THE NANAIMO FREE PRESS E8TABUHUKD 1 FORTY-FOURTH YEAR NANAIMO, VANCOUVER ISLAND, BRITISH COLUMBIA, NDAY, APRIL 1, 1918. I’l’RTlIBB SUCOES8EB MANIA MUST PAY THE GOOD SHIP CailC Ixindon, April 1— The E ffiRE HAS EN NO CESSAIN traojis operating on tlie CIIY OF QUEBEC IS UNDER GMY'SWARDTBT ten river, in ) HAS BEEN TORPEDOED line tlieir pursuit of the ’ isli froojm. The Teutons Have Acquired a 99 IN 1 FOmoyS FIGHTING Year Monopoly on Rouma The Britisli forces have Aow MW CONTROL MY advanced 7S miles beyond fthe Oil I-Telds. town of Annh, to a point The City Is Declared to be Seething With Discontent and Oonflicto Bt>- The Enemy have Continued to Make Desperate but Futile Copenhagen, April 1— The Taeg- midway between Bagdad an<AI- Bw York. April 1— The steamer tween the Mob and the Soldlc ry in Wlilcli Flreanna Were Freely Attacks on the Allied Lines.—In every Case they have Ilsche Rundschau of Berlin, says thi Celtic, one of the biggest White 8Ur Used. EVillowed the Reading o f the Blot Act. Been Repulsed with Terrific Losses. — Attacks and agreement between Germany an I liners, was attacked and torpe imania regarding the petroleum I German submarine, according Quebec, April 1 — Sanguinary roilowing this demonstration and Counter Attacks Follow one Another with Bewildering Industry, will secure for Germany the to reltable information received to- scenes were again enacted here last another simultaneously resulting In Rapidity.— Canadian Armoured Cars Play Important ration of the Roumanian oil WILL NOT BREARTHRiUGH ly in marine circles here, during light as an aftermath of earlier dis- the breaking open of a hardware Part as do Also the Guns from the Dominion. — VImy fields for the next 99 years and ex­ voyage from England to America. urbances when the military autliori- store In which guns and ammnnltlon THE FRENCH DEFtNCE Efforts are being made to savp the les, in the pursuance of their duties, lyor Lavlgneurread Ridge one of the Enemy’s Main Objectives. clude all other countries. Germany has secured a footing, ship, which It Is believed carried were attacked by a mob, which, skulk riot hich It Is pointed out. will gnaran- p.-issengers. The Celtic haa a gross ig from alleys and blind corners, engineered by "opponents of the London.April 1—Today’s rep iilllii.uphshowingn ^ this. Thus Roumanla will pay a tonnage of 20,904 ani was for many pelted soldiers and officers alike with lary Service Act In Quebec re- Pails. April 1—“The enen^ will’ ns all others had—there were continuanceofIhe heuNTr'fighting, i lore rnvnrablelo the reat part of Germany’s war cost, the years one of the largest steamers if missies, resulting In some cases lu ptue of this monopoly being es :ot conquer our realstance.”; said he trans-Atlantic service. She wa ■erlous Injuries. irrests. Quebec’s police appear Allies. ated at millions of dollars. Premier- Clemencenu when surrounif built In Belfast In 1901 and flies thi Thrpe persons were shot during pr powerless to cope with the sit- cd by deputies at the Bourbonpaiace British flag. he riot, suffering slight wounds. on—or complaisant. The enemy lia.s made no progress either in tlie direc­ I his return from the frokt “I Federal troops are now on the scene. tionofAmiens or towardtlie (hse valley,while the French iiulay num.lng In Quebec dawn- lot wish to pose as a p^phet. All buildings In the city likejy to forces in hrillianlcounterattacks haverecaptured some of vU!i the spirit of mob rule .and GEN. FOCirS PROMOTION That Is not my habit, but, com|' what 0 attacked are strongly guarded to- battle in the air. So Intense was the the lost positions. ay. they will not break throBgli. FISHING CONFERENCE ight, while companies of soldiers GENERALLY APPROVED feeling engendered by the lawless Anecdotes ihowlng• • the wo&erfi^ with fixedbayonets patrol the areas Paris. April 1— The hallle continued with extreme vio pioceedlngs of the night before that London. April 1—Unanimous t lie of the French troops ifcre i MEETSTHIS MONTH ire trouble may be feared. A mrai- lence last night in the .sector mirth of .Mont Didier. large bo­ ('ardlnat Begin Issued a proclamation proval is given to the appointment lated by the premier. A battabon hcr of regiments from different oarts Wasiiington, April 1— The Amerl- c.