11148 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 154, Pt. 8 June 3, 2008 the American political system as ap- She, from a lifetime of experience NEW HAMPSHIRE EXCELLENCE IN plied to President William J. Clinton. and insight, has been a leader in racial EDUCATION AWARD WINNERS It is hard for people to experience Ar- reconciliation in her home area. Per- ∑ kansas without noticing the remark- sons of her integrity and stature can Mr. SUNUNU. Mr. President, today I able accomplishments of Bill Clark. It make a positive difference and she has. congratulate the 2008 recipients of the is not hard to imagine just what makes She supports good causes, knows in re- New Hampshire Excellence in Edu- Bill Clark so special to his family, his markable detail the history of the cation Awards. These prestigious friends, and to Arkansas. He was a per- smallest communities in our State, and awards, commonly called the ‘‘ED’’ies, son of great faith, a loving husband and knows the importance of simply re- are presented each year to individuals father, a doting grandfather, and a hu- membering. She loves children, cap- and schools who demonstrate the high- morous, compassionate friend to all he turing them with tall tales while est level of excellence in education. met. Bill never approached a situation stressing education and personal char- The ‘‘ED’’ies were instituted as a way with a negative attitude; rather, he acter. to honor the best of the best among saw everything as an opportunity to Her wonderful southern accent is New Hampshire’s educators. For 15 benefit his community. Bill will be well remembered on NPR’s ‘‘All Things years, annual award winners have been well remembered for his generosity and Considered’’ and her commentaries are drawn from a rich source of talented commitment to improving his commu- still heard on Alabama Public Radio. and successful teachers, administra- nity.∑ I applaud her on her many achieve- tors, schools, and school boards. This f ments, and I am thankful to have such year’s recipients are no exception. a beacon of literary excellence shining Those individuals selected have been TRIBUTE TO KATHRYN TUCKER from Alabama. She is highly recog- compared against a criteria set by oth- WINDHAM nized for her achievements by the ers in their discipline through their ∑ Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. President, today whole State and around the world and sponsoring organization. Schools are I ask that my colleagues join me in was one of the 13 artists chosen to rep- chosen by experienced educators and celebrating the 90th birthday of one of resent the State by the Alabama State America’s and Alabama’s most tal- Council for the Arts at Alabama in community leaders in New Hampshire ented and acclaimed residents, Ms. France and Monaco in 2000. She was based on guidelines established by the Kathryn Tucker Windham. Ms. also honored in 2003 with the establish- New Hampshire Excellence in Edu- Windham is a beloved storyteller, au- ment of the Kathryn Tucker Windham cation Board of Directors. I am proud thor, playwright, photographer, tele- Museum at Alabama Southern College. to recognize the individuals and vision and radio personality and, most Fellow Alabama author Harper Lee, schools who will receive this honor on importantly, a woman of faith, integ- author of ‘‘To Kill a Mockingbird’’, June 7, 2008, and look forward to per- rity, grace and high ideals. which is set in Monroeville not far sonally presenting this year’s award This smalltown girl has written larg- from Thomasville, nominated Ms. for Secondary School of Excellence to er than life tales including ‘‘Thirteen Windham to the Alabama Academy of Londonderry High School, as well as Alabama Ghosts and Jeffery’’, along Honor in 2003. Some of her other acco- the Presidential Awards for Math and with many other historically based lades include: Alabama Humanities Science to Kimberly Knighton of Pro- ghost-stories that involve smalltown Award in 2000, the Governor’s Award file School and Louis Broad of urban legends in Alabama, Georgia, for the Arts, the National Storytelling Timberlane High School, respectively. Tennessee, and Mississippi. She has Association’s Circle of Excellence As a graduate of Salem High School, also written works like ‘‘Twice Award and Lifetime Achievement I am especially pleased that this year’s Blessed’’, ‘‘GRITS’’ and ‘‘Alabama, One Award, the University of Alabama’s New Hampshire Teacher of the Year, Big Front Porch’’, which reveal the Society of Fine Arts’ Alabama Award, Benjamin Adams, has taught in Salem rich joys of Alabama living. the Selma Rotary Club’s Citizen of the for 12 years. As I serve in the United She grew up in Thomasville, AL, not Year, and she was inducted into the States Senate, I am grateful for the ex- too far from my rural home and not University of Alabama College of Com- cellent education I received in our New too far from another notable Alabama munications Hall of Fame. Hampshire public schools, and con- writer—Harper Lee. Her capacity for In true poetic form, I think, Ms. gratulate all of this year’s award win- storytelling and writing started early, Windham sums up her insights in her ners. as a news reporter. But she did not stop book ‘‘Alabama, One Big Front Porch’’: there allowing her natural talent and I ask that the list of the 2008 New Alabama, they say, is like one big front Hampshire Excellence in Education inclinations to lead her to a higher porch where folks gather on summer nights plane of national renown. It is always to tell tales and to talk family. The stories Award winners be printed in the inspirational to see a real person, an they tell are all alike in their Southern RECORD. individual American, follow their own blend of exaggeration, humor, pathos, folk- The material follows. calling and achieve success. lore and romanticism. Family history is woven into the stories. And pride. And 2008 NEW HAMPSHIRE EXCELLENCE IN Ms. Windham represents the highest EDUCATION AWARDS RECIPIENTS values of our State and region. This is humor. Always humor. so because she was raised right, studied I know I speak for all Alabamians Dr. Maurissa Abecassis; Benjamin Adams; hard, thought deeply, and was com- and all Americans when I express my Ina Ahern; Susan Antico; Dawn Bechtold; Al- exander J. Blastos; Louis Broad; James K. mitted to a life that enriches others. A gratitude for your eloquence, your lit- erary achievements, and your human- Crane; Heather R. Cummings; Blanche graduate of my alma mater, Hun- Garant; Tobi Gray Chassie; Dorothy Grazier; tingdon College, she followed its admo- ity, and say, ‘‘Happy Birthday Kathryn Cynthia Grisa; Jacquelyn Hall; Percy Hill; nition, ‘‘Enter to grow in wisdom; go Tucker Windham!’’ Mark Humphreys; Kevin Irwin; Maria Knee; forth to apply wisdom in service.’’ In closing, I would like to leave the Kimberley Knighton; Dan LaFleur; William I have known her and her son Ben for Senate with a few of her words that Marston; Curt Martin; Jan Martin; John many years. I am so in awe of her. Not truly embody the spirit of her work Miles; Carl J. Nelson; Christina Nelson; Jill just for her noteworthy achievements, and life: Pinard; Virginia Pinard; Dennis Pymm; Mi- but because of the content of her char- I think we need to be put back in touch chael Reardon; Christine Reinart; David Seiler; Elise Smith; Bill Tirone; Carolann acter. She is an entertaining story- with our childhood . to be reminded of what’s important, like memories about peo- Wais; Bradley Wolff; and Ellen Zimmerman, teller for sure, but she is a truth teller RN, M.Ed. also. Her works reflect with truth the ple we loved, or things that happened to us that affected our lives, things we can laugh Chichester School Board, Cooperative Mid- nature of the human condition. In about and shed a few tears about . I think dle School, Londonderry High School, them, she displays a love for all per- storytelling is a way of saying ‘‘I love you. I Adeline C. Marston Elementary School, sons that reflects well on her rich her- love you enough to tell you something that Pittsfield Elementary School, Simonds Ele- itage of religious faith. means a great deal to me.’’∑ mentary School.∑ VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:43 Dec 21, 2010 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00067 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR08\S03JN8.002 S03JN8 wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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