-. ~"; 1!'1:r S. K •. A. Spencer ~, Scottsville V l~heScottsville-Sun ·a , SOOTTSVILLE, VIRGINIA-, ~TM:HTiUT;R;cS:;-;D~A~y;-,-;;M7A:;-:Y;;:-:1-,:-::19;::5::::2-.---'--~P=R::-:J:-=(j=E'--: '--5-C'--B,-NT-S-A-C-O-P-Y - iScottsville Ireunees New, Parish Hall ,Church Notes-, I F1uv:anna-C~unt-;-- Cr~iet Nine, 16 to 6 I For St. John's Soon !~~~::~E~epastor I Democrats In~iructed ex~:~~~:I::. h::n~:~~e s::::~l:o i~ ITo Be Completed ;hU~~o:u~~:'~~: J~O.~~:;a;~::te I For Rep,-~nuth 1 games 'by wallopmg . Crozet 16-6 l'h n W M . W e e parrsn hal} of St . ornmg orshtp 11:15 o'clock.· I At a mass meeting of b'Iuvanna I in a wild game played 'here We'd.. John's EtpiscO',tf..r l C'"J1Ul'ch in Youth F'ellowshfp 7 P.M. Democrats held at Palmy-a April Inesd.ay afternoon. , I Scottsville, now under construction 'lhel'y will be a Youth Fellowship i 28th, six delegates Were elected .to 1 Wallace F'emeyhough, making is progressmg sat' racrnrt 0 'p MIa 9 t 6 3 ~ - I I 1Sectorr s, ac- ,,:,Ul ~er on y, a : 0 P ,1M, ~he IDtghth Congressional District I~i~ firs~ start of the season, was cording to !'h:-e bUilding comrl'littee. HO\\ ARDSVILLE , i)emocratic Convention in Fred- <l~l'PI"CSsl'Veas he gave up. but ,2,' It ,ishoped that the building will .Chureh ,80001; ,2 P.M. ertcksburg On May 10, and vee.e 1 .h!l.~S~d ~ruek out 8 durmg hie the }'eady for use by the middle of Afternoon Worship 3 'crock. Ser- instructod to vote as a unit for I. 5 Ihnmg stint 0.1'.. the mound" Billy r June. ' b t men y -pae 'Or. the nomination of Representative ~O'~n breez~d,thr-ough the last two Constructiorl on t'he addition was T'he1;ewill be a Youth Fellowship How:drd W. Smith as the Demo- mmngs, strtklng- ,o~t 4 men.' Moon started In Mar-ch at which time Supper on Thursday May 8 at 6: 30 cr'atic nomtnea for Oonga'ess from also.led t.l1eorfensive attack: con- the pastor, R'ev. Beverley Tucker, P.~. lhe Eighth District. nectmg for ,a double and 3 singles conducted a sho"'t d d' t' - [i'OX, MEMORIAL CHURCH IN· 'J..he del:;lgates el?cted include. In 5 appearances. ' L e Ica ion cere- FI U mOlly after the regular church ~ VANNA: J. P. Snead, Chairman Democ::'atic CroZ'et scored 2 runs in the top service. Message by 'Temple Collins E:recutive Committee ana Col. N. of thB first inning, but>Scottsville Mr, Tucl{e:- is pastor of both ?n the 2nd and 4th Sunday morn- J, Perkins, delegates-at-large' EI- came ba:ck with B runs in the bot- '~t. John's Church and Ch!rist tugs there will be servi.c:es atjll lis P. Snead, Fork Union Dist~ict' tom of the fhst on hits by Charles ....' A M JR' ' vL1U'l'chat Glen~:l:ower,and it was '. HugL1es,Columbia DistrJct; Hamne:' and Billy Moon, a walk to tblOUgh hiS efforts that thIS Jomt o~the Ist.~d 3rd Sundays there Ralph P. Zehler, Jr., Palmyra • Frank~in Fe:-neyhough, and liill project of both dhurches has ,been WIll be serVIces ,at 7:30 P.M, Disb.rict; M. L. Wood, Cunning- Luther Baber and "Kitty" Ballad s 3 run errpr of Robert accomplished ft th ,BAPr.rn;ST ham District. , .' -' L~ a .er 'ey combIned Bell s ground lmll. Scottsv111e'put I forces in a hUilding fund cam- Sunday School 10 A.M. The same delegates were erect- ' V 'ed H bb- the game o.nice in the ~econd inn- pai,gn, Morning Worship 11:15 by the ed to represent Fluvanna Couhty Mere hant Luther Baber' Has an 0 les; ing when fOUl'hits, 3 w~lks,aTI(12 , Hugh b'lynn of the Scottsville pastor Rev. John Elliott, J7, at the ViTginia Democratic State errors pr'Oduced7 runs. 1 'oJ1Urch nd II Evening Worship at 8:00 P.M, Conventi'Onto be held in Roanoke ' And W"'f' N t" , f C t Scottsvill'e AB R H ~. _a. arry Langhorne of , ,Both He I e a IVes 0 en'enary Qlhlst ,Church he,ad the bUildin,g July 17, With tne follmvimg excep- Hughes~RF 4 2 0 comI11..lttee,. ' Architect is Flovvl D' d D"urn • t'IOns: R ay C. Omohundro' was some from foreign places, suClhas Clements---------CF 1 1 1 07' ,ISregar ltd t By ElIzabeth Wimer . Johnoon of Cha~']ottesviUe·and con- Ping e ec e 0 rep:-esent Fork Union - I the carved woode-n ones from PurvIs----c.F 4 2 1 '. La D· t ·ct d T K . , tractors are RIttenhouse Brotpeol's let IS 1'1 ,an . ent Loving the Hn.cn you walk into Luther Ba.