Public Services Supporting the Very Fabric of European Society ACTIVITY REPORT | 2010 Editorial Dear colleagues, dear Friends, You are receiving this activity report during the celebrations of CEEP 50th anniversary. We have therefore decided, through this editorial, to pay tribute to all those who helped to make what CEEP is today: THE representative of public services providers and public employers in Europe. The road that brought us here was sometimes made out of successes, sometimes of failures, but always characterised by the strong will of CEEP members and leaders to keep the organisation at the centre of European policies. All started in 1961, when a group of large public enterprises joined forces to ensure that the voice of public services providers would be heard by European policy makers. At that time, the Treaty of Rome was signed only four years before, the accession of different Member States was something difficult to imagine, and the number of policies to be addressed by European institutions was still limited. Nobody could fully imagine what the future of Europe would be, nor what role CEEP would play in such a future. In reality, this was for the organisation only the beginning of a long and successful story. Since then, we have grown quite a lot. From its first conference in 1961 CEEP has expanded its membership to many new sections, often anticipating the entering of the respective Member State into the European Union. While we were growing in numbers, the available resources for public services were declining. The waves of liberalisation of Services of General Interest throughout Europe made CEEP members work under the mantra of “doing more with less”. All while ensuring that European citizens are still receiving accessible, affordable and quality public services. That remains our guiding principle and we can proudly say that we are able to maintain our commitment vis-à-vis European citizens thanks to the constant work of CEEP members. “Our people” are indeed our main richness. Being through cross-sectoral negotiations or lobbying actions, the direct involvement of CEEP members in shaping European policy is our strength. Therefore, we would like to use this editorial to thank all CEEP members for their constant commitment to Services of General Interest and to European Social Dialogue. It would be impossible to name you all here, and therefore allow us to pay a special tribute to those who invested part of their career and of their political wisdom at the services of CEEP. Carl Cederschiöld Dr. Ralf Resch President General Secretary THANK YOU to: Mr Antonio CASTELLANO AUYANET Mr Edgar HECTOR CEEP Presidents: Mr Carlos Mendes CORREIA GAGO Mr Lamberto LAMBERT Mr Georges ROGISSART Mr João CRAVINHO Mr Werner ELLERKMANN Mr Marcel BOITEUX Mr Caspar EINEM Mr Roger GOURVES Lord SHEPHERD CEEP General Secretaries Mrs Jytte FREDENSBORG Mr Jacques FOURNIER Mr Henri GIRONELLA Mr Rainer PLASSMANN CEEP ACTIVITY REPORT 2010 1 Introduction CEEP, the European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing Public Services, established in Brussels since 1961, represents employers and enterprises providing Services of General Interest in such vital sectors as Transport, Energy, Water, Environment, Housing, Hospitals, Education and Training, Postal Services, Communications, Central and Local Administrations etc. We believe that modern Public Services, or Services of General Interest (SGIs), serve the fundamental goals of the EU, its Member States and its regions supporting business, delivering social and territorial cohesion, economic and social solidarity and a better quality of life for all citizens. We strive to ensure that SGIs play a key role in helping move forward the integration of the EU Member States into a common economic area in a manner supportive of the internal market, while at the same time delivering the maximum possible choice to local and regional democratic institutions over how Public Services are delivered. As one of the three recognised European general cross-industry Social Partners, we believe that employer consultations as well as social dialogue are essential to promote the Lisbon Treaty’s targets for innovation and growth. In order to help our members achieve these goals, we focus on the European Employment Strategy (EES), promoting adaptability to change, addressing regional disparities and helping build partnerships at regional and local levels. We support sustainable development and call for environmental criteria to be included in all decisions implementing EU policies such as transport, energy, water supply, waste disposal and telecommunications. Services of General Interest (SGIs) are services that are entrusted by a public authority to a service provider by virtue of general interest criteria. These services can either be of economic or non-economic nature. Their missions can include Public Service obligations or universal service obligations. At European level, Public Services are known as Services of General Invest (SGIs). 