asas thethe airair warmswarms fromfrom thethe extendedextended presencepresence ofof thethe sunsun wewe openopen intointo aa new,new, yetyet rememberedremembered beautybeauty GREEN ANARCHY fromfrom thethe crackscracks ofof thethe city,city, GREEN ANARCHY inin thethe manicuredmanicured suburbs,suburbs, ISSUEISSUE ## 17/SUMMER17/SUMMER 20042004 andand onon thethe edgesedges ofof wildness,wildness, $4$4 USA,USA, $5$5 CANADA,CANADA, wewe wakewake upup fromfrom ourour slumberslumber $6$6 EUROPE,EUROPE, $7$7 WORLDWORLD FREEFREE TOTO PRISONERSPRISONERS somesome callcall usus weedsweeds andand trytry toto eradicateeradicate ourour unwantedunwanted bodiesbodies becausebecause ofof ourour perseveranceperseverance andand ourour abilityability toto spread,spread, toto bebe wherewhere thethe civilizedcivilized wantwant usus leastleast andand toto purifypurify thethe toxifiedtoxified wewe willwill alwaysalways continuecontinue toto grow...grow... thethe revengerevenge ofof thethe ...we...we areare outout ofof theirtheir controlcontrol dandelionsdandelions ...we...we...we...we areareareare goinggoinggoinggoing wild!wild!wild!wild! GREEN ANARCHY PO BOX 11331 Eugene, OR 97440 [email protected] AnAn Anti-CivilizationAnti-Civilization JournalJournal ofof TTheoryheory andand ActionAction JeffreyJeffrey LuersLuers isis inin forfor torchingtorching SUVsSUVs at a dealership in Eugene. The Walls HeHe gotgot twenty-twotwenty-two years.years. KillersKillers oftenoften getget seven.seven. Come Tumbling On Judgement Day, the judge in this case willwill havehave aa briefbrief evidentiaryevidentiary hearinghearing beforebefore hehe isis consignedconsigned toto treadtread thethe -for Margaret Randall world’s oceans in eternity. and Jesus Sepulveda On Judgement Day, the rush hour willwill bebe rushingrushing downriverdownriver toto joinjoin thethe seasea Hundreds of birds high in the sky and the sea will be rushing inland to Are they crows or geese? Too far, too drowndrown thethe cities:cities: high to see! BuenosBuenos Aires,Aires, London,London, ShanghaiShanghai andand San Francisco They wheel in great wheels, willwill bebe soso manymany towerstowers standingstanding spin off in long streams inin thethe waterswaters ofof thethe world’sworld’s seas,seas, against the sunset. soso manymany lonelylonely towerstowers leftleft inin thethe wakewake ofof thethe greenhousegreenhouse The traffic is thick in the state capital. effect,effect, lonelylonely towerstowers It’sIt’s rushrush hour.hour. full of boat people, hoping to find a way toto reachreach MexicoMexico City,City, LhasaLhasa oror Cuzco.Cuzco. Yet the birds in the air are headed (This is a message to the everywhere. Will that desk float? Will a tote board system, and all of its Perhaps they are celebrating spring, turnedturned sideways,sideways, maybe just stretching their wings withoutwithout thethe stockstock quotations,quotations, administrators...your day is before they fly north to the tundra. makemake aa nicenice raftraft toto sailsail downdown coming fast.) the Mississippi? Are they crows or geese—?—these Can you empty the guts of plastic drivers around me, computerscomputers andand findfind happinesshappiness honking and honking, drifting around in waters, croaking back to the voices observingobserving waveringwavering streetsstreets farfar beneathbeneath squabbling on American radio, thethe waves?waves? bobbing their heads, singing along to their favorite songs. TheThe AztecsAztecs areare waiting.waiting. TheThe IncansIncans areare waiting.waiting. TheThe TibetansTibetans areare waiting.waiting. They’re flying home, too, TheyThey areare awaitingawaiting thethe arrivalarrival ofof thethe home to the suburbs, industriousindustrious peoplepeople home to Silverton, whowho areare rushingrushing homehome atat thisthis veryvery moment,moment, home to evening supper, burningburning withwith intensity,intensity, home to double beds burningburning withwith ambition,ambition, and dreams of the tundra. burning with drive to sell weapons, oil, tires,tires, violence.violence. InIn massivemassive waves,waves, thethe traffictraffic passespasses acres and acres of the state prison Oh,Oh, moremore andand moremore violence,violence, moremore andand moremore self-righteousness,self-righteousness, where birds are wheeling above while birds wheel and profiteers deal, cell blocks, guard towers, solitary glaciersglaciers meltmelt andand polarpolar capscaps melt,melt, two-timers and consecutive life the land-of-the-free drive home sentences. inin theirtheir goddamnedgoddamned bigbig vehicles,vehicles, www.greenanarchy.org prisoners watch the walls, They’re in for larceny. andand thethe wallswalls closeclose inin onon usus all.all. They’re in for grand theft auto. They’re in for rape. -2-29-04 They’re in for murder. Paul Dresman