DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2021– 269 Number 269 *** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS *** Sunday 26-09-2021 News reports received from readers and Internet News articles copied from various news sites & Social Media The DONGBANG GIANT no 6 anchored off Singapore Photo : Piet Sinke www.maasmondmaritime.com (c) CLICK at the photo to view and/or download the photo ! Distribution : daily to 43.600+ active addresses -09-2021 Page 1 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2021– 269 Your feedback is important to me so please drop me an email if you have any photos / articles that may be of interest to the maritime interested people at sea and ashore PLEASE SEND ALL CORRESPONDENCE / PHOTOS / ARTICLES TO : [email protected] this above email address is monitored 24/7 PLEASE DONT CLICK ON REPLY AS THE NEWSLETTER IS SENt OUT FROM AN UNMANNED SERVER If you don't like to receive this bulletin anymore : please send an e-mail to the above e- mail adress for prompt action your e-mail adress will be deleted ASAP from the server EVENTS, INCIDENTS & OPERATIONS The VLCC OLYMPIC LIFE moored at Hound Point Photo : Jim Prentice © http://caledoniantransportphotos.blogspot.com http://caledoniantransportphotos-buses.blogspot.com http://caledoniantransportphotos-railways.blogspot.com http://caledonianmodelwarships.blogspot.com BP Suspends Offshore Platform in Azerbaijan for 25-day Maintenance By : Nailia Bagirova British oil company BP will suspend its Chirag platform in Azerbaijan on Sept. 23 for planned maintenance that will last for 25 days, BP Azerbaijan said on Thursday. The oil major uses the Chirag platform to produce oil at the Azeri-Chirag Distribution : daily to 43.600+ active addresses -09-2021 Page 2 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2021– 269 Guneshli (ACG) fields in the Caspian Sea. "This is a routine, planned program and is part of normal operations," the company said. Source: offshore engineer(Reporting by Nailia Bagirova; Editing by Mark Potter) Cosco Shipping MV TIAN JIAN Inbound for Antwerp passing Kruse Veer photo : Rob van den Houten (c) Bulkers in Demand as Freight Rates Go From Strength to Strength The 2016 built 63.997 DWT GENCO ENTERPRISE enroute from Bayuquan (China) to Revdanda in India with a draft of 13.6 mtr Photo : Piet Sinke www.maasmondmaritime.com (c) CLICK at the photo to view and/or download the photo ! Demand for dry bulk second hand carriers has seen a marked increase over the course of the past week, with many deals being reported. In its latest weekly report, shipbroker Allied Shipbroking said that “on the dry bulk side, it was a very vibrant week, with the intense interest from buyers retaining second-hand asset prices at firm levels for yet another week. We witnessed several deals emerging last week with focus being spread across different size and age classes, depicting the overall bullish sentiment in the segment. On the back of strong interest from buyers, asset prices made further gains last week. The current buying frenzy is expected to follow through over the next couple of weeks, while possibly even intensifying. On the tanker side, activity remained at mediocre levels for yet another week, reflecting the lack of confidence amongst market participants. The intense oversupply concerns and the current imbalance in the market has retained buyers away from the SnP market once again, while the number of keen sellers is expected to keep rising. Despite the decline noted during this past week, asset prices are still holding at relatively high levels for the time being”. In a separate note, Banchero Costa noted that in the dry bulk market, “it was registered a busy week in the dry market with many sales reported in the Handy/Supra/Panama/ Kamsarmax segments and market prices still going up. After offers were invited last Wednesday, a modern Japanese Kamsarmax Lowlands Nello abt 82k blt 2015 Sanoyas (SS due 2025 BWTS fitted, ME-C) was sold at $32 mln to Greek buyers, furthermore two sisters Peak Liberty and Peak Pegasus abt 82k blt 2015/13 Tsuneishi ( BWTS-Fitted) were reported at $29.0 mln and $27.0 mln to c.of Globus Maritime. Buying interest was focused also for more vintage tonnage with Great Talent abt 76k blt 2005 Sasebo (SS due 2025; BWTS fitted) committed at $17 mln to chinese interests and Mahavir abt 74k blt 2000 Imabari sold at $12 mln. Distribution : daily to 43.600+ active addresses -09-2021 Page 3 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2021– 269 The 2010 built 30688 DWT bulker CAPE enroute from Taicang (China) to Port Elizabeth in South Africa with 10.6 mtr draft Photo : Piet Sinke www.maasmondmaritime.com (c) CLICK at the photo to view and/or download the photo ! In the Supramax segment, after offers were invited the 14 of September a Japanese controlled Tess 58 Trans Oceanic abt 58k blt 2012 Tsuneishi (SS due 2026 BWTS fitted) was committed at $23 mln. Furthermore, Ingenious abt 58k