This file is part of the following reference: Gullberg, Steven Roland (2009) The cosmology of Inca huacas. PhD thesis, James Cook University. Access to this file is available from: http://eprints.jcu.edu.au/10346 383 Appendices A1 Glossary Aclla - a chosen woman serving the ruling Inca Acllahuasi - house of the chosen women Amaru - snake Anti - dawn or east Antisuyu - the northeast quadrant of both Cusco and of the Inca Empire Apu - sacred mountain Ayllu - a non-royal kin group Camayoc - attendant or specialist Cancha - an enclosed compound and courtyard Capac - royal Capac Raymi - a festival at the time of the December solstice Ceque - a sightline that organizes huacas around its direction Chaca - bridge Chasqui - courier Chicha - maize beer Chinchaysuyu - the northwest quadrant of both Cusco and of the Inca Empire Chulpa - burial tower Citua Raymi - Inca festival in September Cocha - lake Collana - something that is principal or first Collasuyu - the southeast quadrant of both Cusco and of the Inca Empire Coricancha - the principal sun temple of Cusco Coya - the sister-wife of a ruling Inca Coya Raymi - see Citua Raymi Cunti - sunset, the west Cuy - guinea pig 384 Cuntisuyu - the southwest quadrant of both Cusco and of the Inca Empire Curaca - chief or leader Hanan - upper Hatun - large or great Huaca - shrine Huaman - falcon Huayna - young Huasi - house Huatana - hitching post Huauque - totem Huchuy - small Hurin - lower Illapa - thunder Inti - the sun Intihuatana - hitching post of the sun Inti Raymi - a festival at the time of the June solstice Kallanka - long rectangular hall with many doors Kenko - zigzagged Llacta - town Machay - cave Mama - mother Mamacona - holy woman Mayu - river Mita - labor service for the Empire Mitmae - resettled colonists Moiety - One of two parts. Inca communities were often divided into upper and lower sectors Ñusta - princess Macarena - place of origin of mythical ancestors as they emerged from the earth Pacariqtambo - place of Inca origin Paccha - waterfall Pacha - earth Pampa - plain Panaca - a kin group formed of the royal descendants of an Inca Pata - platform or terrace 385 Picchu - mountain Pirua - storehouse Puma - mountain lion Puna - high savannah Punchao - a golden sun idol Puncu - entrance or gate Puquiu - a spring or fountain Pururaucas - stones mythically transformed into warriors when the Inca defeated the Chanca Qollca - storehouse Quilla - the moon, also a month Quipu - a knotted cord used to record information Quipucamayoc - person who kept, recorded and interpreted quipus Racay - hall or shed Raymi - festival Rimac - oracle Rumi - stone Sayhua - marker Sucanca - solar marker Suyu - a geographical division. The region of Cusco was divided into four quadrants, or suyus Tahuantinsuyu - the name for the Inca empire as a whole Tambo - place of lodging Taqui - dance Tocco - a cave Urco - hill Usnu - administrative or religious platform Vilca - sacred Yunga - lowland Wak’a - huaca, shrine Warachikoy - a December ritual for recognizing young noblemen as adults Zeq’e - ceque, line 386 A2 GPS Data Region Surrounding Cusco 9.2 Kenko Grande Main entrance to cave S13° 30’ 33” W071° 58’ 14” 3596 masl