N Serving San Jose State University Since 1934 jrN, TUESDAY S P www.t espartandaily.com 11.06.01 N. cm.. 117, No. 48 Service A.S.vote Are you nuts? fraternity returns WEATHER to assist PARTLY CLOUDY stipends' High:66 in campus Low: 48 value clean up By Kemberly Gong OPINION By Joannie Sevilla DAllY STAFF WRITER DAII Y STAFF WRI1ER Associated Students approved National Service Week, spon- retroactive raises to its salaries 'Confession' sored exclusively by coed national at last Wednesday's meeting in says saving service fraternity Alpha Phi response to salary reductions sex until Omega, began this week and is made last year by former AS. scheduled to continue through president, Leo Davila. marriage President Maribel Martinez saves one Saturday across campus. "We encourage everyone to said the president makes $800 from unneed come and help out in any project," per month after the raise, ed heartacht. said Phi Tran, a sophomore nurs- though Davila made $1,000 per ing major and Alpha Phi Omega's month during his tenure as co-treasurer. "Come any time to president. The change in volunteer, and you don't even have salaries not only affects the to be an Alpha Phi Omega mem- president, but all A.S. members. 'Quoth the ber to participate." The vice president and con- Tran said Tuesday's project troller have had their salaries Raven' called, "Campus Clean Up," is a raised to $800 per month prepares collaborative effort to clean the $100 more than they used to herself to entire campus. make, and the board of directors play the "We'll pretty much be wander- has also experienced pay raises game of ing around campus in different from $250 to $300 each. being single areas and picking up trash," Tran Alfonso De Alba, executive said. "Just trying to make the director of AS., said it was not campus look beautiful." Davila who made the changes to Tran said Wednesday's event is the budget. He said the previous slated to promote domestic vio- board, under former A.S. Presi- lence awareness. dent Heather Cook, made the Page 2 "We're helping out the campus adjustments to the stipends. and the community too," Tran However, A.S. Controller Julie said. "It's going to be at a table out- Perreira-Rieken said the raises side the Student Union, probably were made when Davila was in table No. 7, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m." office. Luzelle Advincula, a senior in The raises are on record in nursing and Alpha Phi Omega's secretary, said the idea to aware- the budget policy for A.S., she A E ness walk held in downtown San said. According to the 1999-2000 Jose a few weeks ago. budget policy, the first year "We're going to have cards that Davila was in office, the AS. people can sign to make a pledge president's stipend was set at to not commit domestic violence," $750 per month and the A.S. vice Advincula said. "We got the pledge president and controller each cards from the domestic violence made $350 per month, during a awareness walk to help them pro- 12 month period. Board mem- mote their cause." bers made $106 per month. Thursday's event, called "Kiosk By the next year, the second Clean Up," is scheduled to focus on year of Davila's tenure as presi- cleaning the wooden kiosks in dent, the stipends had been front of the Student Union and raised to $1,000 per month for Clark Library. the president, $750 per month "We have a contract with Asso- for the controller and vice presi- ciated Students for the next two dent and $250 for directors. years to clean the kiosks once a The record also shows that Fuel burns up the stage month and they will promote us Ben Liebenberg/ Daily Staff/ Davila lowered the stipend for by putting our letters on the the executive positions when he Thursday night at the Event Center. A squirrel hangs out in a tree near the Spartan Complex on Monday. They rocked the house despite the see NATIONAL, Page 3 see PAY RAISE, Page 4 sparce crowd and played 16 of their 22 total songs. Secondhand smoke Speaker emphasizes importance of good credit - Page 3 By Moses Peraza University was one ot the first with an 18 percent interest rate campuses to offer credit educa- and would ultimately pay up to DAII1 Si %I I Win II R tion. $5,000 more on the same loan. to be focus of forum One thing that Patrick V. Rehn- About 40 people attended the Some advice that Rehnberg berg, the speaker for the credit session. offered the attendees was to keep By Fernando F. Croce country. management session, emphasized Holly Miller, coordinator of the track of their money. Scott Rivers, a program man- DAILY SiA1F WRITER was that if one wants good credit, event and a member of the Alum- "List all of your purchases," he ager for the association, said he or she should pay bills on time. ni Association, said she was said. "Know where your money SPORTS Concerns and issues dealing that 85 percent to 95 percent of Rehnberg an account executive pleased with the student turnout goes to." with secondhand smoke are the people stricken with lung cancer for MBNA Marketing Systems, and felt that there is a need for Another suggestion Rehnberg subjects of a presentation sched- have come in contact with smok- spoke to students, staff and facul- this type of education. gave was to develop a budget and uled to be held Tuesday evening ing of one kind or another. ty members at noon on Tuesday in For a person who manages to set aside a designated amount at San Jose State University. "This year alone, lung cancer the Pacific room of the Student their credit, one can expect to pay of money in a savings account. Dennis Acha, masters of pub- will claim the lives of more than Union. less in car payments then some- "You never know when you lic health and coordinator at the 157,000 Americans," he said. "It SJSU's Alumni Association one who has bad credit, Rehnberg, might need money," he said. "But state-funded American Lung is the most common type of can- sponsored the event, and those the speaker, said. it's nice to know it's there when Association, said the event is the cer, more than the three other who attended the session said One example that Rehnberg you need it, like in a time of crisis." culmination of a 2 yearlong pro- leading types, breast, prostate, they learned how to manage their used was paying $18,000 for a car Rehnberg said it is important gram titled "Used Tobacco Con- and colorectal cancers com- credit. during a 60-month period. to set money a side for a rainy day, trol." bined." Paul Richards, director of mar- A person with good credit could because this way students can go "We have been interviewing Rivers said he thinks that keting and programs of the Alum- pay $374 a month, with a 19 per- to the movies or do something people from various colleges despite the statistics, lung can- ni Association, said some people cent interest and save money for entertaining. I I io men's soccer team thought it around the area, talking to stu- cer frequently receives less perceive college students as other things they need. Converse- "Control your own destiny," he had won its game on Sunday at dents and seeing how they feel attention and funding from gov- always being in credit card debt. ly, he said, a person with poor about secondhand smoking on ernment agencies Spartan Stadium. But in the final than other He also said San Jose State credit, would pay $457 a month see CREDIT, Page 4 eight minutes, the University of campus," Acha said. diseases, because of the influ- "The presentation will give ence of tobacco companies on the Denver came back to win, 3-2. students a chance to have an media. audience with the university Ramani Rangavajhula, an Rolling right along . - Page 8 administration, to talk about assistant professor at the SJSU how they feel with the way health department, said she things are being conducted right thinks that another reason for now concerning secondhand the lack of funding is the notion smoking." that one can easily avoid lung Shilpi Gupta, an intern to cancer. San Jose State University Pres- "Many people think it's like, ident Robert Caret, is slated to 'Just don't smoke and you will be at the presentation to hear be fine,' " she said. "Secondhand student policies and suggestions smoking is proof against that INSIDE and present them to Caret, Acha argument, and people should be said. aware of its effects as early on in Letters Pg. 2 Margo Sidener, an executive their lives as possible." director with the association, Rivers said even though a Sparta Guide Pg. 2 said the program is slated to link between smoking and lung give attention to the economic cancer has been scientifically A&E Pgs. 4-5 aspect of the issue as well as the established, some people still health aspect. hold misconceptions about it. Sports Pg. 7-8 "There's more to secondhand "A lot of people perceive it as Classifieds Pg. 7 smoke than health hazards," she an old man's disease," he said. said. "There are aspects such as "The truth, however, is that Crossword Pg.
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