EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE REVIEW Supplement January 1979 l New Solidarity International Press Service $10 [THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK] FOREWORD by Daniel Sneider, Asia Editor, Executive Intelligence Review few words are in order first . Bhutto's overthrow is part of l;l clear The Executive Intelligence Review presents here for the general pattern of destablization of the entire region stretching from Iran public a historic document, a document of living history that is in the west to Bangladesh in the east. The assassination of required reading for every head of state, for every American Bangladesh President Sheik Mujibar Rahman in the summer of poltical leader, for every student of politics, and finally for all 1975 marked the intensification of a concerted wave of political people concerned with the progress of humanity. The document violence and destabilization that was aimed also at the govern­ here, and an excellent introduction contributed by a noted ment of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in India, resulting in the Pakistani scholar (who must remain anonymous), tell the story declaration of a State of Emergency in July 1975. The electoral of a man, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, downfall of the Gandhi government in March 1977 coincided in the story of a nation, the developing and strategically important turn with the turmoil following the elections in Pakistan which South Asian country of Pakistan, and reveals the global events finally led to the military coup. In a space of less than two years which have converged on both the man and the nation. the entire political leadership of the subcontinent was overturned Mr . Bhutto, a leader of world renown, no longer sits in the (including Sri Lanka). The events in Iran of this year can be seen Prime Minister's office but in a jail cell awaiting a court decision as directly tied to this pattern of events. that could send him to his death. Overthrown by a military coup This systematic attack on the South Asian political leadership d'etat on July 4, 1977, Bhutto's enemies now are in power and are aims at blocking the emergence of a regional entente, an entente determined to eliminate him by any means available. Bhutto, in based upon economic development and cooperation which the document presented here and smuggled from his jail and out would end once and for all the decades and even centuries of of the country, tells the real story of the events that brought him manipulated religious, communal, and national tensions which to this situation . have plagued the region since British Imperialism arrived on the The EIR, in the face of a deliberate effort within and outside scene. Bhutto, Gandhi, the Shah, and others all share, in slightly Pakistan to suppress this document, is priviledged to bring the different degrees, a fundamental commitment to the develop­ truth to the light of day. To our direct knowledge other media ment of their nations as independent sovereign states based upon have been in possession of this document well before the EIR yet, the establishment of a productive industrial and agricultural with the exception of a few slanderous references to it alleging economic system, within the context of the struggle to establish a that Bhutto was trying to get 'the bomb' for Pakistan, none have New World Economic Order. They equally share the commit­ revealed its startling contents. Instead a massive blackout has ment to move to the use of advanced energy systems of nuclear taken place, a blackout that includes any information about energy to fuel the modernization of their countries. As Bhutto what is actually happening in Pakistan, about the immediate makes totally clear in his statement here, this was the final act danger to Bhutto's life . that earned him the hatred of Henry Kissinger and the Anglo­ The suppression of the document is not surprising. Any honest American-Zionist elite. reading of it reveals that Bhutto is the victim of a vast and power­ A man of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto's humanity and passion for the ful international conspiracy. That conspiracy stretches from Dr. progress of man is precious to the world today. He has stood the Henry Kissinger in Washington, to the 'Zionist Lobby' of New test of leadership-his courage remains undaunted even while York and London, to the financial interests of Anglo-American awaiting his possible death. His enemies reveal themselves as imperialism, and back into Pakistan itself. One may rightly ask: cowards and mean little