Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco® Istituto Internazionale Life Beyond Tourism PROCEEDINGS of the Scientific Symposium Building Peace through Heritage - World Forum to Change through Dialogue Florence, 13-15 March 2020 Life Beyond Tourism Edizioni Edited by Corinna Del Bianco and Aurora Savelli with Simone Giometti The Board of the Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco Paolo Del Bianco President Carlotta Del Bianco Vice-President Simone Giometti Secretary General and Board Member for public relations with the FRDB-LBT network Giovanna Dani Board Member for relations with the Czech Republic PROCEEDINGS Caterina Del Bianco Board Member for web communication of the Scientific Symposium Corinna Del Bianco Board Member for international relations Building Peace through Heritage - World Forum to Change through Dialogue Stefano Barlacchi Florence, 13-15 March 2020 Board Member for relations and partnerships with Polish institutions Hoshino Tsuji Board Member for relations with Japan Publication title Proceedings of the Scientific Symposium Building Peace through Heritage World Forum to Change through Dialogue Florence, 13-15 March 2020 Book in Italian and English languages Edited by Corinna Del Bianco and Aurora Savelli with Simone Giometti Scientific Committee of the Symposium Edited by Corinna Del Bianco and Aurora Savelli with Simone Giometti Corinna Del Bianco Scientific Coordinator Aurora Savelli Scientific Advisor Emanuele Amodei Francesco Civita Sue Hodges Marc Laenen Emma Mandelli Mary Westerman Bulgarella Luigi Zangheri Printer Pixartprinting S.p.A a socio unico Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco (FRDB) and International Institute Life Beyond Tourism (IILBT) publications are protected by copyright. Therefore, and unless otherwise specified, no part of a FRDB - IILBT publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, microfilm, scanning, without prior permission in writing. FRDB and IILBT encourage dissemination of their work and are pleased to consider permissions, licensing, and translation requests related to their publications. © 2020 Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco Istituto Internazionale Life Beyond Tourism by COMI spa Via del Giglio 10, 50123 Florence (Italy) www.fondazione-delbianco.org www.istitutointernazionalelbt.org www.lifebeyondtourism.org Florence (Italy), 2020 Life Beyond Tourism Edizioni ISBN 978-88-943894-8-7 €30 NOTA EDITORIALE EDITOR'S NOTE COLOPHON COLOPHON Questo libro è il terzo di tre volumi editi dalla Life This book is the third of three volumes on the Promosso da Promoted by Beyond Tourism Edizioni dedicati al World Forum to event entitled World Forum To Change Through Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco Change through Dialogue – Building Peace through Dialogue – Building Peace Through Heritage 2020 Heritage 2020. published by Life Beyond Tourism Edizioni. Coordinamento scientifico Scientific coordination Istituto Internazionale Life Beyond Tourism Istituto Internazionale Life Beyond Tourism A poche settimane dall’evento ne è stato deciso A few short weeks before it was due to start, it il rinvio, a causa delle circostanze dettate dalla was decided to postpone the event on account Organizzato da Organized by pandemia COVID 19, che ha impedito ogni forma of the circumstances dictated by the COVID-19 Movimento Life Beyond Tourism-Travel to Dialogue srl Movimento Life Beyond Tourism-Travel to Dialogue srl di aggregazione dall’inizio del 2020. pandemic which prevented us from holding any form of gathering from early 2020. Il Forum era già stato definito nel dettaglio e la Segreteria organizzativa Organizing secretariat maggior parte dei contributi e dei testi erano Yet the Forum had already been defined in detail Centro Studi e Incontri Internazionali Centro Studi e Incontri Internazionali pervenuti, attendendo solo di essere condivisi and most of the entries and papers had already con la comunità scientifica internazionale. Quindi been submitted, waiting only to be publicly shared Main sponsors Main sponsors si è ritenuto opportuno rendere accessibile with the international scientific community. Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco tempestivamente la ricerca e il lavoro di tutti i And so it was deemed appropriate to share the Centro Studi e Incontri Internazionali Centro Studi e Incontri Internazionali partecipanti con le tre pubblicazioni: research and the work of all those taking part by Centro Congressi al Duomo Centro Congressi al Duomo making it accessible in a timely fashion through • l’Abstract Book del Simposio Scientifico Auditorium al Duomo Auditorium al Duomo three publications: Building Peace through Heritage - World Caffè Astra al Duomo Caffè Astra al Duomo Forum to Change through Dialogue, Florence, • the Abstract book of the Scientific Symposium 13-15 March 2020, edito da Corinna Building Peace Through Heritage - World Donor Donor Del Bianco e Aurora Savelli con Simone Forum To Change Through Dialogue, Florence, BBHI – B&B Hotels Italia BBHI – B&B Hotels Italia Giometti, ISBN 978-88-943894-7-0 13-15 March 2020, edited by Corinna Del Bianco and Aurora Savelli with Simone Comitato Scientifico Scientific Committee • il presente libro Il World Forum to Change Giometti, ISBN 978-88-943894-7-0 Coordinatore Coordinator through Dialogue - Building Peace through Corinna Del Bianco Corinna Del Bianco Heritage 2020, Board Members of the • this book, entitled Il World Forum to Change Consulente Advisor Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco, edito da through Dialogue Building Peace through Heritage Aurora Savelli Aurora Savelli Corinna Del Bianco e Aurora Savelli con 2020 Board Members of the Fondazione Simone Giometti ISBN 978-88-943894-9-4 Romualdo Del Bianco”, edited by Corinna Del Membri del Comitato Committee Members Bianco and Aurora Savelli with Simone Giometti, • il libro degli atti Proceedings of the Scientific Emanuele Amodei Emanuele Amodei ISBN 978-88-943894-9-4 Symposium Building Peace through Francesco Civita Francesco Civita Heritage - World Forum to Change through • the volume containing the proceedings of the Sue Hodges Sue Hodges Dialogue, Florence, 13-15 March 2020, edito event, entitled Proceedings of the Scientific Marc Laenen Marc Laenen da Corinna Del Bianco e Aurora Savelli con Symposium Building Peace Through Heritage Emma Mandelli Emma Mandelli Simone Giometti, ISBN 978-88-943894-8-7 - World Forum To Change Through Dialogue, Mary Westerman Bulgarella Mary Westerman Bulgarella Florence, 13-15 March 2020, edited by Corinna Luigi Zangheri Luigi Zangheri I testi riportati in questo volume sono in parte stati Del Bianco and Aurora Savelli with Simone scritti in preparazione dell’evento e quindi avrebbero Giometti, ISBN 978-88-943894-8-7 Sedi dell'evento Hosting Venues dovuto solamente essere presentati in plenaria, Auditorium al Duomo Auditorium al Duomo mentre altri invece sono stati scritti successivamente Some of the texts contained in this volume were Via de’ Cerretani 54r, Firenze Via de’ Cerretani 54r, Florence all’inizio della pandemia. written in preparation for the event and thus they Palazzo Coppini – Museo Fondazione Del Bianco Palazzo Coppini – Museo Fondazione Del Bianco were only designed to be presented at the plenary Le pubblicazioni sono a disposizione dei membri del Via del Giglio 10, Firenze Via del Giglio 10, Florence session, while others were written after the pandemic Movimento nella sezione download del sito ICLAB – Intercultural Creativity Laboratory ICLAB – Intercultural Creativity Laboratory took hold. www.lifebeyondtourism.org. Viale Guidoni 103, Firenze Viale Guidoni 103, Florence The publications are available to members of the Movement in the download section of the www.lifebeyondtourism.org website. WWW.LIFEBEYONDTOURISM.ORG PROCEEDINGS | Scientific Symposium 2020 | Building Peace through Heritage INDICE Programma schematico 18 Parallel Sessions 137 Aurora Savelli 23 Education 139 Da una città allo spazio mondo: per un’introduzione ai Proceedings del Forum 2020 “Building Peace through Heritage” International Showcase Plenary Keynote Sessions 37 Tika Tours (Georgia) – ABSTRACT 141 Opening 37 Pinto Luís, Marcelo Santos 143 Marc Laenen 39 Architecture Sensivity Mood: “LikePlace” Mobile Application “Building peace Trough heritage”: some observations on the interpretation and Chebotarev Dmitriy, Glebova Catherine E. 153 presentation of heritage sites as a contribution to peace. A position paper The concept of small cities development of the Volga region on the example of Khvalynsk Environment and Life Beyond Tourism 47 Madatov Ilham 163 Sue Hodges 49 Historical-Cultural Tourism and Education: Azerbaijan as a Model Tourism Destination Heritage tourism in the time of COVID-19: imagining a new future for our pasts Topchiy Irina 167 Focus to Change: Prato 59 Our future: children or old age? New goals of continuing architectural education Valerio Barberis 61 Nikolić Marko, Roter Blagojević Mirjana, Takač Ena 177 Circular economy and urban forestry driving the city’s vision Trends for improvement of education and cooperation in the field of protection of architectural heritage at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture Building Peace through Heritage 69 Mai bint Mohammed Al Khalifa 71 Bellanca Calogero, Mora Susana 185 Heritage-led Future – The case of Bahrain Teaching conservation of Heritage is building Peace Alexander Kudryavtsev 81 Pieniążek Marcin, Izabela Kapera 189 The cultural message of the ancient capital
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