l{ ,d; :..:e ';ji,F 9s ;t1 t $B: if it''' "w1 I .ffi I ,fiif,.rri''. :fiffi:,,,",I t fini' ';., , *.,i ,' li r.fill:ii.r', lt l ,r I 't dMil'l, ,-",,."qcw.1*l u,*rcnrcrurn ct)lJlilo!.rl'r!:i s s f,ll|r .g!rs!lss! .....;W rt,AI .T atr0'0 T6tl rm T.l. # #s r.o r \..Q2 ;o a, n;X Mlrgo lNc + t \UI|l rauPeauc€ r MITEQ Why add on more TVRO Receivers to the We also realized that we offered to the already crowded market? industry all of the components that We pondered that question at length and make up a video receiver. concluded that Miteq had something The next step was easy... unique to offer. Avail yourself to our total inhouse And that uniqueness is in our total capability in Receiver electronics. inhouse capability. Antenna mounted low noise amplifiers We realized that with little development (1.5dB NF) effort, Miteq could offer a quality product . Single conversion dedicated Receivers at a very competitive price. How is that . Dual conversion frequency agile designs possible? Well, up to 12 internal channels Miteq has been manufacturing state-of-the- Give us a call- let our inhouse capability art satellite downconverters and upcon- save you dollar$ verters for customers around the world - including Intelsat and Comsat! @MrEo HAUPPAUGE,NEW YORK 11787 TEL.(5r6) 543-8873 TWX5r0-226-3781 SGI ctNE STGIP SHG,PPINGI FGIFI TVFIGI ELEGTFIGINIGS Scientific Communicationsollors standard 3.7 - 4.2 GHz FET smptitiermod€ls at guarantood "N" REDUNDANT noiss figures from I .3 to 3.5 dB at 25rc. Waveguid€ input (CPR . 229G tlang€) and typ€ flFul ar6 standard on all 50 dB gain units. Oher options includ€ 115 VAC or 15 - 2E VC|C(pooitive or nogativs) op€ration, othor gain values trom 20 to 60 dB and tault rnonitor circuitry. All modeb omploy specially d€signed bias n€tworks tor maximum power handling cspability and Atimum gain stabitity FETAMPLIFIERS over widg ambi€nl ranges. SCI FET amplifiors arg housod in weatherproot snclGsures 8nd utilize power conngclors lot installationconvoni€nca. An intomal lC vohagerogulator prsvents gain changosdu€ to inputr/oltaoo \ qlffif r variations, p€mils op€ration over an input voltag€ rango ot t 5 - 28 VDC and rer€cts hum and mise on thg OC input lines. The amplifiers also toature short circuit, ovsruollag€ and rovers€ vollago protection. Wavoguide inputs are prgssudzabls and all wav€guide units ars supportsblg by th€ input flangs if desired. FneouetcY c1ot xotsE(t) ysw6 powERouTAT roDEL RANGE GAtx FltrlEss rrcunL-rr ourt.odBcorpREs$oil (GHz) (dBmln.) (+ dBm.r.) (dBmu.) (rnu.) (d6mltn.) scF-395.50 3.7G420 so 0.5 2.6 1.25:1 1.25:'l +10 '1.25:1 '1.25:1 .t** SCF-395-5OA3.70-4.20 50 0.5 2.O +10 a. scF-395-50D3.70-4.20 50 0.5 1.8 1.25:1 1.25:1 +10 scF-395-505 3.70-4.20 50 0.5 1.5 1.25:1 1.25:1 +'10 scF-395-507 3.70-4.20 50 0.5 1.3 1.25:1 1.25:1 +10 (1) al 25'c g GaAs FETAMPLIFIERS ?; n ',H lmtx* - Ths SCI Modol SCF-306 Series RedundantGaAS FET Low Nois€Amptitier Asssmbty provides ampliticationof FIF signals in the 3.7 to 4.2 GHz frequoncyrange. Tho asssmblyconsists ot two GaAs FET amplifiers,a low loss transfer switch,and a transfarswitch control moduls. Tho ontiro systsm is mounted on a singls plate designedfor mountingnear the ant6nna.Intgrfacs