.* \ I« e freeze Vol. 57 Tuesday. September 12, 1978 lames Madison I niversity. Harrisonburg. Virginia • No. | Proposed zone changes aimed at commuters — Recommendation would limit number of students who can live in single dwelling subdivision is located near the city council have done By DEBBIE YARD d> welling reduced from four petition got started too late; to two, according to Jean we were working on short Shank and Showalter Apart- over the years." The Harrisonburg City ments. "They're having a "However, you have to Council tonight will review a Grimes, chairman of the nonce." Committee for the Preser- "Some parts of good time and you can't realize that we, the Planning Commission expect them to have a con- homeowners, come in, buy a recommendation aimed at vation of the Single Family Harrisonburg never even saw the petition," he said. cerned attitude because they house and pay a high mor- limiting the number of Zone. don't live here. They're here tgage and we don't want noisy students who can live in a The R-l zone allows a The petition was circulated family and up to two baorders in some parts of Harrisonburg for nine months, then they college kids next door," said dwelling. > Coffman to live in the zone, she said, by Dr. Donald McConkey, leave. Present ordinances allow "The kids are bearing the six unrelated persons, such as however, the definition of a dean of the School of Fine Arts "The college has ex- and Communication and in- brunt for what the chief ad- perienced tremendous growth students, to live in the same family can be read as only one ministrators of the college and dwelling in R-3 zones and four individual. So, legally one cluded the names of other (Continued on Page.28) James Madison University in R-l and R-2. For zone map, student can invite two friends see pages 14-15. to live with him, she said. professors and employees. Citizens' groups, protesting "Four unrelated persons Planning Commision noise and parking problems are totally unacceptable in the chairman William Kuykendall caused by students renting R-l zone." she said. "There is came under fire this summer when he remarked that they houses in residential sections, no difference between R-l and have sought to lower those R-2." were "fighting the thing that provides them with a job." numbers in the R-3 and R-l "The residents want a zones and change the numerical progression in the "The city has been on the zoning ordinance." Grimes ball on zoning in the past," definition of a boardmghouse accoridng to Grimes, "but to state that the owner must until the mid 70's. most live on the property, affecting Related stories, students stayed on cam- all zones. pus... therefore, in the late The Planning Commission '60's and early 70's a zoning has recommended that the pages 3, 28 problem was not a reality." number in R-l be dropped "Since then, the college has from four persons to two. In said "Instead of six grown astronomically and the highest density residential some sort of order must be' zone. R-3, the recom- unrelated persons in R-3. and four in both R-l and R-2. they maintained." she said. mendation is to lower the "Change is coming quick." number from six to four. No would like to see two. four and number changes were four residents respectively in "The zoning problem is not proposed for the R-2 zone, R-l, R-2 and R-3." she said. a fault-type matter," Grimes which now allows four Two petitions to this effect said. "It's just an is-type unrelated persons in a have been circulated in situation." dwelling, but the problem of Harrisonburg, said Grimes, "We have to learn to live absentee landlords in this zone "The first was in March of with the college studetns and has been discussed. 1977 and the second was in we need to have more give and The proposed changes August of this year." take on everybody's side." could affect between 1500-1800 345 persons signed the said Grimes. students, estimated Lewis August petition. Grimes said. "Some city residents just Saylor of the Commuter "There could have been fume and fuss, they won't talk to the students about the Student Committee. several thousand names on JEFF MACNELLY. Richmond News-Leader cartoonist, twice Residents in the R-l zone that petition," according to problem," she said. "We need to air it out." winner of the Pulitzer Priie and creator of the comic strip . have been trying since March. Greg Coffman, a homeowner shoe." tains about cartooning in an exclusive interview with • 1977 to get the number of in Pleasant Hill Acres, an R-l "We're not faulting the residential zone. "The kids." said Coffman, whose The Breeze. See story on page 8. Photo by Mark Thompson unrelated persons in a * . / > . —f' Page 2. THE BREEZE. Tuesday. September 12. 1978 New board members anticipate JMU's growth s ■> Growth, athletics at JMU DeWitt continues interest new members involvement here Melesco teaches in Ferrum By DEbBIE YARD David Melesco College's para-legal program. Graduating from the University in which he The 31-year-old attorney was actively involved in student government Growth of James Madison graduated from University of won't alienate Mike DeWitf from his alma University and improvement Virginia law school in 1970. mater. of the athletic program are In July, DeWitt was appointed by Governor the chief interests of a newly John Dalton to James Madison University's appointed member of the JMU Board of Visitors, the governing board of the Board of Visitors. .lames Taylor Jr. instititution. David Melesco, an attorney DeWitt sees his role as a visitor as "an from Rocky Mount, was ap- opportunity for me to continue to be a part of pointed to the board in July, " ja mes Madison the university and to n«y have a larger role tin along with Dr. James Taylor University has a reputation the day to day ongoings of JMU" Jr.. assistant superintendent statewide as a fine and "It's a big responsibility and we have to of Lynchburg schools and growing institution," said Dr. keep up with what goes on with the ad- recent graduates James James H. Taylor Jr., assistant ministration, students and the community," Burroughs and Mike DeWitt. superintendent of Lynchburg DeWitt said. They replaced Inez Roop. schools, and one of four new DeWitt, 22. graduated from JMU in May. Mike DeWitt Leonard Mauck. David members of the Board of He was a senator, second vice president, and Stovall and Martha Graf ton. Visitors. president in the SGA during his four years at having former students on the board," he said. With "an interest in "We will be able to bring in a new perspective the university. DeWitte was appointed to ihe students as individuals," Taylor, 57, was appointed Board along with another recent graduate, and new ideas because of our youth. We can Melesco said he is interested relate to what the current institution is like, by Governor John Dalton to James Burroughs, as a result of Dalton's in JMU's athletic program. the Board of Visitors in July. campaign promise to put two recent graduates since we have experienced many of the He chairs an ad hoc com- changes that have taken place here." As a member of the Board's on each institutions Board of Visitors . mittee on athletics. audit, student life, alumni and "There are both good and bad aspects to \ (Continued on Page 25) The plan presently before government committees, the State Council for Higher Education for Virginia that Taylor sees his respon- would cut funds here and at sibilities to the "assessing of Burroughs gives Virginia Polytechnic Institute plans to help in setting policy and State University would be for the university." a "step backwards" for JMU student input in financing growth at the The addition of recent JMU university, Melesco said graduates DeWitt and By GARY REED "It will be more prohibitive Burroughs will be beneficial to expand the urban* schools to the Board, said Taylor. The appointment of recent graduates to the than the rural," because of the "They will be able to James Madison University Board of Visitors higher costs of land in Rich- Krovide valuable input as to will increase the board's "sensitivity to the mond and other Tidewater ow the students feel since student's point of view," stated a newly ap- areas as compared to here, he they recently attended school pointed board member. said. here, he said. James Burroughs, who graduated in May. As for JMU's athletic "DeWitt and Burroughs returned to JMU last weekend as a member of program, Melesco would like ought to be able to give a lot the Board of Visitors. He is now at law school to see the football team move of advice to the board that will at the College of William and Mary. up from Division III of the be meaningful and helpful to the students here on campus." Burroughs, along with former Student NCAA. Melesco cited the need Government Association President Mike for a scholarship program like Taylor received his those of other state schools bachelor's degree from DeWitt, was appointed to the Board of Visitors when the football team Tuskegee Institute, his this summer by Governor John Dalton in changes its status. master's from Columbia (Continued on Page 25) Aside from his law practice University, and his doctorate at Melesco and McLaughlin, from Duke University.
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