USAID Justice for a Sustainable Peace Activity Quarterly Report January - March 2020 Submitted to: Nathan Strand, Contracting Officer; and Amalia Eraso, Task Order Contracting Officer Representative U.S. Agency for International Development Carrera 45 No 24 – 27 Post 2, Bogotá Submitted by: Chemonics International Inc. April 2020 This document was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). It was prepared by Chemonics International Inc. for the Justice for a Sustainable Peace Activity; contract number AID- OAA-I-13-00032, Task Order No. AID-514-TO-17-00009. QUARTERLY REPORT – COLOMBIA JSP ACTIVITY | 1 USAID Justice for a Sustainable Peace Activity QUARTERLY REPORT January 2020 – March 2020 AWARD No.: AID- OAA-I-13-00032, Task Order No. AID-514-TO-17-00009 DISCLAIMER The author’s views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government. QUARTERLY REPORT – COLOMBIA JSP ACTIVITY | 2 CONTENT ACRONYMS .......................................................................................................................... 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................................................................... 6 1. NATIONAL CONTEXT .................................................................................................. 8 1.1 Political and Policy Context .................................................................................. 8 2. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES ................................................................................................ 10 2.1. Technical Activities and Results Achieved ............................................................ 10 Objective1: Increased Access to Justice ...................................................................................... 10 Sub-objective 1.1: Increased Capacity of Justice Sector Institutions ............................................... 10 Sub-Objective 1.2: Increased coordination between justice actors regionally and locally ......... 15 Sub-Objective 1.3: Strengthened accessible and sustainable Justice Houses ................................ 17 Sub-Objective 1.4: Effective rural justice services established ........................................................ 18 Objective 2: Increased Citizen Support for the Rule of Law ............................................ 22 Citizen Education Strategy ........................................................................................................................ 22 Political Advocacy Strategy ....................................................................................................................... 23 Indigenous Strategy ..................................................................................................................................... 25 Afro-Colombian Strategy .......................................................................................................................... 29 Communications Strategy ......................................................................................................................... 30 Legal Advocacy Strategy ............................................................................................................................ 35 Objective 3: Strengthened Judicial Responses for Victims of the Armed Conflict 36 Sub-Objective 3.1: Increased effectiveness and transparency in land restitution ........................ 36 Sub-Objective 3.2: Impunity for conflict related GBV addressed .................................................... 39 Sub-Objective 3.3 Impunity for serious conflict-related crimes addressed ................................... 48 Sub-objective 3.4 Rapid-response interventions effectively implemented ..................................... 50 2.2 Challenges Encountered, Proposed Solutions, and Lessons Learned ............. 59 2.4 Program Coordination ......................................................................................... 62 3. OPERATIONS AND ADMINISTRATION ................................................................... 