connector pins provide systsm status infomation lor remotgmonitoring. "on Ths two LNA'Sare in a r€dundantconliguration. Either LNA may be lin€"; that is when th€ amplifisr is conn€ctedbetween the RF lN and RF portsot "otl OUT ths transferswitch.The other LNA is lins" and op€rating.Th6 inputand outsut RF ports of the ott tinaLNA are terminatodat ths test ports ol the transtsr swilch. The otf line LNA may b€ testedor rspla€d withoutatftrting ths nomal oo€rationot the on line LNA. SATELLITE The SR-4000and SR-5000Satollite Vid€o Recsiversprovide quatity picture and soundrscoption VIDEO of satellito television transmissions.Thsy hava be€n sp€cifielly dosigned to @st/portomanco RECEIVERS crit€ria for CATV oarth stations. Ths SR-40O0is atully agils,synthesizsd24channet solectable modet. Thetranspondornumb€ris selected by thumbwho€l switchss on the lront panol with LEO readout ol the s€ltried transpondor numb€r. Th€ SR-5000 is the lixed channel version with provisionfor transponders€lsction by a crystal chango and retuning, Bolh units ars compact with modulg interchangeability betwe€n unit typ€s oxcept tor synthesizer/ L.O. source modules. Thoy each havo phas€-locked loop demodulators to grovi(b 6i@llent FM thr€shold p€rlormance. The compact design ot thoss units allowstwo completgrecoivors to b€ mountedin a stsndard19 inch rack only 3y2inchgs high.This t6atureminimizes the rack spac€ requir€dfor mulliOl€rcivers whsn sevaral satellitetrans@ndsrs ar6 to b€ utilizod. A uniqug featurs ol thes€ receivsrs is the availabilityof a socond subcarier domodulator.This lsature is prs-wired on all units so that the addition ot a printed circuil card can provid€ a s€cond subcarrier tor audio, slow scan ry or other software which may b€ otfered by ths programmirE originators. The SCI recsivers wero sp€cially engino€red to provid€ simplo mgthods lor t$ting in an op- srationalsnvironment. A melsrand selgctorswitchon thetront pan€lpormitthe monitoring ofc,itical voltages-and the lF monitor ouput is availabls at ths tront pamt to facititateC/N testing. An AGC/MGC switch and a manual gain adiustmont are located on tho lront panet to turrh€r tacitiiate testing. Tho rear panel conlains an auriliary vid€o ouFut to allow monitoringol vidoo p€rtomancs withoutdisrupling programming and an extra pairot audiooutsuts to lacilitatgaudio monitodrE. Scientific Communications, lnc. SPECIALISTSIN MICROWAVE RECEIVER TECHNOLOGY 3425 Kingsley. 6.t;.nd, Texas75041 214o271-3685. Twx: 910-860-5172 Ir I i:.. SEPTEMBER 1978 VOLUME5 NUMBER 9 PUBLISHEDMONTHLY, AS ITS OFFICIALJOURNAL, BY THE COMMUNITYANTENNA TELEVISION ASSOCIATION, INC., OKLAHOMACITY, OKLAHOMA.AS A SERVICETO ITS MEMBERSAND OTHERSPROVIDING CATV'MATV SERVICETO THE TELEVISIONVIEWING PUBLIC AND BROADBANDVIOEO/AUDIO DATA COMMUNICAT]ONSERVICE. OFFICERS Kyle D. Moore,Chairman of Board -FEATURES_ Ben Campbell,President G.H. Bunk Dodson,Sec/Tsr SATELLITES-UPDATE'78/Whereis it all headed?The explosive growth of satelliteuse DIRECTORS and technologygets brighterand brighterby the day as the cabletelevision industry basksinthegloryofbeingintheforefrontofacommunicationsrevolution...........'14 PeterAthanas (Wisconsin) EugeneEdwards (Ohio) THE NEWLYPROMISED SERVICES-Not going DavidFox (WestVirginia) every service that says they are to the birdactually makes it. An RalphHaimowitz (Florida) updateon who iswhere ..........15 CharlesF. Kee(Oregon) WHATABOUT THE'SICK Jim A. Kimrey(Arkansas) BIRD'?