E1538 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 12, 2014 Dr. Schmitzer started his medical practice Al and Anna currently reside in Bloomfield, HONORING VINCE CALLAHAN along with Dr. Mark Radbill. As their practice NJ. Al keeps busy with gardening work, play- grew, they saw the need to expand in order to ing the guitar, and cooking. He also takes care HON. FRANK R. WOLF better serve our community. Along with other of Anna who is wheelchair bound. OF VIRGINIA individuals, Drs. Schmitzer and Radbill helped As his friend, I am very pleased to have the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES establish the Delaware Valley Medical Center. great fortune of being able to honor such a Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Eventually, the organization joined Aria and is marvelous member of our community. I sin- now known as Aria Health-Bucks County. Mr. WOLF. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Although an esteemed medical practitioner, cerely wish Mr. Gaetano Armando Formica honor Virginia Delegate Vincent F. Callahan, the hallmark of Dr. Schmitzer’s career was his and his entire family the best. Jr., who passed away on September 20th, effort to form the Warminster Chapter of The job of a United States Congressman in- 2014, at the Virginia Hospital Center in Arling- Gilda’s Club. Dr. Schmitzer was among the 12 volves much that is rewarding, yet nothing ton, Virginia. original founders and deemed the driving compares to recognizing and commemorating Vince represented Virginia’s 34th District in force. Named after comedian Gilda Radner the services of individuals like Mr. Gaetano the Virginia General Assembly for nearly four who died from ovarian cancer in 1989, the or- Armando Formica. decades. During his tenure on the Appropria- ganization provides emotional and social sup- tions Committee, he worked tirelessly on im- Mr. Speaker, I ask that you join our col- port for people living with cancer and the fami- portant regional projects for his constituents in leagues, Mr. Formica’s family, friends, and all lies that love them. They have been particu- McLean and Arlington. He was always willing those whose lives he has touched, and me, in larly attentive to the needs of children im- to work across the aisle to find compromise recognizing Gaetano Armando Formica for pacted by family members battling this horrible and get things done. disease. one hundred years of life dedicated to family Vince’s many legislative accomplishments On behalf of the constituents of Pennsylva- and nation. include supporting the growth of George nia’s 8th Congressional District, I offer Dr. Mason University and the Dulles Corridor, as Schmitzer my gratitude for a career marked f well as securing state funds for public spaces, with selfless dedication and compassion for like Wolf Trap. The northern Virginia we know HONORING FRANCHESTER our friends, neighbors and loved ones. Thank today would not exist if it were not for Vince COLEMAN EASON you, Dr. Schmitzer. and his outstanding statesmanship in the Vir- f ginia General Assembly. The region owes him a debt of gratitude for his faithful and effective GAETANO ARMANDO FORMICA HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON service. OF MISSISSIPPI Vince was a man of strong convictions and HON. BILL PASCRELL, JR. the highest moral character. He was a true IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF NEW JERSEY Virginia gentleman, family man and a loyal IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, November 12, 2014 friend; he will be sorely missed by his family, friends and community. Vince is survived by Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- his wife Yvonne, eight children, 22 grand- Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to er, I rise today to honor a self-motivated lead- children and two great-grandchildren. recognize Gaetano Armando Formica who er and innovator of the community, Mrs. I respectfully submit Vince’s obituary from selflessly served as a U.S. Army soldier during Franchester Coleman Eason, who is the The Fairfax Times and ask my colleagues to World War II and is celebrating his 100th birth- owner of Franchester’s Salon. join me in honoring Vince’s life and achieve- day. His family and friends will join together ments. Franchester was born January 3, 1969 to this Sunday to celebrate and wish him contin- [From FairfaxTimes.com, Sept. 26, 2014] the late Eddie and Henrietta Coleman. She ued health, happiness, and prosperity. CALLAHAN’S LEGACY BURNS BRIGHT along with her 13 siblings was raised south of Gaetano Armando Formica, also known as Fairfax County lost one of its true states- Al, was born September 4, 1914. Al worked in Rolling Fork, MS in a small rural community men—and untold amounts of institutional the family bakery and then went on to work for called Edgermount. Franchester is a graduate knowledge—when longtime state legislator Federal Leather. With his experience there, Al of Rolling Fork High School and holds an AA Vince Callahan died last Saturday from com- eventually went on to open his own shop degree from Hinds Community College in the plications related to West Nile virus. where he recovered chairs and furniture. field of Cosmetology. She has worked as a Callahan, who represented McLean in the Al married his wife Anna in 1943. Soon cosmetologist since earning a license from the Virginia House of Delegates from 1967 to 2008, will best be remembered as someone thereafter, he was drafted into the Army and MS State Board of Cosmetology in 1990. who cared deeply about Northern Virginia served in several European countries during Franchester began her career working for and spent more than half his life fighting for World War II. His services in World War II de- the late Minnie Pearl Brown at the Rolling his district, his constituents and for Vir- serve special recognition. Fork Beauty Charm. After working at Rolling ginia. Al was on Utah Beach, the westernmost It’s hard to travel through Fairfax County Fork Beauty Charm for several years part of the Allied landing beach on D-Day, the today and not see Callahan’s fingerprints on Franchester decided to work for Lee’s Hair Invasion of Normandy. He also fought in the many key institutions and roadways. He was Care, for the late Mrs. Letha Lee. Upon the Battle of the Bulge toward the end of World critical in drumming up dollars and support passing of Mrs. Lee, Franchester managed for George Mason University and Northern War II. Virginia Community College; many Fairfax Al helped to liberate the Buchenwald Con- the shop as her own for many years. In 2009 she and her husband, Frank, were blessed residents could locate either school on a centration Camp. It was one of the first and map. He championed Wolf Trap National largest concentration camps on German soil with the opportunity to buy the business. The Park for the Performing Arts when many where over 55,000 innocent souls lost their beauty shop is now called Franchester’s Salon others viewed the project as a waste of lives. Today, the remains of Buchenwald serve and is located at 153 North 2nd Street; opens money and land. He was instrumental in es- as a memorial and permanent exhibition and at 9:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m., Tuesday thru Fri- tablishing Georgetown Pike as a scenic museum. day. Franchester’s Salon offers a wide variety byway, fending off intense pressure to four- of hair care techniques. lane the road through Great Falls and parts Al returned to civilian life after being injured of McLean. during the war. For many years, he served as Franchester is a member of the National He also played a lead role in establishing commander in the Disabled American Vet- Beautician Association. She is also a member the Dulles Toll Road, erecting sound walls erans Post 38. He was also the Grand Mar- of Mt. Ollie M. B. Church in Edgermount. along Interstate 495 and sparking commer- shall in the Memorial Parade in 2009. cial development on the Dulles corridor. Franchester and her husband, Frank, are Al and his wife Anna have been blessed Callahan’s list of accomplishments goes on with three children, Armand, Gary, and Ro- the proud parents of Catina, Mariesha, Jeremy and on, fueled mostly by a calm, inclusive berta as well as six grandchildren and eight and Frank III. leadership style rarely seen in today’s Gen- eral Assembly. great-grandchildren. Sadly, his son Gary was Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me In an era of partisan bickering and polit- killed in 1970 while serving his nation in the in recognizing Mrs. Franchester Coleman ical gamesmanship, Callahan built his career Vietnam War. Truly the Formica family has Eason for giving back to the community in on putting people ahead of party and solving given of itself in service of our great nation. which she was born and reared. old problems rather than creating new ones. 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