blt 2011 Hyundai Vinashin (BWTS fitted) was reported sold at $18.7 mln basis delivery February 2022. In the Handy segment, a Japanese controlled handy Maritime Faith abt 33 blt Kanda Zosensho, Japan (BWTSFitted SS due 2026 ) was sold at 17 mln to c. f Taylor Maritime. Few weeks back SAKURA KOBE abt 33k blt 2011 Shin Kochi was reported at $16 mln. Furthermore, OCEAN OPAL abt 37k blt 2012 Hyundai Mipo (Tier II, SS/DD due 08/2022) was committed at $18.2 mln back in June. Western Aida abt 37k blt 2012 Hyundai was done at $12.6 mln” Banchero Costa noted Meanwhile, in the newbuilding market, Allied added that it was “a fairly active week for the newbuilding market, with orders being placed across all key sectors, but with containerships still holding the lime light. In the dry bulk market, current newbuilding prices, lack of favorable slots and concerns over a more “balanced” future market have retained buying activity at moderate levels so far. The AN DING HAI anchored off Gibraltar Photo : Francis Ferro (c) This past week we witnessed two fresh orders for different size classes, both placed at New Dayang shipyard in China. The solid sentiment and the attractive freight market are factors that are likely to boost newbuilding activity further at some point, albeit the SnP market has so far continued to hold main focus amongst investors. In the tanker sector, we have a totally different picture, with the segment having suffered a very poor performing year so far in terms of freight earnings. This has led to minimal interest for newbuilding projects. An already oversupplied market, given the current demand fundamentals and the “expensive” newbuilding prices have also kept any fresh interest at bay. Finally, the containerships continue to be a key market in retaining momentum for shipbuilding activity, with robust sentiment and record high freight earnings likely to feed further fresh orders moving forward”, the shipbroker said. Source : Nikos Roussanoglou, Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide Schip aan de ketting gelegd nadat het bijna botst op windpark Borssele: ‘Nog niet eerder gebeurd’ Door : Wendy de Jong, Frank Balkenende De kans dat een zeeschip tegen windmolens in het windpark Borssele aan vaart, is uitermate klein. Het sleepvaartuig ALP ACE van de Kustwacht ligt permanent bij het windpark en grijpt in zodra een schip de veiligheidszone binnenvaart. Dat gebeurde zaterdag toen een schip dat onder Vanuatuaanse vlag vaart, aankoerste op het windmolenpark. Bijzonder aan Distribution : daily to 43.600+ active addresses -09-2021 Page 4 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2021– 269 de situatie zaterdag was dat de 34-jarige kapitein uit Azerbeidzjan werd aangeroepen, maar niet meteen begreep wat er aan de hand was. Aanvankelijk zette hij zijn koers voort, maar hij stuurde nog op tijd bij. ,,De ALP ACE had het schip al buiten de veiligheidszone in de gaten. Als de kapitein de opdracht om de koers te verleggen had genegeerd, hadden we ons sleper kunnen inzetten om een aanvaring te voorkomen. Dat komt ook in actie als een op drift geraakt schip met een kapotte motor de veiligheidszone dreigt binnen te varen”, zegt een woordvoerder van de Kustwacht. De ALP ACE in actie Foto : Wim Kosten © Een ingreep bleek niet nodig. De Kustwacht had het Schelde Coördinatie Centrum ingeseind die de kapitein sommeerde zijn koers te verleggen. Uiteindelijk deed hij dat. Bij een latere controle in de haven van Terneuzen bleek dat de kapitein open source elektronische zeekaarten gebruikte, waarop geen boeien zichtbaar waren. Ook werden aanwezige zeekaarten niet gebruikt om op te navigeren. ,,Het schip was op weg naar het loodsenstation. Vermoedelijk heeft de kapitein de meest directe route gekozen en daarbij geen rekening gehouden met de veiligheidszone van windpark Borssele. Dat signaleerden we in elk geval op de radar”, zegt Eric Adan, Nederlands diensthoofd gemeenschappelijk nautische autoriteiten bij het Schelde Coördinatie Centrum. Voor Adan was dit geval een primeur. ,,Het is volgens mij nog niet eerder gebeurd dat een zeeschip op ramkoers lag met windpark Borssele. Overigens geldt in het windpark geen totaalverbod voor scheepvaartverkeer. Kleinere schepen mogen onder voorwaarden wel door het windpark varen.De kapitein kreeg een boete van 1500 euro voor het binnenvaren van de veiligheidszone van het park. Omdat bij een eerste inspectie door de Port State Control van de Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport (ILT) zoveel tekortkomingen werden gevonden, is het schip in Terneuzen direct aan de ketting gelegd. Bemanning mist kennis Op maandag is nog een uitgebreidere inspectie uitgevoerd waaruit bleek dat de bemanning een gebrek aan kennis had om veilig met het schip te varen. Zo konden ze niet met communicatieapparatuur omgaan, hadden ze geen vereist voyage-plan en waren ze niet in staat om stabiliteitsberekeningen uit te voeren.
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