An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner TUESDAY ·May 12, 1998 • • Volume 124 THE Number 52 on-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid ewark, DE Permit o. 26 250 Student Center• University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 Clinton details FLOWER MARKET FINISHES IN THE RED education ideas BY BRIAN CALLA \VA Y said. ""We need a n accountability advancement. Nt.Wflllllf/Sta!c .Vnn Edttm system which tells us all honestly '·Being 20 years o ld a nd not able DOVER - President Bill Clinton how we're doing.'· to read causes m o re d estructi o n than stre~<,.;d the importance of education Clin ton praised D e laware·; being he ld back o ne year."" to the nation's future during hi'> S) stem of statewide testing fo r a ll In addition . .Clinton said greater history-making visit Friday. third. fifth, e ighth and l Oth g rader>. c h o ice in where to attend sc hoo l Hi s speech - '' hich marked the as a good example o f gath ering sho uld also he provided . first time in the \tate·., histor) a information on how an educational C harter schools tha t focus o n o ne president in office addressed the system is working. or two ;pcci fi c areas. s uc h as ma th joint lcgi~latun: - echoed se,eral But t h ese tests. which \\ere o r science. arc examples o f how to reforms alrcad) propo'>ed 111 administe red here last week . a lso ex tend the number of cho ices Dela,,are. calling for accountability. need to force results o n syste ms who available to parents. he said . school choice and smaller class fail them. Clinton added that th e nation SiLCS. ··No test is worth a flip unless s h ould set a .\H>al o f establ is hing WIth there arc some con'c4ucnccs ... he 3.000 charter ,choob h~ the 'car man) or his said. ~000. a ncarl) four-fold increase prnpo~als States can increase accountabi lit ) O\ er the current HOO suc h r i.l c i n g h) rc4uiring new teachers to pass institutions. challenges compc t cnc~ exams and endi n g the ""De laware has been at the 111 Congrc"'"· pranicc of social promotion. in forefron t of the c h arter schoo l Clinton '>aid 1\ h1ch student'> arc passed to the mm •emcnr."" he said. "" It is a good. he \\'iII urge next grade despite the fact thC) have good thi ng to do ... the rc<,t or not met the minimum standards for sec CLINTON page A I 0 the nation 10 folio'' the ..., t a l ..: ..., example and Implement s\\cep1ng Children speak out educational reform'>. ""] ma} b..: preaching to :he choir ... BY BRie\:\' CALLAW Y c l a~s ... he smd. ··[hut]\"11 po!i-,h the 'ermon Sll!rmraliSTtllt .\'n1 Ldlfm Teague·~ classm a te. Eric DiJ\on. and ~ee if it \\orb 111 other place'> ... DOVER - While ptlliticians have aho li kes l~ r ger cla<.ses. but he thinks Clinton said ''hi le the ..:ountr) · s been hu'>) debating " hat's wrong the go\ crnment needs to m ake universities arc thri\ 111g. the same 1\ith the nation's educational >)Stem. imprmcmcnh in ~chon! bui ldings to cannot be said about the re;I of the Delaware's students ha'c their ll\\11 accnrntnodale these class~~. educati onal S) stem. idea'> about the subject. ""The) need to make the rooms a ··we have the he'>! system or Chri-. Teague. an eighth-g rader at lillie bi gger. .. he <,aid. higher educal!on in the \\orld ... he Ctesar Rodne) Junior Hi gh School in Teague ;.a id tha t after taking the said. "" W e do not h <n e the he\t Camden. said politicians s h ou ld .\latewide a\Sessmcnt test;,. they system of e lememar) and \econdary focus their energies on halting the seemed un fa ir to him. education in the world."" threat of violence in schools. "The) should make a ll grades There arc several methods of " Violence is the biggest problem ... have to take the m ... he said. ovcrconung thi, educational he said. "They don ' t have e nough ""B ut then again. I don't really m alaise. he ;aid. people to stop it."" think a ny o f us should have to Lake One "ay to impn)\e. C linton Teague a lso disagreed with o ne of them because they' re 1lard ... T HE REVIEW/ John Chahalko said, is to establish repercu'>sions for the proposal> to