Secondary entrance to cave S13° 30’ 33” W071° 58’ 14” 3594 masl 9.3 Kenko Chico Upper surface center S13° 30’ 37” W071° 58’ 19” 3590 masl 9.4 Mesa Redonda Base S13° 30’ 48” W071° 58’ 11” 3474 masl 9.5 Tetecaca Base S13° 30’ 54” W071° 57’ 56” 3492 masl 387 9.6 Patallacta Base S13° 30’ 45” W071° 58’ 06” 3543 masl 9.7 Kusilluchayoc Kusilluchayoc west corridor S13° 30’ 29” W071° 57’ 57” 3625 masl 9.8 Lacco Northeast Cave S13° 30’ 20” W071° 57’ 52” 3655 masl Southwest Cave S13° 30’ 21” W071° 57’ 54” 3662 masl Southeast Cave S13° 30’ 22” W071° 57’ 51” 3648 masl 9.9 Huaca with two circles aligned for solar horizon events Two circles S13° 30’ 18” W071° 58’ 41” 3662 masl 388 9.10 Lanlakuyok Eastern opening S13° 30’ 21” W071° 58’ 44” 3727 masl 9.11 Puca Pucara West doorway S13° 29’ 0” W071° 57’ 43” 3805 masl 9.12 Tambomachay Cave Opening S13° 28’ 35” W071° 58’ 5” 3900 masl 9.13 Sacsahuaman Tired Stone S13° 28’ 35” W071° 58’ 5” 3610 masl Throne of the Inca S13° 30’ 48” W071° 58’ 11” 3618 masl 389 Top of zigzag walls S13° 30’ 26” W071° 58’ 54” 3607masl Base of zigzag walls S13° 30’ 30” W071° 58’ 55” 3595 masl 9.14 Mollaguanca East end crevasse S13° 30’ 21” W071° 58’ 44” 3581 masl 9.15 Sapantiana Base S13° 30’ 44” W071° 58’ 41” 3465 masl 9.16 Rumiwasi Bajo East end tunnel S13° 31’ 12” W071° 56’ 26” 3740 masl 9.17 Rumiwasi Alto Wall with niches center S13° 30’ 58” W071° 56’ 21” 3563 masl 390 9.18 Kusicallanca Wall with niches center S13° 31’ 13” W071° 56’ 14” 3573 masl 9.19 Tipon Iglesia Raqui S13° 34’ 14” W071° 46’ 15” 3476 masl GPS azimuth Iglesia Raqui to Tipon Intihuatana* 292.35 Top of terrace system S13° 34’ 9” W071° 46’ 54” Intihuatana S13° 24’ 10” W071° 47’ 8” 3554 masl GPS azimuth Tipon Intihuatana to Iglesia Raqui* 112.35° 9.20 Saihuite Principle Stone S13° 32’ 50” W072° 48’ 11” 3653 masl Niche toward horizon S13° 32’ 50” W072° 48’ 11” 3654 masl 391 Top of fountain with stairs S13° 32’ 49” W072° 48’ 8” 3640 masl Bottom of fountain with stairs S13° 32’ 49” W072° 48’ 7” 3623 masl Rumihuasi Stone S13° 32’ 46” W072° 47’ 58” 3584 masl Chingana Platform S13° 32’ 53” W072° 47’ 54” 3565 masl Third Stone S13° 32’ 50” W072° 47’ 47” 3545 masl 392 Sacred Valley Region 10.2 Chinchero First rock east of the chapel S13° 23 24” W072° 02’ 47” 3790 masl Kondorkaka S13° 23’ 21” W072° 02’ 37” 3773 masl Mesakaka S13° 23’ 17” W072° 02’ 35” 3744 masl Chinkana S13° 23’ 16” W072° 2’ 35” 3724 masl GPS azimuth Chinkana to Titikaka* 250.085° Titikaka S13° 23’ 48” W072° 2’ 48” 3753 masl GPS azimuth Titikaka to Chinkana* 070.085° 393 10.3 Pisac Pisac intihuatana S13° 24’ 51” W071° 50’ 38” 3395 masl 10.4 Quespiwanka Boulder S13° 18’ 5” W072° 6’ 47” 2922 masl GPS azimuth Quespiwanka boulder to Cerro Unoraqui mountaintop* 110.316° Triple-jamb doorway S13° 18’ 4” W072° 6’ 40” 2933 masl Outside south wall S13° 18’ 5” W072° 6’ 47” 2922 masl 10.5 Cerro Pumahuachana South wall remains – south end S13° 19’ 5” W072° 3’ 54” 3568 masl South wall remains – north end S13° 19’ 4” W072° 3’ 55” 3572 masl 394 North wall remains – south end S13° 19’ 2” W072° 3’ 55” 3575 masl North wall remains – north end S13° 18’ 59” W072° 3’ 56” 3592 masl Below chapel S13° 18’ 50” W072° 3’ 56” 3618 masl 10.6 Cerro