Geology, Petrology and PGE-Cu-Ni Mineralization of the NeoArchean Entwine Lake Intrusion, an Intermediate to Mafic Igneous Intrusion J.P. Arnold1, R.S. James1 and G. Beakhouse2 1Department of Earth Sciences and Mineral Exploration Research Centre, Laurentian University, Ontario, Canada. P3E 2R9 2Ontario Geological Survey, MNDM, Willet Green Miller Centre, Ramsay Lake Rd, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, P3E 6B5 e-mail: [email protected] Introduction Regional Geology The Entwine Lake intrusion (ELI) is an In Ontario, the Superior Province of the east west trending, tadpole-shaped, neo-Archean Canadian Shield is divided into thirteen intrusion located 90 km south of Dryden, Ontario. subprovinces based on recently identified tectonic The ELI is approximately 35 km long with a near boundaries (Thurston et al., 1991). Diagnostic to circular, 10 km diameter western portion and a most subprovinces, including the Wabigoon, are narrow tail extending to the east (Stone, 1999). The granite-greenstone assemblages consisting of pluton has recently attracted attention due to PGE- metavolcanic and subordinate metasedimentary Cu-Ni mineralization located in the northern units interleaved and cut by granite batholiths and portion of the intrusion by Champion Bear late intrusions. The Wabigoon Subprovince, a 3.0- Resources. The presence of PGE mineralization is 2.69 Ga, 900km long and 150km wide, northeast of particular interest as this intrusion has trending granite-greenstone belt, has been divided characteristics similar to that of a suite of mantle- into eastern, central and western regions (Blackburn derived monzodioritic intrusions (termed sanukitoid et al., 1991). The Entwine Lake intrusion occurs by Shirey and Hanson, 1984) that have not adjacent to the western boundary of the central previously been examined for their PGE potential. Wabigoon region (Stone, 2000) (Fig. 1). The This M.Sc. thesis project, conducted under central Wabigoon region contains scattered an Ontario Geological Survey/Laurentian remnants of meso-Archean (3.07-2.90 Ga) felsic University (MERC) collaborative project gneiss and greenstone belts that have been intruded agreement, is designed to map the ELI at a scale of by neo-Archean (2.78-2.70 Ga) felsic batholiths 1:20 000 and further our understanding of the and late stocks (Tomlinson, 1997, 1998). The nature and origin of the pluton and its mineral Entwine Lake intrusion is one of these late stocks, potential. which are often crescentic-shaped intrusions mantled by septa of mafic schist and amphibolite gneiss interpreted to be the remnants of older greenstone belt assemblages (Stone, 2000). 93O 00’ 91O 00’ ’ 0 3 O 9 4 599 622 N Hornblende-pyroxene diorite to granite (Sanukitoid suite) 17 Biotite granite Hornblende tonalite to granite Biotite tonalite and tonalite gneiss Metavolcanic and mafic intrusive rocks Metasedimentary rocks, migmatites and two-mica granite Fault Road 01020 Ki lometres 11 ’ 0 4 O 8 4 Figure 1. Regional geology of the central and western Wabigoon and outlined study area. Entwine Lake Intrusion feldspar megacrystic unit are typically gradational The Entwine Lake Intrusion consists of rather than sharp. Meter-wide dykes of this unit cut four geological units. In chronological order these portions of the marginal amphibolite unit that are: 1) an early, foliated meta-monzonite/ encloses much of the intrusion producing local monzodiorite unit, 2) an amphibole-augite hornfelsic assemblages. diorite/gabbro-gabbronorite suite that has been The K-feldspar megacrystic unit (4) is the intruded by both 3) massive, and 4) K-feldspar youngest unit of the Entwine Lake intrusion. Like megacryst-bearing, pyroxene monzonite/ the other units of the monzonite/ monzodiorite suite monzodiorite. it is unlayered. It occurs as two large zones in the The foliated meta-monzonite/monzodiorite western part of the intrusion where it intrudes older unit is the first major magmatic event of the rock units. The potassium feldspar megacrysts Entwine Lake intrusion. It occupies all of the which are diagnostic of this unit, define a shallow, eastern, tail-like part of the intrusion. Petrographic east-plunging lineation (Stone, 2000), that trends data indicates that the fabric in this unit is ~330o subparallel to the metamorphic foliation in metamorphic which decreases in intensity westward unit 1. The megacrysts are a late oikocrystic phase as it approaches the massive monzonite/ of the K-feldspar megacrystic monzonite so it is monzodiorite unit (3) that forms much of the unlikely that their orientation is due to magmatic western lobe of the intrusion. The average mineral flow. A better explanation is that they formed in a foliation in these rocks strikes at 330o and dips stress field related to a post magmatic steeply to the north; adjacent to