December 20, 2011 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 157, Pt. 15 21469 future endeavors in Kansas, and know Eric A TRIBUTE TO THE LIFE OF A TRIBUTE HONORING THE LIFE will do great things. DAVID LOWRY WIDELL OF EVELYN HAUSNER LAUDER We thank Eric for his service to the 3rd Dis- trict of Kansas. HON. JIM COSTA f HON. ANNA G. ESHOO OF CALIFORNIA RECOGNIZING REALTOR ASSOCIA- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF CALIFORNIA TION OF GREATER FORT LAU- Tuesday, December 20, 2011 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DERDALE Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today with Tuesday, December 20, 2011 HON. DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ my colleagues Mr. THOMPSON, Mr. FARR, Mr. Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to OF FLORIDA MILLER, Mr. GARAMENDI, and Mr. CARDOZA to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pay tribute to the life of David Lowry Widell honor the life and extraordinary accomplish- who recently passed away at the age of 44. ments of Evelyn Hausner Lauder, who passed Tuesday, December 20, 2011 His advocacy and passion for Central Califor- away at her home in New York City on No- Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. Mr. Speaker, nia’s wetlands, wildlife, and water issues made vember 12, 2011. Evelyn was a loving wife I rise today to recognize the 90th anniversary him a distinguished community leader and no- and mother, a savvy business woman, a de- of the Realtor Association of Greater Fort Lau- table conservationist. He served our great voted philanthropist, and a noble citizen of our derdale. state in a number of capacities, most recently country who put the ‘‘active’’ in the word activ- The Association has a long, successful his- as the General Manager and Governmental tory of growth and success that mirrors the Affairs Director for the Grassland Water Dis- ist. community growth and economic development trict. Evelyn Hausner married into one of Amer- of the City of Fort Lauderdale and surrounding Dave was born on May 17, 1967 in ica’s most distinguished families, but her be- South Florida community. Watsonville, California, and was raised in the ginnings were humble. In 1936, Evelyn fled From its humble founding in 1922 by six agriculturally rich city of Los Banos, California. Nazi-occupied Europe with her parents, mak- local real estate professionals as the Fort Lau- Dave grew up hunting and fishing, and it was ing their way to America and eventually set- derdale Board of Realtors, the Realtor Asso- at this time that his deep appreciation for the ciation of Greater Fort Lauderdale has grown tling in New York City. While attending Hunter Valley’s wildlife and resources developed. His College, Evelyn met her future husband, Leon- over the past nine decades into one of the love of the Valley led to a fulfilling career, one ard Lauder. In 1959, they married and worked largest realtor Associations in the state of Flor- where he was able to seek political solutions ida. to some of Central California’s most pressing together to help grow the Estee Lauder Com- Today, the Realtor Association of Greater issues. pany. Fort Lauderdale serves more than 7,500 mem- Dave’s reverence for the San Joaquin Val- With only six products when she joined, bers across Broward, Palm Beach, and Miami- ley was enhanced by the knowledge he Evelyn recalled that ‘‘it was a baby com- Dade counties who in turn assist tens of thou- gained through his education. Upon grad- pany’’—something to grow and nourish. sands of South Floridians. uating from Los Banos High School in 1985, Since its inception, the Realtor Association Today, Estee Lauder stands as one of the Dave studied at Modesto Junior College, and most respected companies in the world. Eve- of Greater Fort Lauderdale has helped its then transferred to the University of California, lyn herself created the Clinique product line membership conduct thriving businesses and Davis, where he earned a Bachelor’s degree and was an integral part of the fabric of the along the way has promoted the highest in History in 1990. standards of professional practice in the real Dave spent his adult life working in the company. estate community. public’s best interests. He served our nation in Evelyn’s real fame, however, was found in As a Member of Congress, I have been par- the United States Air National Guard and ticularly proud of the Association’s work over her role as an advocate for the one in eight served our state in several capacities, such as the years as a constant champion for con- women in the United States who develops a field representative for former Assembly sumers in our local communities. breast cancer. Evelyn herself was a survivor. In cities and towns across America, realtors Member Rusty Areias, and later as Assistant When she learned of her cancer diagnosis in provide expert advice and guidance to current Secretary at the California Resources Agency. 