Stargate SG-1 Role-playing Game: Goa’uld Index Compiled by Anita Schauer Copyright Information: Spycraft and all related marks are ™ and © 2004 Alderac entertainment Group, Inc. All rights reserved. All characters, names, places, and text herein relating to any AEG product is copyrighted by AEG. STARGATE SG-1 ™ and © 1997-2004 MGM Television Entertainment Inc./MGM Global Holdings Inc. STARGATE SG-1 is a trademark of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer-Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved. Encyclopedia Mythica Articles are © 1995-2004 Encyclopedia Mythica. All rights reserved. Afa • Minor Goa’uld who brought several thousand humans to the planet of Avnil (P3X-513) to mine the naquadah and valuable minerals about 1,000 years ago • Avnil’s atmosphere is very thin with high levels of dangerous radiation, so Afa set up a radiation shield placed around the mining colony and constructed underground facilities to process the ores • The mineral wealth of Avnil only lasted 500 years and Afa abandoned the planet and the humans he brought there • In time, the Avnilians forgot how to maintain the radiation shield and the population retreated permanently into the caves making the abandoned mines their homes • Afa and his Jaffa servants became the “bogeymen” of Avnil society and the Stargate was viewed with fear Stargate Season One: Fantastic Frontiers pg. 22 Avnil pg. 21-23 Encyclopedia Mythica Article by Micha F. Lindemans: The Samoan storm-god. - 2 - Amaunet • Apophis’ newly matured Goa’uld queen • Took Daniel Jackson’s wife, Sha’re, as a host in the episode Children of the Gods • Conceived a Harsesis child with Apophis and returns to Abydos to have him during the episode Secrets . Daniel Jackson arrives shortly before she is ready to give birth and convinces Sha’re to return to Earth with him. Shortly after Daniel delivers the baby, Heru’ur arrives hoping to capture Amaunet and the child. Heru’ur is forced to flee, Amaunet leaves with Apophis, and the child is hidden and remains safe on Abydos with Sha’re’s father, Kasuf. • In the episode Forever in a Day , Amaunet wanted to protect her child by Apophis from Heru’ur and the System Lords. Under the protection of Horus guards, she had come to Abydos to steal the child from Kasuf, and sent him into hiding with her closest aide, on Kheb. Sha’re/Amaunet is killed by Teal’c in the end to prevent her from killing Daniel. Stargate SG-1 Core Rulebook pg. 10, 16, 124, 128 Stargate Season One: Fantastic Frontiers pg. 8, 84, 95, 119 Statistics pg. 95 Encyclopedia Mythica Article by Micha F. Lindemans: An Egyptian mother goddess, called the "Hidden One". She is the personification of the life-bringing northern wind. She belongs to the Ogdoad of Hermopolis. Within this group of gods her consort is the god Amun. She is referred to as 'the mother who is father' and in this capacity she needs no husband. Amaunet was regarded as a tutelary deity of the Egyptian pharaohs and had a prominent part in their accession ceremonies. She is portrayed as a snake or a snake-head on which the crown of Lower Egypt rests. Further information found at 96 Egyptian Gods : Amentet was originally the place for the setting sun but with time she became the hostess in the next world. She took care of the dead and guided them to their new homes and supplied them with food and water. She personified the world beyond - "Land of the West" - Amenty. From her shelter in a tree at the desert edge she had a good view over the gates to the underworld. Her looks were of a woman with a falcon, an ostrich feather or the sign for "west" (picture right) on her head. She was linked to the main goddesses an occasionally she could have wings. Her parents were Horus and Hathor and she represented the setting sun. - 3 - Amurru • At war with Anhur on Tuat at the time of Ra’s death • Anhur and Amurru have been involved in a personal vendetta involving Tuat, among other worlds • Left alive as Anhur left Stargate Season One: Fantastic Frontiers pg. 10 Encyclopedia Mythica Article by Micha F. Lindemans: An Akkadian mountain god and a god of nomads. He is equated with the Sumerian god Martu. His consort is Beletseri. - 4 - Anhur • Ra’s chief general; led Ra’s armies to battle on numerous occasions • Often used Ra’s resources to settle his own personal vendettas • Goa’uld warmaster • Waging war against the Goa’uld Amurru on Tuat (PY9-623) at the time of Ra’s death in order to settle a personal vendetta • When Ra sent the original message through the Stargate to Tuat, Anhur chose to ignore it believing it a falsehood in