COMHK <Mtnmwe »Do*rr rt*w* C*CUA*YA*0O 1972 Cl&Nrtt REAWK' IT." VHt-<» OS AfiJy V\ <f MOVEMENT Manila, Philippines. Back Home Movement. GI's in Asia demonstrate, demanding their return home. See 6th. Lawrence, Mass. Striking textile workers are stopped from marching by riot control GI's. See 12th. CALENDER FTA FTN FTMC FTAF Paris, France. Back Home Movement. GI's in Europe march, demanding the government end its plans to send them to Asia. See 7th. Manila, Philippines. Back Home Movement. GI's in Asia demonstrate, demanding their return home. See 6th. Lawrence, Mass. Striking textile workers are stopped from marching by Tacoma, Wash. People's Trial of the Army. A jury of GI's and a WAC hear testimony from a veteran riot control GI's. See 12th. of Hamburger Hill. See 21st. JAN UARY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY GI ORGANIZATIONS AND GI 1781. Penn. First verified fragging. 1920. Palmer Raids. 10,000 PAPERS STARTED THIS MONTH Continental soldiers off a Captain. workers, mostly immigrants, are thrown into jail by the federal Vietnam GI, International, 1968; police under the direction of Attor­ GIs United, Ft Jackson, 1969; ney General Palmer and his aide, Napalm, Ft Cambell, 1969; Short J. Edgar Hoover, for being "reds". Times, Ft Jackson, 1970; Your Military Left, Ft Sam Houston, 1970; Forward, W. Germany, 1970; GI Alliance, Ft Lewis, 1971. NEW YEAR'S DAY 1 I970. Vietnam. Sp/5 Robert Law­ 1937. Flint, Mich. Employing the I946. Philippines. Back Home I946. Back Home Movement. I946. Saipan. Back Home Move­ I946. Back Home Movement. rence, Armed Forces Vietnam sit down tactic to a degree unequal­ Movement. GIs in Pacific Occupa­ 20,000 GIs demonstrate in Philip­ ment. 6,000 GIs wire President 18,000 GIs march in Guam, 15,000 newscaster, broadcasts his protest led in American history, auto- tion Forces seize jeeps, tour island pines. 3,500 in Guam, 3,000 in protesting slowdown in demobil­ in Honolulu, 5,000 in Calcutta. At of Army censorship in news pro­ workers seize 4 GM plants where calling for mass demonstrations. France. Thousands more march in ization of Pacific Forces. Andrews AFB, 1,000 GIs and gramming. The Brass retailates by they work and hold them for 44 That night thousands of GIs gather Japan, Korea, Hawaii, Alaska, Eng­ WACs shout down a general sending him to the boonies. days until the owners recognize to demand return home and an land and Germany. speaking for Asian occupation. the UAW. end to government plans to oc­ GIs in France march on IG, 20 ar­ cupy Asia. rested for "disorderly conduct". 8 1946. Philippines . Back Home 1912. Lawrence, Mass. 23,000 I946. France. Back Home Move­ 1971. Vietnam. In observance of I970. Ft Gordon, Ga. GIs form Movement. Representing 139,000 workers, mostly women and child­ ment. 500 GIs meet in Paris to Martin Luther King's birth, 40 "War Crimes Commission", 4 ar­ GIs, 106 delegates from Manila ren, walk off their jobs when tex­ write "Enlisted Men's Magna Black GIs march in Saigon. rested for "arousing disloyalty Soldiers Committee vote to nego­ tile owners lower wages. GIs are Carta" (Bill of Rights),demanding and disaffection". tiate with Brass for immediate ordered in to harass the strikers, an end to officer privilege and re­ I970. El Paso, Tex. 80 Ft Bliss GIs .return home. but after 3 months the workers form of military courts. picket speaking engagement of win. Westmoreland. ._... 10 11 12 13 15 16 I946. "Supreme Commander" 1970. Tacoma, Wash. People's Trial 1946. Birmingham, Al. 100 Black Eisenhower calls Back Home of the Army. A jury of 12 GIs and veterans march on the State Court­ Movement "hysteria", and issues 1 WAC find the Brass guilty of house demanding the right to vote. order banning GI demonstrations. "crimes against humanity" and sen­ tence them to death. „^ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1863. The Union Army needs man­ I9I9. Ft Leavenworth, Kan. 2,300 I968. Vietnam. Vietnamese free­ 24 power, so the government estab­ GIs held in stockade refuse to dom fighters launch Tet Offensive, lishes the 54th Regiment with all work until prison conditions are totally disrupting Pentagon's mili­ Black EM and all white officers. improved. tary strategy. US bombers level several cities in retaliation. I936. Akron, Ohio. Thousands of striking Firestone workers sit down on job. This was the first big use of the sit-down tactic. They won! 