Unoraqui Village on side of mountain S13° 20’ 6” W071° 59’ 20” 2937 masl Mountaintop S13° 20’ 21” W072° 0’ 27” 4377 masl GPS azimuth Cerro Unoraqui mountaintop to Quespiwanka boulder* 290.316° 10.7 Choquequilla Choquequilla carved stone S13° 17’ 32” W072° 13’ 56” 3627 masl 395 10.8 Ollantaytambo Ollantaytambo base of terraces S13° 15’ 17” W072° 15’ 48” 2792 masl Machu Picchu Region 11.2 Machu Picchu Intihuatana S13° 9’ 47” W072° 32’ 44” 2468 masl Sacred Plaza S13° 9’ 49” W072° 32’ 44” 2466 masl GPS azimuth Machu Picchu Sacred Plaza to River Intihuatana* 223.552° GPS azimuth Machu Picchu Sacred Plaza to Llactapata Sun Temple* 239.874° Inca Bridge S13° 10’ 13” W072° 32’ 40” 2550 masl Mortars S13° 9’ 48” W072° 32’ 40” 2460 masl 396 Huayna Picchu mountaintop S13° 9’ 24” W072° 32’ 45” 2698 masl Huayna Picchu Building of Three Windows S13° 9’ 24” W072° 32’ 45” 2690 masl Temple of the Moon S13° 9’ 5” W072° 32’ 47” 2277 masl 11.3 River Intihuatana River Intihuatana S13° 10’ 32” W072° 33’ 26” 1819 masl GPS azimuth River Intihuatana to Machu Picchu Sacred Plaza* 043.552° GPS azimuth River Intihuatana to Llactapata Sun Temple* 249.298° 11.4 Llactapata Base Camp S13° 11 10” W072° 34 53” 2601 masl Sun Temple S13° 11’ 9” W072° 35’ 5” 2740 masl GPS azimuth Llactapata Sun Temple to Machu Picchu Sacred Plaza* 059.874° 397 GPS azimuth Llactapata Sun Temple to River Intihuatana* 069.298° *Azimuths between GPS positions were calculated as the arctangent of the opposite over the adjacent, opposite being the difference in latitude and adjacent the difference in longitude. 398 A3 Magnetic Declination (From the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service - National Geophysical Data Center) Region Surrounding Cusco 9.2 Kenko Grande S13° 30’ 31” W071° 58’ 14” 10/26/06 3° 35’ W 9.3 Kenko Chico S13° 30’ 37” W071° 58’ 19” 6/5/08 3° 51’ W 9.4 Mesa Redonda S13° 30’ 48” W071° 58’ 11” 10/17/08 3° 55’ W 9.5 Tetecaca S13° 30’ 54” W071° 57’ 56” 10/17/08 3° 55’ W 399 9.6 Patallacta S13° 30’ 45” W071° 58’ 06” 10/17/08 3° 55’ W 9.7 Kusilluchayoc S13° 30’ 29” W071° 57’ 57” 10/17/08 3° 55’ W 9.8 Lacco S13° 30’ 21” W071° 57’ 51” 10/17/08 3° 55’ W 9.9 Huaca with two circles aligned for solar horizon events S13° 30’ 18” W071° 58’ 41” 10/17/08 3° 55’ W 9.10 Lanlakuyok S13° 30’ 21” W071° 58’ 44” 10/14/08 3° 55’ W 400 9.11 Puca Pucara S13° 29’ 0” W071° 57’ 43” 10/14/08 3° 55’ W 9.12 Tambomachay S13° 28’ 35” W071° 58’ 5” 10/17/08 3° 55’ W 9.13.2 Sacsahuaman – Tired Stone S13° 30’ 15” W071° 58’ 52” 10/14/08 3° 54’ W 9.13.3 Sacsahuaman – Throne of the Inca S13° 30’ 48” W071° 58’ 11” 10/14/08 3° 54’ W 9.14 Mollaguanca S13° 30’ 21” W071° 58’ 44” 10/14/08 3° 54’ W 401 9.15 Sapantiana S13° 30’ 44” W071° 58’ 41” 10/14/08 3° 54’ W 9.16 Rumiwasi Bajo S13° 31’ 12” W071° 56’ 26” 10/14/08 3° 55’ W 9.17 Rumiwasi Alto S13° 30’ 58” W071° 56’ 21” 10/16/08 3° 56’ W 9.18 Kusicallanca S13° 31’ 13” W071° 56’ 14” 10/16/08 3° 56’ W 9.19 Tipon S13° 34’ 14” W071° 46’ 15” 10/16/08 4° 3’ W 402 9.20.2 Saihuite – Upper Structure S13° 32’ 50” W072° 48’ 11” 10/15/08 3° 13’ W Sacred Valley Region 10.2.7 Chinchero – Chinkana S13° 23’ 16” W072° 2’ 35”
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