- Cuha. One unusual pair is made .co~hs-SS 1 0 0 ,The haU will be used for Sun~ W -.,A. il -ODD Y Columbia District. be:l':5 ~el1'eral mercnandise store in, from gun sh'ell cases p"iven him Ha:mner-,sS 3 2 1 ..,- TI $;I day schools of 'both churches and 1e mass meeting adopted th'e,. -';cntenary, you a'fe lik'ely to meet by a soldier in the last war, Moon~3B~P 5 3 4.. , I ·t I . , wlll 'contam three classroom~ a kit Vire-'ni' I - st - . "unI ru e to apply to" the State and start Cl1a.ttingwith either M:'. Mol'. Ba;ber's most absorbinp-, Ferneyhqugh F --2B, 2 2 0 "'l ,'gI as aw agalll aumpmg C '.l.' \ g ~.-. -. ,- ~" 'chen and large room with folding on the State highways is little .onvenhon wIth the maj'ority of Lit' Mrs. B.abel' before long. ,And if hobby is that of collecting old Bell~l~ 5 1 2 , Lilos t t th . .. doors WhIChmay be used for pa ](nawn. or else disre2"al'ded. by,'· -e. presen a e time to de· you C.l,at long or often enou~lJ., money. He has been doing this Ferney.hough, W~~P 1 I 0 ,. t r.. ~ t you Will learn that' store-keeping' for more than 25 years. His col- \"'ar'd-LF"~ 2' 0 0 htioQs, !lug will he Wiledby bot·h :'nany people in Albemarle County, dermme,I hmv the entire vote of the churches for dinners and other State Highrway Resident Engineer e egatlOn shall be cast. 1;3 not ali th?-t Mr. B8lbel' is in- ledion now numbers compl'ete se- Cath::tt-3B 2 1 1 . t'mested in by any means. This 'I:i'es of pegnies, dimes, nickels, Bcvo'be-._r'_ 3 1 1 gathe>rhngs. \. \ W, \V. Shi'elds, of Charlottesville, man With the fl'iendly twinkle in quarte:s, 50...oont pieces, and sev- '1~aylor--e 0 0 0 The committee stated that the said today. his brown eyes~as an interest m eral gold pieces, He h~§ r8.J.~eJohnson-RiF 0 0 0 duilding will be availa.ble for com- I Despite a strong law passed by Tria) Justice Court .a lot of other ings that mal{e a p~eces, suah as tile va.lua>ble:t~Q!;) D~nn-2B 0 0 0 :nu,ni~y'dinners and otJher affaiJrsas the 1950 Gene:"lalAssembly, and , 't' '.....; h f' t' Ilea',. -LF, 0 0 0 well as for those of the church. reinforced at the 1952 session, the VISI In uU.s o~e a ascma m", ex- penny marked ",8. V ,D, ", 20-cerlt . _ '""'~, Last Wednesday, in an unusual- Total. "3 16 11 ,_4,.~·chitecturalstyle of the parish: ! UlegSJ.dl,unplng of trash and gar- perience. Pi'eces and American 'coins minted tl' house will blend with that of' the bqe along roadsides in this aliea iy full court, three heavy finea MI'. aJIldM::s. Babel' maRe their before 1800 and a complete set of Crozet A~ ft. H ch I ' .vere imposed for drunk dTiving, ~ D. cS 3 2 1 urCh. whi'Ch'ts Whdte fJ"ft.mCl,It continues to m.ar the beauty of 10- .home in part of the building wh.ich .Lincoln pennJea."''' Shiffl --...:J' ~n ,." ~ ,;IIrddeB Cases resulted 8J5 follOWB: houses the store. When you walk Indicative of l1la lJ:lllore'¢ In VIa D.-<l 8 l ~ , ~e \l9D\lII'lAtI'lII f/f -- ""ea.'" \lealth 11"* Over M mto their living quarteI"l you..a4'J hi ...... JIIr Bat 11£.11: ... nil_ iPfla':::Q Ilke.ly l.0 meet a cat the c'olor Ot ,ec~ion of delicate wood carvings ShiHlel G.-lu I-.. 0 bffic,; as Sunday School 2I1perin~.iJartment saJd. Idl'ivin . g .tortoise sh:ellwho has dlstinguish- by a Charlottesv1l1e 'C3.rpcnter, GraIVee-eF ~ q P tendent of St. Joh:n's Church, rr~1.e1 The 1950 Code makes it a mis- Cu.rtis Lewis, Palmyra, $150 for ed herself ,by k{:eping ahve for 15 Morris Kellog. Among th>.~searc Bain-CF ~ 0 0 ISunday School js now meeting in ,demeanor, punishwble by a heavy drunk driving, .$50 and costs for years, Tl)at is a long time for a several chains carved out of a Morris--3B 2 0 0 the p!'imary school at Scottsville. qne of jail sentence, to dump driving aft'er license was revokea, cat, even with nine Uves.
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