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 }>' BACK HOME IN THE STATES, NEGROES ARE\ AT THE END OF THE LINE, BUT HERE <N VIETNAM iris DIFFERENT—WE PUT RIGHT OP FRONT*! Greensboro, N.C. Beginning the sit-in movement, four blacks refuse to leave F.W. Wool- worths' lunch counter. See 1st. FEBRUARY West Germany. Black and Brown GI's march to protest the burning of KKK cross by lifers. MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY GI ORGANIZATIONS AND GI 1968. As GI deaths in Vietnam 1971. Detroit, Mich. Winter Sol­ 1932. 500,000 working people 1919. Seattle, Wash. Workers from PAPERS STARTED THIS MONTH mount. Pentagon responds by dier Investigation. 150 Vietnam around the country demonstrate every union in the city walk off raising funeral allowances from veterans end 3 days of testimony on National Unemployment In­ their jobs as America's first gen­ A Four Year Bummer, Chanute $300 to $500. A funeral costs at on war crimes, exposing the US surance Day. eral strike begins. GIs from Ft AFB, 1969; GIs United, Ft Bragg, least $1,500. government's policy of total and Lewis are sent in to subdue the 1969; Great Lakes MOM, Great deliberate destruction of Indo­ workers' rebellion. Lakes" NS, 1970; We Got the 1960. Greensboro, N.C. 3 Blacks china. BrASS, W. Germany, 1970; Navy sit in at F. W. Woolworth's "whites Times Are Changin, Great Lakes only" lunchcounter and demand to NS, 1970; Voice of the Lumpen, be served. Within 10 days the sit in W. Germany, 1971; Chessman II, movement spreads to 15 other MCAS Beaufort, 1971. cities. 1 1971. Under cover of a news 1969. Ft Sam Houston, Tex. 56 1955. US government agrees to 1968. Ft Jackson, S.C. 5 GIs hold blackout Nixon orders invasion of WACs march on post IG to pro­ train puppet Saigon troops. an on-post pray-in for Vietnam Laos using Saigon puppet troops. test I unwarranted barracks restrict­ peace. All were arrested, 2 reot^y- 1965. Johnson orders the bomb­ ion. ed court-martials. \7j ing of North Vietnam. 1970. Ft Lewis, Wash. Pvt Wade G> Carson is court-martialed for "at­ tempted distribution of unauthor­ ized literature", a copy of the GI paper Fed-Up. 8 10 11 12 13 1970. Wrightstown, N.J. The Ft 1968. Presidio, Ca. Pvt George 1906. Boise City, Idaho. State law­ 1970. Ft Lewis, Wash. Pvt Bruce Dix Coffeehouse is bombed out Davis is court-martialed for refus­ men, without warrants, cross into Mac Lean refuses to be processed of existence. No suspects were ing to go to Vietnam. ^_^ Colorado and "arrest" Big Bill Hay­ out for Vietnam. The Brass attem­ ever arrested. wood, Charles Moyer and George pts to kidnap him but he escapes. Pettibone in Denver. They are I THOus/fr goxo. framed for murder, but worldwide I#6 A JAIL protests force the government to release them. v J VALENTINE'S DAY 14 15 ASH WEDNESDAY 16 17 18 19 20 1965. New York City. Malcolm X 1971. Clarksville, Tenn. The Peo­ is assassinated. ples' House, the Ft Campbell GI organizing center, is unsuccessful­ ly firebombed. The white man 0CH WA*W A Wu Drafts the black man To fight the yellow man To defend the country He stole from the red man LEGAL HOLIDAY 21 ,«»«tfv| 22 23 24 25 26 27 liCM I HOT MARfUO> (JWTlt- I GOT vMtfKD (0R3 mt i ear io AW imm> IBAT CM, & £ieo so RWAi.LV r tw The RI6HT TO Cmc/X £ta> H0EE0FA ZHL\ THf ASM. H£ «torST 3W. wete AUPojewr MSeoFAjswL rm SCHOOL, WHAT FEECTtX'S WHICH JAIL. A m,make,cx THE ARMV ALL ABOUT: 28 I ( III ffl • Ft. Ord, Calif. Brothers show solidarity with Pvt. Billy D. Smith as he leaves his preliminary court martial. The Brass is framing him for fragging. See 15th. New York City. A platoon of Ft. Dix GI's march into a post office to sort mail Ft. Jackson, S.C. Ft. Jackson 8. GI's who organized an on- during a nationwide postal worker's strike. By using GI's, the government breaks post anti-war meeting and were busted. See 20th. the strike. See 23rd. MARCH MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY I970. Ft Carson, Colo. The GI pa­ I969. Ft Jackson, S.C. Several 1970. Muldraugh, Ky. In order to per, Counterattack, publishes a hundred basic trainees from B-14- end harassment of the F„t Knox list of the base's Military Intelli­ 5 and B-16-4 sign a petition again­ GI coffeehouse, GIs call for a gence agents. The month before st the war and racism, and present boycott of thetown's stores. While they had published a list of CID it to the Post Commander. leafletting off base, 9 people are agents. arrested and charged with "dis­ & © orderly conduct". 1837. Depression of '37. The price of cotton falls, banks fail and working people suffer 6 years of depression. 1 1930. 1,250,000 working people 1932. Dearborn, Mich. Ford Mas­ 1908. New York City.
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