SCOTCH PLAINS PUBLIC LIBRAAflEi . "" ' ' • V ' • 1927 BAuXi.33 AVENUE , SCOTCH PLAINS, N,J, 07076 SC6TCH PLAINS FANWOOD THE— Serving Scotch PlainsTIME and Fanwood Since 1959 — S USPS48S20O Published Second Class Postage Paid at Scotch Plains, N J. Thursday, September 8,1994 Every Thursday 232-4407 FORTY CENTS ROADS FOUND TO BE IN GOOD REPAIR One Violation on Rubbish Found After Some Complaints Are Received Over Commercial Property Sites Hazardous Waste Day in Township to Be Conducted On Saturday, September 10, From 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. By JEANNE WHITNEY Specially Written fur The Times rubbish in the rear yard, in viola- Mayor William F. McClintock, Following complaints by town- tion of the New Jersey Uniform Jr. said that some businesses indi- ship residents about activities on Fire Safety Act. cated they felt they had been spo- commercial properties at Waverly Violations that are not corrected ken about unfairly at the last coun- Place and Jerusalem Road at the within an allotted time period are cil meeting. August 16 council meeting, a subject to fines of up to $5,000 per "They weren't at the meeting. Uniform Fire Code violation was day. They may come September 13," discovered at The Portuguese Director of Public Property he said. Mason Inc. on Jerusalem Road in Walter F. Dinizo notified Munici- In other news, this Saturday, pal Manager Thomas E. Atkins in September 10, from 8 a.m. to 2 Classic Studio for The Times Scotch Plains, officials said. STRIKE THREE...Christopher Brien of Scotch Plains takes his best throw at the pitching cage during part of festivities An inspection on August 17 by a letter dated August 23 that he p.m., the Union County Utilities held at the Saint Bartholomew the Apostle Roman Catholic Church Festival held September 3, through 5. The 20th Fire Chief Jonathan P. Ellis re- did not find evidence of poor road Authority will sponsor a Hazard- annual event was attended by about 30,000 persons, highlighted by a parade through the fairgrounds and ending at the conditions on Waverly Place. statue of Saint Nicholas. vealed storage of waste paper and ous Waste Day at the Department This street was paved in 1992, of Works yard in the township. , he said. Mr. Dinizo did find tree This is an opportunity forcounty; stumps on Waverly Place from residents to dispose of material! Officials Struggle to Reach Fair Decision trees removed last year. Caffrey that should not be put with regular! Tree Service had said they would trash. | make grinding these stumps a top Materials considered hazardous; On Home Built Slightly Too Close to House priority. waste are: aerosol cans, antifreeze, As to rezoning any of these com- batteries, motor oil, caustics, cor-' The Structure Extended 1.8 Feet Over 30-Foot Minimum Sideyard Setback Requirement mercial areas, Mr. Atkins told the rosives, cleaners, fire extinguish-, council he understood that it was ers, oil-based paint, varnish, pes- By SUZETTE STALKER pand their living quarters to in- Specially Written fi>r The Time* Department before construction Mr. Erdley, a civil engineer, not possible. ticides, herbicides, pool chemi- clude a larger kitchen and recre- A dispute between two neigh- began, testified the cease-and-de- stated in a prepared written state- However, in a memo to several cals, propane tanks, smoke alarms, ational space. boring families over a partially- sist ore er had restricted their cur- ment that individuals and agen- Township Department heads Mr. solvents, thinners and thermostats. rent living space for the past six constructed addition on the one Mr. and Mrs. Rien, accompa- cies responsible for developing Atkins said, "It is incumbent upon The council moved and sec- weeks and left their home im- family's home drew emotional nied by Scotch Plains attorney the site plan and approving the commercial and industrial prop- onded in its conference meeting proper y insulated and vulnerable testimony from the opposing par- Thomas Russo, explained that plan and the building permit for erty owners that might be near last night, that the 7 per cent ad- to intnders ties as officials struggled to reach work begun approximately June the addition "should have insisted residences to try to be as courte- ministration fee paid to the town- a fair verdict during last 1 on their home was 80 to 90 per Mrs. Rien, in an emotional ap- on staying within municipal regu- ous as possible, keeping in mind ship on the hiring of police offic- Thursday's meeting of the Scotch cent completed when they were peal to the board, said the partial lations" and .indicated that he that homes are right in the vicinity ers for extra duty assignments be constn ction cut into the existing Plains Zoning Board of Adjust- forced to halt construction in