Sections: CONTCONTENTS:ENTS: Welcome to Green Anarchy, pg 3 The Nihilist Dictionary: Technology, pg 10 The Garden of Peculiarities (#12 and #15), pg 11 State Repression News, pg 58 Reviews, pg 62 ISSUEISSUE #17/SUMMER#17/SUMMER 20042004 Letters, pg 68 End Game, pg 2 News from the Balcony with Waldorf and Statler, pg 73 subversion>insurrrection>revolution>autonomy> Ads and Announcements, pg 74 anarchy by snot elemental, pg 4 Subscriber and Distributor Info, pg 75 The Towering Inferno!, pg 5 Green Anarchy Distribution Center, pg 76 Bring It All Down: An Interview with Derrick Jensen, pg 6 Beyond Utopian Visions: The Rejection of a “Perfect” NOTICENOTICE TOTO READERSREADERS Society by A. Morefus, pg 12 DueDue toto aa lacklack ofof funds,funds, therethere isis aa chancechance thatthat thisthis issueissue maymay bebe ourour last,last, atat leastleast forfor GreenGreen AnarchyAnarchy Green Parties or Green Revolution? asas wewe havehave knownknown it.it. InterestInterest inin thisthis projectproject hashas by Dave Antagonism, pg 22 growngrown significantly,significantly, outstrippingoutstripping thethe meansmeans toto keepkeep upup withwith it.it. WeWe havehave consistentlyconsistently producedproduced aa Misery’s Passage by Rene Riesel, pg 28 highhigh qualityquality publicationpublication thatthat isis distributeddistributed Reclaiming Chuang Tzu for Anarchy, pg 34 aroundaround thethe world,world, usuallyusually forfor free.free. WeWe areare volunvolunteerteer run,run, and,and, alongalong withwith somesome generousgenerous help,help, What is Left?: Nihilism vs. Socialism by A!, pg 50 puputt inin muchmuch ofof ourour ownown resourcesresources toto keepkeep itit going.going. AsAs thingsthings stand,stand, eacheach issueissue costscosts thousandsthousands ofof Where’s The Rage?!! by Michael Africa, pg 60 ddollarsollars (production,(production, postage,postage, etc)etc) andand wewe areare runningrunning outout ofof money.money. DroppingDropping thethe freefree prisonerprisoner Objective Reality and Reality as Object subscriptions,subscriptions, goinggoing backback toto aa newsprintnewsprint tabloid,tabloid, by Helena, pg 67 cuttingcutting importantimportant content,content, oror reducingreducing ourour ppublishingublishing scheduleschedule areare allall optionsoptions underunder A Warning to Insurrectionaries Who Dwell In Scenes coconsideration.nsideration. Yet,Yet, wewe hopehope nonenone ofof thesethese meameasuressures by Dan D. Lion, pg 71 areare necessary.necessary. ToTo putput itit bluntly,bluntly, WEWE NEEDNEED HELPHELP URGENTLY.URGENTLY. WeWe desperatelydesperately needneed moremore peoplepeople toto becomebecome sub-sub- scribers,scribers, toto holdhold benefits,benefits, oror atat leastleast paypay forfor thethe Back to Basics volume four: mailingmailing costscosts forfor thethe copiescopies theythey alreadyalready rereceive.ceive. MostMost importantly,importantly, wewe needneed patronspatrons whowho cancan helphelp What Is Green Anarchy? uunderwritenderwrite what wewe (and(and manymany others)others) thinkthink hashas becomebecome anan importantimportant globalglobal contributioncontribution toto thethe An Introduction to Anti-Civilization Anarchist fightfight forfor liberaliberation.tion. IfIf youyou dondon’’tt wantwant toto seesee Thought and Practice by the GA Collective, pg 35 GAGA becomebecome aa memorymemory ofof thethe past,past, pleaseplease helphelp outout inin anyany wayway youyou can.can. ItIt’’ss upup toto you.you. Thanks.Thanks. Special “Back to Basics” Distro, pg 41 The GA Collective @nti-Civililzation Resources: Including Suggested Books, Contacts, and Websites, pg 42 Direct Action Reports: Anarchist Resistance, pg 19 Earth and Animal Liberation Actions, pg 25 Indigenous and Campesino Resistance, pg 30 Prisoner Uprisings and Revolts, pg 43 Anti-Capitalist and Anti-Government Resistance, pg 46 Further Symptoms of the System’s Meltdown,,, pg 52 The Wild Fight Back, pg 56 Page 1 SUMMER ‘04 ISSUE .. .. .the.the removalremoval ofof thethe showmynshowmyn andand leadersleaders byby meansmeans ofof anan exexplosionplosion ofof energy,energy, endingending thethe EndEnd damndamn GameGame gamegame soso wewe cancan allall gogo aboutabout livingliving andand playingplaying freely!freely! IN THE FASCINATING GAME OF CHESS Games can mirror the rules and rituals of the those among us who cannot and will not engage much is made of the opening move. The culture that gives rise to them. Ritual is the it with the Appropriate seriousness...those we call opponent who is savvy to the canon of opening deliberate closing-off of a segment or zone of the children. Where the depravity of symbolic culture analysis, which has been ongoing for centuries, immediate moment, inwardly and outwardly,
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