AJA andrew josephs associates consultancy | project managem ent | expert witnes s Five Fords Marchwiel Wrexham Proposed Gla sshouse Development 9 0 9 1 S O Heritage State ment July 2020 HER reference number E6 55 9 E :mail andy [email protected] ● Telephone 07990 571908 16 South Terrace, Sowerby, Thirsk, YO7 1RH Andrew Josephs Ltd. Registered Off ice, Antrob us House, 18 College St, Petersfield, GU31 4AD. Registration no. 4547366 Five Fords, Marchwiel, Wrexham : Heritage Statement. July 2020 CONTENTS 1 Introduction 3 1.1 Scope of this Assessment 1.2 Desk - Based Research 1.3 Field - Based Research 1.4 Relevant Legislation , P olicy a n d Guidance 1.5 Assess me nt Met ho dology and Significance Criteria 2 Baseline Conditions 11 2.1 Designated Heritage Assets 2.2 Archaeological and Historical Background 2.3 Geophysical Survey 3. Direct Impacts and Mitiga tion 21 3.1 Direct Imp ac ts 3.2 Mitigation of Direct Impact s 4 . Asses sment of In direct Effects upon Designated Assets 22 4 .1 Scope 4 .2 Assessment 4 .3 Assessment of Setting of Pum - Rhyd 5. Assessment of Effects 24 6 . Summary and Conclusions 27 6 .1 Scope of Work and Results 6 .2 Direct Effects upon Archaeology 6 .3 Indirect Effects 6 .4 Conclusion s Figures (a fter page 29 ) Appe nd ix A Description of the Prop osed Development Appendix B Geophysical Survey Report andrew josephs as sociates A rchaeologi cal and Cult ural Herit age Consultancy P a g e | 2 Five Fords, Marchwiel, Wrexham : Heritage Statement. July 2020 1. Introduction 1.1 SCOPE OF THIS ASSESSMEN T 1.1.1 Description of the proposed development This report, commissioned by Low C arbo n Fa rming 2 Ltd , presents the findings of a cultural heritage assessment for a proposed glasshouse development on la nd to the east of Five Fords Se w age Facility, Marchwiel, near Wrexham , LL13 0TF ( Figure 1 ). The centre of the Proposed Development Area (P D A) is at approxima tely NGR SJ 36939 47975 . The PDA comprises 44 ha of land , of whic h the majority is under arable a g ricultur e , Figure 2 . T he p rop osed development is set out in detail elsewhere in the Planning Statement . A descr iption of the key componen ts is included at Appendi x A . The proposed lay out is shown on F igure 3 . 1.1.2 G eology , So ils and L and Use Soilscapes Classification Slowly permeable seasonally wet slightly acid but base - rich loamy and clayey soils (18) Superficial 1:50000 BGS Till, Dev ensian – Diamicton (TILLD) R iver Terrace Deposits (undifferentiated) - Sand And Gravel (RTD) Alluvium - Clay, Silt, Sand and Gravel (ALV) Bedrock 1:50000 BGS Salop Formation - Mudstone, Sandstone and Conglomerate (SAL) Topography Impeded drainage Hydrol ogy Impeded drainage Curren t Land Use Arable Historic Land Use Mixed agricultural then a sewage farm from late 1800s 1 .1.3 Scop e of cultural heritage Cultural herita ge is represented by a wide range of assets and fea tures that result from past human u se of the la ndscape. These inclu de h i storic structures, many still in use, above gro und and buried a rchaeologi cal monuments and rem ains of all periods, artefacts of anth ropological origin and evidence that can help recon struct past human environments. In its broades t form cultural herit age i s represented by the landscape and townscape it self. The asse ssment cons iders both direct an d indirect effects upon cultural herit age. Indirect effects can occur as a result of chan ges to the setting of a landscape or asset, whe ther permanent o r tem pora ry . This is particularly relevant to designated cultural heritag e assets, s uch as Scheduled Mon uments, Listed Buildings, Conservation Areas , Registered Parks and Gardens and R egistered Historic Landscape s . 1.1. 4 Au thorsh ip This Ass essment and He ritage Sta tement has been written by Andrew Josephs and Ian Meadows of Andrew Josephs Associates, a consultancy specialising in archaeology and cult ural heritage founded in 2002. andrew josephs as sociates A rchaeologi cal and Cult ural Herit age Consultancy P a g e | 3 Five Fords, Marchwiel, Wrexham : Heritage Statement. July 2020 Andrew Josephs (BA Hons Archaeology and Environme nt al Studies) is Managing D irecto r of Andrew Josephs Associates, a consulta ncy specialising in cultur al heritage founded in 2002. Andre w has extensive experience of all periods and facets of c ultural heritage. He is involved primarily in planning applicati on s, EIA and the design o f mitiga tion strategies on developments with herit age constraints. Andrew is heritage consultant to over 1 50 clients across Europe. He has und ertaken in e xcess of 1 0 00 cultural