General bibliography Works of reference Smith, Jessie Carney (ed.), Notable Black Anonymous, 'The Lady Falkland; in Barry American Women (Detroit: Gale Research, Willer and Margaret W Ferguson (eds) The 1996). Tragedy of Mariam Queen ofjewry (Berkeley: Spender, Dale and Janet Todd (eds), British University of California Press, 1994). Women Writers: An Anthology from the Blain, Virginia, Isobel, Grundy and Patricia, Fourteenth Century to the Present (New Clements (eds), The Feminist Companion York: Peter Bedrick Books, 1989). to Literature in English (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1990). Boyd, Kelly, Encyclopaedia of Historians and Books Historical Writing (London: Fitzroy Ackermann, Jessie, The World through a Dearborn, 1999). Woman:' Eyes (Chicago: Cassell, 1896). Briggs, Ward Wand William M Calder III --, Australia from a Woman's Point of View (eds), Classical Scholarship: A Biographical (London: Cassell and Company, 1913). Encyclopedia (New York and London: Adams, Kimberley Van Esveld, Our Lady of Garland Publishing, Inc., 1990). Victorian Feminism: The Madonna in the Diamond, Robert, Mary Ann Dimand and Works of Anna Jameson, Margaret Fuller Evelyn Forget, A Biographical Dictionary of and George Eliot (Athens: Ohio University Women Economists (Aldershot: Elgar, Press, 2001). 2000). Aikin, Lucy, Memoirs of the Court of Queen James, Edward T, Janet Wilson James and Elizabeth, 2 vols (London: Longman, Hurst, Paul S Boyer (eds), Notable American Rees, Orme and Brown, 1819). Women 1607-1950 (Cambridge, Mass.: --, Memoirs of the Court of King James the The Belknap Press, 1971). First, 2 vols (London: Longman, Hurst, Matthew, H G C and Brian Harrison (eds), Rees, Orme and Brown, 1822). The Oxford Dictionary of National Albright, Madelyn, Madame Secretary: A Biography (Oxford: Oxford University Memoir (New York: Miramax Books, 2003). Press, 2004). Alexander, W, The History of Women, from Oldfield, Sybil, Collective Biographies of Women the Earliest Antiquity, to the Present Time, in Britain 1500-1900 (London: Mansell, Giving Some Account of Almost Everything 1999). Every Interesting Particular Concerning that Sage, Lorna (ed.), The Cambridge Guide to Sex Among All Nations [1779] (Bath: Women's Writing in English (Cambridge: Thoemmes, 1994). Cambridge University Press, 1999). Allen, Judith, Sex and Secrets: Crimes Involving Scanlon, Jennifer and Sharon Cosner, Australian Women since 1880 (Oxford: American Women Historians, 1700s-1990s: Oxford University Press, 1990). A Biographical Dictionary (Westport: Allesbrook, Mary, Born to Rebel. The Life of Greenwood,1996). Harriet Boyd Hawes (Oxford: Oxbow Schlueter, P and J Schlueter (eds), An Books,1992). Encyclopedia of British Women Writers (New Allman, J, Susan Geiger and Nakanyike York: Garland Publishing Inc., 1988). Musisi (eds), Women in African Colonial 618 General bibliography 619 Histories (Bloomington: Indiana University Social Engagement (Baltimore: Johns Press, 2002). Hopkins Press, 2000). Alloula, Malek, The Colonial Harem Bacon, Margaret Hope, One Woman's Passion (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota for Peace and Freedom (Syracuse: Syracuse Press, 1996). University Press, 1993). Alonso, Harriet Hyman, Peace as Womens Bair, Deirdre, Simone de Beauvoir: A Biography Issue (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, (London: Jonathan Cape, 1990). 1993). Baker, C H C, The Life and Circumstances Anderson, Bonnie S, A History of Their Own: of James Brydges, First Duke of Chandos Women in Europe from Pre-history to the (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1949). Present (New York: Harper & Row, 2000). Ballard, George, Memoirs of Several Ladies Andrews, Evangeline W (ed.), Janet Schaw, of Great Britain, ed. Ruth Perry (Detroit: Journal of a Lady of Quality: Being the Wayne State University Press, 1985). Narrative of a Journey from Scotland to the Ballaster, Ros, Seductive Forms: Women's West Indies, North Carolina and Portugal in Amatory Fiction from 1684 to 1740 (Oxford: the Years 1774-1776 (New Haven: Yale Clarendon Press, 1992). University Press, 1923). Barman, Jean, Constance Lindsay Skinner: Andrews, W L (ed.), Classic African American Writing on the Frontier (Toronto: University Womens Narratives (New York: Oxford of Toronto Press, 2002). University Press, 2003). Barnard, Majorie and Flora Eldershaw, My Angelides, Steven, A History of Bisexuality Australia (London: Janolds, 1939). (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001). Bartley, Paula, Prostitution: Prevention and Armstrong, Nancy, Desire and Domestic Reform in England 1860-1914 (London: Fiction: A Political History of the Novel Routledge, 2000). (New York: Oxford University Press, 1987). Barwick, G F, The Reading Room of the British Arnold, John H and Katherine J Lewis, Museum (London: Ernest Benn Ltd, 1929). A Companion to the Book of Margery Baudoin, M, Histoire des Groupes Francs Kempe (Woodbridge, Suffolk: Boydell & (MUR): Bouches-du-Rhone de Septembre Brewer Ltd, 2004). 