the Vice President, appoints derstanding and respect, make our ment: Pursuant to Public Law 103±359, Mr. COCHRAN and Mr. SIMPSON as mem- dreams a reality in our land and in our the appointment of Mr. WARNER and bers of the Board of Regents of the hearts. And may Your blessing, O gra- David H. Dewhurst of Texas, as mem- Smithsonian Institution. cious God, that touches us in the bers of the Commission on the Roles The message also announced that depths of our being, be with us now and and Capabilities of the United States pursuant to Public Law 85±874, as evermore. Amen. Intelligence Community. amended, the Chair, on behalf of the The message also announced that the f President of the Senate, appoints Mr. Chair announces the following appoint- DOLE to the Board of Trustees of the THE JOURNAL ment made by the President pro tem- John F. Kennedy Center for the Per- pore, Mr. BYRD, during the sine die ad- The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- forming Arts. journment: Pursuant to Public Law ined the Journal of the last day's pro- The message also announced that 103±394, and upon the recommendation ceedings and announces to the House pursuant to Public Law 102±166, and of the Republican leader, the appoint- his approval thereof. upon the recommendation of the ma- ment of James I. Shepard of California, Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- jority leader, the Chair, in conjunction as a member of the National Bank- nal stands approved. with the minority leader, appoints Dr. ruptcy Review Commission. f Harriett G. Jenkins as Director of the The message also announced that Office of Senate Fair Employment pursuant to sections 1928a±1928d, of PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Practices. title 22, United States Code, as amend- The SPEAKER. The gentleman from The message also announced that ed, the Chair announces, on behalf of Florida [Mr. PETERSON] will lead the pursuant to section 1024 of title 15, the Vice President, the following ap- House in the Pledge of Allegiance. United States Code, the Chair, on be- pointments, which were made during Mr. PETERSON of Florida led the half of the Vice President, appoints Mr. the previous Senate recess: Mr. DODD, Pledge of Allegiance as follows: ROTH, Mr. MACK, Mr. CRAIG, Mr. BEN- Mr. DASCHLE, and Mrs. HUTCHISON, to I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the NETT, Mr. SANTORUM, Mr. GRAMS, Mr. the North Atlantic Assembly Fall United States of America, and to the Repub- BINGAMAN, Mr. SARBANES, Mr. KEN- Meeting during the 2d Session of the lic for which it stands, one nation under God, NEDY, and Mr. ROBB, to the Joint Eco- 103d Congress, which was held in Wash- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. nomic Committee. ington, DC, November 14±18, 1994. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H 233 H 234 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE January 13, 1995 READING THE CONTRACT WITH previously done and suggestions of ac- all, this kind of behavior discredits the AMERICA tions or business that they have before people's House. (Mr. EHLERS asked and was given the Congress that they want you to be f permission to address the House for 1 aware of. minute.) We ought to know for the record WHAT ARE WE AFRAID OF? Mr. EHLERS. Mr. Speaker, our Con- what the facts were. (Ms. DUNN of Washington asked and tract With America states: on the first f was given permission to address the day of Congress, a Republican House House for 1 minute.) THE NEED FOR A BALANCED- will: force Congress to live under the Ms. DUNN of Washington. Mr. Speak- BUDGET AMENDMENT same laws as everyone else, cut one- er, the Democrats are trying to fright- third of committee staff, and cut the (Mr. CHRISTENSEN asked and was en the American people into thinking congressional budget. given permission to address the House that balancing the budget is going to We have done that. for 1 minute, and to revise and extend end modern civilization as we know it. In the next 91 days, we will vote on his remarks.) They would like us to believe that the the following 10 items: Mr. CHRISTENSEN. Mr. Speaker, phrase ``living within means'' will No. 1, a balanced budget amendment last week we did an amazing thing. The bring destruction to everyone and ev- and line item veto; House voted to live by the same rules erything in America. No. 2, a new crime bill to stop violent and laws that the rest of the American Mr. Speaker, balancing the budget criminals; people have to live by. Now, we need to simply means that we will control No. 3, welfare reform to encourage take the next step. We need to pass a spending and control growth to make work, not dependence; balanced budget amendment and put the Government less costly, smaller, No. 4, family reinforcement to crack Government under the same account- and more accountable to the American down on deadbeat dads and protect our ing system that the rest of the Amer- people. How can we be afraid of this? children; ican people have to deal with. Families Every hard-working American tax- No. 5, tax cuts for families to lift have to balance their checkbooks; so payer balances the budget every Government's burden from middle in- should the Government. Families plan monthÐevery hard-working American come Americans; and prepare for the future; so should taxpayer understands the meaning of No. 6, National security restoration the Government. Where I come from, living within one's means. Why are we to protect our freedoms; families want to give their children a afraid of practicing this same ap- No. 7, Senior Citizens' Equity Act to chance to have a better life than they proach? allow our seniors to work without Gov- did. They work hard and they plan Mr. Speaker, it is time to pass the ernment penalty; ahead. balanced budget amendment. It is time No. 8, Government regulation and un- They teach their children that to get our spending under control. It is funded mandate reforms; money does not grow on trees, that you time to make the Government account- No. 9, common sense legal reform to do not write checks unless you have able to the American people. We should end frivolous lawsuits, and finally money in your checking account, and not be afraid to do what is right. you keep your checkbook balanced. It No. 10, Congressional term limits to f make Congress a citizen legislature. is time for the Federal Government to This is our Contract With America. do the same. b 1010 f Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to treat the Government's checkbook as COMMENTS ON BOOK DEAL DETAILS SOUGHT ON THE they would their own, and join me in (Ms. DELAURO asked and was given MURDOCH BOOK DEAL supporting the balanced budget amend- permission to address the House for 1 (Mr.
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