1989, she fought back—and won. She went Dave also worked for the City of Los Banos as and future property owners on what often is on to personally help build the Evelyn H. Planning Commissioner, and Director of the the biggest investment a family makes. Real- Lauder Breast Center, founded the Breast tors promote affordable housing, expand home Merced County Farm Bureau Board. In 1992, Dave joined the Grassland Water District and Cancer Research Foundation, and launched ownership, and work to end housing discrimi- the Pink Ribbon campaign. Evelyn’s pink bows nation wherever it exists. served as Assistant General Manager. today are recognized symbols of hope for a The Realtor Association of Greater Fort Prior to returning to the Grassland Water Lauderdale does all of these things while District in 2007 as General Manager, Dave cure for breast cancer, as does her lipstick maintaining the highest level of profes- dedicated his time to a number of organiza- Pink Ribbon. sionalism. The Association’s realtors study tions, and served in a number of roles, includ- I have always admired Evelyn’s work from long hours to hone their professional skills and ing Chief Deputy Director of Governmental Af- afar, and I have the honor and privilege of fairs at the California Waterfowl Association adhere to the Code of Ethics set out by the representing her son, Gary Lauder, her daugh- and as Director of Conservation Policy for National Association of Realtors. ter-in-law, Laura Lauder, and grandchildren, The last few years have been extremely dif- Ducks Unlimited. Dave’s breadth of experi- Ellie and Josh, and having them as my dear ficult for the housing market nationally, and ence gave him a unique combination of intel- especially in South Florida. Yet, realtors have lect and enthusiasm, which allowed him to friends. stood ready to assist with the challenges of serve the San Joaquin Valley—and its people, Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me the current market because they know—as all water, and wildlife—with tact and influence. in extending our deepest condolences to Eve- of us who live in South Florida know—that our Whether he was working on issues impor- lyn Lauder’s husband, Leonard Lauder; her community is one of the best places in the tant to the Valley or spending time with his children, William Lauder and Gary Lauder; her country to live, work, and raise our families. son Ty, currently a student at Purdue Univer- daughter-in-law, Laura Lauder; and her be- sity, Dave lived a full and rich life. His dedica- I am pleased to join in celebrating the Real- loved grandchildren. Evelyn Lauder’s life is in- tor Association of Greater Fort Lauderdale on tion and service will leave a lasting legacy, structive to all of us of the significance that their 90th anniversary and wish to honor all of and we will miss his insights and his humor. Florida’s realtors who serve our communities. Mr. Speaker, we ask our colleagues to join one person can have for an entire nation . I look forward to continuing to work with the us in paying tribute to the life of David Lowry to literally insert an issue into the national dia- Realtor Association of Greater Fort Lauderdale Widell, a respected and joyous man with a logue and consciousness. As the poet wrote, as it continues its long tradition of excellence steadfast commitment to protecting the Central ‘‘and so she passed on, and all the trumpets to the South Florida community. Valley’s natural resources. sounded on the other side.’’ VerDate Sep 11 2014 15:41 Jun 09, 2016 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR11\E20DE1.000 E20DE1 ehiers on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 21470 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 157, Pt. 15 December 20, 2011 IN RECOGNITION OF THE CAREER religious persecution in the Middle East and OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL AND HUMANITARIAN ACHIEVE- elsewhere. Most recently, Farooq was hon- DEBT MENTS OF FAROOQ KATHWARI ored by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner of Refugees for his steadfast HON. MIKE COFFMAN HON. GARY L. ACKERMAN dedication to raising consciousness of the OF COLORADO plight of refugees worldwide. He also serves OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on the President’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, and Tuesday, December 20, 2011 Tuesday, December 20, 2011 has received numerous awards for his peace Mr. COFFMAN of Colorado. Mr. Speaker, Mr. ACKERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today activism, including the humanitarian award on January 26, 1995, when the last attempt at to seek Congressional recognition of the ex- from the Anti-Defamation League.
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