decrease class si7es. Teachers '~ ho a rc no t adequate a t The Wilmington Flower Market ended this weekend after three days of rain and mud. bo th individual> a nd school district> an initi ati ve Pres idcnL Bill C linton the ir jobs s h o uld also face seve re who fail to meet natio nal standards. and Gov. Tho mas R . Car pe r conse4ucnces. T eague said. Held annually at Wilmington's Rockford Pari<, the event, which has donated more than $4 ·· o bo d y wi II take your s)'stem resolute ly s uppo rt. ""If teache rs arc bad ... h e sa id . million to local charities since 1921, failed to break even this year. seriously without consc4uenees ... he "" I like ha\ ing all my friends in one ""the) sho uld get rid of the m ... Erotica just another resource Grant shows no BY i\IARIA DAL PA:\' reads. ""Ma terials .'> h o uld n o t be reading room. The roo m 1s pages. A candid imcrvic\\' with the .)·raft Rl'ponn e\c l udcd because of the origi n . partitioned hy a \\all made entire!) Bcatlcs in the Febru<H) 1965 issue An I RR4 sdk tapcstr) of the background or vic\\ s o f th ose of gla\s. so those '' ho usc it can be and a September 1966 intcn ic'' ""Vi site de Mgr. lc Due d. Aumak"" UVT contrihuting to their creation ... monitored a nd materials ca n be effect in "ith Timothy Leary contrihut e to hangs on the lar ''alI. About 150.000 boob arc kept in protected from the ft and vandalism. the lihra ry ·s collection. Antique children·, hooks li e in the hum1dit) - a nd temperature­ Keeping the Playho) m agatines However. the Playboy magatines g lass ca;,es in the nc'l room. controlled special coll ecti o ns area. in Special Collections prot..:cts them a rc not o nh acc umulated for the ir BY Lli'\A HASH El\1 even if thq 'rc living o fT c ampus. Stall Rtpmic-r A lean brunette pictured in a and. according to S pec ial for people's continued usc. Sn)dcr literar) cOI{tent. St udent s s tudy ing they' re still members o f the campus magatinc on the table straddle' d Co ll ecti On\ Li brarian lri '> Sn)dcr. said. ' ubjcch s uch a' human sc:\ualit ). T he rcc·cnt .\tlltl'nll' nt\ niude community ... he ' aid. jukehtn \\Caring (llll) bikini the IIhrar) · s assortment of Pia) bo) Aside from erotic phowgraph). p hotograph). ad' cnisi n g a nd concerning the uni\ ersilr 's prtH!Jl'!iS In a m ore proac ti ve manner. unden1 car ~lung around her loot mag;ttinc' arc not treated an) II ke an Octo her I <JH:'i --c i rls of the fashion ma) aho find the magatincs in cil·ulin ~ "it/1 hinge dunking m c mh er~ o f b ot h police f'rOIIIf'tcd Th< Rl'\IC11 to <' 11 11 nine A\ Pia) ho) magatincs from I <J'i.J d!llcrentl). Pac I()"" p1cional .tnd nude pl!mos pf of u ~e . Murra) ,aid. departments. as well .J s uni,crsity LO 199R surround a '> IUdent hard .11 "" It 's as acc·e"iblc as an)thing f'a rra h Fa\\ce tl in th e D ecember ""Thi '> i '> a research lihrar) ... he tile three otil<' r colle~e.\ thut , taff a nd '> tud e nt represen t ali\ es. work in the Special Collec11nns e lse in the lihrar) ... added Timol h) 1995 i\suc. the Pia;. bn) s provide the satd. "so people will he coming in recei1·c d gm111s to reduc I' high-ri.r'­ \ isited ~ tud c nt s "hen the) moved in reading room. it IS apparent that IV! urra). head of th e Speci.tl lihrar) \\ ith literature b) E rn est 11 ith a ll sorts of t op i c~ that they arc drin'-111~ jro111 the Rob,· rt Wood this scme'iler. to niT-campus a' well M orris L 1brar) adheres to the Coll cctioil> dcpanment. Hemi ngwa). Ku rt Vonnegut a nd goi ng to cJ\plore ... J ohll.\011 Foundatirm in Fall I Y96. as o n -ca mpu ~ ho usmg. American Librar) Associ~IIIon·s Howe\ cr. the Playboy magatines. Shcl Si h -crstcin. A single cop) of Pia) girl (;111 a\<;o Thi.1. till' .l<'cond part in 11 series of The st udents " ere g 1vcn Librar) Bill nf Righh. li k e other '' 11r ks hou,cd in th e ""One of our st rength'> here in he found in the Special Collections jour. 11'111 loo'- 111 the Unn·cr.1it1· o/ information about the local drink ing "" B ooks and other lihi ,LI) dep;mment.
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