men who despise everything Bhutto Why were such powerful interests after Bhutto? stands for. Whatever the court and the military junta may The answer can be found in detail in the documents here but a decide, history has already reached a judgement in his favor. Th e editors have attempted through adding fo otnotes and Editor's Note some subheadings to clarify sections which otherwise may only Since western newspapers, notably the Washington Post in be accessible to a Pakistani audience. As much as possible we the United States and the Financial Times of London, have have sought to maintain the authenticity and intentions of the chosen to use selected portions of the document published here document, keeping stylistically to the original manuscript. The as "p roof" that Prime Minister Bhutto 's sole intentions were editors have used asterisks and italized sections where Bhutto to "p roduce the bomb, " the Executive Intelligence Review is makes a special point in his overall case. The asterisks are publishing The Pakistan Papers to let Mr. Bhutto make his editorial emphasis while the italized sections are his own own case as the only basisfor justice. It was Mr. Bhutto 's in ­ emphasis. tention in the document to address the Supreme Court of Due to the length of the original manuscript, an editorial Pakistan and a fa ction of the military which views its role as a decision has been taken to excerpt it. By and large the sections guardian of the now endangered Pakistani nationhood. The omitted are Bhutto 's lengthy rebuttal to the current regime's fact that the military regime and its offi cial sp okesmen have widely circulated Wh ite Paper on his alleged crimes. The intro­ labelled The Pakistan Papers "illegal" and have not permitted duction written by a noted Pakistani scholar provides a sum­ the submission of this document in the courts has hampered its mary of the main points in the White Paper as well as back­ presentation. The editors have not had the opportunity to get ground in Pakistani post-independence history to locate the finalap provalfor publication from the author. fo llowing document in proper perspective. --� Pakistan Under Bh utto An Anonymous Introduction Amid the gathering sto.rm aro.und the wo.rld, a great tragedy to. o.btain nuclear po.wer fo.r Pakistan? Indeed his reco.rd o.f is in the making far away acro.ss the o.ceans in an unfo.rtunate crimes is mo.numental and impressive, so. must he suffer equally co.untry o.f So.uth Asia-the Islamic Republic o.f Pakistan­ harsh punishment-a co.o.ked-up murder case, and inhuman literally "Land o.f the Pure." A po.pularly elected leader, still treatment in his death cell. belo.ved o.f the teeming millio.ns o.f wo.rkers and peasants, the Mr. Bhutto.'s case is unprecedented in mo.dern histo.ry in fo.rmer Prime Minister o.f Pakistan, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. has mo.re senses than o.ne. It is no.t simply a case o.f an o.rdinary been thro.wn into. a dingy and suffocating death cell by the mili­ criminal, an acco.mplice in an allegedly premeditated murder tary junta led by General Mo.hammad Zia-ul Haq. Bhutto. has o.f a Punjabi lando.wning father o.f a po.litical adversary, Ahmad been sentenced to. death by the Laho.re High Co.urt, and cur­ Raza Kasuri. The spo.kesmen o.f the junta vo.ciferously main­ rently his appeal is in the last stages o.f hearing befo.re the tain, and impress upo.n wo.rld o.pinio.n, that Bhutto.'s case was Supreme Co.urt o.f Pakistan. Bhutto. was co.nvicted o.f co.nspir­ no.t po.litically mo.tivated. Instead they take pride in anno.uncing ing with Maso.o.d Mahmo.o.d, the head o.f the Federal Security to. the wo.rld that in a so.ciety go.verned by Islamic Law and Fo.rces, and o.thers, to. murder Ahmad Raza Kasuri, a po.litical Traditio.ns, even the chief executive o.f an Islamic State is no.t oppo.nent, in a po.lice ambush in Laho.re in No.vember 1974. abo.ve law. Bhutto., o.n the o.ther hand, demo.nstrates thro.ugh­ Kasuri escaped injury in the attack o.n the car, but his father, o.ut the fo.llo.wing do.cument, that the who.le case against him riding in the same car, was killed. was no.thing mo.re than a frame-up to. destro.y him, physically, While the clo.ck ticks, and Bhutto.'s heart still beats in his cell, mentally and po.litically. the Angel o.f Death ho.vers o.ver him, as his executio.ner, perhaps Under the circumstances, the crucial questio.n arises: what impo.rted fro.m a fello.w Muslim co.untry, is getting ready to. is the truth? The issue is no.t o.nly o.f histo.rical impo.rt, but alSo.
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