heritage assessments since becoming one o f the UK ’ s f ir st archaeological con sult ant s i n 1 9 92. He was p reviously Principal Consultant (Director of Archae ology) at Entec (now Wood) and Wardell Ar mstrong. Prior to 1992, he worked as a f ield - based archaeologist and researcher for universities and units in the UK, Europe and the USA. H e h as lec ture d widely and was visitin g lecturer in En vi ronmental Impact Ass essment at the University o f Nottingham . Ian Meadows (BA Archaeology and G eology, Dip.Mus) is an archaeologist with over 30 years ’ experience in a variety of profession al areas. He wa s Seni or P roject Officer with Northamptonshire Archaeology (no w MOLA) from 1992 until 2 0 1 4 when he joined AJA . Ian is highly experi e nced project manager of large landscape projects such as long running quarries. Ian has a particula r interest in the Roman p eriod and is currently Director of the excavations at Ircheste r Roman town. I n addition to his fieldwork he is engaged in regular outreach sessions to both professional and amateur groups as part of his role dealing with both adult s and children. He has be en tea chin g archaeology and landscape history to adults and ch ildren since th e late 1980’s, previously being engaged as a tutor by Cambridge University, Anglia Ruskin University, Bath University and the WEA and feels it is importan t to disseminate the info rmatio n de rived from projects to a wider audience . 1 .2 DESK - BASED RESEARCH In order to assess the effects of the potential scheme, cultural h eritage information within and up to 1 km f rom the PDA was examined. T h e study area w as det ermined after considerati on of topo graphy and the location of nearby development . This radius was agreed in consultations at the s coping s tage. A variety of sources were consulted including the Clwyd - Powys Histor ic Environment Recor d, Cadw’s database for t he locations of designat e d site s , C of lein ( th e online catalogue of ar chaeology, buildin gs, industrial and maritime heritage in Wales ), reports of previous archaeological investigations, maps and readily available local history materials. All work has be en undert aken in accordance with Stan dard and Guidance fo r Archaeologic al Des k - Based Asse ssment ( Chartered In stitut e for Archaeologists 2008, revised 2012). 1.3 FIELD - BASED RESEARCH A field evaluation in the form of a geophysical survey was undertaken by T igergeo in June 2020. andrew josephs as sociates A rchaeologi cal and Cult ural Herit age Consultancy P a g e | 4 Five Fords, Marchwiel, Wrexham : Heritage Statement. July 2020 Du e to t he r estrictio ns imposed by COVID19, a s ite visit to the PDA and its environs was not carried out . However , a photographic record of the current state and use of the land w as taken by Tigergeo, w ho also examined the PDA for ea rthworks or other archaeological assets . T he locatio ns of designated assets were examined usin g Google Earth and Google Streetview , and further informed by the LVIA . 1 .4 RE LEVANT LEGISLATION, POLICY AND GUI DANC E 1.4.1 National legislation The importance of cultural heritage is cl e arly recognised at a national level . Certain assets that are deemed to be of particular importan ce are giv en legal protection through the Ancient Monuments and Archa eological Areas Act 1979 and (Sche duled Monuments), the Planning (Listed Building and C on s ervation Areas) Act 1990 and The Historic Environment (Wales) Act 2016 (Scheduled Monuments, hist oric p arks and gardens, Listed Buildings, historic place names, histo ric environment records and the Ad visory Panel for the Welsh Hist oric Environment). Pla nn i ng Policy Wales sets out the Welsh Governments’ land - use planning policies (2018, edition 10). It is su pple mented by a series of Technical Advice Notes, Welsh Governm ent Circulars, policy clarificatio n letters and regulations. Su stainable development ha s been at the he art of planning policy since the introduction of Planning Policy Wales in 2002 and this is s ecured through a plan - led approach (including the Wales Spa tial Plan 2004 - 2024, the draft National Development Framework 202 0 - 2040, Strategic Deve lo p ment Plans and Local Development Plans) . Legislation secures a presumption in favour of sustainab le dev elop ment in accordance with development plans unless material c onsiderations indicat e otherwise. Chapter 6 of P lanning Policy W ales covers distinctiv e a nd natural plac es , the environmental and cultural components of placemaking.
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