the hopes that he could settle his score with Amurru once and for all • Once Ra’s Jaffa were able to escape to Tuat and inform Anhur of his mistake, Anhur immediately left Tuat, allowing Amurru to survive • He went to several worlds (except Abydos) only to end up on Chulak • At the time of Children of the Gods , he was residing on Chulak where he subtly opposes Apophis and is determined to stand defiant as his master, whom he believes he destroyed through his inaction, would have wanted • He is an unusually noble and tragic Goa’uld and exhibits a strong sense of honor and loyalty to his dead master, Ra Stargate Season One: Fantastic Frontiers pg. 10, 95-96 Statistics pg. 95-96 Encyclopedia Mythica Article Micha F. Lindemans: The Egyptian warrior and hunter god, the personification of the royal warriors. As the champion of Egypt, he hunted and slew the enemies of Re. His consort is the lion goddess Mekhit. The center of his cult was the city of Thinis in Upper Egypt. He is portrayed as a bearded warrior wearing a long robe. On his head he wears a headdress with four tall plumes and in his hand he holds a lance. His Greek form is Onuris, derived from the Egyptian anhuret , which means 'he who brings the far near'. Anhur is also identified with the god Shu. - 5 - Anat • Daughter of Ra • Worshipped in ancient Egypt as a warrior goddess • Imprisoned on Cerador for some forgotten offense in a canopic jar awaiting her awakening where her bloodthirst can be quenched on the citizen’s of Kali’s homeworld Stargate System Lords: Living Gods pg. 67-68 Encyclopedia Mythica Article by Ben White: A major goddess of fertility, sexual love, hunting and war. She was known among the Canaanites in prehistoric times. From the fertile agricultural area along the eastern Mediterranean coast, her cult had spread throughout the Levant by the middle of the third millennium BC. Around the beginning of the Phoenician period (circa 1200 BC) Anat enjoyed a significant cult following. She was quite prominent at Ugarit, a major religious center, and appears frequently in Ugaritic literary works incorporating mythical elements, in deity and offering lists, and in votive inscriptions. For more information see the Encyclopedia Mythica article on Anat . An exerpt from alt.mythology Canaanite/Ugaritic Mythology FAQ, ver. 1.1 : Anat (Anath, Rahmay - 'the merciful') - Ba’al's sister, daughter of El. Goddess of war, the hunt, and savagery. She is an archer. Virgin, sister-in-law (progenitress?) of peoples (Li'mites'?). She and Athirat are nursemaids to the gracious gods. She restrains Ba’al when he intends to attack Yam's messengers. In missing texts, she killed Yam-Nahar, the dragon, the seven-headed serpent. She also destroyed Arsh, Atik, Ishat, and Zabib, all enemies of Ba’al. She holds a feast at Ba’al's palace to celebrate his victory over Yam. After the guests arrive, she departs her abode and adorns herself in rouge and henna, closes the doors and slaughters the inhabitants of two nearby towns, possibly Ba’al's enemies. She makes a belt of their heads and hands and wades through the blood. She lures the towns' warriors inside to sit and joyfully massacres them. She then makes a ritual peace offering and cleans up. This is possibly related to a seasonal fertility ritual welcoming the autumn rains. Anat receives messengers from Ba’al thinking that some new foe has arisen, but they assure her that he only wishes that she make a peace offering that he might tell her the secret of lightning and seek it on Mt. Zephon. She does so, demanding first to see the lightning, and is welcomed by Ba’al from afar. Hearing him complain of lack of a proper mansion, she storms off to El, creating tremors. She threatens to mangle his face lest he heed her and have Ba’al's court constructed, yet her plea is rejected. She is assisted in her petition by Athtart. She accompanies Ba’al to Athirat with a bribe and assists Athirat in her successful petition to El for Ba’al's court. After Ba’al dies, she searches for him and, finding his body goes into a violent fit of mourning. She has Shapash take his body to Mt. Zephon, where she buries it and holds a feast in his honor. After seven years of drought, she finds Mot, and cuts, winnows, and sows him like corn. She attends the feast where Daniel presents Aqhat with a bow and arrows set made by Kothar-u-Khasis. Desiring the bow, she offers Aqhat riches and immortality, for it. He refuses and so she promises vengeance upon him should he transgress and leaves for Mt. Lel to denounce him to El.
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