ax x (I 1 ltblihl Jul? a, 1859. VOL,. XVIII. ISO. 3 MS. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. FRIDAY, AUGUST I. 189.5. PltlCK 5 CENTS. vomeral ClPurntsrrncnit,. (Dcnmil lHwrtisniinite. Opffial rCcttffj. Gprri.il Cot;rr j. Pacific Comniercial Advertiser ..... e"urf rtt,'J;. A N IS rCSLISHKI OCEANIC J. M. DAVIDSON, HAWAII Hardware, Builders and General, livery Morning Except SandAye, nlwnyM STEAMSHIP CO Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w. c up to tho tlino In quality, styles and pricon Abstract iiii'i Till BT THi a it: Ik COMPANY, sz Plantation Supplies, HAWAIIAN GAZETTE OlF.ce 3 Merchant 8tret, o h full asortmont to suit tho various lemml . At No. 8 SfrlM LEWEKS & COOKE, o Steel Plows, " v T W -'-- . a Dtckion) T y4 vv MONOLni.lJ. II. I Australian Mail Service. jHucoe.nor. lo Lwor ft mailo expressly for Lslanil work with part- - BUIWCUHTION 11ATK8I LU txlr:t Importer nul ller In LinubT Cultivator's Cane Knives. Received by late Steamers. Diar Tactic Cojcxkrcial Adtbti8b Ar.l all KtoJi of Knllulrd MtrlU. K. M. lltfh rrrwidor.t COTTON CHAPE! Brown Vlf-J,'i- il fit (6 PAGK3? No.-- J rfil tor. T STltKKT, Ilenolnlu. Agricultural Implements, Of New Patterns; also, W. 11. Caatio For San Francisco: o o F. Brown, 00 Shovel cto J. Ter year, with "Golde. premlam-- 6 II. "co Hoe, Forks, Mattocks, ptc, GENT'S READY-MAD- E W. K. f I r i rv i oa L' .1.!., V. STONE. Frer rine-v- cit-auis- o bU iqb .ew ana i Per month ciefi ! 1 Crape Shirts and Snits Per year, poet paid Foreign......... 12 00 gfc ,: Carpenters', Blacksmiths' ATTTT A ACCOUNTANT. o Of Firstc!as3 etyle. I J , VCrm I -- r 4 " Vpiiro. 10 00 I t!i Oivinic Sfp.imshin ConiDJUV will and Machinists' Tools Siik Ifantlkerriiiefd and Neckties, m nr m PnoJa tf t t m 9 . This Conijiiiny j.rr:ar(Ml u ivrri. I or be duo at Honolulu, from bydney and O. P'QX No. 17. 3230-lm-tf S lunjsomft aes Japanese .ri, ere. rvordi and farutnb NtmtrarUi t t:i'. t.) on or SXTV. Screw Plates, Taps and Dies, Twist Drills, all real property in th Kinptloin. W (12 paqss) Uawahaji QArrrK Auckland, aooui. o EXTRA CHOICE cxia B. W. M CHK8NKT. J. M. A F. W. M'CHK8KT. LU 00 yueen Paints and Oils, Brushes. Glass. Parties placing loans nn, or rnntniplat Per year, with "Guide" premium.! 5 124 Clay C5t., S. t 40 St, llono. Pan Japan Tea lnf the purchaaaof real ;sntr will ttml it o AUGUST 24th, O Fired Per year, poet paid Foreign .......... w M. W. LIcCHESNEY & SONS, Asbestos Hair Felt and Felt Mixture. FOR FAMILY USE. to their alvantAti;8 to consult th roiuynv.y p a. & r . In regard to title. me i Anl win leave lor awve ivri. nau Her- - Sold at verv rpasonahle nrirps for the on or about that Wholesale Grocers, Comciissioii to iiii j.rnn!pt-neaa- . Mails and PassenK'er3 Blake's Steam Pumps, trade as well as retail. t" All onlrs attetuJed date. chants and Importers. - - m m r ,! Advertisements X? transient s uentmuqais. Mntnal Telephone 1M; 1 Telej.Jidup 40 Queen St., Honolulu. Weston I'.iit Ve prr;jaid. & iTotiisr. 