-illlng upon the people to remain dies of troops being brought into aclion by Ihe (Jermnns. the territorial troops, arriving gt the of Canada reached Quebec today to 3eneral Foch to be generalissimo can-Canadlan flaherles conference calm and law-abiding and to refrain War Office announces. front line yesterday were foulid ipplement the local forces. he Allied forces In France by t will meet on April 24 at Seattle, the from Joining In assemblies and ex­ Ing the order for a counteOattack Successful in their eftorU towards French and British trot hrok( up the ulliiig morning newspapers, including those Department of Commerce announoed horting the disturbers of Saturday ;ig unconcernedly in a muti field combatting the military in guerilla waves. rhich have been loudest In their today. night to discontinue their rioting. within range of the German lahells, are the mob added arson t» Its positinn to any such move. Plans will be discussed to protect Further to the south the fighting \ ns no less severe, which were breaking In the l^unedl- nf offenees. Quebec last night The reading of the Riot Act traa»- the Pacific Coast halibut and salmon theGermans making incessant attacks i 1 an effort lo enp- vicinity. has been seething. ferred authority to the military to re In Puget Sound and the Fraser river. lureGrivesnes. The Frenchrelaiiicti pn •What are yon doing here?” said I attempt made last night to press unlawful assemblages and ap­ ssessiou of Ihe town. SERGEANT BEECH WILL Hearings also will be held at Van­ and inflicteii heavylossesoniheeueni) Cleracnceai break into the drill hall, with the peared to be the spark needed under couver and Prince Rupert. B.C. and ■We are at rest.” responded a sol nounced intention of liberating a cover of darkness to release the vola GIVE ENTERTAINMENT r quietly. at Ketevhikan, Alaska, while the con tlie .spirit of the mob. HaiR’s Offlrtal Report. L-ist eight and throughout the imher of draftees held there, fulled ference will be concluded In Ottaw^ L.ODdon, April 1.—Pollo^-inR la day. at least until cabling of this de­ In .\hl of the Bed Crwei Work of the the official statement: FASTER DAY IV THE CHITITHM B’ll.L spatch. tilings have been very quiet. Bastion Chapter, I. O. I>. K ion being that this Is but another HOLD TlUIXS OX “The enemy twice attacked our Indeed the shel'lng in Ihe VImy area phase of the struggle between prl- IXTERX.ATIOXAL BORDER The feature of the Easter s*rvlces positions in the western outskirts of for the last 18 hours has been light­ t. Beech, assisted by a number ile gain and pubUc good and that all the city churches yesterday, The Open Forum .Montreal. April :— Official an­ Albert yesterday evening, noth at­ er Ihae at nny time since Thursday. .-ell known artists, will givo an can only be effectively dealt with ns the special music which wks ren nouncement has been made that the tacks were repulsed. South of the The Canadlar.s look to the future rtainment in the Dominion Thea- 1 a fearless yet sober and reason- r an enlightened public opinh n. dered. Both at the morning it well C.P.R In order to make their train Somme the enemy is persisting in wit 1 a confidence which never was on Thursday, April 18th under irgument which by reason of Its Concluding, Dr. Unsworth said that e evening services, hnl more schedule between Canada and the ' his attacks In an attempt to advance higher auspices of the Bastion Chapter. close grip of facts held the attention I that he could hope or wish to do especially perhaps at the latter, lov- United Slates conform to the day­ along the valleys of the rivers I.uce l’lr..l flnmsb Rnded. D. E. he audience throughout. Rev. J. this matter was to dIrMt the ntten and Avre, but has made little pro­ lie found ranch tc light savingscheme to be Introduced I.o-idon. .April 1— Reports from i.e program will be varied and '(isworth opened a discussion at on of his fellow citizens to oondl- gress. admire and praise In the work of the In the United States will hold all its the battle front ll.is morning are re- and will Include yesterday’s session of the Forum on llone of which they were at present Attacks and counter attacks fol­ •i-al city choirs, while in aiJdlHon trains one hour at the border. The carded as favorable for tlie Allies, 1 scene called "The Merr; m subject “Can Nanaimo afford to iware. He would not be a party lowed each other In this sector dur­ to the purely choral numbers m w regulation comes Into effect to- and the belief thst the first onrush liicti portrays Ihe life In a iiion derate commercialized vice”? legislating in advance of public ing yesterday afternoon and evening so’oists In every case were heird to of tlin enemy hns been stopped. Ha ry. during moments of rclaxaiioi In a preliminary clearing of the timent but he would do what he with varying success, and the fight­ particularly good advantage, Jndeed Is engaged In the pioeess of consoll- In addition there will be rocal and round from possible side issues, the could to arouse that sentiment to a ing is expectedto continue.
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