1943 a la Liberation (Paris: PUF, 1962). Astell, Mary, A Serious Proposal to the Ladies, ed. Baym, Nina, American Women Writers and Patricia Springborg (London: Brookfield, the Work of History, 1790-1860 (New 1997). Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1995). Atkinson, Emma Willsher, Memoirs of the Beard, Mary, The Invention of Jane Harrison Queens of Prussia (London: W. Kent and (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Co., 1858). Press, 2000). Arwood, Margaret, The Journals of Susanna Beasley, Faith E, Revising Memory: Womens Moodie (Toronto: Oxford University Press, Fiction and Memoirs in Seventeenth-Century 1977). France (New Brunswick: Rutgers Aubrac, L, Outwitting the Gestapo (Lincoln: University Press, 1990). University of Nebraska Press, 1993). Beckles, Hilary, Natural Rebels: A Social Auerbach, Nina, Woman and the Demon: The History of Enslaved Black Women in Life of a Victorian Myth (Cambridge, Barbados (London: Zed Books, 1989). Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1982). --, Centering Woman: Gender Discourses in Backscheider, Paula, Revising Women: Caribbean Slave Society (Oxford: James Eighteenth Century 'Women's Fiction' and Curry, 1998). 620 General bibliography Bederman, Gail, Manliness and Civilization: Benger, Elizabeth, Memoirs of the Late Elizabeth A Cultural History of Gender and Race in Hamilton (London: Longman, 1818). the United States (Chicago: University of --, Memoirs of the Life of Anne Boleyn, Chicago Press, 1995). Queen of Henry VIII (Philadelphia: Beer, Frances, Women and the Mystical Abraham Small, 1822). Experience in the Middle Ages (Rochester: Benson, Pamela, The Invention of the Boydell Press, 1992). Renaissance Woman (Pennsylvania: The Beer, Gillian, George Eliot (Brighton: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1992). Harvester, 1986). Bentley, J, Shapes of World History in Twentieth­ --, Darwin's Plots: Evolutionary Narrative Century Scholarship (Washington, DC: in Darwin, George Eliot and Nineteenth­ American Historical Association, 1996). Century Fiction (Cambridge: Cambridge Berg, Maxine, A Woman in History: Eileen University Press, 2000). Power, 1889-1940 (Cambridge: Cambridge Behdad, Ali, Belated Travellers: Orientalism in University Press, 1996). the Age of Colonial Dissolution (Durham: Berkman, Joyce Avrech, The Healing Imagi­ Duke University Press, 1994). nation of Olive Schreiner: Beyond South Behn, Aphra, The Complete Works. VoL II, African Colonialism (Amherst: University Love Letters Between a Nobleman and His of Massachusetts Press, 1989). Sister, ed. Janet Todd (Columbus: Ohio Besser, Gretchen Rous, Germaine de Stae! State University Press, 1993). Revisited (New York: Twayne, 1994). Behrendt, Stephen, Royal Mourning and Blake, Audrey, A Proletarian Life (Malmesbury: Regency Culture: Elegies and Memorials of Kibble Books, 1984). Princess Charlotte (London: Palgrave Bland, Lucy, Banishing the Beast: English Macmillan, 1997). Feminism and Sexual Morality, 1885-1914 Beilin, Elaine, Redeeming Eve: Women Writers (London: Penguin, 1995). of the English Renaissance (Princeton: Blessington, Marguerite, An Idler in Italy Princeton University Press, 1987). (London: Henry Colburn Publisher, Belgiojoso, C T de, Rejlexions sur retat actuel 1839). de !'Italie et sur son avenir (Paris: Librairie --, An Idler in France (Philadelphia: Carey International, 1869). and Hart, 1841). Bell, Lady Florence, At the Works. A Study of Blodgett, H, Centuries of Female Days (New a Manufacturing Town [1907] (London: Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, Virago Press, 1985). 1988). Bellamy, Joan, Mary Taylor - Strong-minded Bohls, Elizabeth, Women Travel Writers, Woman and Friend of Charlotte Bronte Landscape and the Language of Aesthetics, (Kirklees: M C Cultural Services, 1997). 1716-1818 (Cambridge: Cambridge Bellamy, Joan, Anne Laurence and Gill Perry University Press, 1995). (eds), Women, Scholarship, and Criticism: Booth, Alison, How to Make it as a Woman: Gender and Knowledge c.1790-1900 Collective Biography from Victoria to the (Manchester: Manchester University Present (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000). Press, 2004). Bellany, Alastair, The Politics of Court Scandal in Bornstein, Daniel, Life and Death in a Venetian Early Modern England: News, Culture and the Convent: The Chronicle and Necrology of Overbury Affair, 1603-1660 (Cambridge: Corpus Domini 1395-1436 (Chicago: Uni­ Cambridge University Press, 2002). versity of Chicago Press, 2000). General bibliography 621 Bosanquet, Rosalie E, In the Troublesome Bulley, A Amy and Margaret Whitely, Times. Memories of Old Northumberland Womens Work (London: Methuen,
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