152. P. O. IViT For Sydney Auckland SEWING MACHINES. WilCOX & GibbS, 2nd Remington. Importer of Japanese Goods 11. M. Wuitssy, Manager. New and Al Steel Steamship F. M. WAKEFIELD, L'ifi Fort St., near Cuatom House. 0. BREWER & CO., The Fine ...... , Jousstoss, Editor. Counsellor at o ((HQ ui.vj yamatoya, Yokohama, Japan, cotton QCKIX FTHEET, HoNOLCLt' H. I. Aetuvk 44 Attorney and Lw LUUI Ibdllliy hy nono. Crapo A,nufacturtr an.j Shirt Maker. XOISTOWlI" ) 1 1 -- I l J ! it is not ihHsihle to aont, HOMA.N, rort Mreer, AKNTH If v, Ashford, lit ! Company ill Temporary Office with C. W. tl Aim-ultr.ra- SPECIAL XOTICE. Oi the Oceanic Steamship o UBiicrai meruuaiiuib'j, overy thin wo h:1VP uonM!u. Hawaiian bo due at Honolulu, Irom tau francisco. Merchant Street, Honolulu. - Onomea rjurar Co. on or about there Is anything you want, come and :is!c for it, yrm will be Honcmti Hnr:ir Co. - 339 My . o-- l triiis:eut advertisements and sub- poiueiy treateu. jno trouuio to .snow goou.-?- Wailnku Hnar Co. s 327S-tf-- scripf.or.s i:mst be prepaid. d lir,tf-- CHAS. T. GULICK, Waiheu M:ar C.. AUGUST 24tli, HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., Makee rurar Co. ers selJ ray-C'arr'.- are not allowed to payments Irom NOTARY Halcakaia Uarwli Co. papers, nor to receive And will have prompt despatch with PUBLIC Kapapa.'a liancli. snbsenbers. and Passengers for the above ports. Steam Engines, for the Island of Oahn. Mails I -- 1'lanterH' Lin'1 Kan Francinco Tarki'tf. r. Brncs copies of the Dailt Advib-t:si- b Nni;nr Mill, Cooler. j Q40 1893. Agent to take Acknowledgment to LmLm Chaa. llrewer A Co.'a Line of LJonton can al SEMI-CENTENNIA- or Wiiilt Gazktt prepared L, Packets. ways be purchased trom me ews Tbo undersigned are now Agent to O rant Marriage Licenses, Hono Agents Ikwton Board of Underwriter. of publica to issue a ma(.i,;Tionj rf verv deacrintion made Dealers or at the oSce attention paid to lulu, U1DU. Agents Philadelphia Board of Underwri- tion, 4o Merchant street. to order. Particular Agent for the Hawaiian Islands of Pitt A ters. THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS ships blacksmuninsf. jou work, ex 5 bcoTT'a t reigut ana rarceis express. HATES Dailt Advibtisib, socts. none. Per Cent. Debenture Policy Apent for the Burlington Route. ts nr ii.U0 a vear. on the shortest List or Officers: Weekly Gazette, $o.00 IN THE UNITED STATES. & General Agent, in advance. -- ISSUED BY- - Real &stata Broker Hon. J. O. Carter, Mident A. a year in advance. Tapers not & li Manai on presentation LEWIS CO., Bell Tel. 343; Mat. Tel. 133; P.O. Box 415 George H. Kobertuou Treanurer r.romptlv paid for yFoT further particulars reppirding Biahop of the bill, will be stopped without E. F. .Secretary Freight or Passage appiy 10 OFFICE: No. 33 MERCHANT St., Col. W. F. Allen....