the massive metamorphism that has caused variable greenschist monzonite/monzodiorite unit the fabric has a more alteration throughout units (3) and (4). northerly orientation. In the following section, detailed features The amphibole-augite diorite/gabbro- of each of the four units of the intrusion are gabbronorite unit occurs in the northern and presented. southern areas of the western lobe of the intrusion (west of unit (1)) where it forms dominantly 1. Foliated Monzonite/Monzodiorite Unit cpx±opx bearing leucodiorite and leucogabbro- This unit forms the eastern ~20 km tail of the norite sequences respectively. In these areas this intrusion. The pervasive foliation in these rocks is unit has been incorporated as large km size blocks defined by secondary amphibole (actinolite) and and inclusions within the massive monzonite/ biotite replacing primary pyroxene and iron oxide monzodiorite (unit (3)). The presence of weakly respectively. Primary igneous feldspars have been developed magmatic layering suggests these rocks completely recrystallized and form a fine-grained are the remnants of a relatively flat lying basic sill; assemblage of untwinned plagioclase and alkali the steeply dipping orientation of the layering is feldspar; the whole rock normative feldspar evidence that this unit has been rotated, and the composition averages An14Ab56Or30. Magnetite pervasive alteration of its mafic mineralogy is and apatite are present as minor primary phases. evidence of recrystallization accompanying No sulfide phases are present in this unit. These intrusion of the later monzonite /monzodiorite rocks are geochemically indistinguishable from the rocks. Scattered metapyroxenite masses occur in unfoliated monzonite/monzodiorites and potassium the same areas as these rocks and are probably part feldspar megacryst-bearing monzonites that form of this geological unit. The diorite/ gabbro- the main mass of the western part of the intrusion; gabbronorite unit is intruded by dykes of the SiO2 =53-62 wt %, Mg#=0.37-0.41 and K2O=2-5 massive monzonite/monzodiorite unit (3) and wt %. REE trends show 115x chondrite enrichment exhibits hornfelsed assemblages where it is in in LREE’s and 6.5x chondrite in HREE’s. The contact with the K-feldspar megacrystic monzonite. REE patterns mimic the gabbroic suite, but are The massive monzonite/monzodiorite (unit slightly more enriched. (3)) is restricted to the western part of the intrusion where it underlies more than half of the area. 2. Leucodiorite - Leucogabbro Unit Dykes of the younger K-feldspar megacrystic unit PGE-Cu-Ni mineralization occurs only in intrude it. Locally along the western margin of the the rafts and inclusions of gabbro/diorite suite rocks intrusion, this unit develops mylonitic fabrics, and is not observed in any other unit. These rocks which are margin parallel and due to late local have been metamorphosed to the upper greenschist metamorphic events. Alternatively, these rocks are facies. Subdivisions of this unit are based on part of the older foliated monzonite/ monzodiorite normative An compositions. This data indicate that unit of similar composition (unit (1)). In the central leucogabbro (An52-65) forms the southern and area of this unit, contacts with the potassium leucodiorite (An40-50) the northern part of this unit. The PGE mineralized Campbell zone is hosted often with fresh cores, and rims of ubiquitous blue- within the northern leucodiorite. Weak, meter- green amphibole. Petrographic analysis of the scale layering, mafic schlieren and associated potassium feldspars suggests they are a late leucocratic patches are common; the latter two are magmatic phase as they often host inclusions of interpreted to be a result of immiscible felsic and finer-grained plagioclase, apatite, and biotite. mafic liquid phases within the magma. Primary These megacrysts commonly show an alignment at phases are plagioclase feldspar, clinopyroxene and ~330o. Whole rock normative feldspar composit- orthopyroxene, minor opaque phases, apatite and ions average An30Ab50Or20. Chemical character- biotite. The pyroxenes are normally altered to istics of this suite are SiO2=52-62 wt %, Mg#= actinolite, often rimmed by blue-green amphibole. 0.35-0.37 and high K2O concentrations ranging Primary crystallizing sulfide phases include from 2.3-4.7 wt %. REE trends show 120x chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, minor pentlandite and chondrite enrichment in LREE’s and 8x enrichment sphalerite. Magnetite and minor ilmenite are the in HREE’s. REE patterns are similar to the foliated oxide phases. Secondary pyrite is widespread monzonite to monzodiorite trends. consistent with the metamorphism of the magmatic silicate paragenesis. Geochemically, these rocks Late Granitic Dykes
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