mid- would appeal a decision by the of their operations." raised to 10 percent. residenice, making it impossible ment. July aftera surveyorhired by their board allowing construction on Zoning Officer Robert LaCosta Although private vendors hire to full) air condition their home Board members ultimately next door neighbordiscovered (hat the Rien house to progress. wrote in a letter to a Waverly the officers, scheduling is done for the r young son's asthma nor voted in favor of Mr. and Mrs. the structure extended 1.8 feet over The neighbor, subsequently Place resident on August 18 that, through the Chief of Police and to heat t, and begged officials not David Rien. owners of the subject the 30-foot minimum sideyard called by the board to testify un- "I believe in the past several years payment through the Department to postpone their decision until property,at 18 Fenimore Drive, setback mandated by the Build der oath, staged there had been no I have done as .much as I could of Finance. y's October 13 meeting, who sought a variance for wqrk to. ing Code. ^_ previous depute' with theRions within my jurisdiction tokeeptha •• Township Manager Mr.Atklns v joler weather is expected, over the property line, though he* commercial properties in your resume on the addition to their *The applicants, who had re- told the Council that rates for ouple emphasized that they said he and his wife had twice neighborhood in compliance with two-story home. The couple, who ceived approval for the addition i; c workers compensation premiums had j;o ified the 10 families, as advised the couple not to exceed the township's standards." have two children, want to ex- from the Scotch Plains Building COMMXDONMQtit require i, within 200 feet of their home, iind that nearly all had been very supportive of their variance Bowcraft Ride Probed bid. Thj[ey added that they have Township Will Spend $4,000 to Fight also rei :eived numerous compli- ments rom passersby who feel Proposed Rate Hike by Water Company For Clues to Accident the addition, designed to appear 1 was part of the original as if it Overall Increase Could Amount to Around $11.7 Million for Municipality and Residents Doctors Say Boy Will Recover From 50-Foot Fall structu |e, has enhanced the neigh- A six-year-old Union boy who fell Detective Curl Sicola was quoted as borhood By JEANNE WHITNEY Specially Wrltlemjiir Vie Virus the $65,000 from the Community contained within Scotch Plains. 50 feet from the top of a ferris wheel saying It is assumed the bar was not Ane ception was Don Erdley, Development funds, Mr. Atkins This would affect the authority August 30 at the Bowcraft Amuse- properly secured. the next-door neighbor living at In a move that would add Scotch said. the township has to set speed lim- ment Park in Scotch Plains is ex- No charges will be pressed against 20 Feni I nore Drive, who contested Plains to a coalition of six other pected to make a full recovery, ac- the employee, Gary Qadek, 18, of No federal government funds its on Lake Avenue. the variance application with towns, the Township Council last A town ordinance amendment cording to published reports. Westfield, responsible for the ferris night agreed to spend an estimated are available for this, he added. Evan Manganlello suffered a frac- wheel, police said. charges of "willful negligence on The drainage work is already com- was unanimously recommended tured skull from the fall to the con- The park management has suid the the part of agents of the property $4,000 to fight the Elizabethtown pleted and the township will re- to the council by the Planning crete pavement below and had to be ferris wheel will not be run until suite owners" including the architect Water Company's proposed rate ceive bids for the work Friday, Board regarding the use of all transported by helicopter to officials say it is safe. who de; igned the Riens' site plan, increase. September 23, brick or combination of concrete Morristown Memorial Hospital. • • • * * The increase, scheduled to take As the boy plunged from the car- Stnte investigators from the Lnbor the Building Department andcon- Afthe Tuesday, September 13, and brick walkways in the busi- riage where he, his brother and a Department sturted their probe on struction officials. effect Sunday, January 1, would ness district primarily along East be a substantial increase for resi- meeting, the council will continue friend were sitting, he struck the COOTWUfOONMtftt the public hearing and have the Second Street and Park Avenue. spokes of the giant wheel which doc- dents, as well as township public tors now say prevented more serious second and final reading on the Mayor William F. McClintock, entitles, Directorof Finance Ulrich Jr.
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