-ls there somethingactually wrong with F1? Tests J.J.Mueller (Vermont) areunderwaytodeterminehowhealthyourfutureis..... ...........21 BenV. Willie (lowa) THE RELIGIOUSTRANSPONDERS-RCA's Andy Inglis says his company has a 'special DIRECTORS.EMERITUS relationship'withthe religious broadcasters .......24 William Risden (Kentucky) CarlSchmauder (Oregon) CATJ's 1978 GUIDETO ACTIVETRANSPONDERS-A special two page table of which transponderis doingwhat STAFF on allof the birds . .. ..28 R.B.Cooper, Jr., Editor-in-Chief LNA PROGRESSAND EOUIPMENTPROGRESS-Cable growth in satellite technology is CelesteRule, Managing Editor stillpacedbythedevelopmentandavailabilityofequipment ........32 DebbieTeel, Production Director JanetStone, Editorial Asst. SUMMARYOF TERMINALSALES-Guess which companyhas sold more terminalsthan DianeHoward, Editorial Asst. thecompetition?..... ............34 Bill H. Ellis,Contributing Editor RayDaly, Contributing Editor NON-CATVDEVELOPMENTS ON THEBIRDS-Some people believethe next big action in RaleighB. Stelle, Contributing Editor satelliteswill beoutsideof the cableTV field. ......37 OFFICES -DEPARTMENTS_ CATA/CATJ 4209NW 23rd,Suite 106 CATA-torial(BenCampbellon FCClnactionWith OklahomaCity, Oklahom a73107 SatelliteMatters) .......... 4 (405)947-7664 SATELLITETECHNOLOGYNEWS. ........42 CATA(Washington Off ice) SeptemberStatistics SteveEffros, Executive Director FasterTVROLicense Processing (Oops!) 110017th St. NW (Suite506) SunOutage Coming Again Washington,D.C.20036 TheTransponder Listings (202\659.2612 WeathervaneOn The Bird? CATJsubscription rates $14.00 per year for First MexicanTVRO non-CATAmembers, $10.00 per year for R.STELLE'S TECHNOLOGY CORNER (This month. .radiation) . .44 CATAmember-systems; $10.00per year for industryemployed personnel for at-home COOP'SCABLE COLUMN (Weekly on the bird) . 4B-B delivery.In Canada, $16.00 per year for TECHNICALTOPICS (Letters and new briefs) . 51 CATVsystems, $12.00 per year for system EnjoyedBeing On TV employees.Foreign rates request. LaunchingA CATASatellite upon Wants Richardson'sAddress Thirdclass postage rates paid in 0klahoma Did They Like Me? MakeTheir Own GaAs-FETs City,0klahoma, U.S.A. FederalRegister Defended fheCommunity Antenna Television Asociation, Inc. Freeldeas Prevailed isa nonprofitorganization formed under Chapter 19, Title18 ol theStatutes of theState of 0llahoma. ASSOCIATE'SROSTER(Handyaddressesandtelephonenumbers)..........s4 Assuch, no pail ol itsasets or incomeshall be the propertyol its members; such asets and income shall CLASSY-CATAdvertising ......... ss be devotederclusively to the purpmesof the : Corporation. CATJisCopyight@ l97E by the Community Antenna OURCOVER \ TeleuisionAssociation, Inc. All righis resened. Quedan WHERElS TOO FAR?This special issue exploresthe current status of reseruadostodos los derechos.Printed in U.S.A. the satellite explosion in CATV, exemplified by the front cover
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