2 CEEP ACTIVITY REPORT 2010 and other stakeholders by Professor Monti, who drafted 2010- A year in a report that partially inspired the Single Market Act. Around the “Mapping” figures we could also gather public services social partners from different sectors Review (education, electricity, healthcare, postal services, public transport, railways and public administration) at a same table. This was done in the context of the project The year 2010 was characterised by many events and “Anticipation of change in Public Services”, designed achievements for CEEP, which can be summarised in to improve expertise in anticipation, preparation and a quote: “Fiscal consolidation is not an end in itself. social support during restructuring in public services. It cannot mean cutting essential public services or The project was intended by the social partner weakening our commitment to solidarity with the most organisations to focus in particular on the “anticipatory” vulnerable people in our societies”. This is not a quote aspect of the restructuring process. At the end of the from a CEEP representative but from the President of project it was clear that Public Services social partners the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, who share the view that they currently fail to exercise the for the first time recognised the essential role played by influence they might have on the shape and content of public services especially in time of crisis. the cross-sectoral social dialogue at the European level, It took CEEP a long way to drive President Barroso into particularly when considering the economic importance that direction. The result could only be achieved thanks of Public Services and the size and distinctive nature of to a multifaceted strategy, having the project “Mapping the workforce employed. of Public Services” at its centre. The results of “Mapping” In improving the “voice” of SGIs, most of the trade union cannot be ignored or overlooked, not even by those participants in the project believed that better use of who are not naturally “friends of Public Services”. More existing structures could facilitate solutions. Employers’ than 530 000 enterprises providing services to more organisations on the contrary expressed the need to than 500 million European citizens, representing more facilitate increased coordination and leverage at the then 26% of EU GDP and employing around 30% of the European level. In this context, at the final conference European workforce. These figures were first presented of the project, on 30 June 2010, it was agreed to launch at the XVIIIth CEEP Congress “Public Services shaping a Public Services Employers Forum. the EU 2020” held in Madrid 31 May/1st June 2010. The Congress gathered over 180 participants, high-level EU Partners of the project Anticipation of Change in Public policy makers and representatives to share views on Services how the EU could enable public services to successfully pave the way for a true “knowledge-based, connected, EMPLOYERS TRADE UNIONS greener and more inclusive economy”. The Congress had its climax in the participation of the Vice-President of • CEEP • ETUC the European Commission, Joaquín Almunia. It was the • PostEurop • Uni-Europa first time that the Commissioner participated in a CEEP • EurElectric • EPSU event. This was the occasion to raise the profile of public • UITP • ETF • CER • Eurocadres services and especially of CEEP, who is now a regular • CEMR • ETUCE partner of the Commissioner in the discussions over the • EFEE revision of the state aid package. Moreover, the results • HOSPEEM of “Mapping” opened to CEEP the doors of many other Commissioners, including the one of Commissioner Barnier. We were able to discuss with him the concerns of our members ahead of the publication of the Single Market Act on 27 October 2010. Even before that, we took an active role in the consultation of social partners CEEP ACTIVITY REPORT 2010 3 “Mapping” came into the picture again when answering to the 1st stage consultation on theworking time directive and in preparation to the second stage consultation, in view of possible negotiations. Representing the employers of 30% of the European workforce, CEEP could bring ETUC closer to the negotiating table. It is indeed because of the need to cope with the consequences of ECJ jurisprudence such as SIMAP and Jaeger that the use of the opt out has spread heavily in public services in the last years. This alone is a good reason to find new working time patterns through negotiated solutions. Finally, the data of “Mapping” were supporting the visibility of enterprises concurring for the CEEP-CSR Label. This is a recognised European label for Public Services Providers complying best with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The label allows organisations to showcase their achievements enhancing their corporate image among local communities, stakeholders, customers and service users. It also shows to investors that awarded enterprises are social responsible investments. CEEP could develop the label thanks to an EU funded project called DISCERNO, which ended, after three years of existence, with a conference on 26 April 2010.
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