The Bulletin of Wellesley College Catalog for 1979-80 College ;Hall ' 18/5' 1914 Catalog for 1979-80 The Bulletin of Wellesley College Academic Calendar, 1979-80 2 Payment Plans 27 Inquiries and Visits to the College 3 Financial Aid 29 The College 5 Graduate Fellowships 30 The Campus 9 The Academic Program 33 Academic Facilities 9 The Curriculum 33 Cocurricular Facilities 10 Academic Policies and Procedures 35 Other Campus Resources 11 Special Academic Programs 38 Student Life 13 Academic Distinctions 41 Student Resources and Services 13 Courses of Instruction 43 Student Government 15 The Board of Trustees 181 Career Services 17 Presidents 183 Admission 19 The Faculty 185 Criteria for Admission 19 The Administration 203 Admission Plans 21 The Alumnae Organization 209 Foreign and Transfer Students 22 The National Development Fund Committee 211 Costs and Financial Aid 25 Travel Instructions 213 Fees and Expenses 25 Index 214 Volume 69, Number 1 The information contained in this Bulletin is accurate as of August 1979. However, Wellesley College reserves the right to make changes at its discretion affecting policies, fees, curricula, or other matters announced in this Bulletin. The Bulletin of Wellesley College (USPS 078-360) is published September, December, January, March, and May by Wellesley College, Green Hall, Wellesley, Mass. 02181 . Second-class postage paid at Boston, Mass. Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to Wellesley College Post Office, Green Hall, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass 02181. Wellesley College admits students, without regard to race, color, religion, or national origin, to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the College. The College does not discriminate, on the basis of race, color, religion or national origin, in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, athletic and other college-administered programs or in its employment policies. Wellesley College, as a private, undergraduate educational institution for women, does not discriminate on the basis of sex against its students in the educational programs or activities which it operates, and does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its employment policies, in compliance with the regulations of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, nor does the College discriminate on the basis of handicap in violation of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Academic Calendar 1979-80 First Semester Inquiries & Visits Wellesley welcomes inquiries and visits to the President College from prospective students, their General interests of the College parents, and other interested individuals. For those who would like more detailed informa- Dean of the College tion on many of the programs and opportuni- Academic policies and programs ties described in this catalog, the College publishes a number of brochures and book- Dean of Students lets. These publications, as well as answers Student life to any specific questions, may be obtained by Advising, counseling writing to the appropriate office as listed. Residence For those who would like to visit the MIT cross-registration College, the administrative offices in Green Exchange programs Hall are open Monday through Friday, International students 8:30 am to 4:30 p.m., and by appointment Study Abroad on Saturday mornings during term time. Special arrangements for greeting Class Deans prospective students can also be made Individual students during vacation periods. Rooms for alumnae and for parents of students or prospective Director of Admission students are available on the campus in the Admission of students Wellesley College Club and may be reserved by writing to the club manager. Director of Financial Aid A prospective student who wishes to Financial aid; student employment; arrange an interview with a member of the fellowships; student loans professional staff of the Board of Admission should make an appointment well in advance. Bursar Student guides provide tours for visitors College fees without previous appointment. Visitors to the College may call the Board of Admission prior Registrar to their visit to arrange a mutually convenient Transcripts of records time for the tour. Director of Continuing Education Continuing education Director of Career Services Graduate school; employment; general career counseling of undergraduates and alumnae Vice President for Financial and Business Affairs Business matters Vice President for Resources Gifts and bequests Vice President for College Relations Internal and external public affairs Executive Director, Alumnae Association Alumnae interests Address Wellesley College Wellesley, Massachusetts 02181 (617)235-0320 The College A student's years at Wellesley College are the beginning — not the end— of an education. An education at Wellesley is characterized by the mastery of intellectual skills and the growth of a discerning mind. Above all, Wellesley aims to teach its students the wisdom to use knowledge to enhance their own lives and to participate more effectively in the larger community. These are the goals and benefits of a liberal arts curriculum, which encourages students to elect a wide variety of courses while pursuing specialization within a major. Wellesley offers this education in an environment that takes women seriously as individuals, as scholars, and as leaders. Although education at Wellesley is more than academic and professional interests. Poets, 100 years old, it continues to reflect the novelists, artists, musicians, scientists, goals of its founder, Henry Fowie Durant. He political and economic analysts, the members was an impassioned believer in equality for of the faculty are scholars dedicated to women who saw education as the way teaching and to sharing their experience with women could prepare themselves for "great students. A number live on or near the cam- conflicts" and "vast reforms in social life." pus, and they take part in many aspects of Wellesley College reaffirmed these early College life. visions in 1971 when, after seriously consid- Wellesley's outstanding resources and ering coeducation, it elected to remain a facilities are administered with the policy that college for women only. all students, whether majors or nonmajors, Throughout the years, Wellesley has en- will have access to the resources they need couraged women to make unconventional to pursue their interests in all departments. choices. As a result, many Wellesley women The Margaret Clapp Library has an choose to major in such areas as economics, extensive general collection containing mathematics, and the sciences. Many Welles- original source material from special collec- ley graduates enter careers in business, law, tions. In addition to the facilities of the mam and medicine— all fields that have been long library, many departments have their own dominated by men. libraries. In the sciences, the new Science This conscious effort to prepare women Center brings together all the science depart- for a full range of career and life choices is ments, including mathematics and computer an integral part of Wellesley's rigorous and science, in a contemporary setting that demanding academic experience. fosters interdisciplinary studies. High academic standards at Wellesley Wellesley's strength in the sciences are combined with considerable flexibility of dates to the nineteenth century, when the choice for the individual student. There are College's physics laboratory was the second opportunities for independent study, indi- such laboratory in the country (the first was at vidually designed majors, and research. the Massachusetts Institute of Technology). A primary concern in the Wellesley Laboratories in the new Science Center are classroom is the development of analytical completely equipped for a wide variety of skills and clarity of expression; to this end, fields. Other scientific resources at Wellesley most instructors emphasize writing papers include a central library, greenhouses, and an and reports. The average size of classes observatory. ranges from 22 to 25 students Popular Students in the arts find excellent facili- introductory courses that enroll more than ties in the Jewett Arts Center which has a 100 students include small discussion or con- teaching museum, libraries, practice rooms, ference sections. Upper level classes and studios, and an auditorium. Each year the seminars bring together 12 to 15 students Museum has several exhibitions of students' and an instructor to investigate clearly work, and Jewett is also used for students' defined areas of concern. A low student- concerts and recitals. faculty ratio offers an excellent opportunity The Wellesley curriculum is extended for students to undertake individual work with through opportunities for cross-registration faculty on honors projects and research. with the Massachusetts Institute of Wellesley's faculty — of which 57 percent Technology, exchange programs with other are women— bring to the College diverse colleges, and study abroad. 6 The College Wellesley-MIT cross-registration allows Through its representative student Senate, students to connbine the strengths of these appointments to College committees, student two very different institutions. MIT men and organizations, and a variety of programming women come to Wellesley for such courses and policy groups, students are fully involved as psychology, economics, and art history. in all areas affecting student life. College Wellesley
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