63 ANNEX A. TABLE OF INDICATORS ANNEX B. GRANTS AND SUBCONTRACTS ANNEX C. SUCCESS STORY QUARTERLY REPORT – COLOMBIA JSP ACTIVITY | 3 ACRONYMS AAR Regional Anchor Stakeholders (Actores Ancla Regionales) ACONC Association of Community Councils of Northern Cauca (Asociación de Consejos Comunitarios del Norte del Cauca) ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution ANT National Land Agency (Agencia Nacional de Tierras) CCJ Colombian Commission of Jurists (Comisión Colombiana de Juristas) CEV Truth Commission (Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de la Verdad, la Convivencia y la No repetición) CNGRJ National Gender Commission of the Judicial Branch (Comisión Nacional de Género de la Rama Judicial) CSJ Superior Council of the Judiciary (Consejo Superior de la Judicatura) CSO Civil Society Organization DJC Departmental Justice Committee DNP National Planning Department (Departamento Nacional de Planeación) EJRLB Rodrigo Lara Bonilla Judicial School (Escuela Judicial Rodrigo Lara Bonilla) FGN Attorney General’s Office (Fiscalía General de la Nación) FONSECON National Fund for Security and Citizen Coexistence (Fondo Nacional de Seguridad y Convivencia Ciudadana) FIP Fundación Ideas para la Paz FY Fiscal Year GBV Gender-Based Violence HRDSL Human Rights Defenders and Social Leaders ICBF Colombian Family Welfare Institute (Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar) INMLCF National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences (Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses) JAC Community Action Board (Junta de Acción Comunal) JEI Special Indigenous Jurisdiction (Jurisdicción Especial Indígena) JPA Special Afro-Colombian Justice (Justicia Propia Afrocolombiana) JSP Justice for a Sustainable Peace Activity LGBT Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender LJC Local Justice Committee LJS Local Justice System QUARTERLY REPORT – COLOMBIA JSP ACTIVITY | 4 LRU Land Restitution Unit MEL Monitoring, evaluation and learning MJD Ministry of Justice and Law (Ministerio de Justicia y del Derecho) MJS Mobile Justice Sessions PARES Peace and Reconciliation Foundation (Fundación Paz y Reconciliación) PDEhT Development Program with a Territorial Approach (Programa de Desarrollo con Enfoque Territorial) PNCJCC National Program for Justice Houses and Citizen Coexistence (Programa Nacional de Casas de Justicia y Convivencia Ciudadana) PGN Inspector General’s Office (Procuraduría General de la Nación) PPP Public-Private Partnership RJ Restorative Justice RJC Regional Justice Committee SGR General Royalty System (Sistema General de Regalías) ToRs Terms of Reference UARIV Victim’s Unit (Unidad para la Atención y Reparación Integral a Víctimas) UBPD Search Unit for Presumably Disappeared People (Unidad de Búsqueda de Personas Dadas por Desaparecidas) UNHCHR United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights UNP National Protection Unit (Unidad Nacional de Protección) USAID United States Agency for International Development QUARTERLY REPORT – COLOMBIA JSP ACTIVITY | 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY During the second quarter of the fiscal year 2020 (FY2020), the Justice for a Sustainable Peace (JSP) Program reached several key milestones in spite of the unforeseen challenges caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, which gripped Colombia early March. The quarter began with several regional planning exercises based on agreements that were forged at the end of the previous quarter. These previous efforts sought to consolidate national allies, such as Unión Temporal de Cámaras de Comercio (UTCC by its Spanish acronym) and Corpovisionarios, with Regional Anchor Actors (AAR by its Spanish acronym), as well as carry out planned activities led by grantees in each of JSP’s six regions. In early February, JSP’s work was shared with the Ministry of Justice and Law (MJD by its Spanish acronym); MJD members were invited to participate in these activities to ensure institutional buy-in and sustainability of JSP activities moving forward, in the short, medium, and long term. Based on these commitments, JSP advanced several key results under Objective I during the quarter. Together with the Inspector General’s Office (PGN by its Spanish acronym), JSP presented the family commissioner’s reform bill before the MJD. JSP’s coordination with the MJD and National Planning Department (DNP by its Spanish acronym) during the quarter played an important role in advancing the development of public policy guidelines for local justice systems. Additionally, under the scope of Objective I, JSP’s technical assistance was instrumental in accompanying the development of departmental and municipal development plans and in establishing Local Justice Committees (LJCs) in Santander de Quilichao and Corinto in Cauca. To further support LJCs, JSP technical support aided in developing 23 LJC action plans. During the quarter, JSP also worked with the National Land Agency (ANT by its Spanish acronym) to develop a land restitution response referral pathway for Justice Houses in JSP municipalities. Finally, efforts resulting from JSP’s strategic partnership with the MJD and DNP included the launching of the public policy for the Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms Toolbox. Under Objective 2, key results highlighted during the quarter include: the successful outcomes from land issue trainings, which were based on strategic litigation, held in Cauca, Córdoba,
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