- - - Auditor further notice. - Co, Wholesale and Retail- Grocers, IllS. IIosolcxit, Oahtt. H. I. Hon. C. It. Bishop ) -- - Life ADVES- Tlie fnr the DAILT & Mutual v kcr:nn. Win. G. Irwin Co., Ltd., H. Waterhonse Fhij. Directom. TissaaHd Weekly Gazette mar be 8. C. Allen F.tj. ) ra;d at the publication onice, o .me- GENERAL AGENTS. OP NEW YORK. rchant street, or to the collector. Ill FORT STREET. ATLAS who is autnonzea to Richard A. McCurdy, - President. v Swa. 3 AO. H. O. Boa 99T Boston Lunch Parlors receipt for the same. OCEANIC Telephone Assurance Company who pays to the un-4r- SALOON, Assets $175,084,156.61. FOKT STKEKT. Any subscriber paper year. BEAVER fnr either one Information regarding this form of policy, or any particulars concerning the 15 1 H O H . MILS. - rropriet-H8- . will receive one CO Co. FOUND IJ MCIIOLL sirictiv in advance, rort Street, OppoeJta Wiltlor ujf uuo of " TOCB13TS uoica as STEAMSHIP various Ullicr lurilla....ui jHjiiciuo leaueu xiie .uuiuai iiisuiuiao uumjjau; ixj copy the H. i. NOLTI, FB0PKIT0B. LODO a premium. $ 0,000,000 - I flxat-cl- Mt Lnncfcea Berved with Tea, CaSde S. B. HOSE, Capital. Homo made Lunches wui te paid for Bod Water, uioger or Ten Dollars reward aio cm. General Agent, Hawaiian Islands. 8 9,000.000 AT ALL IIOCRS O? Til H ri.vY. that wui lew w Time Table. A&sets, iiiforniation nn stealing Open From 3 n m. till lO p. m. nf arixr the Sundays 6:30 to 10 or Weekly left at the office or a Specialty. SP"Oten Irom A. Daily Havinv hwn anDointed Amenta of the m. Boton-bak- d Beans and Brown residenceot suoacr-Der- s. LOCAL LINE. ready to WATERHOUSE, aWa flnmnsnv h are now Bread. Len-th- y should be A.3L.I-A- . JOHN T. adrertisements g. Q. & effect Insurances at the lowest rates of Leave your orders on or befor Fri Jay, hao.iel in dariaK the day .to insure H. E. McINTYRE BRO., premium. natication the next morning. XT, Importer and Dealer In at 4 y. M. each week, for Beans and r- ,rii up vj w - from S. F. for S. F. SCHMIDT A SONS. Brown Bread, to insure a prornpt notices receivea II. W. 3423" July 12 July 19 GENERAL UEEOHANDISE. lMiOHTKKrt AND UtALiiKS iN delivery. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO.. Aug. 9 Aug. 10 H. M. WHrnriT. Manager. Sept. 6 Sept. l i No. 23--31 QneenBtreet, llonoluln. DR. B. I. MOORE Oct. 4 Oct. 11 FOR SALE. Nov. 1 Nov. 8 and Feed TO HARASS MR. GLADSTONE wm. wageneb Groceries, Provisions THROUGH LINE. DENTIST, Scheme of the Unionist Leaders I from San Fran. From Sydney for Contractor ami Builder. EAST CORNER FORT AND KINii 8TUKE1V. OFFICII FOK SALE AT Till: to Demoralize the Home lor syuney. cm r rauciacu. All kinds of Jobbing promptly attend-- j WEfollowing : Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu. ed to. Will make a specialty of Office! Rulers. I - . am l it . I,'... I ....... I l' w ...... .. Fulia Jam in 2 lb. eannat f. yyr I Inn oo I M A It I P( ISA J nn I:?) I flri'l Store r ittinir : F.ecor.u lloor Honoluluil I wew uood.i receiveu uy every uichei irom uir osibui ami ivuu'i-- Office: Arlington Eouss, Hotel St, Pulor 2. in. iMFDJ s 1 at DO leaders, Mr.
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